Date: May 2003 - March 2012 (March 2006)
Rating: Strong "R" for sexual content and language.
Warning: ZADR fic. (ZADR stands for Zim and Dib romance.) If you don't like it please don't read it.
Author's Notes: Inspiration for aliens in heat does not, in fact, come from anything I've read in the Invader Zim fandom thus far, but rather from the DragonBall Z heat theories I kept on coming up with. Consider this to be an Irken heat theory then. Lastly I am spelling "skool" properly in this fic. Maybe they figure out how to spell school properly once they hit middle school. :D
Special Thanks to: J. Random Lurker for her help betaing this story and all my reviewers for their kind, helpful and encouraging reviews.
Disclaimer: Invader Zim was created by Jhonen Vasquez and belongs to Nickelodeon, not me, and I am not making any profit off of the following work of fiction.
Chapter 1
He had tried to forget about him. Zim, who was not a human boy like everyone thought, but was rather a century old alien invader. Or rather a century old INSANE alien invader- which explained why the earth had yet to be conquered. The alien had failed in his plans of world domination even after being on the planet almost four years.
When the alien had landed and took up residence among humans that first year, then made himself part of Dib's fifth grade class, Dib had been the only one who knew the alien was in fact that - an alien. This wasn't because Dib was especially smart (which he was) but rather because people in general were rather stupid. They laughed at Dib for even suggesting it. Being laughed at was something Dib was used to, and it happened a lot. He had no one, not one person who would believe him, though he had seen a girl named Gretchen give him interested looks from time to time. Unfortunately the girl was shy and afraid of torment herself and because of it she never approached or defended Dib.
Dib didn't care. He was used to being alone. Or at least he kept on telling himself that. As the year wore on, and the seasons changed and grade six came and went, Dib found himself growing increasingly frustrated. He even tried to forget about Zim for a while, by dropping all things he did that were even remotely associated with the paranormal, and tried real science for at time. That actually worked for a bit and made for a peaceful time of things, as the alien seemed reluctant to do something even remotely close to trying to take over the world when Dib wasn't around to stop him. However it didn't come any closer to curing Dib of his secret fascination with the tiny Irken Invader. He just hid it better.
In grade seven relations got hostile again. Dib, who by this point had decided at the tender age of 13 that humans were not worth his time to try to save, also came to the same conclusion of Zim. Oh he still wanted to get the alien on an autopsy table, but for his own purposes. He didn't want someone else to open Zim up and poke around inside... he wanted to do it himself. At the same time Zim was about the closest thing he had to a friend, though at the time he would never admit it. They DID seem to have some sort of twisted understanding... Zim would make mock attempts at taking over the world, just to get a rise out of Dib. At the same time Dib would run around and howl "nonsense" about Zim being an alien. They made up a new game. Dib would try to catch Zim and used all sorts of creative ways to do so... Zim always escaped, but sometimes only by the skin of his teeth, so to speak. The teachers in the junior high school they went to thought they were quite literally mad... and some had even gone as far as to label Dib as dangerously insane. After all what were they to think of a student who did figurative backflips trying to capture a fellow student? And what were they to think of a student who could make metal spider-like legs sprout out of his back pack to get away?
As the years passed and their game continued, Dib started to have doubts. He truly did want to poke around at the alien's insides... but if he had ever caught Zim, he wasn't sure if he could go through with it. He didn't think he could give up the thrill of the chase... the lively spark of excitement in Zim's eyes as he fought and escaped from him yet again- even the insults he would miss. He had gotten so used to being called a miserable wormbaby and the way that Zim said "human" like it was a disease Dib had to over come. Could he really destroy that?
He preferred not to think of it.
It all changed again at the beginning of grade nine. Zim stopped coming to school as often as he did before. Dib didn't know whether this was just because he had forgotten that school was back in session five days a week instead of the two or three days he showed up for... or because Zim was working on yet another plan for world domination... or what. He did know one thing though... Zim not coming to school made it harder for Dib to try to capture the little Irken Invader.
Then in late November, Zim stopped coming out of his house permanently. He stopped coming to school. He stopped taking Gir, his insane little robot dog, out for walks to get food. When Dib inquired to the whereabouts of the small alien disguised as a boy, the teachers would look at him blankly, or say something to the effect that he had moved. Which was completely not true, Zim's house still stood exactly where it was before, undisturbed, and lights still streamed from it late at night.
Finally Dib decided to take matters into his own hands.
Year 1, Week 1 -
He prepared all that night. And all the next, for at least a week. He amassed all the knowledge he had about Irkens and threw it all together for his big break in. For that was what he planned to do... break into Zim's little fortress, his poorly disguised base, and finally capture himself an alien.
His plan, amazingly enough, went off without a hitch. He neutralized the lawn gnomes with sound frequencies that made them miss fire and hit each other. He scaled the wall of Zim's house with some nylon rope and a grappling hook and broke into the roof window, where he knew Zim had no security net. Once inside the roof he waited patiently beside Zim's Voot Cruiser, his laptop connected to the wires that ran in through the ceiling as he hacked into the foreign systems. He was searching for a way to turn off the computer. This was dangerous and the last time he had attempted a direct interface with Zim's house computer he had set off all sorts of alarms. Finally after careful infiltration and familiarizing himself with the system he found the codes... not to shut the computer down, but even better... one that recognized him as someone who was supposed to be in this house. He entered them. Then, grinning, he opened up a man sized hole in the ceiling and carefully inspected the main floor of the building from his high vantage point.
Gir sat below him on the couch... watching something on TV. Dib pulled an odd gun shaped device out of his bag. It was a smaller version of the sound frequency wave object he had used on the lawn gnomes. If he had figured this out properly, Gir would be rendered unconscious and thus useless when he pressed the button.
He did so and as predicted, the little robot jerked once, then slumped over, his metal head bowed towards his lap.
Good. One thing down. Now for the Invader...
Soundlessly Dib jumped down from the ceiling, landing in a crouch on the floor. For a moment he remained there, then stood. He walked over to the garbage can entrance of the lair and though a couple taps on his key board, called up a plan of the base. It took a little bit of work, but he finally convinced the computer it wanted to show him where Zim was. 'Good,' he thought to himself after a moment. The house's computer complied and he could see where Zim was, and what he had to do to get to him. After a couple more taps he commanded the elevator to ignore him, and reached into his bag. He took out the nylon rope he had scaled the outer wall with and tied it to the corner of the couch. Then he tested it, and, upon finding it sturdy, tossed it down the empty elevator shaft. He pulled out a utility belt from his bag as well and tied it around his waist, then clipped it to the nylon rope. Then, carefully, he backed himself down the dark hole of the unoccupied shaft.
Getting the rest of the way to Zim was amazingly easy for Dib. After a small amount of time crawling about in dusty, dirty, utility-like shafts he finally came to a small hall with a door at the end of it.
Now the point was to get into the room without Zim noticing. After a couple moments of contemplation, Dib pulled out his laptop and ran a schematic on the room Zim was currently in. It told him that there was an access tube that would make it possible for him to come up through a little hole at the back of the room.
Dib did just that. He reached the hole and quietly pushed up and over the covering. After a moment he stuck his head into the room. His eyes instantly searched out and located Zim. The alien stood above some machinery at the front of the room, his back to the human. Dib climbed carefully out of the hole and silently closed the lid of the port. There were some large long hollow tubes off to his side, of which looked like they could be for holding live animals and humans in suspended animation. Dib shook his head ever so slightly as he snuck over to them. He had had the unfortunate luck to have been placed in one of those once upon a time. It had been a little less than pleasant experience.
Ducking behind one of the tubes, he pressed his back against it and slowly crept around it. He had to get closer to the alien if he wanted to capture him...
At the same time Zim stopped whatever it was he was doing with the control panels he was working on, and shouted something out loud. "No!" He yelled. "There has GOT to be some way to reverse it..."
"Negative," The computer replied with a self-suffering sigh.
That wasn't the correct answer. Dib cautiously stuck his head out from behind the tube and watched as Zim angrily beat his fists against the offending console. "Well TRY HARDER!" He screamed. "You incompetent useless excuse for a..." He whirled about suddenly, and their eyes met. Dib froze. It took a moment, but then Dib's presence registered and the Irken's eyes widened.
Dib ducked back behind the canister again and swore softly under his breath. He was too late however, and he could hear rather than see Zim react. "Intruder!" the alien yelled at his computer. "Intruder alert! Computer!"
"There are no intruders in here," Was the computers' blithe reply.
"What?" Zim gasped. "There IS an intruder in here, he's right over ther-" Again Zim stopped short, and Dib heard the little Invader scream out something intelligible. At the same time he was running along behind the canisters with a weapon he had grabbed from his backpack clenched in his hands, ducked low and waiting for the perfect shot. Finally he stopped and took it, aiming and hoping beyond hope that the shot would hit home.
He was in luck. Zim had turned again, away from Dib, and he appeared to be running in the opposite direction... towards the exit. The shot hit the little alien in the arm. Crying out in surprise, Zim stumbled, clenching at his arm momentarily before deciding to sprout his advantage... his spider legs. He leapt up, towards the ceiling. At the same time Dib took another blind shot, hoping that this one would hit home as well.
It did. This time the pulse ray from Dib's gun hit Zim in the center of his chest. The Irken dropped like a stone, seriously winded. The spider legs retracted again on reflex.
That was Dib's queue and the boy darted forwards, shoving his gun back into his pocket and grabbing the taser he had prepared for just this moment as he ran. Zim looked up at him, but their eyes met for only a millisecond before Dib thrust the taser into the back of Zim's neck.
The alien tensed as the current ran through him, then slumped to the ground, unconscious.
Getting Zim out of his base proved to be easier than getting in, to Dib's great surprise and relief. Gir was still un-operational as he walked by the living room area of the top floor of the house. He walked right out of there, down the walk, and all the way home again. Nobody seemed to mind or care that he had an odd lumpy sack thrown across his shoulders. Even Gaz, his grumpy thirteen year old sister, didn't look up from the TV when he walked by, only grumbled something about dinner being in the fridge.
He had more important things to worry about than dinner. He went all the way downstairs, to his dad's main lab, then off to the side to where a smaller lab resided. This one was where his dad, the great Professor Membrane, kept all of his older equipment. The professor had long before he had given it to his son in hopes that he would one day become interested in real science. Dib hardly used it, except now...
He dropped the sack unceremoniously on the floor and, after a quick check inside to make sure the alien was still unconscious but also still alive, he set about prepping the lab.
He felt an odd thrill of excitement carry through him as he cleaned off a laboratory table and began to pull out the equipment he needed. Finally. Finally he was going to get what he wanted. He was going to see INSIDE the Irken. He would get to see how the alien ticked. How his squiggly spooch functioned. How he breathed. How he did every single function Dib had been fascinated in finding out about since day one.
One day at a time of course. First things first. He wasn't so stupid as to assume that he would just pick up a scalpel and started cutting. Oh no. One day maybe when he was in grade five he would have started there, but now he was an older, more wizened paranormal investigator. He had a whole lot of pre-cutting prep work to do...
And one of the most important steps he had was to disable that pak. He didn't want to deal with Zim's spider legs, which seemed to have the wonderful ability to do everything from cut through solid steel to scale 90' walls.
Once the bed was prepared with reinforced bonds, Dib walked over to the sack and hefted the small unconscious alien out of it. First he laid him flat on his stomach and cinched up the straps that held the aliens' legs, arms and neck down. Finally he went over to the lab bench and picked out an odd gun like contraption.
The odd gun like contraption was actually a powerful equivalent to a blowtorch. Placing a pair of goggles over his eyes to protect them he fired it up and very carefully ran the torch over the ports of Zim's pack. He received a bit of a shock when the Irken moaned and shifted slightly and he jumped, nearly burning Zim's skin with the small blue flame. Carefully Dib picked up the taser again and got the Irken before he could completely come around. After that was done Dib completed torching the pack shut and turned it off. He placed it on the bench beside the bed. Then he undid Zim's bonds and flipped him back onto his front. Just as quickly he re did up the Irken's restraints, laying him out spread eagled on the bed.
He paused. For a long moment he inspected his Irken prisoner. For some reason he felt an odd thrill of guilt. 'You can't do this,' A voice seemed to speak at the back of his mind. 'He's done nothing to you... recently at least...'
Dib snorted, pushing the irritating thoughts away quickly. 'What are you talking about?' He argued back with himself. 'Of course he's done things against me. Four years of pain and frustration are HIS fault... He's nothing but a menace who ought to be disposed of... he's a real threat to your whole entire race. You know that...'
Even so, Dib was having the hardest time convincing himself of that fact. Finally after coming to a stalemate in his mental argument, he opted for just sitting in a chair beside the table and waiting. He didn't know why he waited, but he did want to see Zim's face when he realized the position he was in. Then he could jeer at him. 'Haha, Zim I've WON...'
Lucky for him he didn't have to wait long. Zim came to with an odd little moan that sounded a bit like a whimper and made a couple of subconscious jerks at his bonds. After a moment the alien's large red eyes snapped open.
Dib smiled down at him. "Hello," He greeted him casually.
Zim's eyes widened. After catching that first moment of realization on the alien's face, Dib nonchalantly turned away, going back over to a lab bench to gather up some equipment. He could hear rather than see Zim's surprised intake of breath and jerking sounds as the Irken tested his restraints. Finally he calmed and quieted, then issued a threat.
"Let me go stink beast!" Zim hissed at him. "Or else!"
Dib afforded him a glance out of the corner of his eye as he sorted his equipment. The Irken was straining against all his bonds at once, his ruby red eyes glaring at him as he did so.
Dib merely smiled back at him and continued sorting, until he finally found what he was looking for. "Aha," He said as he picked up his new weapon... a needle.
He walked back over to where Zim lay and placed it and a couple more objects beside the bed.
Anxiety was beginning to swirl along with the anger in Zim's eyes. "I mean it Dib human!" The alien spat. "You have no idea what you are toying with!" He struggled again as Dib reached down towards him.
'It.' Dib's mind reminded him. 'He's an it now. A subject. You've got to think objectively...'
"Don't touch me," 'It' gasped. "I command you not to touch me."
Dib raised an eyebrow. "You command me? And if I don't listen, you'll do what?" He returned as pleasantly as he could, which only a touch of biting sarcasm to his words. At the same time he deliberately caught hold of one of the Irken arms. He held it down as he worked on removing the black elbow length glove, one of the pair that Zim had worn for as long as Dib had known him...
"Or I'll destroy all of everything you hold dear, including this planet!" The Irken raved, trying to twitch his arm away. "Like I should have done a long time ago!" He continued, absolutely livid. Suddenly an odd whine erupted from the back of Zim's throat and he tensed up completely. He relaxed again, quite suddenly, breathing hard. "Why isn't my pak working?" He blurted.
Dib gave the alien a half shrug and yanked the glove completely free. A pale green hand instantly balled into a fist, then uncurled just as suddenly and made a desperate bid to yank fee of the restraint that held him by his wrist. Dib caught the hand before it could escape and held it down. Zim went completely still as their skin touched, staring at the point where their hands were in contact. He continued to stare as Dib tightened the strap around his wrist with his free hand.
It took several moments, but Zim finally reacted. "How dare you!" the alien screamed.
Dib flinched slightly, then frowned, being non to gentle as he yanked Zim's sleeve up his arm. He was glad the ceiling and walls were insulated, because he would be in serious danger of awaking his family. "I'd say I caught you fair and square, don't you think?" He snapped back at the Irken.
"Fool!" was Zim's reply, showing a lot of vibrancy for someone who was tied up and at someone else's mercy. "You broke into my base and plucked me from my home! How could that possibly be considered fair?"
Dib didn't answer, but rather reached over and picked up the needle. Just as quickly as he had kicked up the fuss, Zim stilled again.
Wide red eyes stared up at him as he removed the cap from the needle. He reached down and picked up the trembling arm, holding it away from the bed coverings. Right before he put the needle into the green Irken skin, he looked up at Zim. "Are you afraid?" He asked him.
Zim shook his head quickly. "Zim is afraid of nothing. NOT-" At that moment Dib stuck the needle into his skin and he gasped, rolled his head away and squeezing his eyes shut. Even before he did that, Dib had caught the horrible panic in the alien's eyes.
Zim wasn't just afraid... he was terrified.
Why did he feel guilty again? Frowning, Dib quickly took the needle away once he had collected his blood sample and placed them both on the tray. Just as quickly he cleaned the wound and pulled the sleeve back down over the arm. He wouldn't need it for a while yet.
He did catch the confusion in the alien's eyes as he looked from his arm and back at Dib. He had probably expected immediate pain and suffering.
Dib forced back the guilt and smiled brightly. "The pain and suffering doesn't start until later," He informed the alien cheerfully as he took his tray over to the far side of the room. He picked up his blood sample and placed it in the computer tray, then shut the tray's lid, waiting for the computer to analyze the new sample. He knew it would be comparing it to the old sample he had acquired it nearly two years previous... at school when Zim had let his guard down enough for Dib to get to close and jab a different needle into Zim's arm. He had removed it just as quickly and ran away very fast before the alien could do anything more than yell out curses and threats.
The computer let out a *ting* to indicate that it was done and Dib removed the sample again. Swirling it around in the small canister he took it over to his microscope and placed a drop of the rich green blood on a slide. Then he placed the rest of the sample in the refrigerator with the old one and sat, preparing to spend the night analyzing Zim's blood for irregularities manually while his computer spent the night automatically doing the same thing.
Despite being tied and helpless at the hands of his enemy, Zim was curious; more so, it seemed, than a four-year-old child. Constantly he was asking "What are you doing?" and "What are you doing now?" as Dib roamed around the lab.
Dib answered his questions honestly. He didn't have any problem with telling Zim anything, especially since the alien wasn't going to live long enough to do much about it. "I'm analyzing your blood," He replied. When Zim asked what for, he told him it was for checking for irregularities, to see if earth's partially toxic atmosphere had had a negative effect on the Irken. That was a half truth and after a while Dib decided to tell him the rest of it. "It's also to see if your race has any weaknesses just in case your stupid leaders DO decide to show up..."
Zim's eye widened. Then he sneered. "Stupid human. The superior Irken race doesn't HAVE any weaknesses." And then he laughed.
For some reason the laugher sounded hollow and forced to Dib's ears. The oldest Membrane child, where he would have argued back heatedly only a couple years previous, now just sighed. "Everything has weaknesses Zim." He turned to the Irken and raised an eyebrow. "I just have to find it."
Zim's eyes widened at him momentarily. Then he looked away again, turning his head to glare sullenly off to the side.
Luckily the Irken managed to make it through the rest of the night without loosing much more than a couple skin samples an another needle's worth of blood. It was closer to five in the morning when the computer *ting*ed again to say it had picked up an anomaly in the samples. When Dib questioned Zim on it, the alien had shifted about in his bindings and didn't say anything... but Dib could tell he was hiding something. He decided he would wean the information from the Irken later if he didn't figure it out himself.
Dib didn't sleep at all that night. He didn't quit until his sister opened up the door at the top of the basement stairs and yelled down at him that he was going to be late for school and that Dad would get him into a lot of shit if he didn't hurry up.
That was Zim's queue. "Dib-sister!" He cried out, as loud as his lungs would let him. "Dib sister come assist Zim-" Dib dodged over and clamped his hands down over Zim's mouth. Zim tried to bite the hand and after a small scramble Dib managed to reclamp his hand over Zim's mouth, this time with the assistance of a cloth so the sharp little teeth would have a harder time piercing his flesh.
Gaz's voice carried down at them from the top floor. "Was that Zim?" It asked. It sounded like it didn't particularly care.
"NO!" Dib returned quickly, despite the muffled protests and growls from Zim.
"Whatever Dib, you better both get to school or else." With that the top door to the basement stairs slammed closed and there was the sound of Gaz's footsteps moving away from it.
Dib sighed and turned back to his bound classmate. When he was sure Gaz was out of earshot he removed his hand as well.
Zim was giving him a hopeful look. "You have to let Zim go!" He said, eagerly. "I must return to school as well!" He eyes darted about, which told Dib he was inventing his excuse rapidly.
Dib gave him a skeptical look. "Nice try," He replied, stepping over to the bed. He smirked. "You know the teachers all thought you had moved when I asked where you went?" He continued. It wasn't a question.
The disappointment on Zim's face was almost tangible as he considered that. Then he looked up at Dib rather pleadingly. "Please... you must let Zim go," He replied. For once his voice was quiet as he looked right at Dib and he spoke of himself in the first person. "I need to get back to my base and, er, do stuff..." He stumbled and cleared his alien throat rapidly. "Dib human?" He reached for him as far as the restraints would let him. "Let Zim go..." He implored.
"No way," was Dib's reply. He wasn't falling for it. He reached under the lab bench and pulled out a cloth and a jar. The jar contained a concoction he had made up himself... but one he had yet to test. He was fairly sure it would knock the Irken out for a good length of time though...
He took off the cap of the jar and tipped some of the clear, slightly acid-y smelling fluid onto the cloth. While he did that he continued to talk amiably. "Tell me Zim," He said. "If you had captured me, would you REALLY have let me go?"
He looked up in time to see Zim nod eagerly. "Of course I would! Don't be silly-" Dib screwed the cap back on the jar and placed it back on the shelf behind him, then, leaning over he held the cloth inches from Zim's face. "Really?" He repeated skeptically.
Zim nodded again, but Dib could see from the miserablness in his eyes that he was lying. "I don't believe you," Dib said. Reaching down he held the back of the Irken's head with one hand and with the other pressed the cloth over Zim's mouth and face. The alien struggled briefly, his eyes wild as his atmosphere supply was blocked off, then he stopped, his eyes falling closed and his entire body going limp.
After he was sure the alien was good and unconscious, Dib pulled away again, but not before inhaling despite himself. Strange thing was was Zim did not smell like the concoction Dib had used to knock him out...
The alien smelt good. Incredibly good actually. Dib considered that for a moment then made a little 'hmph' sound. He pulled away and pulled out a breather from underneath the table, clamping it down over the alien's face and pulling the elastic across the back of his head. It would feed him simple atmosphere for the day. Then he pulled the sheet over his head to cover him, but not before inhaling deeply again. Strange. He had never noticed the alien smelt good before... he actually felt somewhat lightheaded as well. Maybe it was the concoction he had used on Zim effecting him. Shrugging it off, he stepped away from the table and made his way across the room. When he left the lab he was sure to lock the door behind him... from the outside, typing in a key command only he knew.
Or so he thought...