A/N: Hey guys! :D This is the third fanfic I'm writing for Kuroshitsuji, and if you're reading this, I'd feel so very honored if you would read Eudemon Everlasting as well, as it is ongoing and far superior in quality. xD Without further ado, prior to your perusing, I need to tell you some things about this fanfiction.

Firstly, this doesn't follow the exact canon of the manga or anime; Ciel is a bit older, but, as in the anime, the targets of his revenge are the Queen of England and Angela Blanc. I suppose it just took considerably longer to locate them. x)

Secondly, the idea for this fanfiction came to me in the form of a mildly-disconcerting dream, after I'd watched Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 4... if you watch that show, you may be able to see how it inspired this in my unconsciousness. xD If not, it may spoil some surprises, so don't!

Chapter 1 Song:

What Lies Beneath- Breaking Benjamin

NOTE: If you came here for hormonal Sebastian and nauseatingly-saccharine fatherly Ciel, I'm afraid you will be disappointed... And I guarantee you'll be disturbed. xD I always swore I'd stay away from mpreg, but now I'm here to introduce you to what may be the first semi-realistic mpreg fanfiction in the world...

Disclaimer: If I was Yana Toboso (or George R. R. Martin, for his role in inadvertently inspiring me), you can sure as hell bet I wouldn't be writing fanfiction for something I created~

Warning: This contains semi-explicit sexual content involving an older man and a technically-underage teenager, but you chose to read an M-rated romance genre Sebastian/Ciel fanfiction, so I'm sure you saw that coming...

It was a commonly-accepted idea, scoffed-at as it was, that demons were known to seduce their human prey in order to obtain their souls. There were few who hadn't heard myths about the incubus, the succubus, lecherous jackals that effortlessly lured their victims to bed. Ciel Phantomhive found many of the legends hard to believe, however, even after he'd been bound to one.

It seemed as if lesser demons would sink to the most crass and destitute of lows to snag their desired prey in their clutches; groveling and writhing and throwing their bodies at mortals, like depraved and wanton curs in heat. A sloppy and revolting practice, all just for even the scantest shred of a soul, but regrettably effective. Of course, lesser tactics were only effective on lesser souls. Devils like these could gorge like gluttons on ten-a-penny souls all they liked, but not noble, determined souls rarely fell to the lascivious farce, their desirable conviction preserving them. The ultimate tempt.

Regardless, an exceptional demon, with supreme influence over humanity, would never need to breach this indignity. No, a beast that powerful could have mortals perversely begging and rutting at their feet in seconds, turning even the most strong-willed and admirable souls vulnerable with a single look. The glance of an incontrovertible and irrevocable monster, tantalizing and enticing. There was a dominant and authoritative challenge imposed in that gaze, the telltale peril that humanity inevitably craves, coupled with rich desire and dangerous lust that seemed to promise agonizing extents of bliss. Yet it was all kempt with a nonchalant and playful façade, underlined by a strange susceptibility; a willing invitation to see a horrid devil at his weakest, an offer of power. All of this in a single glance from those beautiful crimson orbs, heavy-lidded and glazed with unsuppressed covetousness.

Why, it was too much for any human soul to resist. Even Ciel Phantomhive himself.

On that particular night, the Earl of Phantomhive had been scolding his servant on his punctuality; it wasn't uncommon for Ciel to chide his butler over trivialities, but it was unheard of for the diligent demon to actually deserve the ridicule. For the first time since the signing of their contract, Sebastian had been late. In fact, the very notion of it was vaguely unsettling, and Ciel found himself gritting his teeth in expectation as he talked. Something was certainly awry.

"Forgive me, my lord," the demon replied after he was certain Ciel was in wait of an answer, and his suave demeanor never faltered. Ciel, now seventeen years old, was reclining fully-clothed on his opulent bed, arms crossed behind his head and scowl prominent. An unruly teenager, if ever Sebastian saw one. "I had some preparations to attend to. Trust me, it will not happen again, young master."

"Preparations?" Ciel scoffed, ignoring the subtle cunning intonation in the man's voice, and shifted slightly. It was apparent that Ciel doubted that Sebastian had any personal engagements to attend to that didn't involve himself, but left it be. He closed his single cerulean eye and sighed detachedly, opening his mouth to speak, when the sound of fabric rustling disrupted him.

From the moment Sebastian entered his bedroom, he noticed something to be askew about the demon, and while he had a different aura about him, he couldn't place it. Now, astonished and transfixed with the spectacle before him, he knew his unnerving concern was justified. He knew it the second he met those sultry alizarin crimson eyes.

With eerie nonchalance and precision, Sebastian slid his fingers through the knot in his silken tie and let it slip free, before removing the article of clothing and placing it neatly beside the crisply folded jacket he had shrugged off moments before. The motions seemed so smooth and surreal that it took Ciel a moment to gather that he was undressing, and even after it registered, he was too mesmerized to ponder over it. In fact, he could not even focus as those long, nimble fingers nudged the buttons of his pristine dress shirt; his eyes were fixated onto those fierce scarlet orbs, and he was physically unable to avert them. Never before had Ciel felt any attraction to another being as strongly as this; he had never found any particular allure to women, and certainly not men, he assured himself. But as for his butler… his perfection was not so attractive as infuriating, was it not? The thought had never breached his mind. Yet now, he felt without a scarce hint of doubt that he wanted his butler, and likely in the most disgraceful way imaginable. He was slowly being leached of his reasoning, and soon enough he was shrouded by his demon's condemning desires, drawn like a moth to any ample flame, and not even questioning why the man had begun undressing uninitiated in the first place.

A victorious smirk stretched across Sebastian's finely-chiseled features, and he approached the teenager slowly, his entire upper body exposed. Ciel, almost vicariously, felt his hands lift ever so slightly, as if he was unconsciously reaching for the demon. His mouth grew increasingly dry the longer he stared, finally tearing his eyes from that penetrating gaze so that he could scrutinize the body before him. As the boy ran his divulging gaze over ever contour and crevice of that sculpted body, pale and smooth as carved alabaster, he felt his heartbeat quicken, palpitating eagerly in his fragile ribcage. With a slow, shaky breath, he extended his hands, as if he knew that the only thing that would quench this burning in his chest would be to touch him. The instant those fingertips pressed to that cool chest, as Sebastian leaned over him, his pulse fluttered even more wildly, and his own chest heaved slightly with breath and some untamable vigor he never knew he had.

Sebastian knelt above him, his face hovering inches from Ciel's, with the boy's starved fingers flush against his porcelain skin. He barely chuckled when he felt the dazed boy's fingers trailing over his abdomen, caressing and ghosting over every lithe muscle on his graceful and masculine frame, so light and ethereal that they could've been a specter's. Sebastian leaned closer, pleased with the hitch in the boy's breathing. Ciel inhaled his scent deeply in such proximity, a familiar and fragrant musk he had become so accustomed to; a scent he had, so ironically, come to associate with comfort. Those tracing, antsy fingers tightened when warmth began coiling in Ciel's stomach and groin, and he found himself clinging to the monster above him, groping and clutching onto those fortified arms.

However, as soon as a palm grazed softly over his crotch, some logic seemed to return to Ciel, and his entire body tensed and stiffened; nevertheless, though he jerked himself away and tried stubbornly to resist his urges, he could feel his own length growing rigid under Sebastian's ministrations. A part of him was certain that something was wrong, that he needed to be resilient in his resistance, but it was drowned out by sensation alone. As Sebastian rubbed and massaged the growing bulge beneath Ciel's trousers, the teenager found himself completely bewildered by the adroit skill of his butler alone. After just a moment of squeezing softly and kneading his fingers over his sensitive head, the demon could feel that the boy's resolve had recklessly abandoned him, as his body crumpled weakly and then arched back against his hand. At long last, when he felt the boy begin trembling as his hips bucked, he moved his hand from the front of Ciel's pants, and leaned down to press a swift, hardly-satisfying kiss to his lips.

Even now, he would still try to fight it, Sebastian smirked in satiation, beyond pleased with the quality of his master's soul. So rigorous and fiery, and so tragically proud. He was truly trying to subdue the most difficult soul he could, but after all, Ciel was still human. He had more raw mortality within him than he gave himself credit for. After all, even the most refined and flawless soul had a primal animal beneath the polished surface.

Yet Ciel's soul already belonged to him, albeit that it wasn't quite ripe for consumption; what would this seduction gain? This time, the exceptional demon was not reverting to such basic methods to capture the soul; no, the soul had already honorably succumbed to the enforced promise of a contract. This copulation wasn't for attainment, or even for completion on the contract's behalf. Sebastian Michaelis was a demon of his word, and had never encountered a human with an ambiance so pure as his master's. He was perfect. For a feast like this, he would surpass his requirements on the boundaries of his contract, just to season his soul to faultlessness. He would give Ciel all that he thought he wanted, and then some.

Sebastian had removed the entirety of his clothing, placing his ebony slacks adjacent to the rest of his outfit, and stood unabashedly nude before his master. The blue-eyed boy licked his lips in hazy anticipation, attempting to memorize every insignificant detail of his butler's faux humanoid form. Absolutely riveting. Sebastian quickly procured a bottle containing what Ciel expected to be some lubricating bath oil, and before Ciel could ponder over his motives, the demon dipped his fingers into the jar before reaching around and prodding at his own entrance. The boy's eyes widened, absorbing the arousing yet sobering spectacle.

Though still enthralled, the shock of what he was seeing knocked some sense into him. Sebastian slowly rubbed his wet digits over the opening with a teasing motion, slick and tingling, before slipping them inside one at a time, stretching himself. During the course of the lewd display, Ciel felt his already pulsing erection twitch, swelling and hardening even more, yet his mind was occupied with other matters; for example, how impossibly stately Sebastian looked even now, as he pumped his fingers into his arse.

"S-Sebastian," Ciel finally choked out, voice raspy and breathless. He was completely aware of the gesture's implications, and it left him in a state of utter disbelief. No. Tell me he isn't going to—

Before Ciel had the opportunity to finish his sentence, the naked demon was straddling him, and reaching between their hips to unbutton Ciel's trousers, hand brushing past the hem. The boy gasped slightly when he felt the wet fingers squeezing his shaft, and his pants were shuffled downwards a bit. He struggled inwardly, unsure to rule in favor of what he knew to be sensible and proper, or in favor of that hungry devotion glinting in the eyes of the demon, of that near-painful throbbing in his groin. Only a few more strokes deferred him to the latter, and before he could grasp reality, he felt his moist tip grinding at Sebastian's hole before pressing slowly in.

Ciel inhaled sharply, clamping down on his lip with his teeth as Sebastian sank lower and fully engulfed Ciel's erection, his face impassive, save for that omnipresent smirk. Hardly fazed, Sebastian rocked his hips tauntingly, coaxing a reaction from the smaller male underneath him. Ciel, on the other hand, barely managed to stifle a groan as Sebastian clenched around him; the boy could never have imagined anything to feel quite like this, so hot and tight that it was borderline anguishing. And, above all, it was mortifying, because he was well aware that his stamina was short in face of his butler's experience, and that his end was quelling nearer. As Sebastian began to ride him, gently at first, he managed to croak out a single question. He asked why.

Sebastian was no longer gyrating and rocking his hips; no, he had accelerated his pace drastically, and was moving up and down with an unpredictable fervor, seemingly bouncing on Ciel's lap as the sound of flesh slapping flesh ricocheted across the room. The first stirrings of impending pleasure coursed through him, pulsing out from his center and licking across his sensitive flesh. Quivering slightly, hips bucking involuntarily to meet Sebastian's motions, he strained his head to look forwards, the taut cords of his neck tightening; just the view of his slippery shaft repetitively thrusting into Sebastian's body was more than enough. The demon, who hardly looked flustered from all of his exertion and had barely even broken a sweat, saw how the boy's legs began jerking erratically, how his chest heaved for breath each time he rammed into that coveted heat, and he smiled, with something almost akin to… affection.

"If I only gave you what you wanted, what kind of butler would I be?" Sebastian murmured in a silky baritone. He leaned forwards to press his chest to the boy's, his hips rutting in a blur as the wet noise of smacking skin reverberated in the background, and leaned his head forwards; tentatively, he licked and lapped at the tendons of Ciel's neck, tracing his teeth over his throat with some degree of restraint, before lifting his mouth to hover over his ear. He whispered, "No, I'm here to give you what you need."

With that, Ciel came, body flinching as he moaned loudly against the skin of Sebastian' jaw and grappled shakily onto his back, spilling himself into his butler.

Ciel Phantomhive crinkled his nose in distaste and shoved the unsatisfactory stack of paperwork to the side of his desk. For the past couple of days he had been positively encumbered with these trifling business accounts, and, between waking up and falling asleep once more, failed to do little more than persistent work. As trivial and inconsequential as some of the matters he had to address were, he was nearly grateful for the distraction, as he was never isolated with only his thoughts for too long. Though he knew it would likely be crucial to recall all that had happened, he honestly could not remember the reason or detail of it, intoxicated as he had been on Sebastian alone. Lost in the throes of passion with a male servant; certainly something he was hesitant and anxious to consider. As far as he had observed, there was no reasoning behind it, despite how he'd attempted to decipher Sebastian's words. Which brought him to the even worse situation at hand: he hadn't seen Sebastian for days.

A raucous knocking on his door interrupted his musing, and he granted permission of entrance, unsurprised when a scraggled blond head poked through his doorway.

"Dammit, Finny," Ciel scowled in exasperation. "If Bard accidentally set another room on fire, just go and help extinguish it. You don't need to come and tell me every single time that you—"

"Oh, no, that's not it at all, young master!" the blonde gardener chirped cheerfully, stultifying his master's bitter attitude. "I'm here on Sebastian's instruction. He wanted me to tell you that he's coming to visit you tonight. He's been feeling much better apparently, isn't that great?"

The second those words left the blonde's lips, Ciel froze, his blood moving cold and sluggishly through his veins. Nevertheless, he managed to don an unimpassioned glare despite how the news affected him, and grunted once, before accentuating, "Yes, I suppose that is good news. Thank you very much, Finny."

The gardener gave him a blissfully naïve salute before exiting swiftly, leaving Ciel to dwell on the new information. On the last evening they had spent together, his butler was just as composed after the event as he had been before, and once he was decked out in his usual suit of sartorial elegance, he slipped back into his servant aesthetics, inquiring if the lord needed a bath prepared. The offer was fragilely rejected, and Ciel, in all of his silent confusion as he gathered his wits about him, had demanded that Sebastian leave before deciding to prepare himself for bed. He settled with his own amateur attempt for the night; however, when he woke up to an unusually burnt breakfast the following morning, cooked by Bard and served by Tanaka, he wondered if Sebastian had taken his orders to leave to heart.

Nevertheless, that wasn't the case; Sebastian had informed all of the other servants, from behind the privacy of his bedroom door, that he had come down with something, and that he would be ever so grateful if they felt obliged to care for the young master and the estate while he was unable to complete his duties. All of them agreed of course, and while they were startled that the infallible Sebastian Michaelis was ill, they didn't think much of the negligible excuse. Anyhow, they were far less perplexed than Ciel was by the ordeal, since he knew that his supernatural butler couldn't actually get an ailment. In addition, he couldn't think of any complication that would tear Sebastian's attention from his meticulous servitude. The Phantomhive servants were also instructed to tell the earl that his loyal butler was not loitering, but in fact was still managing to do something important for him even in his current state. While Ciel was a bit reassured, he still longed to know what exactly Sebastian was going through that made him either too frail to leave or too unsightly to be in his presence.

Unfortunately, though he wanted to prolong it, since he felt it had something to do with their previous liaison, he figured he was going to find out tonight.

A/N: What do we do when we find a sexy manly epitome of manliness like Sebastian? Get him pregnant!~ (Please don't quote me on that xD).

Due to editing, the ever-horrifying Chapter 2 goes up tomorrow night! Please review kittens, as your feedback is what keeps me going! I adore you all!