
For the record; this story was made with a Brothers Grimm fairy tale in mind, but once again, I went far off-track. I hope everyone will forgive me, that people can figure out which fairy tale it is before I come out and say it, and that most of all, that everyone will enjoy this story. Go crazy (like you needed my permission, right?).


Chapter One: Two Brothers

As far back as Baron could remember, everything had always been about his brother. Duke was only three minutes older than him, but everyone acted like it was three years instead. Their parents were thrilled, of course, to have two such brilliant sons, but they doubtlessly favored the elder over the younger. Duke was a natural at everything he touched, while Baron was often behind books for hours, trying desperately to catch up.

They were as different as day and night. Duke was doubtlessly a night, with his blue-black hair and cool sapphire eyes. He could make countless friends with ease, while Baron chose to have a small group of closer friends, ones that understood when he needed to be alone. He was equally doubtlessly a day, with his dark golden hair and soft green eyes. He was always gently serious, while Duke usually walked around with an easy smile on his face. They both usually chose to wear a crisp suit, although Duke liked black to dark gray ones, and his brother preferred white to light gray ones.

But, as hard as Duke could try, there were two things that he could not surpass Baron at. Through years of hard study, Baron had become the best swordsman in the kingdom. And the ones surrounding it. Actually, he was the best in about half the continent. It was not unusual for a fighter to appear at the family castle, requesting the honor of a duel. Baron always won, but he was sure to never let his victories go to his head; as he was certain that pride would lead to a speedy downfall.

The other thing, besides more patience with thicker books, was his personal blend of tea. He commonly told people that it was a little different each time, and although that was the truth, it wasn't the whole truth. For you see; he had found a special blending of herbs that could tell the character of the one drinking the tea. If the taste was terrible, then so was the person. And because people usually changed a bit between having his special blend, the taste was always a little different.

Everything else, however, was dominated by Duke. Any girl that might look Baron's way immediately became entranced by his brother's mysterious aura, often ending with Duke surrounded by lovely young ladies and Baron chatting it up with older people, trying to ignore the pain in his heart. He knew Duke wasn't bad at heart; he had drunk enough of Baron's tea to prove that, but…

Just once, he would like to meet a young lady that he would want to be with, one that could resist Duke's aura. Maybe even a girl he could spend the rest of his life with, and do so happily.

But as he left his teenage-hood behind, and moved into his twenties, he tried to quell the pit in his heart, knowing that he probably wouldn't have a chance at finding a bride until his brother did, and his brother was having far too much fun being a bachelor.

One day, when Baron and Duke were twenty-five, his father called the lighter twin into his study. The tawny-haired man looked at his dark father, who his brother physically took after. The man sighed, and closed the book he was going over.

"Son… I've noticed that you've been smiling less than usual."

Baron cocked his head, not bothering to deny it.

"Is it because your personal life hasn't picked up yet?"

His son sighed.

"That's partially it, but not entirely. I wish to go traveling, maybe find a place of my own."

His father grinned, having guessed something like that. He shuffled some papers aside.

"Perhaps I can help with that. Do you remember your third uncle, once removed?"

Baron thought a second.

"Uncle Ramos?"

"That's the one. His estate fell to your mother after his death, as she was his closest relative. But your mother…" he paused, remembering her sadly. "I'm certain she wouldn't mind if it went to you instead of your brother. He's already inheriting the family lands, and Ramos' estate is more suited to you, I think." He passed over a thick folder.

Baron opened it carefully, looking over the boundaries and manor house notes. He tilted his head, thinking about it.

He loved his brother and father dearly, but perhaps it would be best for all of them to have a little time away from each other.

And… maybe… there was a special girl on Uncle Ramos' old estate. Waiting for him.

He tried hard not to let anyone find out that he was a romantic.


Baron carefully looked over his notes, checking to make sure that all of his boxes were present. He smiled warmly; each one was accounted for. He thanked the company for hauling his things, and gave them a good tip on top of their fee. The head freighter bowed respectfully, a grin on his face. He waved at the freighters once more before turning to his new home.

Sure, if he wanted, he could have brought some servants from his father's estate, but Baron had always been one to get personally involved with what happened. Duke was more of the type to sit on a couch and issue orders.

Wrinkling his nose a bit, he decided to clean house before unpacking anything that he wouldn't immediately need.

Just when he finished sweeping the first floor of the manor, he heard the knocker getting banged on. Puzzled, he set the broom aside and walked toward the door to answer it.

A sharply dressed middle-aged man was on the step.

"You, servant, get the new lord."

Baron cracked his knuckles with displeasure. Stepping from his home, he towered over the man, albeit by only a few inches. The blonde's voice was controlled, and cold with anger.

"I am servant to no one. I am the new lord."

Recognizing the posture and tone of a noble underneath the dusty clothes, the man quivered, and bowed.

"Forgive me, my lord; you don't catch too many nobles cleaning their own homes."

Deciding to let the offense slide, Baron allowed the man into his home.

"Is there anything in particular you wished from me?"

"Yes. I sent in a request for help, but you came here first. I'm Mayor Tikal, and I'm afraid we have a pretty big problem, in our province."

Baron's hands froze, an inch away from the dusting rag. His number one weakness, the one his brother never stopped teasing him for, was someone with a problem. He whirled around to face the mayor again.

"What's the problem?"

The man shifted nervously.

"Tell me, my lord; have you ever heard of the Cat Kingdom?"