Reviews for Quality Time
Pentastic chapter 17 . 6/2
very cute story. it really kept the tone of the show. the pacing was great. the character development was believable. I was just hoping for some more movement at the end. at least a kiss irl. anyway, great job!
Ggrrummpy chapter 17 . 4/6
Extraordinarily well written, perfectly in tune characters, and the most accurate way they get together that stays true to the show I've read. If you ever become an author and write your own novel or already have I wish to own a copy and even if i dont care for the story itll be one of my most prized books. You have created a pleasant memory for me and it's much appreciated.
EvilHound chapter 9 . 1/19
Raven mocks, demeans, and PHYSICALLY ASSAULTS Beast Boy. Whereas Beast Boy is accommodating, forgiving, and generally trys to include Raven. Yet Raven has been constantly treated as the morally and intellectually, "correct" party through the story so far. As a result, this has been a chore to read as I don't tend to enjoy watching someone get bullied by a friend.
Passerby chapter 17 . 10/11/2019
This... was amazing.
I stayed up til' early hours in the morning to finish chapters, and boy, was it worth it.

My kind sir, you are a excellent author.
Props to you. *claps while a slow tear slides down face*

- Just a passerby
Guest chapter 17 . 8/7/2019
BlueTitan, you’re writing is extraordinary. I love how you had an idea and stuck with it. There are a lot of unfinished stories out there that had a lot of potential and it’s sad to reach the unresolved end of those. I guess I am trying to say I’m grateful that you came back and gave us readers a close. I doubt you’ll see this seeing as I got here six years late but...maybe you will. Anyway thank you for the read and I’m off to read some more of your works!
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 16 . 7/10/2019
It's been years since I first read this and for all I know you aren't even alive anymore, but having just gotten caught up to the latest chapter of "Kaguya-sama wants to be confessed to: Love Is War" I can only think to myself "Hah, Raven lost The Game first!" and will sit here and imagine for myself (since I have 0 writing skills) a Teen Titans Raven and BB fic where they are competing to make the other confess their feelings first, without giving away their own feelings in the process, in an increasingly complex competition of Tactical Love Warfare, with Starfire as Chika and Robin as Ishigami.
ylsen chapter 17 . 5/20/2019
No sé como encontré tu historia. Pero ha sido una maravilla. Estuvo muy bien. La trama. Los personajes. los diálogos. Todo. Fue. Asombroso. En verdad sabes como entretener a la audicencia. Disfruté bastante la historia. Me gustó como combinaste a Raven con BB. Fue gracioso e intenso. Gracias por terminar la historia, aun que te tomara 2 años. Mas vale tarde que nunca. Gracias! Te mando muchos besos y buena vibra. n.n
ylsen chapter 15 . 5/19/2019
Es el capítulo que más me ha gustado hasta ahora. Parecía montaña rusa. Sube y baja con mis emociones. Me encantó
Aerchii chapter 16 . 4/23/2019
Overall, I think this came out pretty well. This could honestly be a real book if it weren't a fanfiction because of how well written it is.

I'm reviewing on this chapter since I already reviewed on chapter 17 haha.
Aerchii chapter 17 . 4/10/2019
Just one thing. I hope that butter was dairy free.
Aerchii chapter 14 . 4/5/2019
I loved this chapter the most of all of them so far. I loved the serene and peaceful scene with Raven's new emotion because of how calm it was!
Aerchii chapter 10 . 4/3/2019
I'm still curious what Beast Boy said to Cyborg .
Aerchii chapter 8 . 4/2/2019
Oml this chapter is golden . This is really awesome so far, I just sometimes get confused with the time.
Avtfol chapter 11 . 3/24/2019
this was the funniest chapter yet; I laugh each time i read this
how in the world would cyborg be so dirty minded
come to think of it he could
my cheeks are hurting i cant stop grinning and laughing and giggling
PupOnDRun chapter 16 . 12/15/2018
Screw this story. You wrote Raven as solve paragon of virtue and belittle BeastBoy. The entire time Raven is a bitch to him and she never realizes it and we are supposed to just think 'yeah it is all his fault'. Well I tried to finish this, it had a good topic but the way you write this slow drawl of nothing happened has made me just skip the last half of this chapter. There is no pay off to them going to the mirror because Raven didnt learn shit. Every time it seems like maybe she would grow as a person you just say ' oh look Beast Boy did something normal and Raven looses her shit amd for some reason he is the one to apologize' im going to read the last chapter but god damn this experience was wasted on a hopeful wish of something fucking happening
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