Reviews for The Boy In The Manor
Guest chapter 45 . 7/22
So been a while...
When does he kill Bruce Wayne?
MayaO chapter 1 . 7/4
How old is Bruce in this story?
Robinfan chapter 45 . 12/15/2019
What dark and intense story, but really captivating. Dick deserves to get his freedom. Kudos for the work you put into this fic. It is incredible well written and I hope one day you'll be able to continue and finish this story.
tetitous chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
Okay so, contrarly to the two last people who reviewed this, I actually enjoyed the story for what it was!
It was really interesting to read what happened in Dick's mind, to see Richard as this light of hope in the middle of the darkness, and it broke my heart to see how Dick was so broken he couldn't read Richard's feelings for what they were.
Bruce is terrifying, and I'm really happy with the fact that we never truly see what's going on in his mind, it turns him into this untouchable monster you couldn't hurt even if you sacrificed everything for it. It's an interesting take on the character.
Same goes for Alfred, the way Dick describes him makes me feel the coldness and the lonelieness the child lives through on an everyday basis, being ignored by the only other person who knows and could (and obviously should) take action.
I really, REALLY liked this story, and if anyone found the courage to complete it, I would gladly follow this reading until the end.
I like it so much I may want to translate it in french, you know, for me and whoever might be interested.
I'm not sure you still respond to stuff, it's been ages, but I would really like to thank you, because it's been a wild ride and you both really did something amazing I won't ever forget.
2Human07 chapter 15 . 1/15/2019
What is this monstrosity?
Seriously, why would someone willingly write this? Why would you write Bruce Wayne, a superhero favorite of most people, as a child rapist? And a very violent one at that?
What inspired this gruesome interpretation of Batman?
I read this because the high review rate intrigued me, but I guess if you shock enough people they are bound to review. This made me want to vomit.
Shelby Carrizales chapter 16 . 11/25/2018
I dont understand how someone would find child rape or rape in general enticing. I really dont understand the point of this story. If it's to shed light on tragedy and horror than perhaps I could understand. If your goal was to make me want to vomit and feel disgusted then congratulations. I'm not strong enough to read this when It feels like kids getting raped is written like some God dammed kink. I'm out.
Infinity for all chapter 44 . 7/27/2018
Please Update chapter 22 . 7/22/2018
It breaks my heart that you’ve abandoned this fic :’( Please at least update an epilogue or explanation as to why you’ve abandoned this much loved and excellently written fic
Nea Mae Roper chapter 1 . 5/8/2018
you gotta finish this story !- plzz!
theshadowwithinyoursoul chapter 45 . 4/15/2018
Please keep posting! I’ve never read anything that has had me so enthralled! Please finish. :)
Guest chapter 45 . 4/14/2018
Will this be continued orrr it’s really great and this is my second time reading so I hope you finish it
Rachel chapter 45 . 3/24/2018
This is an excellent story!
Marmar218 chapter 45 . 3/9/2018
Hi, hello, I know it's been like 3 years since you last updated but PLEASE, for the sake of my sanity, update soon! You're so close to saving Dick, please don't abandon this!
Soup chapter 43 . 1/28/2018
Some people want it to be romantic a fourteen year old boy and a like thirty to forty year old man... That's kind of creepy.. This is amazing (as always) I hope you guys have a good day and just enjoy yourselves in general! I am veeeerrryyy grateful that you wrote this! :)
Soup chapter 33 . 1/27/2018
This is very amazing and I'm sorry I haven't commented before but I was way too caught up in the story :/ i really can't express how much I love this! The scene when dick cries listening to the song made me cry it was so sad I live this I hope you guys have a great day and thanks for writing this.
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