![]() Author has written 1 story for Batman, and Teen Titans. Hi. Umm... Fuzzy llamas! I am from the land of llamas South America. More specifically, Ecuador. I live in the USA. I'm learning French. I can read and write and speak and understand both English and Spanish. My aunt speaks French! French fries are good. My favorite food is chocolate. Then sushi. Caviar is nice too. Especially with crackers. And chocolate, of course, of Belgian descent. Plus, j'aime miso soup. I don't like ham. Or chicken. Or turkey. Or pickles. Or cucumbers. Or anybody that asks too many questions about things that they should already know. Or people in general. I do like books. And knowledge. And power. And libraries. And museums. And movies. And computers. And exclamation-pointing things. And chocolate. And I'm a bit less than sane. But only a bit. I have pet hermit crabs. And a hamster. (The above was written when I had absoluely nothing to say and nothing to do and so the words were a bit random and coming really fast so a few things might have gotten lost in the writing part of it. Grammer, for example. Though I hardly ever pay attention to grammer in the first place, though I can be an awesome Grammer Nazi. I know the rules; I simply don't follow them! [FYI- I don't believe in editing. I believe in getting it right the first time!]) I am a fan of: Harry Potter The Underland Chronicles Artemis Fowl Anything Tim Burton directed Nightmare Before Christmas (contrary to somewhat popular-ish belief, NOT directed by Mr. Burton, but you peoples are smarter and slightly more worldly than almost-hillbilly middle-class soccer moms [if you can't tell, I'm angry at two women (see description) I've never talked to but overheard for even daring to suggest Tim Burton made Coraline because of their delusion that he directed The Nightmare Before Christmas]) Avatar: The Last Airbender (Sokka sounds weird in the Spanish translation of the show, hated the movie) Danny Phantom Criminal Minds Hetalia(!!!) Pixar Sly Cooper The Fairly Odd Parents (with Lucky Charms!!) Star Wars (!!!!!) anything Disney (Except for Bolt and Disney Channel. I always knew they would go wrong... Ever since "That's So Raven") LotR Batman(!!!!) Nightmare on Elm Street (only the original), Princess Diaries (movies) Terminator V for Vendetta Van Helsing (movie) Maximum Ride Percy Jackson and the Olympians Junjou Romantica CSI Star Trek House MD Alice in Wonderland (and its sequel when speaking of the book) and The Fantastic 4 (sometimes my loyalty to DC Comics gets in the way of this). I don't read fanfictions about all the crap that I am a fan of. That would take too long... I DO read fanfics of: Harry Potter, Batman, Artemis Fowl, Sweeny Todd (very infrequently), Danny Phantom, Lord of the Rings (sometimes...), Star Trek, Hetalia, Junjou Romantica, and Criminal Minds (sometimes...). Any reccomendations are welcome. My favorite quotes: from a fanfic: “Urgh… worst thing since Yoda/Chewie smut…”- Control Freak, from Revenge of the Joker, a Teen Titans fic by Melimsah from a book: "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."- The Marauders, from Harry Potter (That always brings tears to my eyes. I blame deviantart.) "If I win, I'm a prodigy. If I lose then I'm mad. That's the way history is written." -Artemis Fowl from any other media: "We'll serve anyone! Meaning anyone! And to anyone at all!"- Sweeny Todd and Mrs.Lovett, from Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street from real life: "I just noticed... 'commandments' has the word 'command' in it."- Me. In a moment of great revelation. "So what's gonna be on the test?" "We don't have a superiority complex. I mean, it's not our fault if everyone's inferior to us." -My friend to my mom and a random MIT-graduate we just met. They laughed at us. Took us a while to figure out what was so funny. (Of course, I figured it out before her.) "The difference between J.k. Rowling and Stephanie Meyer is that Meyer can't write worth a damn" -Stephen King "The only time I failed a class was in college. I was late one time and the professor told me to either sit on the floor and not be late ever again or to walk out and not come back. I chose the latter and failed the class. During the summer, the professor died of a heart attack so I retook the clas and got an A! YAY!" -My French teacher. "I'm glad that they included the Tron concept in the Daft Punk movie."- Some random person on YouTube [dark41736 ] ('Twas an awesome movie but I agree that it could have served as a really long Daft Punk music video...) My Risk of Having a Personality Disorder: Disorder Rating URL of the test: http:///misc/personality_disorder_ So according to the quiz, I have a nice enough chance of being diagnosed as Paranoid, Schizoid, Narcissistic, Antisocial, Histrionic, and Avoidant (if I'm ever forced to see a psychologist). My Favorites: If you or your story is in this list, you're special!!! I don't allow just anyone or anything in here. Actually, a lot of stories belong here but they aren't for some reason (most likely being that I forgot). Either way, this is why you/your story is here: Albus Severus?: The ending. Loved it. Can definitely imagine it happening. ALICE:1st Alice in Wonderland fanfiction I ever read. I actually had to skip most chapters because my defective computer antivirius-thingy at the time deemed random websites unsafe at random times and safe in other random times. Never actually finished it. Should get to that... Cease and Desist Notice: Loved the part about the explosion. And where Mrs. Kirk said she "encouraged" her son to bring the recording of his birth to school. Chocociology:1st CatCF fic I read. So sweet but it will never be finished. Graduation: 'Tis funny. Makes me laugh every time I read it. And I've read it many times. Name Trouble: Heh. You-Know-Who, otherwise known as Immortal Odd Lover. Night of Lemons and Chundering: I read 3 sentences and laughed because I knew exactly what it was about. See mom! That obsession with Sly Cooper actually payed off, somewhat! And all because you bought me the first game all those years ago, ignorant of the fact that it was about a thief and a sequel wouldn't be made until years later (after I complained a few million times) and nobody would have heard of the Cooper Clan until years after you bought the game and I should stop and get to the point. The point is that you should trust me when I say that people are going to one day know about Sly, just like you should trust me when I say I'm gonna be either rich, dead, or in jail when I'm 30. Hopefully the first one but it would be awesome to be in all three categories at once! (-ending ramblings...NOW-) Update: I am now super-excited about Heroes, an upcoming game featuring Sly Cooper. Rita Skeeter Makes a Comeback COMPLETE : Hilarious. Absolutely wonderful. All the characters are definitely in... CHARACTER! Ha! I just noticed that- Yeah. Moving on... The story is an amusing insight to the lives of the Hogwarts Headmasters'/Headmistress' portraits... ...Did that sound smart-ish? The Curse of the Sun: Made me go "aww!" Plus, it sounds exactly like what I imagine Usagi would write. Thinking of You: Depressing. Made me cry. (Toy Story 2 and 3 also made me cry so...) But this is seriously sad! Made me emotional and stuff... Repeatedly! If anyone has actually read all of this, tell me. You are officially more patient than most people I know. |