
It was dark and he was strapped to a table. No matter how much he struggled he couldn't seem to get free from what was holding him down. He looked around; trying to find something, anything to free him, but it was just so dark.

"Na ah ah little boy. We're not through with you yet."

That voice. He shuddered. He would never forget that doctor's voice. There was a little bit of light shining but it was highlighting the mad doctor's figure. His grin; the needle in his hand…this only made him struggle more.

"This time we won't be letting you leave without finishing the job."

"No…no no please"

There was a laugh and the needle was brought to his arm, the green liquid shining brightly.

"Just one more stage…"

"No! No! Stop!"


Blue eyes shot open and he pushed hard at the person sitting next to him on the bed. The action got him nowhere because the other didn't move; it was like pushing at a brick wall.

"Robin it's me. "


He blinked, looking around. It was dark but it only took a moment for his eyes to adjust. He was in his room at the mountain. Pressing his hand to his forehead he sighed. Right. It had been months since the two of them had been taken and experimented on.


"You had a nightmare?"

"Yeah…" He nodded. "It's been a while…"

"Move over…"

Rolling his eyes the smaller teen scooted over on the bed letting Conner climb in. "I thought we were going to start sleeping in separate rooms."

"Shh. Just get some sleep." He was pulled into Conner's side and held there protectively.

Conner seemed to have this constant warmth around him and it was quickly lulling Dick back into a sleep. "When are we going to tell the others?"



"We'll worry about that later. Just get some sleep right now. Alright?"

"Mkay. Good night Conner"

There was peck to his forehead and both of them drifted off to sleep unaware of the plans that would be put into motion against them.


Luthor tapped his fingers on the desk in front of him. Files and reports were stacked neatly on his desk; the results of the experiments he had paid a lot of money to have done. Their experiments had almost been successful if it wasn't for the Bat's brat escaping and the Justice League interfering.

The door opened and one of his assistants stepped in.

"Sir? We've salvaged the rest of the files you wanted but with the doctor—"

"Don't worry about that. I've found a replacement. "

"And the test subject? The doctor said he was ideal. I doubt we'll have another chance to grab him like we had before."

"Don't worry. I had a contingency plan in place for something just like this." Luthor folded his hands under his chin and smirked, staring at the folder with Superboy's name on the front.

"All we have to do is wait.


AN: You convinced me! I'll be writing another part.

Keep an eye out for TAKEN the sequel to MISSING coming out in the Richard/Conner tag later on this week!

also ignore that random m's there

The lines wouldnt work