A Love Regained

"Excuse me, would you care to dance?"

She could hear Elvis end the fast song and replace it with her Katzen Blut. Well, what would one expect a crushing schoolgirl to do? She beamed and gave him her hand.

"I'd love to."

Realizing that Haru was about to dance, the floor was immediately cleared for the couple. Baron chuckled as he placed his other hand on her waist.

"I didn't realize you had that much power here."

She giggled while placing her free hand on his shoulder.

"Just the power of fear. I wasn't lying when I told you my dancing was 'meowsy'."

He smiled at her again, leading her through the same steps he had eight months prior.

"Then how do you explain what's happening right now?"

She grinned.

"For some reason, I've only had grace when I'm with you. I know that sounds a little corny, but it's true."

All the students stared in amazement, watching her glide smoothly under her partner's guidance.

Machida glared, guessing that the mysterious cat-man was the guy Haru was crushing on. But how could she have told who he was? That cat mask was really convincing, with a moving mouth part.

The brunette smiled happily again.

"It's great seeing you again; I've really missed you. Wait, how come you're this tall?"

He smiled at her while leading her through a dip. It took all of his will power to keep his tail hanging like a fake one.

"Hours of finding the correct spell. I would look like a human too, if I had done a bit more searching."

She giggled.

"That's okay. I like you the way you are."

Not to mention the fact that nobody could tell what he really was during Halloween, which was probably why he was here. His gaze softened, and for the first time since she's known him, Baron looked nervous. Really nervous.

"I actually was hoping to ask you something, Haru. The last words you spoke to me. The last personal words you spoke to me."

She smiled.

"You mean confessing about my little crush?"

He nodded, and swallowed noticeably.

"I need to know, Haru; is it still true?"

She smiled warmly and rested her head on his chest after he finished twirling her around. Thank heaven he liked honest girls.

"To a different degree. It's not a little crush anymore, Baron; it's huge. Way bigger than I thought it could be." She could hear his heart speed up, and he held her as close as he dared while on school grounds. He kissed her hair, sending shivers down her spine.

"That was all I needed to know. Haru, to put this in your words, I'm crushing pretty hard on you, too. I haven't been able to get you out of my head since we said goodbye."

Haru could feel her own heart speed up, and she felt like she was walking on crows again. Almost on air.

"I'd like to court you, but I'm not blind to the problems."

She gave him a look.

"What problems? There's you, there's me, and the fact that you fixed the height problem."

He grinned broadly, glad that she was so open to the idea.

"It's a temporary spell; I'm still working out the problems in the permanent one so I can shift between heights and species at will. It would be difficult to live in my house at this height."

She giggled, remembering how she had gone in, that one time. Baron's broad shoulders would provide a bit more of a challenge than her slender ones did.

Suddenly he slipped a ring onto her finger. It was a steel cat with twinkling emerald eyes. She noticed that he had a hard spot on his finger underneath the glove, maybe from a similar ring.

"This is so that you can switch heights too. Now flirting will be much easier."

Haru's giggles cut off when the music did sharply. The couple looked over at the DJ, stunned that he had been removed from his place sharply.

A livid vampire was holding the end of the power cord in his shaking fist.

"I thought you said he wouldn't be here!"

Haru shrugged.

"It's not the first time I've been proven wrong."

Baron glared at Machida.

"Excuse me, but I've been really curious as to how that song ends. If one maniac doesn't cut it short, another one does."

Everyone started laughing, even though they had no clue about the previous lunatic.

Haru took the opportunity to wrap her arms around his neck and squeeze.

"That's okay; I got an extra copy just in case."

He grinned at her and hugged back. She had grown a little more, in the past few months. She didn't have to jump this time in order to hug him, and her hair was a bit shorter, giving her a more mature look. That was fine by him, since she was still a minor and he was…several years older, to put it politely.

But good luck to the officials if they could catch him.

Machida walked out from behind the DJ and stormed toward the couple.

"Show your face!"

Baron laughed, and turned away with Haru.

"Worse, an arrogant maniac. I decline your order."

The schoolboy's eyes turned red as the English teacher approached.

"Settle down, young man, or you will be forced to leave. I'm sorry sir, but school regulations don't allow for head masks; kindly take it off or leave."

Baron bowed low.

"Then I must respectfully withdraw from the festivities. Care to join me, Haru? Toto's waiting outside."

She lit up, wondering what it would be like to ride him. She linked arms with her new boyfriend and managed to spot Tsuge and Hiromi to the left of her. They looked completely shocked, having never seen this side of their friend before.

"I'm catching a ride with someone else, Hiromi-chan, Tsuge-chan! See you Monday!" She hugged Baron's arms closer, and leaned her head on his shoulder as they left the gym.

Machida watched them go, his temper flaring hotter than ever before.


Haru blushed slightly as Baron helped her get her coat on, loving his gentlemanly manner. She zipped it up as they walked out the front doors and to the side of the building, where they could hear a familiar feud flaring.

"At least I don't look like a giant marshmallow!"

"Oh yeah? Well at least I don't have a bird brain!"

"You already called me a bird brain, you idiot!"

Haru giggled softly.

"Do they ever try new lines?"

Baron rolled his eyes.

"Occasionally, but they seem to prefer-"


The coupled turned, the vampire back for his revenge.

"He's leading you into a dark alley and you're not suspicious of the guy?!"

Haru shook her head.

"Baron's far too much of a gentleman to try what you're suggesting, and we have some friends in there. Go have fun, Machida. Find someone to be with."

His eyes turned red again, and he marched towards her, Baron sharply putting himself in front of her with a glare. Machida stopped short, being about two inches shorter than him.

"I believe Haru has made it clear that she wants you to pick someone else, since she's with me. Kindly return to the party."

The dark-haired youth laughed.

"Not until I see your face. I want to be sure Haru isn't getting herself into trouble."

The orange cat chuckled.

"She doesn't need my help with getting into trouble, just out of it. Perhaps I should let you see my face."

Haru inhaled sharply and grabbed his arm.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Baron? What if he talks?"

He chuckled again, raising one hand to remove the steel mask over his eyes. Machida squinted his eyes against the darkness, trying to see why his crush was panicking.

"It's Halloween and it's dark. I doubt anyone would believe him." Baron pulled off the mask and hat, flicking his ears as he did so.

Machida blinked once, and then twice. Baron flicked his ears again and wrinkled his cat nose, so that the boy would know it wasn't a mask. Haru suddenly got an idea and softly stepped around her schoolmate as he started backing away, the anger melting into fear.

"No, no, this is impossible!" He tried to run, but then Haru grabbed his arm from behind.

"By the way, Machida; this is a horrible dream. Please stay away from me when you wake up." Using the secret research from her time in self-defense, she reached up and pressed the pressure point at the base of his neck, making him lose consciousness. Baron caught him before he landed on the brunette.

"That was a very nice touch, Haru."

She giggled as he dragged the boy right next to the front entrance, where he was sure to be found.

"Maybe if I get lucky, it will even work!" She jokingly crossed her fingers and waved them a bit.

Baron stopped dragging the comatose boy and stared at her.

"That does it, Haru."

She quirked an eyebrow at him, confused.

"What does it?"

Her boyfriend let Machida lay where he was as the cat approached her and placed his gloved hands on her shoulders.

"You. Do you have any idea how cute that is?"

She didn't get to answer him, since he started kissing her hard. Giggling a bit, she put her arms around his neck and started kissing him back as he shifted his grip to her waist.

Toto and Muta could wait. So could the many problems the two were sure to encounter, trying to make this relationship work.

But through the years that would follow this moment, neither would ever regret taking a second chance at love.