Back again with more Bluetara for y'all. Once again, feedback is GREATLY appreciated.
Chapter 2:
Revealing Façade
Katara suppressed a scream as her savior's face came into view. She'd been saved by some kind of… of monster. The waterbender clamped her hands over her mouth to stifle the noise just in time. The creature seemed just as surprised to see her as she was to see it. It stumbled back a little bit, almost as if it had not realized that she was there.
Now that she got the chance to look at it, it became clear that that grotesque blue and white face was nothing but a mask. This, of course, was very comforting; it seemed less likely that she might become something's dinner. Of course, there were always cannibals, and you never knew with people in masks….
But the man did not seem to have any intention of sticking around. Not even waiting for her to thank him, the man turned around and ran off into the woods at such as speed that, even if he had not had the few seconds it took for Katara to recover from the shock of such a face as a head start, she never would have been able to catch up with him. Nevertheless, the girl called after the retreating man. "Hey, wait! I NEVER EVEN GOT THE CHANCE TO THANK YOU!" The girl cupped her hands around her mouth to amplify the sound, but the man in the blue mask was already far out of ear shot. "Huh…. I guess he's shy."
"KATARAAAAA!" Katara started at the sound of someone calling her name. It came again, this time a little closer. There was only one person it could have been….
A grotesque blue mask was nestled in the grass right beside a rather large stream that had just recently been partially responsible for several mishaps. A young man, a teenager by the look of him, splashed just a little more water on his face, just to make sure he was awake. The man – or perhaps you could still call him a boy; he was at that in-between stage – sat back, a few last drops of cool, fresh water sliding down his thin face and dropping onto his dark clothes.
"I can not believe that just happened." he muttered to himself. Of all the days to decide to help someone out, of all the times to succumb to his guilt, of all the people, it had to be today, it had to be that time, and it had to be her.
The very last straggling drop of water on Zuko's face dissolved into steam. Just a second or two later, its peers that had reached the dark cloth below met the same fate. Such a mixture of embarrassment and irritation….
The grass was the next to go; it caught fire the second he realized that he really should have followed her to the Avatar.
A few minutes and a lengthy lecture later, Katara found herself staring down at the ground, half wishing (even though she knew it was futile) to spot just the tiniest speck of blue somewhere down there amongst the trees. She hadn't even gotten to thank him for saving her….
Well, she'd just have to hope they ran into each other somewhere else, wouldn't she? After all, they DID travel around quite a bit; she doubted if there was going to be anywhere they hadn't been before this was over. They would meet again, she just knew it. And then she could thank him properly.
I apologize that this chapter was so short, but it just seemed appropriate to end it there. ONWARDS!
Song(s) Listened to During Writing: "Play With Fire", which I do not own, just as I do not own Avatar in any way, shape, or form.