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![]() Author has written 19 stories for Teen Titans, Little Mermaid, Artemis Fowl, Invader Zim, Peter Pan, and Alex Rider. Name: Echo Birthday: March 14 Favorite Color: Fuchsia, Red, or Purple, depending on the shade Current Favorite: Invader Zim (Main Pairing - Zim/Gaz or ZAGR), Imagination-Level: 11/10. This comes in handy for stories, but it makes it hard to pay attention to one thing (such as a story) and focus instead of going gallivanting off to another idea before I finish the first one. Also, because of making myself focus, I often suffer from lack of inspiration thanks to my mind more interested in some other topic instead of the one I need to/am working on. So let me put a little bit about me and my writing style, since that's what you're probably interested in. Updating Habits: I'm in college, yo. Second year, and unfortunately, while writing is something that I had plenty of time for in high school during my peak sick-years, when I was pretty much at home 1-2/5 days of the week and just could dick around, I no longer have that kind of time. Updating will be all over the place, but rest assured the story is always on my mind, and official cancelations of a story will be published as the final chapter. Otherwise, just assume I haven't had time. I'm balancing 3 hobbies (writing, working on my illustrations aka my official career path, and video editing) and a job, as well as my crazy ass family. Life is busy. Sorry. General Style: I am the type of writer who likes to keep a consistent amount of guess-work in the story and keep my characters as IN CHARACTER as possible. I do NOT. LIKE. GOING. OOC. It happens, but I point it out so that the character is not just doing something out of the ordinary to build plot (normally), not just for the hell out of it like a lot of authors do. I also like to keep my readers second-guessing a lot of their assumptions. I don't reveal everything at the same time. I like to call myself a Puzzle-Writer: A term I made up myself, meaning that I give you details, piece by piece (some pieces of which I am careful to make inconspicuous and unnoticed until the revealing point), in order to create a rather suspenseful and interesting story, so my readers won't get bored. I also am infamous, I feel, for leading you to believe one thing and then completely psyching you out with something you never thought of. I am just that kind of person. Add-In Characters: Recently I realized that in almost all of my stories, I add in this person(s) or being(s) that doesn't exist in the real stories. It's an annoying habit of mine, but it's true. But I've been getting better at using only the characters in the REAL stories (cartoons, books, etc.) instead of inventing these other characters because really, the original cast is what we're reading it for. My Written Stories, of which the originals don't belong to me, nor were created by me: Teen Titans: Did it, done it, not so interested in doing anymore of it. I've written seven rather (in my opinion) bad and OOC stories I didn't particularly like and were just my fantasies and momentary fan-girlness getting the best of me. They are DEFINITELY not my best stories and I would love if they were better, but I don't have anymore inspiration in me to fix them. I don't recommend reading them if you are fond of my most recent writing style, as I described above. Artemis Fowl: I did ONE (technically two) story for Artemis Fowl because I was obsessed, once again, momentarily out of fan-girlness and childhood role-models, with the Irish genius and his affections for Captain Holly Short. This story was fun to write though, unfortunately, did not have as much Artemis/Holly pairing as I wanted to originally write. I still like it, though. Artemis Fowl/Alex Rider: This crossover idea came to me in a fit of insanity. Originally, my "Artemis Fowl" fic was not supposed to have a sequel, but, after realizing Alex Rider was NOT, in fact, a one-story book and was actually a SERIES (gasp of shock), and remembering how much I liked it when I was a child, I re-read the first one, bought the rest of the series, got bored with Sabina and decided Alex needed someone who was cooler. Also, she seemed a bit flaky to me. So I paired Alex up in my mind with my made-up character in the "Artemis Fowl", Ethryn, and ended up spitting out this little piece of work. I wish there was more action and running, but, as I am horrible with fighting-scenes (or, at least, they are very short and have a lot of detail about thoughts rather then body motions, weaponry and what not), it ended up being what it is, with few actions scenes. I also like this one, though, it is also not my favorite. Peter Pan/The Little Mermaid 2: I became randomly infatuated with this pair and after deciding Melody was MAYBE 12 or 13, I decided she was young enough for Peter and yet old enough for my liking. Also, Peter seems to be growing more mature in the Disney movies (which I grew up on) and would probably be able to hold a solid girlfriend. I WANT to continue this story, but I've lost my inspiration for it, so if anyone wants to continue this story for me, I can send you the plot I had and for the second half (that shouldn't have ever existed) and you can have that! Invader Zim Stories(yes, this one gets a whole section, since it's my favorite topic right now): Right now, I am OBSESSED with them, absolutely remember how scared shitless of him and how I hated him when I was little. But now I'm old enough to understand it's dark-humor and appreciate it for what it is. I am a huge fan of ZAGR, okay with DATR, wish there was more GAMR (of which I have a possible story for, but we'll see, as my imagination changes its mind frequently) on fanfiction, ZATR makes no sense to me, ZADR just kind of creeps me out, but I understand why that makes sense. In any other situation, I am a fan of villain/hero pairings but this one is just . . . no. Not that I am anti-gay or anything, but, just . . . no. My Hostage, Not Yours Series: None of my stories have ever really been popular, so when all of the sudden my reviews skyrocketed, I can honestly say that I was confused and wary. I thought all of them were hate-mail and would NOT read them, for fear of all the blows to my weak ego and then did and was pleasantly surprised. I wrote this because after studying a bit on the styles of writing in the ZAGR section, with all the "partners in destroying the world" (even though I eventually went there, for the third) and, no matter who you pair Zim with, the classic "Zim, sex-ed" kind of loose plotted shit. Granted, I found some rather nice jewels, of which are in my 'Favorites' but I wanted to try so myself. A lot of people make Zim and Gaz sweet, changed characters. I want the world to know, they are NOT. SWEET. AT ALL. But I still think they're lovable, in an insane, "you guys are my heroes, not my equals" kind of thing. This series is easily my most popular, and in my opinion, I kept them as in-character as possible. Although, your reviews will have to be the judge of that, in the end. I really DO take reviewers opinions into consideration while I'm writing so please, don't hold back. You'd be surprised to know how I've tweaked the smaller details of my stories (IZ or otherwise) because of a review(s). (UPDATE: PLEASE SEE 'IN PROGRESS/CURRENT STORY(S)') Invader Zim - From Your Memory: Also a ZAGR story. For anyone wondering, there will be no Tak like she has had guest-appearances in my series (and eventually a permanent spot at the end, but you'll have to read the MHNY-series for more info). This story is now complete, probably went in a direction that was difficult to predict, and sort of bombed towards the end, but ultimately, I'm happy with how my first non-series fic for Invader Zim came out. I may go back and edit it later, to fix parts I don't consider up-to-par. Discontinued: My Hostage, Not Yours 4: Nine Days: "SO MUCH LOVE for my original series, and I decided to end it on a different, optimistic, more in-detail note, as I left so many characters (Zita, Tip and Tine, Gretchen, Iggins, etc.) with their stories almost entirely unresolved, if not unadressed entirely. There will a total of TWO OC's, two guest-stars from the same, eh, media (without making it blatantly obvious), and the return of several antagonists. Who will remain a mystery, but rest assured, after 24 pages of JUST. OUTLINE. for this story, it will be badass. I swear it. This story is the reason I have 400 reviews on FYM, and so many loyal readers. I promise that if I accomplish anything, I will not let you down with this. Update times, after publishing, will probably be every-other Friday. Every Friday if I find myself especially ahead on my work, although don't get your hopes TOO high up on that one. Special Thanks To: Invader Johnny, for BETA-ing it and helping me with the basic storyline." My apologies for not following through on this, guys. I just didn't have the time or the inclination to really finish this story. It felt like I was desecrating a story that had reached its completion. Like my own personal Toy Story 4. Special thanks though to all my readers, sorry to disappoint. Invader Zim - The Game of Doom: Can I just say I want to have this story's babies? This is story is roughly based off of The Hunger Games, which is my sister's favorite story. Seriously, the author should pay her for how many people she's got (including me) to read this damned series. Anyways this is also ZAGR, with so many screwed-up plot twists I can't even express my joy. My follower's now I love me a good plot twist(s). (DISCONTINUED: Now being continued by invaderzimlover15) Stories I'm Planning For the Future and Ideas (In Order of Priority): Invader Zim/Twilight Parody-ish - The Rising Moon: This is basically replacing every character in Twilight with the cast of Invader Zim, except not as cheap and ugly as what most people do, just rescripting the original story like lazy asses. I have a legitimate plot, similar to that of Twilight, with the same basic concept, except . . . good. Love Twilight, but I hate the parodies of it. Most of them, anyways. It features Tak, Tenn, Skoodge, the Tallest, Spork, Miyuki, and various others. I actually wrote the whole first chapter for this, but, I'll post it when I have time. Reviews are appreciated, but not required. I respond to a lot of them. Don't ever think I'm not reading these reviews, as I read every one of them and love them to bits, no matter what. Questions are welcome and not frowned upon, as I'm always more then happy to explain something, unless it will be explained later in the story. Criticism is allowed but if I'd prefer a reason if you don't like my story, for whatever reason. Although due to recent issues regarding people being assholes about things I wrote almost half a dozen years ago, your flames can kindly accept my legally-an-adult-in-college middle fuckin finger. Your piss-baby attitudes can hop on out of my story. Thanks for your consideration. Grammar is important to me, as is spelling. I re-read my chapters before posting and try to fix any mistakes, but I am not perfect, so it tends to slip in every now and then. Try not to get too ticked off about it if I do though, because my mistakes are far and few. Thank you for being interested in what I have to say, if you read any of this. -Sincerely, Echo |