Author has written 5 stories for Black Cat, Harry Potter, Young Justice, and Naruto. Hows it going people!! If you're reading this congrats to you!! Yes, well... hmmmmm what to say, what to say... I'll just go with the basics and work from there :P Name: Kaz (thats one of my many nicknames and its easier than my real name XD) Gender: female Age: 19 City: Sydney STORIES!! Right now I'm mostly writing for the Young Justice cartoon, but if inspiration hits me for stories in other fandoms I'll branch out more. Generally I write one-shots and drabbles since I'm better at them and generally my inspiration comes in scenes and moments for characters or single events. In Progress Stories that I'll Eventually Get Around to Finishing: Don't Pretend You Know Me: A few months after the end of the manga all is well for Train, Sven, Eve and even Chronos. Although a new Chronos number who is also a childhood of Train appears, what happens when the two friends reunite? Projects: Paranoid: As series of character study drabbles of the team members. Generally speaking I'll write when inspiration hits me and so any sort of planning is pointless, so updates will be sporadic as will drabble length and topic. Future Projects: I have recently been considering starting a YJ one-shot/drabble series of plot-bunnies, since 'Paranoid' is more introspective and focused on character study I think it would be a fresh change to write more stories like 'Superstitious' and 'Trick or Trick' in a loosely connected series full of my own mix of canon and head-canon. Pet Peeves: I really really REALLY don't like harems, I'll read one if the overall plot is good and the focus isn't on the harem but I personally think that it detracts from the story. I mean, what kind of self respecting person would share their loved one with someone else just because they both had a thing for that person? And of course said shared person is the one talked into it and they are all too happy to spread the love, it just doesn't seem right to me. Another thing for me would be character bashing. I figure the whole point is that the author hates a certain character and they want the reader to hate them too but I don't see the point in it and it gets incredibly tedious after a while. And there is no depth to those characters, no solid reason why they act like they do, no believable motivation and thats what kills it for me. A really common one is Sasuke and making him a total ass and someone that everyone despises and this is before the time skip and the whole Orochimaru thing, I mean come on! I actually like him back then, he cared about his teammates and he could actually be kinda nice. After that then I couldn't care less if he dies but he was very likeable for me at twelve and its so frustrating when people forget that. Pointless OCs also bug me. By 'pointless' I mean OCs along the lines of 'Neji's twin sister' because the whole concept is freaking ridiculous, if you really want to write another Hyuuga that is super close with Neji then you have an entire freaking clan to use, many of which are nameless and have no background, so you can just make them a relative that he grew up/trained with and it makes a whole lot more sense. There are ways to write in OCs without having to tear holes in storylines and character backgrounds eg. Stories set pre-canon (Allen growing up with Mana is a good example since there are only 3 canon characters involved at that point) as well as stories about characters that go missing and the possibilities there (who did they meet? where did they go? did anyone help them stay hidden?) to use a Criminal Minds example, Reid's father abandoned him roughly 12-14 years before the show started so that's plently of time for him to have maybe started a new family and have the kids be old enough to seek out their older half-brother whom they've never met (since they'd be mid-late teens in the current season). The possibilities are endless so there is no need for OCs that are essentially self-inserts or Mary/Gary-sues! |
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