A/N: Hello and thank you to anyone who's stuck with my story this far! You people make me happy.
Wickedchick500: Again sorry about the long wait. Look! I updated again!
Chriscolfer-andme: You rock, thank you so much for your review.
Jen: I apologize for my evil cliffy.
Enjolras: *eye daggers* You left me. Standing right here. In a fake room. With her.
Èponine: Hey, at least you don't have to listen to someone blathering about politics.
Enjolras: That's not what –
Èponine: Here he goes.
Jen: Hoo boy, this scene's going to be a doozy. On that note, Eponine would you mind?
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: *grumbles* I should have known that you'd be here… Considering you apparently stalked me for the entire last show.
Enjolras: You would know.
Eponine: *ignoring him* Also, the theme park is called PHANTasma, and a theme park that wants an opera singer? There can't be many of those.
Eponine: *still ignoring* I should have known it all along.
This whole arrangement bears your stamp.
You're in each measure of that song.
How dare you try and claim me now! Yeah, why wait ten years?
How dare you come invade my life! Seriously, I'm married!
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS:*ignoring her*Oh Christine…
My Christine..! Not this again!
In that time when the world thought me dead,
my Christine,
on the night just before you were wed Where exactly is this going...?
ah, Christine!
You came and found where I hid What?
, don't you deny that you did,
Eponine: I don't know what I did, but I will deny it until the day I die.
That long ago night..!
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE :( Remembering.)That night…
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: Once, there was a night,
beneath a moonless sky,
too dark to see a thing,
too dark to even try – Why don't I like where this is going?
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: I stole to your side
to tell you I must go.
I couldn't see your face,
but sensed you even so.
And I touched you – Um...
Jen: Yeah, it's an awkward song.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: And I felt you –
Grantaire: This is priceless.
CHRISTINE & PHANTOM/ÈPONINE & ENJOLRAS:*glaring*And I heard those ravishing refrains…
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: The music of your pulse –
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: The singing in your veins – Eponine you're causing problems again!
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: And I held you – Oh shut up.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: And I touched you – Make me.
Jen: Why do I feel like I've forgotten something?
Gavroche: Beats me.
Jen: Oh! Shiznets, Gavroche this isn't appropriate for children! Coufeyrac get him out of here!
Eponine: *inching toward the door*
Enjolras: Oh no, if I have to sit through this then so do you.
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE:*sigh*And embraced you –
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: And I felt you –
CHRISTINE & PHANTOM/ÈPONINE & ENJOLRAS: And with every breath and every sigh –
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: I felt no longer scared… Shouldn't I? You're kind of a murderer.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: I felt no longer shy… *shrugs* Apparently you're the one who came and found me.
CHRISTINE & PHANTOM/ÈPONINE & ENJOLRAS: At last, our feelings bared,
beneath the moonless sky.
Grantaire: That's not all that was bared!
Eponine: *face palms* This is awkward enough Grantaire, we don't need help.
Grantaire: Hey, aren't you cheating on me during this song?
Eponine: … Fine.
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: And, blind in the dark, Ah, that helps.
Grantaire: *failing at not laughing*
Enjolras:*looks indignant*
Eponine: *grinning*as soul gazed into soul,
I looked into your heart, Ew.
and saw you pure and whole.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: Cloaked under the night,
with nothing to suppress,
a woman and a man,
no more and yet… No less.
And I kissed you – Here we go again.
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: And caressed you –
PHANTOM & CHRISTINE/ENJOLRAS & ÈPONINE: And the world around us fell away.
We said things in the dark
we never dared to say.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: And I caught you –
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: And I kissed you –
Enjolras: I already said that.
Eponine: Deal.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: And I took you –
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: And caressed you –
PHANTOM & CHRISTINE/ENJOLRAS & ÈPONINE: With a need too urgent to deny.
And nothing mattered then,
except for you and I,
again and then again, Ummm…
beneath a moonless sky.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: And when it was done, Oh thank God!
Eponine: Hey!
ENJOLRAS: Payback. before the sun could rise,
ashamed of what I was, What am I then?
afraid to see your eyes, Why? Are they scary?
Eponine: No, but your face is.
Enjolras: That's not - *pauses* fair enough.
I stood while you slept,
and whispered a goodbye. Wait, now I'm leaving? Oh God on high, I'm one of those!
And slipped into the dark
beneath the moonless sky.
Eponine: You couldn't even wait until I woke up first?
Enjolras: Are you having problems distinguishing the script from reality again?
Eponine: Shut your trap.
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: And I loved you. Enjolras, this means nothing.
Yes, I loved you! Absolutely nothing.
I'd have followed anywhere you led. Oh, not again.
I woke to swear my love,
and found you gone instead. Seriously.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: And I loved you! I'm sorry did that last bit mean anything?
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: Oh, I loved you! *eye roll* Yes, I was totally and completely sincere, which is why I'm currently yelling at you.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: And I left you! You're not yelling.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: And I had to - -Both of us knew why… Why?
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: We both knew why… Actually neither of us does.
PHANTOM & CHRISTINE/ENJOLRAS & ÈPONINE: And yet I won't regret, Yeah, right.
from now until I die,
the night I can't forget
beneath a moonless sky.
Jen: And that's that song done with.
Eponine: Thank goodness, that was painful.
Enjolras: Ouch.
Eponine: Oh, do not tell me you didn't think that was awkward.
Enjolras: Awkward yes, but painful…
Eponine: Oh. Sorry I didn't mean…
Grantaire: Aww…
Jen: That poor little moment. *sniff* It had so much to live for!
Enjolras: Why do you never tell the Wine cask to shut it?
Jen: Because he loves to mess with you as much as I do.
Grantaire: *grin*
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: *sigh* And now?
Eponine: Now, I'm married. If he wanted me around he shouldn't have left.
Jen: Fair enough, but say your line anyway.
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: How can you talk of now? For us – (She breaks off.) There is no now.
(She sweeps out onto the balcony, and he follows. Together, against the night sky, with the world at their feet… And yet irreparably apart.)
Once upon another time,
our story had only begun.
You chose to turn the page,
and I made choices too.
Enjolras: Like cheating on your husband with a guy with half a face?
Èponine: Shut it.
ÈPONINE/CHRISTINE: Once upon that other time,
we did what we thought must be done.
And now, we have no choice.
We do what we must do…
We love. Enjolras this still means nothing.
We live.
We give what we can give.
And take what little we deserve.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: Once upon another time,
I knew how our story would end,
and maybe I was wrong,
but now the moment's gone.
Jen: Because Grantaire KILLED it!
Grantaire: Oh, like you wouldn't have said it.
Jen: *grumblegrumblewouldnotgrumble*
Were it still that other time,
I'd make time itself somehow bend!
The Doctor: Time isn't a straight line; it can bend into any shape.
Jen: *struggling* Sorry Doctor, but you can't be here.
The Doctor: I don't want to go. *vanishes*
Everyone: ...
Jen: Well?
ENJOLRAS/PHANTOM: But now I'm not that strong,
and time keeps moving on…
We live.
We give what we can give.
And take what little we deserve
.We love
.We live.
We give what we can give. Again? Really?
And take what little we deserve…
Once upon another time.
(GUSTAVE runs in wildly, breaking the mood, and buries his face in his mother's dress.)
Moment: has died. Again.
GUSTAVE/GAVROCHE :( Apprehensive.) Mother, please - - I'm scared!
What a dream - - An awful dream! Wow, really? I thought it was a good dream.
Someone strange and mad,
seizing me, and drowning me…
(The boy, sensing another presence in the room, turns from his mother to look, and sees THE PHANTOM.)
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: Shh… Gustave, it's all right.
Come and meet a friend of mine…
Enjolras: Wow, I'm still your friend after that?
Eponine: Don't read too much into it Scarface.
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS :( With a courtly flourish.) Welcome to my world, my friend.
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: Gustave, this is… Mr. Y.
Gavroche: Why Mr. Y?
Jen: Spell it out.
Gavroche: Mister Y…oh.
GUSTAVE/GAVROCHE: (Eyes widening.) This place… Is yours?
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: Every inch of it. (Leaning closer, conspiratorially.)
Tell me where you'd like to go…
Tell me what you want to see…
I can grant any wish
Gavroche: Can I have your vest?
Gavroche: Well, you said ANY wish.
Enjolras: No, the vest is mine no one touches the vest.
Grantaire: *whispering to Eponine* First person to steal the vest gets ten francs.
Eponine: That's not really fair to you, but you're on!
Jen: Ahem!
GUSTAVE/GAVROCHE: (Shyly.) Could you show me, if you please,
all the island's mysteries?
All that's strange and wild and dark
in the shadows of the parks?
Grantaire: When did Gavroche turn emo?
PHANTOM/ENJOLRAS: You shall see it all tomorrow. I promise.
(And suddenly he vanishes!)
Gavroche: How?!
CHRISTINE/ÈPONINE: Back to sleep now, Gustave.
Gavroche: Back to sleep? Back to SLEEP?! A guy disappears into thin air and your reaction is BACK to SLEEP?!
Eponine: *Freezing Glare of Doom*
Gavroche: Eep!
Eponine: Yeah. You just leave now.
(He exits to the bedroom. Alone, CHRISTINE begins to undress in front of the mirror.
Grantaire: Is this going anywhere interesting?
Eponine: It's not THAT kind of show.
Jen: *is having "Bathing Beauty" flashbacks. It BURNS*
(She gazes at her own reflection… Seeing herself as she was ten years ago. The wishful moment is shattered as we transition to the next scene.)
Jen: AND thus ends the chapter: Tune in next time for Dear Old Friend through the end of act one. It'll be longer, I swear. You know what to do people! I don't own the doctor, or any other references made.