Reviews for the Secret of Slytherin
Stein chapter 52 . 7/21
So good my sleep schedule was derailed
Guest chapter 44 . 7/19
This is fascinating.
Kathereena chapter 1 . 3/17
Like it so far but his birthday is on the 31 of july, so how he has only a week before classes start when it should be four weeks stumps me a little
Guest chapter 11 . 2/15
I dont think Harry's punishment was fair considering track also cast an unforgivable and the fact that he unconsciously was practicing obsura. I keep getting really bad secound hand embarrassment and anger for him.
winterzstorm chapter 52 . 1/16
I loved the duality of this story, amazing character development.
PineNutPesto chapter 12 . 12/24/2019
No, asphodel and wormwood are ingredients in The Draught of Living Death. The bezoar was the antidote to most poisons.
PineNutPesto chapter 8 . 12/24/2019
Thank you for representing Ron fairly! I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. I hope their friendship survives.

Thanks for posting!
PineNutPesto chapter 2 . 12/24/2019
Oh, what a fascinating development. And I love the loyal tone in Hermione's letter. Thanks for posting!
Love2read23 chapter 52 . 11/21/2019
First, I want to say that this fic has been awesome. It's a perfect blend of intrigue and mystery with fluff and banter. If I had a C2 (which I still don't know what the 2 is for) for perfect stories this would be on it.
Thank you immensely for writing.
Second, I want to apologize for an earlier comment about how this wasn't going to solve the Voldie issue. I had wrongly assumed that since we hadn't seen them discuss or deal with that at all then it wouldn't happen. It's funny a bit that Voldemort could plan the whole year then be taken done in like two chapters.
I loved it. I am glad that Draco is still friends with Harry.
I'm glad that Severus and Remus are staying.
Have a great day, week, year, life.
Love2read23 chapter 50 . 11/19/2019
Okay. Well, okay then. It's okay what Draco did but at least he's not a murdering evil evil person. It wasn't all fake. That counts for something right. Harry's question "are you being Slytherin right now?" does bring up the question of whether they can trust Draco in the future. He's still a friend but once you've been burned you're more cautious in the future.
Love2read23 chapter 48 . 11/19/2019
What? What?!
I really liked him being friends with Harry and them. :(
I'm confused.
Love2read23 chapter 47 . 11/19/2019
Snape just rubbed his arm.
It reminded me of Harry and Draco speaking in the hospital wing and how Harry's scar and Draco's arm reacted. What's to be done with Voldemort? I guess this story won't cover defeating him. Good thing I know there's already a sequel.

Now about this big secret! Very nice reveal. I love all the intrigue and mystery. It's a great story/plot. Thank you so much for writing.
Love2read23 chapter 46 . 11/19/2019
Oh my gosh! Draco is James Potter! With that snitch and Sirus (aka Harry) taking random grabs and then plowing him over and Peter (Ron) staring at them admiringly and Remus (Hermione) just in the back reading. Wow.
I had wondered how Draco would explain picnicking with the Golden Trio to the Dark Lord. Glad that was covered in this chapter.
Love2read23 chapter 45 . 11/19/2019
I really liked this scene with Harry, Ron, and Hermione really friending (befriend sounded like they were just becoming friends maybe refriending?) Draco.
Concerning Marauder Redux would Draco be Sirius? Are we replacing Peter with Lily and would Hermione be Lily or is one of the supposed to be Peter and if so which one? Hermione is sometimes correlated with Remus but she's too outspoken and haranguing of Harry and Ron to be the silent, studious one of the Marauder take 2.
Great chapter. Very much fluff. Which I adore.
Love2read23 chapter 44 . 11/19/2019
Oh my gosh!
I forgot we still don't know what led Harry to spend most the summer at Hogwarts and with Snape and what he did all summer.
This is a crazy reveal. I love the image of the Patronus jumping into the scar.
I liked that Harry yelled at Draco's dark mark last chapter. I always love fics where Harry can remove either Snape's or Draco's dark mark.
Thank you for writing. I can't believe I didn't know you're on AO3.
I usually check because I download fics to listen to on an app on my phone. On Ao3 it'll download the whole thing. Fanfic I have to do it chapter by chapter and we're almost done and I've downloaded the rest all ready but it's so tedious and much work. Ugh. Thank you for also posting on A03. I'll probably read Geas on AO3 (though I'm confused if it's a sequel. It doesn't say it is but I read the first paragraph and it seems like it is).
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