I don't own any of the characters. Any themes relating to Repo! The Genetic Opera are (c) to Lionsgate/Darren Smith and Terrance Zdunich.

Grilo ahoy!

Guide: ***=no memory between the time a paragraph ends and the next starts. ~*~*~*~=change in character. Italicized, centered text that starts at the end of a paragraph=a shorter break in time, the characters do have memories of what isn't written. (Basically, a deleted scene.)

Rated M for future Sexual Content, Violence, Gore, and Language.

The house fucking reeked.

It had been an hour since Shilo had finished helping him clean the kitchen, clearing up some of the damage done by the GENcops. He'd shooed her off, dimly hearing her telling him she was locking her bedroom door, 'so don't try to break in while I'm sleeping.' If he had wanted to, he could have picked the lock, or just kicked the door in. Subtlety wasn't his thing, but knowing she suspected him of sneaking into her room did sort of put a damper on things.

So while she slept, he'd cleared a space for himself in the sitting room, which had once housed a much larger library. It was a circular room, down a hall and situated so that he could see the front door from a certain angle. He pulled the single couch in front of this space, picking at the tassels hanging from the sides of the cushions, wondering at Nathan Wallace's tastes.

Well, he was the fucking Repo Man. What the hell are we doing in here? Sure, we saw him die, but is he really dead? Of course he was. The whole world knew that, least of all him, and he'd been twenty feet from the opera house's back exit when he'd heard the shot ring out. Shilo could never know this, no matter how much she shared with him.

While he readied himself for a few hours of sleep, wishing the girl was closer at hand so they could make a quick run for it if they needed, he couldn't ignore that smell. He should have been used to it, but it was something that you could only ignore so much. Even so, there came a point where the smell of a dead body just made a man want to rip his own nose off.

It only took him a few minutes to find the Repo Man's private operating room.

Seeing him in Nathan's house was…well, it was something, to say the least. Tobias paced for hours along the length of his alleyway, knowing he was invisible, so even in his agitation, he was not seen. What was he doing in there, besides the obvious? He'd taken the girl with him, he knew. He'd seen him snuffling at her neck, which had forced a noise of alarm and anger out of him. It was more a low, frustrated explosion of air, but still, he'd made his disapproval of The Graverobber's attentions clear. He idolized him, sure, but still; a twenty eight year old man preying on a barely-seventeen year old girl was too much.

It just made it more aggravating that this was Shilo he was pawing at. Or, thinking about pawing at. And Tobias was no fool. Even from the shadows across the street, he saw the way that Shilo had leaned into that intimate, lusty caress, and had felt a bit of rage start to build up in his gut. Now, with each footfall, it only increased, churning and building into a great bloody and black, pitiless thing that cared nothing for The Graverobber's suffering when all was said and done.

The straw that broke the camel's back, however, was when he thought of what The Graverobber might do to Shilo if he didn't act at the right moment. Tobias knew for a fact that Shilo was a virgin; when he hadn't been harvesting cheap Zydrate and dodging GENcops, and The Graverobber, he'd watched their house. No young suitor had ever even glanced twice at the house, least of all the young woman's window. And if they had when Tobias hadn't been watching, Nathan had probably chased the poor bastard off.

He couldn't really blame the lecherous drug dealer, though. Shilo was beautiful, like her mother had been, and the tenacious intelligence in her father shone through her elytra brown eyes. Her skin was flawless, and though she was thin, she was a bit graceful, if not a little wobbly at times. Tobias found himself reminded of a puppy, or a kitten, and smiled.

Yes. He would end The Graverobber. And he would do it for Shilo. But first, he would have to get closer to her. And Tobias knew that once he got close to Shilo, he would never, ever let her out of his grasp again.

Dixi had lived a short life, and to be honest, it was not fruitful. The only thing she could say she was proud of doing was being honest to the Wallace girl. It was the only thing she could be proud of. She had been raised as a young girl to have morals, and for a while, to have respect, so in her last moments of life, she had felt a deep pain in her stomach that had nothing to do with the knife that was ripping her gut open.

Frankly, the guilt was worse than her murder.

She had left her only child to rot in the next county over. She didn't even remember what color her son's eyes were; she hoped they had been blue, the color she'd been born with. Somewhere, her child felt his mother's pain, doubled over as he felt something ripping at the core of him, and his adoptive mother soothed him, speaking words of comfort as his whore of a mother was cut open, sliced to pieces with a dirt encrusted blade. Dixi couldn't feel much anymore, just the cold air around her skin, squirming into her veins as she bled out into the alley from the criss crossing of deep gashes covering her from hairline to shin.

The dog leaned over her, bearing its teeth, showing its bloody maw in a sign of dominance. She felt it tug something from within her ribcage, ripping it loose, and her body screamed in protest. The last second of her life was a blinding inferno of pain, as her brain frantically sent pulses to her heart to get it to beat again.

But even a brain can't speak to something that wasn't there in the first place.

So Addix Butler died, with her heart being eaten by a mongrel, and her last conscious thought was: I hope Shilo Wallace is having sweet dreams. And she truly hoped she did.

There was no one in the house when she woke up.

Shilo was frantic when she realized this, after going through every room in the house and thinking Oh my God, he fucking left me here to rot.

That thought wasn't necessarily true. He had paid for the food, and the lights were back on, all of them equipped with new bulbs. She found the empty boxes for said bulbs in the trash drum he'd drug in after dinner, but there was no sign of him. Shilo was pacing her room, trying to clean but finding her attempts inefficient as she had a meltdown.

She was alone, in a house that was basically condemned, because of her. The house was probably bugged, and sooner or later, GENcops would swarm the place, crawling all over it and trampling her into the carpet. She would be helpless to stop them, no matter how hard she sobbed, no matter how loudly she screamed.

Daddy wouldn't save her this time.

Author's Notes:

Update as of 07/20/2010

So I owe you guys a big apology. I am absolutely floored and humbled by all the feedback, story favorites and follows I'm getting...your reviews make me a happy person, they do. 8D But as of now, this story is put on hiatus. Mostly because I've lost a lot of the inspiration fueling this story. Hopefully, I'll be able to come back to it around fall...at the moment my life is just too busy. Two jobs are just about to do me in mentally.

BUT while I'm waiting for that...I'd like to hold a mini contest! Whoever can come up with the best ideas for future chapter names will have a oneshot, 2000+ word story of their pairing of their choosing written and put up here by me. List your chapter names, your story topic, pairing, and I'll judge based on the chapter creativity. Chapters one and two are kind of obvious, a pupa and a larva, the stages of a bug's life cycle, symbolizing Shilo's first tentative steps on her own in life. The third and fourth chapters are inspired by two family based television shows, and symbolize Shilo's and the other characters' struggles with the final Opera Showdown. Five and six were named after both Abba songs and songs from the play/film, Mamma Mia!, which I'm a big fan of. They symbolize Shilo coming into sexual and gender awareness, really, and are the first introductions into a newer Shilo.

So, what should you choose from? Whatever you like! Just so long as they aren't something boring. Pick a book title, pick some unique names, animal species, whatever you like! Again, based on creativity, the prize will be a one-shot, 2000+ word story featuring a pairing of your choosing. It doesn't have to be Repo! related, either! You can pick something like (just as examples) NarutoXOrihime, VegetaXBulma, SpyroXCynder, what have you. I'm open to pretty much anything, and I'll throw you a bone and make it a mature fiction too. ;)

Thank you all for being so patient. I hope to have another story up soon that might tickle your fancy, but it doesn't have to do with Repo!...and I'll give you a hint.,. What demanded the mountains bow down in Disney's Mulan?