![]() Author has written 11 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Aladdin, Inheritance Cycle, Chronicles of Narnia, Avatar: Last Airbender, Labyrinth, Phantom of the Opera, Cape, Disney, Thor, Star Trek: 2009, Little Mermaid, Merlin, Alice in Wonderland, 2010, Discworld, Les Misérables, Final Fantasy VII, and Once Upon a Time. I am inconsistent in my updates, so read at your own risk. Fic Status Alliances; indefinite hiatus until revisions can be made Logic and Magic; indefinite hiatus until revisions can be made the Point of No Return; indefinite hiatus until revisions can be made and inspiration strikes When an Eagle Meets a Swan; indefinite hiatus until inspiration strikes There and Back Again; indefinite hiatus until other stories finished Future Fics Unnamed Sequel to Old Friends Unnamed Sequel to Dance Unnamed Crossover between Merlin and Frozen Unnamed Skyrim fic Art and Videos Not Made By Me A beautiful poster for Alliances made by Kalanna Dae: http:///albums/ww296/shadow_banners/Miscelleaneous/?action=viewt=AlliancesHeader.jpg A fantastic trailer for Old Friends made by syl3317: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc1R2cbZiOI&feature=sub Fandoms(in Alphabetical order) Animorphs Angel the Series Arrow Artemis Fowl Avatar: the Last Airbender Avatar: the Legend of Korra Buffy the Vampire slayer Chronicles of Narnia DC Comics and Films Discworld Disney and anything related to Doctor Who Elementary Elder Scrolls Series (mostly Oblivion and Skyrim) Final Fantasy Firefly (and Serenity) Harry Potter His Dark Materials Inheritance Cycle Kingdom Hearts Labyrinth Les Miserables Lord of the Rings (movies and books, the Hobbit included) Marvel Comics, Films, and Television Shows Merlin BBC Nightside Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Phantom of the Opera Pushing Daisies Repo! the Genetic Opera Robin Hood BBC Sherlock BBC Sleepy Hollow (tv series) Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones Star Trek Star Wars Studio Ghibli Supernatural WickedShips (in order of fandom. NOTE: Yes some of these ships are improbable/"problematic" and I am fully aware of that. I can ship something knowing it will never happen, and I can ship something without condoning the kind of relationship it presents.) Angel/BtVS; Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Spike, Xander/Cordelia, Xander/Anya, Willow/Oz, Willow/Tara, Fred/Wesley, Spike/Illyria, Angel/Kate Lockley Arrow; Tommy/Laurel, Oliver/Felicity Artemis Fowl; Holly/Artemis A:tLA; Katara/Zuko, Sokka/Yue, Sokka/Suki, Katara/Aang, Toph/Aang, Toph/Sokka A:tLoK; Korra/Bolin, Asami/Bolin, Asami/Iroh II, Korra/Asami CoN; Lucy/Caspian DC; None. Within the Justice League Animated Series I enjoyed Bruce/Diana, but outside of that I have no pairings, except for my OT3 Clark/Bruce/Diana Discworld; Esmeralda Weatherwax/Mustrum Ridcully Disney; too many Doctor Who; 10/Rose, Martha/Mickey, Martha/Jack, River/Jack, Everyone/Jack, Amy/Rory, Amy/10, Clara/11, Clara/10, Clara/Amy, Clara/Danny Harry Potter; Harry/Ginny, Harry/Luna, Neville/Luna, Ron/Hermione Inheritance Cycle; Eragon/Nasuada, Murtagh/Nasuada LotR; Arwen/Aragorn, Eowyn/Faramir, Eowyn/Boromir, Eowyn/Legolas, Tauriel/Kili, Tauriel/Legolas, Eowyn/Tauriel Marvel; Pepper/Tony, Jane/Thor, Peggy/Steve, Natasha/Bucky, Natasha/Loki, Nebula/Loki, Skye/Tripp, Melida/Phil, Bobbi/Lance, Matt/Clare, Karen/Foggy Nightside; Suzie/John Merlin; Gwen/Arthur, Morgana/Merlin Once Upon a Time; Emma/Killian, Emma/Jefferson, Regina/Robin, Mary Margaret/David, Ruby/Victor, Merida/Mulan, Elsa/Mulan Robin Hood; Guy/Marian, Guy/Meg GoT: Jaime/Brienne CROSSOVER; Thor/Emma, Thor/Diana, Steve/Diana, Eponine/Erik, Ariel/Aladdin, Susan Sto Helit/Jareth |