Title: Enemy of the State
Author: hyperRme
Summary: The Shinigami are a notorious gang who kill criminals in the most mysterious ways. L is determined to take them down even if it means going undercover as a member and unintentionally falling in love with their leader.
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rated: Mature
Pairing: L X Raito
Disclaimer: Death Note belongs to Tsugumi Obha and Takeshi Obata. I am neither one.
Warnings: Guy on guy romance, rape, death, kidnappings, etc.
Headstrong – Trapt
Back off I'll take you on
Headstrong to take on anyone
I know that you are wrong
Headstrong we're headstrong
Light dodged another car and almost rammed head first into a large group of people.
"Watch it kid!"
"Get outta the way!"
He sprinted into an alleyway, trying to catch his breath. He peeked outside. There were so many people. Way too many for his liking. He pressed his back to the brick wall and sighed. Maybe running away was a bad idea… He shook his head quickly. No, how could he think that? Especially after all the torture he's been through with those guys. First things first, he needed to find his family.
Unfortunately, he had no clue what city he was in and where his family lived. They may live on the other side of Japan and Light was stuck in this unnamed town. He prayed that he put enough distance between him and the kidnappers so he could find his parents before they found him.
"Hey lookie here, fellas. A lost soul."
Light whirled around. Four muscular men with ripped jeans and black shirts grinned at him as they stepped closer. "What's a kid like you doing in this part of town?"
"Lookin' for some trouble?"
As one reached an arm out, Light made a dash into the crowd. The people yelled indignantly at him but he didn't care. He was in public eye and those men couldn't touch him.
He stayed with the crowd as long as he could. He spotted a subway map and darted across the street. His brown eyes skimmed over the map. "Tokyo…" He racked his mind desperately for answers. Did he live in Tokyo? Did he live anywhere in the Kanto region? He memorized the street names, looking for one that would jump out and say "Don't you remember me, Light? I'm insulted! You were always near me!"
None did.
Frowning, Light set off on a journey to find a landmark that would spark his memory and bring him home. All day he searched. His head began to hurt when he reached a library and he took that as a sign. He circled around the library but nothing else sparked from anything in that area. Memorizing the coordination's of the library, Light searched elsewhere. His head also throbbed around an elementary school, a police station, and a tennis court.
As the sun continued its path west, the warmth it brought with it followed. Light shivered and warped his arms around him. He silently cursed himself for not bringing a blanket. The ratty old jacket didn't fit him as well as it did three years ago and it wasn't strong enough for the cold spring night. He searched for shelter against the raging wind and found an alleyway next to a police station. "It's gotta be safe," he whispered to himself. "No thugs would hang out in the alleyway next to the police station."
He sat on the cold concrete. His legs weren't used to this much exercise and they ached terribly. He rubbed them and shivered lightly. He curled into a ball to preserve body heat and sighed, resting his head between his knees. Running away was a bad idea, he thought. No matter how much they abused him, he was warm, he was fed and here he didn't have anything. He couldn't get a job; no one would hire a kid around sixteen with no last name, no social security number, and no address. He was going to die out here. His stomach growled angrily and Light groaned. What was he going to do for food?
"I could always steal…"
He quickly shook his head. No, that would make him a criminal. A member of society no better than his kidnappers. Light leaned his head against the brick wall. "This sucks."
As if the gods heard him, a loud crackle of thunder raced across the sky. Light looked up and a rain drop fell on his nose. Then another. And another. Soon it was pouring.
"Shit!" he yelled, scrambling to his feet. His vision went white as a lightning bolt darted over his head. He found a fairly clean, empty garbage can and jumped inside. He grabbed the nearby lid and covered his head with it. Light was curled up in a garbage can without a single good memory to keep him company.
"Servant?" L hissed dangerously. "You want me to be a slave?"
"Ryuuzaki…" Kira sighed, rubbing his temples.
"I did not offer my help for this treatment. I am willing to share my knowledge of L and this is how you repay me? By making me a slave?"
"You're not a slave, you…"
"You just told me I am to do your dirty work and anything you ask of me without pay. That is a slave."
"You're getting a roof over your head and all the cake you want. That's your payment!"
"That is my for my knowledge on L. Anything else will be considered slavery."
"Look," Kira snapped, slamming his hand on the table. L's glass of milk shook. "We can't trust you. You're a very high profile criminal and you know that Shinigami hate criminals. Normally, at first sight, I would have killed you. But your knowledge of L is valuable to us. I made an agreement not to kill you once we receive the information and bring down L but he isn't dead yet and I'm sure I can kill L myself. My Shinigami are worried about you sleeping under the same roof and they want you to have restrictions."
"Why hire someone you don't trust? Why give someone a loaded gun if you don't trust them? I could have killed you all last night, Light-kun, but I didn't. I didn't because I want to see you win. It's either I'm your slave or your information provider. I am not both."
"It's just until we can trust you. Until then, I need you at my side so I know you aren't snooping around or killing off my Shinigami. It's either you're my servant or you're out of the group and if I have to let you go now, I'm going to have to kill you." Kira turned on his heel and walked toward the kitchen exit. "It's your choice. You have ten minutes to make up your mind. Come see me then."
L wanted to punch him out. He wanted to kick and punch him until he couldn't recognize that pretty face of his. He instead stabbed his fork angrily into his the piece of cake and took a bite of it. He would have to lower his pride enough to become Kira's slave. It was either that or fail to solve the case. It wasn't his own death he was worried about. He was faithful in his abilities to sneak away before Kira could get to him. But to never figure out how Kira killed? To leave all those people vulnerable to Kira and his unknown killing ways? The thought would haunt him even in death. He made a promise that he would never fail to solve a case again. So if that means being Kira's slave then so be it. He swallowed the cake in his mouth.
Of course, it didn't help that Kira and the Shinigamis sure did know how to pick out delicious cake.
He heard loud footsteps and L braced himself for another Kira invasion. Instead, it was that glasses guy. L wasn't positive but he thought his name was Taro Maki. He nodded, sounds legit.
Taro Maki stopped right in front of him and pointed his finger at his nose. "My name is Teru Mikami and I fucking hate you!"
Whoops, L thought. He knew something was off.
"I'm sorry to hear that," L replied calmly. "I think Taro-kun is quite the likable man."
"My name is Teru, you asshole. Teru-sama to you."
L liked the icing off his fork, "I do not call anyone using the honorific sama, Tari-kun."
"Teru!" he yelled. "It's Teru!"
"Is there something you wanted?" L really wanted to eat his cake in silence. It didn't taste as good in bad company.
"Yeah, one: I hate you. Two: I don't trust you. Three: Light-sama says you are to meet with him in ten minutes."
"He all ready told me that. Did the princess forget all ready? Is his memory that bad?"
Taro clenched his fists, "Fuck you! How dare you call Light-sama that! He's wonderful, smart, caring, handsome, intelligent…"
"There's no need to overload me with your man crush, Tango-kun. Also, smart and intelligent mean the same thing." L flew out of his seat when Taro smashed his fist into his cheek. He sat up and gingerly rubbed his cheek. "Ow. That was cruel, Tonya-kun."
"Fuck you, Ryuuzaki! You don't deserve to be here, you bastard." Taro stomped his way out and tripped on L's out stretched leg. He crashed onto the wooden floor with a loud crash.
"Whoops," L said, standing. "Did I leave my leg out like that? Sorry." He stepped over a stunned Taro and exited the kitchen. Taro yelled at him to come back and face him like man. "Sorry, but Light-chan is asking for my presence."
He chuckled under his breath at Taro's loud string of curse words. As he climbed the stairs, he realized he had no clue which room was Kira's. He never had a reason to come up here in the less than twenty four hours he's been here. The upstairs flooring was covered in a deep blue carpet and had white walls with nothing decorating them. There were four white doors. In one, L could hear two girls screaming at each other about over stepping boundaries and stealing makeup. Another was partially open and he could see the bathroom sink. Quickly doing an "Eeny meeny miny mo" he chose door number one and opened it.
"Did you decide?" Kira asked, leaning against his desk.
The tone of his voice and the small smirk on Kira's face pissed L off. He knew L wasn't going to leave. He knew that he was going to be his goddamn slave until possibly forever. He knew and L wanted to kill him for it.
"I refuse to do your laundry and if I have to iron shirts, you're going to find big burn spots."
Kira's smirk grew, "No clothes. Got it."
"Is that all?" L asked after a small moment of silence.
"No, I want an introduction on L." Kira pointed to his nicely made bed and L sat on it. He was surprised it wasn't any softer than his downstairs. "I don't know much about L besides that he's the world's greatest detective. I would like a character bio on him. Just to start off with."
"He's a bit of narcissist. He thinks he's the best and has no problem flaunting it around."
Kira raised an eyebrow, "Truly?"
"If you ever read his cases, you will notice that L never appears before anyone because he thinks they don't deserve to see him. He likes to keep a mysterious aura surrounding his name as well. He constantly taunts his suspects, telling them that he's going to catch them, they're not smart enough to outdo him, and he's the greatest detective in the world. He also hates to be compared to Eraldo Coil and Deneuve."
"The second and third best detectives? Why would he hate being compared to them? You would think he would love it since they're second and third best to him."
"It's a very close second and third. L makes it sound as if he's leagues ahead of them but he knows that they're not far behind him."
"What about his likes and dislikes?"
L tapped his finger to his chin playfully, "He likes winning, difficult challenges, cheese steaks, and football. He dislikes losing, boring activities, sweets, and American football."
Kira stared at him for a while. L was beginning to suspect brain damage before he finally spoke. "How do you know so much about him? I honestly didn't think you would answer that. I expected you to just know his cases and information about him after studying his habits based on those cases. Do you actually know L?"
He had a sudden urge to pull his legs to his chest but he made a promise that he wouldn't do anything that he would normally do in the comfort of his office. Besides eating cake and refusing to wear socks, that is. "You could call me his apprentice. He liked my intelligence and wanted to train me into a world class detective like himself but I didn't care for sitting around in an office as world's greatest detective talked about himself. He always insulted me and nothing I did was right. So I left to become a world class criminal and be a better criminal than he was a detective. He would never catch me and then everyone wouldn't think so highly of L anymore. And with your help, Light-kun, I think we can take him down."
Kira looked like he was in shock, "You worked with L? Actually worked under him?"
"It was a miserable time in my life but yes I worked under him."
"What does he look like?"
"It's very unlikely you'll ever see him face to face but he has wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. He's French and has a slight accent."
Kira simply nodded. L bit his lip when he didn't say anything else. "Is that all?"
He sat in his chair and opened his laptop. "Make me a mug of hot chocolate."
L grounded his teeth together and walked briskly down the stairs. The girls were still screaming at each other. He briefly heard "You look like an unused tampon!" and continued his journey into the kitchen.
His feet were cold on the wooden floor and he silently cursed the fall weather. His office was always a comfortable seventy three degrees and had carpet everywhere so his feet never had to touch cold floors. L stopped in the middle of the kitchen and stared at the endless amount of drawers and cabinets. "… Shit…" Having absolutely no idea where anything where, except for the cake and the milk in the refrigerator, L cursed again and began to open cabinets. Of course, this wasn't like the typical college house where there was no food because no one remembered to buy any, the Shinigami cabinets were full of food. Each cabinet was full of different varieties of food. One had healthy granola bars, another was full of cookies, the next had different brands of cereal, the last one had something he didn't even want to know if that was the correct coloring or not. Shutting the cabinet with a loud slam, L got on his knees and looked through the bottom drawers.
"Goddamn Kira and his stupid hot chocolate. Why isn't anything organized? Each stupid member in this stupid group should have their own cabinet with a label. 'Here is Kira-bastard's hot chocolate'. That would make a great label," L muttered under his breath as he moved a loaf of bread out of the way.
Giving up, L kicked the door shut and glared at the cabinet. He heard footsteps behind him and he spun around to find the hacker red head.
"Yo, new guy. Whatcha looking for?" he asked, pocketing his PSP.
"Hot chocolate," L replied bitterly.
The kid's eyes grew behind his goggles. He laughed, "Oh yeah, I heard the whole "slave to Light" thing. Sucks, man, sucks major ass. My suggestion: stay cool and calm. Do what he says and soon enough, you'll be slave free in no time."
"You were in a similar dilemma?"
"Ehh… something like that. Light and I made a bet last year, over something stupid like what color is Misa's underwear. I lost and was forced to be his slave for a week. He was a real slave driver in the beginning…" L groaned. "… But he eventually let up. He's a pretty cool guy once ya get to know him. Light's not the kind of guy who enjoys pissing his friends off. If you're nice to him, he'll let you go. This is, after all, about trust issues."
"Light-kun? Nice? I have a hard time believing that."
The kid laughed again, "Don't let the title Kira fool ya. Light has some issues with his past but he's a good guy in the heart. He is trying to protect the innocent, ya know. But he has problems expressing it. Give him time." He stuck out his hand. "The name's Matt, by the way. Welcome to the club, Ryuuzaki."
L shook his hand, "Thanks. Now… hot chocolate?"
Matt grinned, "Light likes to hide it." L resisted the urge to curse. "Misa loves hot chocolate and she often forgets that it's off limits and makes some. She's too lazy to look around for it."
"Why doesn't she just buy her own?"
"We have a bulletin board with a list of shopping needs. If you don't put what you want on there, you're screwed. Misa is a bit of an airhead and never remembers to put her food up there. Luckily, Teru has a habit of overbuying and he shares with her."
"Glad to see that was mentioned to me," L answered sarcastically.
"Hey, don't sweat it. Light took care of ya, see?" He pointed to the board. There was a list with the title 'Light' with 'CAKE' written in large letters and circled many times and under was a list of healthy foods. "Light hates cake with a passion. But he knows you wanted it so he made sure to write it down. You'll get your own list soon enough. Grocery day is today, he didn't have enough time to make it yet."
"I suppose I'm the one doing the shopping?"
Matt pushed his goggles up his nose. "Yeah probably. Hey, I'll go with you. Cause you don't know where it is and I need some cigarettes. Raye always bought the wrong kind."
"So Raye was nothing but a slave in this house?" Oh, yes, Naomi would be so thrilled if she knew L sent her future husband to Kira to be a housewife for three weeks before he was murdered.
"Pretty much, really," Matt shrugged. "The guy never talked, he never mentioned any skills useful to the Shinigami except cook and clean." He grinned. "Man, he could make grilled chicken like you wouldn't believe. Oh, hey, hot chocolate." He walked to one of the top cabinets and took out a can of peanuts. L blinked owlishly as Matt opened the lid and pulled out a packet of hot chocolate mix.
"You think he'd mention it was in a can of peanuts," L grumbled as he snatched the mix from Matt's hand and grabbed the tea kettle. He flipped the faucet on and filled the kettle before placing it on the stove. "Why peanuts?"
"Misa's allergic to them," Matt said simply. L cursed Kira under his breath and few dozen times and scratched his leg with his foot. "Here," he said, throwing a can of whipped cream at the detective. "Light likes whipped cream. It doesn't hurt to suck up in your position."
L thanked him. They waited in silence as the water came to a boil and L filled a mug with the hot water and hot chocolate mix. He squirted a ton of whipped cream on top. "When Light sends you to do the grocery shopping, come get me. My room is right over there." He pointed to a closed door near the stairs. Matt gave a short wave and disappeared behind the door.
L carefully climbed the stairs, careful not to spill. He didn't bother to knock and entered. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?"
Kira gave a short huff and pushed Taro away from him. Taro shot him a look that promised a thousand years of pain and left swiftly. "No, you weren't interrupting anything."
"Are you sure? He had you trapped against your desk. If that doesn't say sex in the workplace, I'm not sure what does."
Kira rolled his eyes, "What Teru and I do is none of your business."
L shrugged and handed Kira his hot chocolate, "You should warn me if you're going to put the hot chocolate mix in a can of peanuts. It's not the most logical place to look for a newbie."
"You put whipped cream in it…" Kira said, transfixed on the black mug in his hands.
"Is that a problem…?"
"No, just surprised, I guess."
L smirked, "It doesn't hurt to suck up my position."
Kira looked up at him and gave him a short smile. "I don't think it does." L blinked at him. Was that a smile? Not a smirk, not a sneer. But a smile? Was Kira even possible of smiling? Or even looking so handsome with that smile? L frowned.
"Is there anything else you require of me?"
"Today is grocery day."
"So I'm to go to the grocery store?" L took a one step closer to the door.
"You've never been to the grocery store here, have you?" L shook his head. "I'll go with you then."
"Matt-kun all ready offered."
"Did he?" Kira's voice was low and soft. "Ignore him. He has a task I asked him to do. He's trying to procrastinate. Give me five minutes to finish my hot chocolate. In the mean time, sit."
L really had no desire to sit on a murderer's bed but did so anyway. Kira turned back to his computer and hit the space bar to rid the screen saver. On instinct, L pulled his legs to his chest. A screen saver? Taro must have been in here for a while then. What was their relationship? It was obvious that Taro was smitten for the good looking murderer but how did Kira feel? L snorted in his head. That man has no feelings. He would bet all the candy he brought with him that Kira was just using him for sex. He had the glasses wearing man wrapped around his finger. He could get all the sex he wanted. L felt dirty sitting on his bed. Eyes widening, L quickly jumped off the bed. Oh, god, he thought staring in disgust at the bed, who knows how many times they've had sex there?
Kira turned around and faced him, "Ryuuzaki? Are you all right?"
"My legs are restless and I don't feel like sitting." Kira nodded and faced him computer.
Bad thoughts plagued his mind like, well, the plague. Sweaty bodies sliding against each other, hands everywhere, loud moans piercing the silence. L shook his head. Need a distraction, L thought, anything.
There was a bookshelf across the room. It was a dark brown and had more books than it could hold. L walked up to it and examined it. The collection wasn't half bad. He expected to see numerous books on Hitler, Famous Criminals, Strategy, and other books revolved around murder. But these were all novels, with the occasion Anatomy, Psychology, Criminal Law, and Chinese text books. L guessed he got them from the college bookstore. He had Sherlock Holmes, Hemingway, Dickson, Shakespeare, and The Great Gatsby. He was surprised to see Harry Potter and shounen manga taking up a lot of room on the book shelf.
"If you would like to borrow any, you may." L spun around to see Kira shutting down his computer. "If you see anything that pertains to your interest go right ahead and take them. As long as you return them when you're done."
L mumbled thanks and grabbed Macbeth from the shelf. Kira motioned for him to follow him down the stairs. As they passed Matt's room, Kira knocked on the door. The red head yelled a "Hold on" before opening the door.
"Matt, I will be taking Ryuuzaki to the grocery store. You have to complete the assignment I gave you before tonight."
Matt scratched the back of his head, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'll get right on it, boss." He smiled at L before shutting the door and locking it.
Kira turned on the faucet and cleaned out his empty mug. "What's tonight?" L asked.
"Hmm?" Kira hummed, scrubbing the inside with a small green sponge.
"You told Matt-kun that he had to finish an assignment before tonight. What is tonight?"
Kira grabbed a towel from the oven handle, tried his mug and placed it on the shelf. "I'm sending Teru out on a mission tonight at the local bar. He needs to find out what people are saying about Kira."
"Do you not read the newspaper?" Kira grabbed his coat from the rack and opened the front door. L's body tensed at the cold windy weather.
"Every day. But that is a columnist's opinion or the police man's opinion. I'm looking for college students."
L glanced around the campus, "You have hundreds of college students in your backyard. Why don't you just ask some of them?"
"Think about it, Ryuuzaki," Kira huffed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I can't just walk up to people and ask them what their opinion of Kira is. At the bar, Teru causally brings it up with the people he's sitting with. And with alcohol in their system, they're more likely to say how they really feel." He glanced over at L. "Aren't you cold?"
"I'm fine, Light-kun. I am used to cold weather," L replied. He was thankful his teeth clattering were not too obvious.
Kira frowned and said nothing else. They walked side by side down the leaf covered pathway. There was a shout of "Look out!" before a tall, athletic looking man ran out in front of them. He jumped, caught a yellow Frisbee, and flung it back toward his buddies. He looked at them and grinned. "Sorry about that, guys. Oh, hey, dude, how's it going?" He patted Kira on the back.
"Eh, it could be worse," Kira said with a shrug. "My parents are really hounding me on my grades but I really just wanna spend time with my girl."
"I know how it is, dude. That girl of yours is mighty cute. Not as cute as my girl but she's up there." He patted Kira on the back once more before taking off. "I expect to see you at my party next week! In the old music room! Seven o'clock, Friday!"
"I'll be there!" Kira yelled back with a wave.
"You're a student here?" L asked once the guy was out of hearing range.
"Of course not. Running an organization like the Shinigami is a full time job." Kira dropped the cheerful college student act as quickly as he was able to put it on.
"Does anybody in the group go to college here?" Kira shook his head. "Then why do live here?"
"Think about it: we're a group of six young adults living together. If we lived anywhere else but a campus, it would look weird. Here, we can enter and leave freely. It's also close to the college shopping center. Teru is very good with words and manipulation. College kids are easy to manipulate. I'll throw Teru into town for a night, get a group of kids wild up, and soon we've got more Kira supporters."
"Surely you run into kids who don't believe in Kira's ideals."
Kira looked at him, "We do. If we meet people who are against Kira and refuse to change their mind, then we leave them alone. No use blowing our cover over a stupid argument."
They made the exit off of the campus and into the town. The town was small and, for the most part, quiet. There were a few students in the café and in the arcade but the streets were practically empty. They passed a bakery and L couldn't resist the cakes in the window. Practically sprinting, L pressed his hands and nose against the glass.
"Oi, Ryuuzaki, let's go!" Kira said from behind him.
"Can we get a cannoli? Please, just one?"
"No, not from there. We can pick up some at the grocery store."
"But these look really, really good!"
Kira grabbed him by the back of his shirt and dragged him into the alleyway next to the bakery. For a splint second, L feared he was going to be killed. Kira let go of his shirt and faced a wall. L glanced over his shoulder and saw "Kira's Wall of Victims" as he dubbed it. L's been to this wall many times before last night. He had made a mental list of the victims who had yet to die and collected them into a hotel. They all died of heart attacks within a few minutes of each other starting at 2 am. Nobody was present in the rooms with them and Watari had checked each room for chemical gasses.
It didn't make any sense.
The back part of the alleyway was closed off with yellow police tape that read: 'Crime Scene Do Not Cross". Behind the tape L could see white paint to mark the outline of Raye's fallen body. What really caught his eye was the female with her face buried in her hands aside the white paint. Kira, the ever insensitive inhuman being that he is, called out to her, "Excuse me, miss. You know that you're not allowed into a crime scene, correct?"
The female looked up, her brown eyes burning in complete hatred and sadness. She brushed the long bangs out of her face and stood up. "What makes you think I give a fuck you…" she trailed off, catching eyes with L. "You!"
No matter how many years L studied capoeira Naomi Misora has been studying it longer. He was on his back in a matter of seconds. "You've gotten better, I see," he groaned, rubbing his back.
"I thought you were in prison!" she yelled.
"I escaped."
"You know her, Ryuuzaki?" Kira asked.
"You're in line with Beyond Birthday?" Naomi hissed. "You're no better than he is."
"Naomi, it's impolite to judge people. You judged me the first time we met."
"Yeah and look at you! You're a murderer!"
"Hmmm… I guess you are correct with that."
"What are you doing in Japan?" she growled. "Torturing L again?"
"Why yes I am, as a matter of fact."
"Good, do that for me. And tell him I will never, ever forgive him what he did to my fiancé."
Kira visually perked up, "L wronged you? What happened to your fiancé?"
Naomi glared at him and pointed a shaky finger behind her at the crime scene. "That bastard sent my fiancé into Kira's lair to die."
"I read about that this morning in the newspaper. Raye Penbar, right? I'm terribly sorry about your loss." L noticed the change in Kira's expression. At first it was gleeful at the sound of hating L to a stony, fake sorrow look. "Is there anything I can do?"
"Not from the likes you of," she hissed. "You're probably a criminal as well, hanging around with the infamous Beyond Birthday. Maybe you're Kira himself."
There was a small flash of panic in Kira's eyes before he let out a loud laugh, "Me? Kira? The rumors say he is a god."
"There is only one God in this world and God wouldn't do this to innocent people," she whispered, holding up a picture of her and her fiancé. "Kira is as human as you and I. His killing technique may be unworldly but Kira is human."
Kira smiled at her, "I like you. What was your name again? Naomi…"
He pulled out his wallet and a pen. He scribbled a quick note. "Here's my number. If you find anything else about Kira, please let me know. You're correct that I am a criminal and Kira is as much as my enemy as he is yours."
Naomi nodded as Kira finished writing the note. He handed it to her and she hesitantly took it. She looked down at it and she gasped. "W-what is this?"
Kira smirked as Naomi's eyes glazed over. L jumped to his feet. "Naomi? Are you all right?"
"I'm fine. Please excuse me," She half muttered as she took zombie-like steps out of the alleyway. The note slipped between her fingers and the wind carried it to L's feet. He bent over and picked it up.
"I am Kira" he read. "Light-kun, what did you do? This is very dangerous!"
He laughed as traced the woman's steps, "Don't be so worried, Ryuuzaki. I hope you didn't care for her too much…" he turned his head around and gave him a wicked grin. "Because you'll never see her again."
OMG How did I forget to update? Sorry! Well, Naomi's dead, Raye's dead, who's next? Okay so this story really doesn't have too much humor but I really like the whole L never calls Teru Teru game. He refers to him as Taro (name stolen from the Death Note pilot story) but calls him whatever sounds close to Teru aloud. Ha! It's stupid but I love it.
On another note: Leaving for Otakon tomorrow! Anyone else gonna be there?