Firebird's Song Chapter One: A King's Crisis
The morning was bright, the day of the king's marriage. Everyone from the common peasantry to the highest born was busy making last minute preparations. The royal baker was harassing his assistants over the shape of the icing flowers on the wedding cake, and the bride was getting last minute adjustments on her gown. All was bright and happy, except for the highest tower in the royal palace.
The tower in question was the king's refuge, where he always went when he wished for a few minutes of peace. But the tower's soothing effect did not help him today. He stared out the window to the festivities below, a cooling cup of tea in his hands. He was already dressed for the wedding, sporting a white tuxedo and a simple crown upon his brow, although he wished for the comfort of his favorite top hat.
His green eyes shifted to the doorway, a regal woman looking at him in concern.
"They're ready for you."
He sighed, and placed the cold tea aside.
"Coming, Mother."
He tried to walk past her, but she extended her arm to block him, stealing a hug in the process.
"I'm proud of you, you know."
He gave a small smile and returned her embrace.
"You've mentioned that a few times, yes. It's still pleasant to hear you say it."
The queen mother was a little disturbed by the slight hint of sadness in his voice. She ran her hand through his tawny hair, which matched her own, despite the appearing gray.
"Princess Louise will be a good wife. Her father has been an excellent ally to our kingdom."
"And will continue to be so, being tied by marriage." His continuation of her thought sounded like a tired rehearsed saying. The sad look in his eyes deepened.
"Oh, sweetheart, I know how it feels to marry solely for political reasons. I didn't meet your father until the ceremony, but we turned out all right."
Her son nodded; a small smile returning.
"Sometimes I still expect Father to walk through the door and sweep you into his arms."
The queen mother laughed, a light blush appearing on her cheeks as her blue eyes faded to reminisce.
"Who knows? You may find similar luck with Louise."
His eyes saddened. The king already knew that he would not find the same with the Rejalian princess. Having already met her at various royal gatherings, he hadn't been that impressed with her. Having no patience for politics, she concentrated on gossip; a problem that he hoped would fade with time. To be honest, if the alliance wasn't at stake, the forlorn king would never have considered her a possible bride for him. But for Alon, he would marry the Princess Louise. For his kingdom, he would unite with Rejal.
"I suppose we've kept everyone waiting long enough?"
His mother nodded as he extended his arm to her. Pleased that he was every inch his father's son, she laid her hand on the offered arm and walked down the spiraling stairs to the fate waiting below.
Now standing at the front of the main hall to await his bride, the king placed his hands behind his back to hide the nervous fidgeting. The priest performing the ceremony chuckled at the groom's obvious signs.
"Please, your Majesty. Calm down."
The monarch tried to do as requested, but the feeling of foreboding increased.
If only…
His bride appeared through the huge doors on the other side of the main hall, a vision in white velvet. The king was certain that many hours had been spent curling her lemon locks alone, since they were normally straight as paper. Her brown eyes locked on him as her father escorted her down the aisle, everyone appreciating her beauty. She darkened a bit, seeing him in a simple tuxedo instead of royal robes. He never liked them much, especially during the hot summer days. How was he supposed to do his rounds on the common folk if he had to fight yards of unneeded fabric to get off or on his horse?
The bride and her father stopped in front of him. He extended his hand to the father so he could join the couple. Just before his hand met Louise's, a crack of thunder echoed through the castle. Slightly grateful for the interruption, the groom shifted his gaze back to the aisle, where several shadows were being pulled into a pool of darkness. The pool began to spiral upward, and solidify into a middle aged man. His black hair fell around his face like a drunkard's, his red eyes aflame. He swaggered slightly, his voice raspy.
"What's with this? A party and no one invited me?"
Realizing who the man was, the king stepped in front of his bride and her father defensively.
"I didn't believe you were the type to come to royal functions."
"I'm not, unless drinking's involved. You shouldn't make judgments like that, Majesty."
The monarch stiffened.
"If you wish to witness the union, kindly take a seat."
Louise protested.
"No, I will not have a drunkard at my wedding! People will talk…" Her voice trailed off as the shadow man shifted his gaze to her.
"Appearances mean that much to you, Highness? Well, in that case, I can accommodate you." He raised both hands to the heavens, and then slammed them to the floor, the purple energy cracking the tiles as the energy shot toward the king. It incased him, and he fought desperately to break free of the enchantment. His mother screamed as he doubled over on the ground, obviously in pain as his face began to change shape. His bride watched in horror as his ears trailed up the sides of his head, growing larger and pointed while hair began to trace along his face uncontrollably. A slight ripping sound revealed an orange tail shooting from the seat of his pants.
The last of the purple lightning faded, and the king struggled to his feet to look at the magician. Everyone in the hall gasped, stunned at the transformation. Their beloved ruler was a cat! His now slanted eyes were full of pain as he ungloved his hands to examine them, padded on the palms. His long whiskers made it difficult for him to concentrate on anything else, being underneath each eye.
"There, now." The drunkard lifted a wineskin in tribute to the princess. "Now no one will talk about having someone like me here, because they'll be talking about your groom instead!" He took a long draught. "Unfortunately, I'm no longer interested in being here. Have fun raising kittens!" He threw the wineskin on the ground, which exploded and enveloped him in smoke. The slow-acting guards closed in on the evaporating mist, only to discover that the magician was already gone.
The cat king turned to his bride, who had backed against her father in fear and disgust. He smiled sadly again, knowing what had to be done. He addressed everyone in the room.
"Thank you all kindly for your time, but it appears that there will not be a wedding today."
Louise sighed in relief, but her father stiffened.
"Not true! My daughter's remark made you that way, and she should follow through with her promise to marry you!"
She shrank from her father like a mouse, prepared to run if necessary to escape such a fate. The feline monarch shook his head sadly.
"You know as well as I that when Unmar makes an appearance, he already intends to do harm. Besides, if I marry her, I can't ever return to being human." He nodded cordially at the foreign king and guests, and then made his exit.
His mother later found him in his quarters, packing a small bag full of jewels and essentials. She ran across his room to embrace him.
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry."
He turned to hug her back, glad that she wasn't put off by his appearance.
"So am I, Mother. For I will have to leave you in charge for a while."
She looked up into his slanted eyes, surprised.
"When Unmar cursed me, he also transferred the knowledge of how to break it, and it can't be done here."
"Why not? What is it, son?"
He pressed one finger to her lips.
"I dare not say it aloud, someone may overhear. But suffice it to say, I will need help from someone that doesn't know my station, and news of my appearance will undoubtedly spread like wildfire. My best chance would be to travel far from home."
The queen mother raised one hand to caress his furred cheek.
"But these are suspicious times. If you try to go about in public where people don't know you, you could get killed for someone believing you to be a demon or something."
"I'll go in a disguise that makes my head look like a mask. I'll have to wait for the cover of darkness before starting, so I have time to formally give you full power until I return."
"Can't you send someone else?"
He looked at his mother sadly before kissing her forehead.
"I'm afraid not. That would only defeat the purpose."