Disclaimer – I own absolutely nothing except my oc's. It's all thanks to JK though – bless her heart.

Sequel to "What About Me"

It's finally here ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls… I will warn you here and now however, that this fic will be a sad one. I was moved several times to tears while planning some of the later chapters. I suggest that those who have not read "What About Me"  to do so otherwise you will get confused by a few things. It won't take you long though. Just bear in mind that "What About Me" was really my first fic and the first 11 chapters are slightly juvenile. But from then on it's better.  Here's a longer summary for y'all however:

::This is mostly a "setting the story" chapter, telling you what's happened since Hogwarts and an idea of what is to happen. Not much happens in it::    Everyone please take a moment to thank my amazing, astonishing and astounding BETA's: Nesserz and luvhp224. Thanks so much you two!

Just some things for you to know:

- Ginny's school is a kindergarten for wizarding children. Instead of teaching them to read and write though, she works on trying to get their magical abilities from accidentally coming through. (Eg making dishes fly)

- I will update as soon as I can - Which should be once every week and a half.

- People who flame should be prepared to get an angry reply in the a/n of the next chapter.

- I am not above begging for reviews

- I have a temper, as much as I am ashamed to admit it. So sorry if I snap at you and tell me if it was too harsh.


Searching for a fairytale

Hiding in a world

Where life was simple all the time

Amy Grant - Fairytale



Ch 1 – Beginnings

"Sally-Ann stoled my chocwate fwog Miss Weasley!" an outraged little girl cried to her favourite adult, her face streaked with tears.

"Why would she do that Pia?" Ginny Weasley asked gently, crouching down and holding the girl's shoulders.

"Because. . . because she's weally mean?" Pia asked uncertainly, darting a guilty look at the floor.

"No, you know that's not the reason, honey." Ginny sad, looking at the little girl seriously in the eyes.

"Oh . . . then because she's a bit mean?" Pia tried.

"Pia…" Miss Weasley said softly.

"Okay fine den! It was. . . it was 'cause I stoled her Pumpkin Pasty!" Pia let out guiltily.

"That's right honey. So do you think that Sally-Ann had a right to take your Chocolate Frog?"

"Yesss," Pia said defeatedly, though casting a glower at a blonde girl happily licking the object in question.

"Good girl. Now, if you don't tell anyone else, I think I just may have a treat for you." Ginny said with a loving smile as she stood up and walked over to her desk. Pia Wood was Oliver and Katie's daughter and was one of Ginny's favourites.

Ginny reached into her drawer and discreetly pulled out a two red jelly babies. Children's eyes, she had found out a while ago, were able to see the littlest things.  She opened Pia's tiny hand with her fingers and put the jelly babies inside it.

"Miss what are dose?" Pia asked, studying the jelly babies with interest.

"Those Pia, are one of the best Muggle lollies ever invented." Ginny said with a smile.

"Oh. . . what does it do?" Pia asked, holding the sweet as if she expected it leap up in the air.

"Well, you eat it." Ginny said slowly.

"Oh okay. Thank you very much Miss Weasley, you're my favouriteist grown-up ever!" Pia hugged her teacher's middle before going to sit next to the now forgiven Sally-Ann. Ginny watched as Pia shyly offered one of them to Sally-Ann.

Ginny chuckled to herself, thinking about how much she adored children. When she and Harry Potter had broken up a few weeks after her graduation she had been completely lost and with no idea of what to do next. She had always thought they would end up together, never considering the possibility of a break-up after Hogwarts. Now, after the break-up, she had never really looked back after starting her own school.

However, immediately following the break-up, Ginny had gone back to the Borrow feeling really down and depressed. Her family had spent ages trying to cheer her up but nothing seemed to work. One day one of her mother's friends had frantically Flooed to the Burrow because she had to go out unexpectedly and didn't know what to do with her five-year-old son, so Ginny had offered to help out and mind him for a few hours.

When she had arrived back at the Borrow afterwards for dinner, her whole family was sitting around the table and completely surprised to see a huge grin on her face after weeks of moping about sullenly. The Weasley's had been depressed because Ginny was everyone's sunshine. When she was happy, they were ecstatic. When she was sad, they cried with her.

Ginny had changed since Graduation. She was no longer crazy, no longer the rebellious teenager that she had been. Living a real life in which she had to work for a living had changed that. She now preferred quiet evenings to the parties she had adored after graduating from Hogwarts. Besides, parents wouldn't think much of sending their children to a kindergarten where the Headmistress was a party queen.

The day that she had decided to start a school for young magic children had seemed so long ago now. "What's the ear-to-ear grin for?" Bill had asked her, eyebrows raised, when she had arrived home ecstatic.

"I'm opening a school!" Ginny exclaimed before running into her room to plan. She had heard neither her mother drop the plates she had been carrying, no did she hear George rudely comment on the sanity of the poor children who would attend her school. However, once her family had gotten over their shock, they had supported her through thick and thin. They had also devoted much of their time finding children and spreading Ginny and her school's name around.

She had found the perfect place for her school while shopping in Muggle London one day and had immediately bought it. She had set up Muggle-repelling charms all around the school and had made it look like a run-down, closed shoe store to Muggles. She had called it Enfantes, after something Louise had said to her in French once. In the very beginning, there had been few children enrolled and she had questioned her apparently brilliant idea. However, more and more parents had slowly begun enrolling their children. Soon Ginny had had to hire additional teachers to help her with the forty or so kids each day. 

Ginny was now one of the most prosperous young women in England, managing her own business and income. She now owned a small cottage only a few miles away from Enfantes. With a touch of sadness, Ginny realised that the cottage wouldn't be hers much longer as she was about to be married. Soon she would be in a large but beautiful mansion with her future husband.

Ginny smiled as she thought of her fiancé. She had met him one morning two years ago on the way to work. She had been in a very bad mood and very late. She had been walking quickly with her head down across the road when someone had come very close to running her over in their car. Ginny had banged her fist on the hood of the car and yelled into the tinted window. It was one of the few times she had shown her temper in years. A very handsome young man, with kind hazel eyes and a gentle smile had stepped out with a stricken expression on his face. Ginny had stopped yelling suddenly when she had caught sight of him and gave him a smile. Amusement adorning his attractive features, the man had offered her a lift. She had accepted graciously, asking him to take her to Enfantes.

"Even though it's a Sunday?" he had said with a grin. Ginny had smacked her forehead gave him her best I'm-truly-a-blonde-on-the-inside smile and he had instantly invited her to lunch. His name was Jason Banton and he was the successful Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports. They had hit it off immediately and after two years of dating, he had popped the question, with Ginny gladly accepting.

Surprisingly her brothers had been fine with the match, although she could see that behind the smiles they would have preferred Harry. But that was Harry Potter, anyone would prefer him. Ginny glanced at her favourite picture on her desk. It was on the second last day of school and they were all sitting by the lake, as were Louise and Luna and Neville.

Hermione was wrapped in Ron's arms as they were standing up in the photo, waving at the camera and smiling lovingly at each other. Luna had been in the process of talking to Neville but he had lost his balance and fallen into the lake, to everyone's extreme amusement. Harry and she were lying down on the grass, Ginny lying in the curve of Harry's neck with their hands locked together as they looked up at the sky. She remembered that moment clearly, they had been building castles in the air. Harry had wanted to them to move in together and she had agreed, saying that they should find a flat in Diagon Alley. She had not said that she wanted to get married more, not straight away of course, but not too late. Ginny sighed; they had broken up a year later. Louise was kind of sitting in the back round of the photo, smiling sadly and mysteriously at them.

Or she may even just simply miss the person who she felt comfortable with all the time.

Ginny travelled her eyes along to the next photo, the one of her and Jason. He had just bought her this truly horrendous hat and was trying to force it on her and she was avoiding him while giggling madly. It had been taken in the backyard of the Burrow on her birthday where she had introduced Jason to her family. The Weasley's had liked him of course, Jason was such a nice, funny, down-to-earth person that you couldn't help but like him. Like her brothers though, Ginny knew that her parents would have chosen Harry. The two men were completely different to each other. Jason, being a top Ministry official, never did anything crazy or did anything too unexpected, apart from ordering her 200 roses for Valentine's Day. Harry, on the other hand, had never been ashamed to run out in the snow and scream and yell, or just stand outside in the rain.

But it didn't matter if Jason wasn't Harry, because he totally adored her and loved to spoil her. But it was annoying that their names were constantly appearing in the paper. It was actually quite amusing to read that a "close friend" of hers had said she was pregnant with another man's child. She would love to know who the "close friend" was.

Ginny was pulled out of her thoughts quickly as one of her students came up to her, asking jealously why Pia and Sally-Ann had gotten a "special tweat".


Ginny was packing up her things to go home as her last child had just gone home, with much kicking and screaming she might add. Tommy Peterson was the insolent, headstrong son of Mark and Olivia Peterson. Both parents were in high places at the Ministry and Ginny could see they indulged their son way too much.

Ginny picked up her bag and walked over to the door, looking around lovingly at her surroundings. Without this school she would have nothing, would be nothing. She waved her wand at the door to lock it as she closed it behind her, stepping out into the warm late afternoon sun.  She ignored the whispers of "Look, Jason Banton's fiancé!' and "I know her from somewhere. . ." as she strode into a coffee shop.

"Flat white, please." she said. She could easily make one of her own but Hermione had gotten her hooked on the milky coffee. Whenever she went over to Hermione and Ron's house, Hermione would be sipping the coffee that she especially walked down to the shop to get. Ginny smiled at the thought at the thought of her brother and his girlfriend. Ron and Hermione lived in a nice roomy flat about a twenty minute walk away from Ginny, and Ginny was always dropping by to talk with Hermione. Mrs Weasley was forever hinting at Ron how much she disapproved of the two living together because it was "improper". It was amazing to see how much the couple were in love with each other; they were just made to be together and everyone wished Ron would stop being so thick and just pop the question.

"Ginny?" a voice asked from behind her, taking her out of her own thoughts.

Ginny whirled around to see a stunning, dark haired woman flashing a false, calculating smile at her.

"Uh, yes?" Ginny asked, not knowing who the woman was.

"It's Bree." The brunette simpered, "Bree Warren."

Ginny's head spun; she knew that name. She wished she didn't, but she did. How could she forget the bitch that had tried to take Harry away from her? The person who had made her life miserable until sixth year, and then tried to the rest of the time? Just ignore her, Ginny thought, but as usual her mouth disobeyed her brain.

"Hi." Ginny said coldly.

"Now Ginny darling, don't be like that. We both know we did things that we're ashamed of now but I think we should it put it all behind us." Bree said winningly, awarding Ginny with another toothy grin.

We? Ginny thought angrily, it was all her! But she couldn't be bothered to argue though, so she nodded and forced a smile onto her face.

"So I hear you've started a little school. Honestly, I don't know how you survive with all of those little brats!" Bree trilled. It was amazing how she could make Ginny's famous and well-paying job sound so degrading.

"I'd imagine the 'little brats' wouldn't survive you, either." Ginny muttered under her breath.


"Oh, I was asking what you were doing now." Ginny covered sweetly.

"Oh, I'm a reporter for the Which Witch." Bree laughed beautifully, her many bracelets jingling. "Mostly front page articles, you know." Bree added casually, but Ginny could hear the obvious bragging in the brunette's indifferent tone.

Ginny hid a small snicker. The Which Witch was the centre for untrue rumours and gossip. Ginny guessed that most had been formulated by Bree herself. The paper had a bad reputation yet females everywhere and the occasional male could be seen reading it. Most of these people heartily believed the ridiculous things the paper came up with each week.

"But, I also hear that you're flirting with a certain high-up Ministry official. Jason Banton to be exact!" Bree said as if they were good friends exchanging juicy gossip.

"We're engaged," Ginny replied shortly, sick of talking to her.

"Well I think we should do lunch sometime darling. Call me; I'd love to chat about how you bagged Jason. And, of course, about that awful break-up with Harry!" Bree simpered.

That bitch! Ginny thought angrily. Bree knew all there was to know about their break-up, half with wizarding world did!

"Bye." Ginny said stonily as she walked out of the coffee shop after throwing some money on the counter.

"Ciao!" Bree smiled and waved at the redhead's retreating back.

Feeling much better out of Bree Warren's presence, Ginny walked into her street and smiled, she usually Apparated home and to the school but sometimes she loved to walk home in the afternoons. She waved to her next door neighbour Mrs Figg who was out in her garden. The old witch had moved into London after Harry had come of age, seeing as there was no need for her back in Little Whinging. It had been merely coincidence that Mrs Figg's new house was right next to where Ginny had just moved to. Mrs Figg waved back with a sweet smile on her face, holding one of her numerous cats. She had insisted on bringing all 6 of them with her.

Ginny walked up the path to her home, feeling a rush of love for her simple white-washed cottage. It had a huge unruly front garden and a tiny pond filled with fish and where birds occasionally took baths.

Reaching her front door. She opened it only to almost step on a brilliant red rose lying at her feet. She laughed and picked it up and breathed in its fresh scent. Noticing another rose she went to pick it up with an amused smile.  She then noticed the trail of roses leading to her bedroom and followed them, picking them up as she went along.

On her bed was a huge pile of white roses, with a single red rose on top of them which had a note attached to the stem. Laughing softly, she picked up the rose and read the note.

To my red rose,

Thinking of you and can't wait to see you tomorrow night.

Love, Jason.

Ginny shook her head; he was so hopelessly romantic sometimes. Maybe that was what she loved about him. He had been talking about the Ministry party tomorrow night he was taking her to. It was in honour of some Quidditch team and to welcome them to England for the big match coming up.. Everyone had been making a big fuss about it for weeks, but Ginny didn't know why. It's wasn't like anyone super-famous was coming.

All of a sudden a pecking at her window startled her and she quickly walked over and opened the window to let in her owl, Lou. Harry had given it to her for her 17th birthday because it had been one of Hedwig's offspring. Hedwig had mated with one of the school owls and all of the other babies had been a chocolaty brown but the only snow-white one had automatically been Ginny's. She had named him Lou, as a tribute to her first best friend.

"What do you have for me?" she asked the bird conversationally, filling up his water bowl and starting on the stack of letters he had brought her.


Are you going to the Ministry party tomorrow night? Just write back a reply of yes or no.


Hm, since when does he care about Ministry parties? She thought to herself as she read the second letter.


Are you going to the welcoming party tomorrow night with Jason? If you are, let us know. Floo over to the Burrow tonight, we haven't seen you in ages anyway.

Love, Mum.

Just what was so damned special about this party anyway? She had been to loads of them with Jason before!

Just then another owl zoomed into the room and dropped a white envelope onto the bed before flying back out again. Ginny pulled on her hair and went to read it.

Hey Ginny, it's Hermione. I was just curious as to whether you were going to the Ministry party tomorrow night. I'll see you there if you are, I'm sure you'll get a shock if you come.

"Hmm…" Ginny mused, lying on her bed. Just what did everyone know that she didn't?

She looked at her bedside clock; everyone should be at the Burrow right now. She got up and reached for some Floo powder, noticing she had taken the last of it.

The Weasley's had some explaining to do.

[If you don't recognise Louise and Bree, it's because they were important in What About Me, as will they be in Heartbreak Home. So please read What About Me.]