Chapter 5

Everything was heavy; like a weight was pressing down on me. I felt as though I were moving before there was a sudden coldness on my feet. Opening my eyes I sat up quickly, giving myself a head rush.

'What happened?' I wondered, wincing, '…Wasn't I dead?'

I turned my head to the side and caught sight of an unconscious Daxter lying on the ground next to me. Pecker was nowhere to be found.

"What happened?" I murmured to myself with confusion.

Running my hand through my hair, my eyes widened with some surprise. My hair had been cut short and looking down, my clothes had been changed. I ignored it though before reaching over and throwing Daxter into the water that was at my feet. He cried out loudly before realizing what he was sitting in and leaned back against the stone floor. I gave a small smile before looking around the room we were in. It looked almost like someone's personal oasis. I tried to let everything sink in as my gaze fell to the water around my feet.

I couldn't help but glare at the reflection that stared back at me. My gaze was dark and almost brooding. Closing my eyes I could see the full black eyes staring back at me. I could feel it then, the pulse of the dark eco flowing through my veins. My brows pushed together and fists clenched as I tried to force it away. Not here…

"Why are you fighting?" its voice almost whispered into my ear.

I didn't respond; merely pushed the feeling away and relaxed myself. I was tired and worn from heatstroke of the desert sun. I was in no mood to start rampaging through this place.

"I love water," Daxter mused as he swayed his hands through the water, "Oh yes, it's so good… desert bad."

Leaning backward, I raised my head to look at him with a small laugh.

"Well, you've come back from the dead have you?" a gruff voice cut in; catching both Daxter and I by surprise, "And my monks were ready to pray for you."

I took in the man's appearance as he stood at the top of a small set of stairs. He had an older demeanor but seemed as though he knew he was respected.

"I am Damas, king of Spargus," he continued, gesturing to the city behind him.

"Spargus…" I murmured, glancing to the side before looking back at Damas with realization, "Wait, nobody lives outside of Haven's walls. Not a whole city."

I watched intently as the man walked closer and down the small set of steps before him.

"Ah yes. We are the forgotten ones. Haven city's refuse thrown out and left to die, just as you were," he explained, pointing in our direction as he reached our level, "But now that you have been saved, your life belongs to the people of Spargus and we will use it well; if it is actually worth anything."

I raised my brows with some concern. Our lives belonged to the people of this Wasteland city?

"Hey! That sounds like a bad deal!" Daxter objected, turning to face the king of Spargus.

"You are in no position to deal," Damas stated; his tone stern, "Out here everything is either useful or dead weight. Prove yourselves worthy or the desert will be your grave."

I rose to my feet with those words. After everything that had happened within the last twenty-four hours I wasn't about to take this kind of treatment lying down.

"You need to work on making a better first impression," I hissed, staring at him intently.

Damas laughed, "In the unforgiving Wasteland we value strength and survival above all. We will see where you stand soon enough. Complete your training and then enter the arena. Just the bravest crawl out and are allowed to stay in Spargus. It's quite simple really."

I watched him warily as he turned to walk away; my brows narrowed. I saw Daxter's arm reach forward from the corner of my eye.

"Um, what happens to the ones that don't crawl out?" the ottsel questioned; worry lacing his tone.

"Then it will be as if we never found you."

"I was afraid of that…"

"Now go," Damas ordered as he took a seat on his thrown, shooing us away with his hand.

I openly scowled before turning and crossing the indoor oasis to the elevator. I crossed my arms as the door closed behind us and it began to move to the lower level.

"What's the deal with that guy?" Daxter shouted angrily, "He bothers to save us and then throws us in an arena to fight for our lives?! Where's the point in that?"

"Some sick amusement?" I wondered, shaking my head.

I could understand what Damas had meant though. If each person within this city was strong enough to keep themselves alive then there would never really be a real reason to panic. Each person would be able to stand and fight for themselves. If they were all weak and defenseless then no one would survive.

'They would just turn out to be like the people in Haven city.'

The elevator doors opened, revealing the city that stood behind it. Both Daxter and I stepped out with some surprise. All this time… there was a place like this outside of Haven's walls? People were walking past; each with their own gun strapped to their backs or their waists. Some even had large daggers hanging loosely from their belts.

"These people must have to face marauders and Metal Heads every day," I said lowly; kind of impressed, "That's probably why Damas wants usefulness out of his citizens."

"Marauders and Metal Heads?!" the ottsel cried out, "Jak, why do we always end up in all the dangerous areas?"

I shook my head before continuing to walk. I knew that Daxter was just whining as he always was. No matter the situation we got into, I knew that whatever happened Daxter would still be standing beside me. The thought was almost relaxing. Maybe I didn't have to lose everything after all…

We stood triumphantly in the mass coliseum that Damas had called his arena. Lava surrounded us everywhere under the floors that kept us alive. We had completed our 'training'.

"The candidates have won… the challenge…" Pecker stated, starting out as excited and his tone dropping after he looked back at Damas.

The people cheered loudly around us, their octaves rising with excitement. Daxter was hopping on my shoulder, full of excitement as well.

"That's right, we bad!" he shouted before resting against my head, "You haven't forgotten what I taught ya Jak."

I smiled lightly before turning my head away from him. Of course I would remember what he had taught me. Everything he had said had been the first civil words I had heard from anyone since being imprisoned by the Baron. I had held onto every word.

Damas pushed himself forward in his chair as he stared down at us, "Anyone can make a few measly jumps. Now let's see how you rate against the living."

A Scattergun was thrown to me and I smirked as it landed in my hands. This was going to be fun, I could already feel it.

"Doing things like this is what you're meant for," it murmured lowly, "We wish to achieve the same thing."

"Readjust the Matter-Formers! Prepare the arena for full combat!"

"Prepare the arena for full combat!" Pecker repeated.

"I just said that," Damas stated with annoyance.

"I know," Pecker whined, "I was just adding… you know… how you do the thing with the… anyway. Prepare the warriors!"

"Y-you mean we have to fight against actual people? With actual weapons? That actually… want to hurt us?!" Daxter asked; panicking.

"Fine," I mused darkly, cocking the Scattergun, "Bring 'em on."

"All right, that's it!" the ottsel shouted angrily, jumping off my shoulder, "I want to be on his shoulder!"

I rolled my eyes at Daxter as the lift started to lower us back down to the arena above the lava.

"Come on Dax, you know I would never let anything happen to you," I assured him, reaching back and patting his head.

I knew that with a sane mind I would never be able to seriously hurt the ottsel, let alone let someone else hurt him. I would put my life down on the line before his if that would be what kept him safe. In a way, that was already the case.

"Yeah, I know," he murmured, shaking his head.

I gave him a small smile before jumping off of the platform and onto the arena floor. His fingers tightened at my shirt as men wearing armor jumped down to the arena as well. I took aim as two men started toward me and fired as they came close enough. They grunted loudly as they fell backward and became motionless. More came then as an alarm sounded around us.

"What's that?!" Daxter panicked into my ear.

Lava shot up through the floor, hitting some of the men that had jumped down. I ran and jumped onto the nearest ledge before the arena floor disappeared below us. The men screamed in pain as they didn't make it to the ledge in time.

"Man, this place is awful…" Daxter said, sounding horrified.

"Yeah really," I breathed, shaking my head.

I could feel it coming; the pulsing going through my veins. It wanted loose and it wanted it desperately. My jaw tightened and my brows furrowed as the arena floor reappeared below us and I could once again step onto it.

"How about you let me handle this?" it asked and I could hear the smirk that was on its face, "You're a little too tired."

It was right; I was tired. Between heatstroke and training my body was still worn down. I hadn't had enough time to regain all of my bearings in this place. I had instantly been sent in to fight and defend myself. What was all of this for? What was I even fighting for? I already knew the question to that answer. The only thing that stopped me from standing in the middle of this arena and dropping my weapon was Daxter. If nothing else, I had to fight for him. He needed to be safe.

Jumping down from my ledge, I put the gun away and let myself go. The pulsing of dark eco became stronger and I felt the change flow through me. The adrenaline it gave me was indescribable. I knew I had missed this form; this strength. I felt so alive... but I knew that it was killing me. I knew that I would soon be devoured.

"Jak, you okay buddy?" Daxter wondered, patting my shoulder.

"Yeah," I growled, smirking darkly as my claws became prominent.

I charged then; attacking everyone that was close to me. As each of the men fell to the ground and the static of the dark eco came through my skin I couldn't help but look around for more. I wanted more of a challenge. I needed it.

More men came and even as they fell it still didn't feel satisfying enough. Then there was a shot of gunfire, barely missing my feet. I took a step back, growling at the person that had shot at me. They shot again before another man did the same. I was backed to the edge of the arena; the lava's heat burning at my back. I clenched my hands before feeling the pleasure. There it was. There was the challenge.

"Jak?" the ottsel's voice worried.

There were men surrounding us, all with their guns pointed in our direction. I lunged forward before leaping into the air. I felt even more dark eco flow through me and there was a charge of static through my fingertips. As I neared the ground, I slammed my fist to the metal beneath me and there was an explosion of dark eco energy. It threw all the men around me backward and into the lava surrounding the arena.

No more men appeared before us and the platform was ready to move. Looking down at my hands, I clenched my claws before reluctantly going to it.

"Everything alright Jak?" the ottsel asked lowly, "You're still all dark…"

I didn't respond and my jaw merely tightened as the platform reached its full height. I jumped to the stand before the king of this city and stared up at him. This was what I was. There was no sense in hiding it. As I took a step forward, I felt the dark eco drain from me and my claws receded. The black disappeared from my gaze as they caught sight of an armor wearing boy. His eyes were cold and it felt as if they were staring into me. I winced, turning away before looking up at Damas. He was staring down at me intently.

"Something you're not telling us, animal man?" he hissed, rising to his feet.

"He has been touched with dark eco, my liege," Pecker explained solemnly.

"Our boy here gets all mean and nasty when you piss him off," Daxter added, taking a coupe steps forward, "So don't piss him off; word to the wise."

I turned my gaze to the side. It wasn't just when I was angry anymore… it was constantly. There was a constant struggle within myself that I was tired of fighting.

Damas looked to the side thoughtfully as an impressed expression came to his face.

"Ah, then he is dangerous and that could be useful," he said, turning his gaze back to me, "Your bravery has earned you your first battle amulet. If you are victorious in two more arena fights, you will earn your citizenship to Spargus."

Walking forward to the small table that was at the front of the platform, I looked the things on it over.

"Here is a gate pass to allow free passage in and out of the city," the king continued, throwing the pass to me, "but beware, there is no true refuge outside our walls. The desert is less kind than I."

He walked backward and took his seat in his chair.

"And for your victory, a gun mod is your prize."

I took the gun mod and looked it over. It was the Blaster mod.

'One of my favorites,' I thought, smirking.

"Aw yeah, now we're talking!" Daxter shouted, running up to the small table, "Hey, what do I get? Nothing… as usual…"

Turning to walk away I cast my eyes to the side to see if the boy was still standing there. Within those few moments he managed to disappear and my brows furrowed. Who the hell was he? Why had he been scowling so intently at me?

Shaking the feeling off, I went for the exit of the arena. I no longer desired to be within the range of the lava pit. It had already been too close for comfort for me.

"Those were some sweet moves in the arena, boy," a voice stated as we walked through the hallway, catching my attention, "But a little more choke, and you would have popped, eh?"

"You talking to me?" I hissed, my brows furrowing.

"Yeah!" Daxter nearly growled, "You talking to… him?"

"No, I'm conversing with my sweet departed mum," the man stated sarcastically, "Of course you, ya bore head."

I stepped up to him as Daxter jumped to the ground. What was this guy's problem?

"You guys are from the Big Smoke, eh?"

"Who's asking?" I asked with crossed arms.

I had only spoken to the man for a few moments and he already seemed to have a poor impression of me.

'I can't say that he's making a good first impression either,' I thought sourly, glaring up at the large man that stood before me.

"The guy that runs this place, that's who," he hissed, taking a step forward and leaning over me, "Kleiver's the name. You blokes stick with me, and I'll take care of ya."

Within the few moments of speaking with Kleiver I knew that we were going to clash. He wanted to be the man in charge.

"In fact, I've got a job for ya right now," he said as he walked over to a large lizard and grabbed the reigns, "Ride me Leaping Lizard here and catch a few of those little buggers that have been raiding me storerooms. Snag me six of those puppies and I'll let you drive one of me racing vehicles."

I looked down at Daxter with a raised brow. Was this guy serious?

"That is, if Damas ever lets you leave the city."

"I think we can handle that," I agreed.

"No!" Daxter shouted, "I hate riding animals… they make me chafe!"

"Stop complaining," I told him, "Let's just get it over with."

Grabbing him by the scruff of his neck, I walked by Kleiver and grabbed the reigns of his lizard.

"Good luck, eh?" the man laughed behind us.

I rolled my eyes at his words before stepping over the back of the lizard and resting into the saddle. It took off almost instantly, running quickly down the street and through the people around us. After a few moments of giving chase it had already caught one of the rodents Kleiver had been talking about.

"Well this won't take long," I laughed, pulling the reigns to the side for the lizard to turn.

The lizard continued after another rodent, jumping high and flapping its little wings to hop over some crates of food. It was easy to see why there were so many of the lizards standing around in the city. They made good modes of transportation instead of having to walk all over the place. Riding a lizard was quick and it was easy. This mission would be over quicker than I thought it would.

The day had been long and tiring. When the sun had finally decided to go down I was grateful. It meant that I would be able to sit and rest if only for a short while. I sat on a stone rooftop, leaning back and supporting myself with my hands.

'This place isn't bad,' I thought as I stared out over the ocean, 'It's more than enough of an improvement from Haven city.'

I shook the thought of Haven city away. What use was there to think about the people that had cast me out after everything that I had done for them? They didn't care what became of me. I was merely returning the favor.

Daxter's snore brought me out of thought for a moment and I laughed. For someone so small one would think that he wouldn't be loud. That was clearly not the case. The ottsel was the loudest person that I knew. Lightly rubbing his orange belly, I smiled before turning my gaze back to the water. This was one of those very few moments where everything felt peaceful. I knew that the moment wouldn't last long though. These moments rarely ever did.

As I sat, I caught something from the corner of my eye. There was a grouping of people and a black machine that was lying motionless on the ground. My curiosity peaked; I shook Daxter awake before climbing down the ladder to the ground below. Walking over, I got a closer look at the people. The one standing the closest to the machine had been the boy that I had seen earlier at the arena.

"Check out these funny dudes, huh," Daxter laughed as we got closer, "Nice threads. I didn't know rubber was back in."

He was amused with his own jokes, leaning in closer toward the boy.

"What are you working on, monk boy?" he wondered.

The boy raised his hand toward the machine, "It is none of your concern, animal."

"Look, coloring book, we've had a hard week," the ottsel hissed as he jumped to the ground, "Don't push it!"

"The arena shows all, dark one," the monk stated as he turned toward me, "Hate consumes your eyes."

These people, they really had no idea. None of them did. If they knew what was really happening, I wondered if they would run for their lives.

"Great," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes, "Thanks for the tip."

"It will destroy you… just as the Precursors destroyed themselves," the monk continued, gesturing to the machine behind him.

"Doesn't look like any Precursor crap we've seen," Daxter muttered.

"These artifacts are an abomination," the monk said as he started to explain, "One fell on the great volcano. We sent an expedition to the mountain, but my monks never returned."

I watched the machine intently before turning my gaze back to the monk. He sounded confident in the words he was speaking.

"Ill tidings sing in the wind. I fear the remaking of the world is at hand."

"I think you've been out in the sun a little too long," the ottsel mused before turning to walk away, "Let's go Jak."

Shaking my head I turned to follow after Daxter. In a way what the monk was saying sounded like a load of nonsense. In this moment he was that crazy person people tried to ignore on the street as they walked by.

"You must leave this place!" the monk said after us, "Heroes think they can save the world, when they themselves are lost. You could not possibly understand the dark forces at work here."

Something in me snapped then. After the past few years of being within Haven and all the dark eco that now coursed through my body, no one had the right to tell me I didn't understand it. I turned on him with a scowl clear on my face.

"Don't talk to me about dark powers," I nearly hissed before gesturing toward the machine, "I want to know what this is."

Static from the dark eco surged in my hand at being close to the machine and it released a purple screen. I winced for a moment, feeling the surge spread through the rest of my body. Trying to force the feeling away, I took a step toward the machine.

"Stand back," I ordered before touching the screen.

There were unreadable words fluttering across the screen and there were a few buttons. Being near this machine… it was pulling at me. It was almost as if it was trying to summon the dark eco within me to the surface.

'Why is this happening?' I asked myself, my brows narrowing, 'What is this thing?'

Wincing, I pressed a few buttons on the screen and waited impatiently. When nothing happened, I banged my fist off it in frustration. I didn't have the will to fight against myself now; not here. I was filled with relief when the machine released a small mechanical hand with some form of crystal on it.

"Don't touch it!" the monk warned, "Dark eco…"

I almost rolled my eyes at the warning. There was nothing more that dark eco could possibly do to me. Taking the crystal easily, I looked at it closely. It was a solid form of dark eco crystal… I had never seen anything like it before. I could feel the pulse of energy it was emitting. For something so small it still had a great amount of strength within it.

The more I stared at the crystal, the more absorbed into it I felt. I could feel myself fading into the dark – my eyes almost fully black – before I heard Daxter's voice behind me.

"Yeah, you're impressed now aren't ya?" he said as he started clapping, "Come on. Give him his props."

I snapped out of my daze and turned my head to see the monk standing next to me.

"Those are solid eco crystals. It has been passed down through time that they power the greatest of Precursor technologies," he explained as he gestured toward the machine, "Strange… It speaks an ancient dialect; the earliest Precursor forms. Something about re-claiming this unfinished world…"

"Those look like coordinates. Like the ones from-"

The monk raised his hand to cut me off, "It is picking up a very powerful signal."

"I don't think we're going to like what this thing is yapping to!" Daxter nearly stuttered, backing away from the machine.

It came alive then; the machine started to thrash about violently before managing to make it off the ground. It hovered into the air before exploding above our heads in a blinding purple light; casting rubble over the area.

"Even you cannot save us from this, hero!" the monk stated, waving us off.

"Hey, I'm the real hero here," Daxter interjected, "You can call me… Orange Lightning. Zazaziing!"

"You may carry the color of our creators, animal, but we have plans to save ourselves. Stay out of our business," the monk hissed, turning his back to us, "You and Orange Lightning are not welcome here!"

"Whatever," Daxter scoffed, turning to keep walking away, "Let's go Jak."

I followed after him, leaving the monk behind. There was no use in wasting time here and being told the entire time to disappear. Where would be the point?

I felt Daxter climb up to my shoulder and I let out a small sigh. There had been so little time to rest…

"What's the matter Jak?" the ottsel wondered, patting my shoulder, "Something on your mind?"

Should I just tell him? If he were to be in danger because of me, wouldn't it be better to let him know that it might happen? I didn't want him to worry, but at the same time I didn't want to have to endlessly worry what I might end up doing to him while I was transformed…

"It's that dark eco Dax," I murmured, stopping and looking down at my hands, "I no longer have a grasp on it. It's almost as if it's taking over me and it does so every time it has the chance."

"I thought you only became mean and nasty when you were pissed off," he said with some worry.

"It used to be. Now… now there's just do much of it flowing through my veins that I can't stop it anymore," I continued, my brows furrowing, "It's consuming me Dax… and I almost don't want it to stop-"

"Wait!" he cut in, "You mean that you could be transformed like that forever?"

"I don't know," I admitted, having to turn my head away from him, "I don't know what will happen to me if this goes on much longer."

"Don't say that!" he shouted, shaking the fabric on my shoulders, "You're my buddy and I'll stand by you no matter what happens; even if you become a big scary monster."

I laughed without humor with his words. I was happy that he felt that way, but at the same time being called a 'big scary monster' wasn't very comforting. It was the truth though and I knew it to be true. I was a monster.

"Thanks Dax."

I continued walking and we made our way over to the exit of Spargus. Standing before the large gate, it slowly opened and I could see Kleiver standing there.

'Just who I wanted to see,' I thought dully.

As we came closer to him, he caught notice of us and turned in our direction.

"Well if it isn't the newbies," he greeted mockingly.

"Keep yapping Jelly Boy," Daxter hissed, making a fat gesture, "We'll see who-"

"Bite ya bum, rat face," Kleiver growled as he reached over and grabbed Daxter, "Or I'll pound ya."

As he put Daxter back onto my shoulder I saw him make a face before grunting with disgust.

"Great stink of the Precursors. I got two words for ya, tooth brush," the ottsel said, pointing back at the larger man before us.

Ignoring their argument, I turned my gaze to all the vehicles that were surrounding us. Some of them looked fierce while a couple others looked tiny in comparison.

"Nice rides," I stated, gesturing to the large cars beside me.

"You like what you see? We use these babies to make runs into the deep desert to retrieve artifacts," Kleiver explained, "Tough wheels for tough work."

"You said we could use one," I said; a grin forming on my face.

If there was one thing that I enjoyed doing it was racing cars. It was something that had worn off of me through Keira.

"I did, didn't I?" Kleiver murmured thoughtfully, "But not one of those. Those are for the big boys."

I almost groaned with his words. I knew where this was going.

"You can use that one," he said, gesturing to the smallest car in the lot.

"Ha! What a runt!" Daxter laughed almost sarcastically.

"Seems to fit you," Kleiver mocked back.

It didn't matter to me either way. So long as I got to drive something fast it was all the same to me.

"Get in Dax, I'll drive."

We walked over to the car and I inspected it. It looked sturdy enough even for its size.

"Care to wager a little something on a race, then?" Kleiver questioned, "If you win, I'll let you keep that little vehicle for as long as you live. And if I win?"

"I don't have anything," I told him honestly.

"I'd say that yappy rodent of yours is a bit bony," he stated, pointing at Daxter as he stood on the top of the car, "but skinned and buttered he'd make a nice treat; my vehicle against him."

"Forget it buddy! Jak would never-"

"Done," I agreed cutting Daxter off.

The ottsel stared angrily down at me and I shook my head at him.

"What? Don't worry," I assured him, "If there's one thing I can do, it's race."

I pulled my scarf over my mouth and my goggles down as we both hopped into the car and we pulled out into the open desert. Off to the side we could see the track and Daxter gave me the glowering silent treatment. I knew he was mad, but he should have known by now that I would never let anyone get their hands on him. I would never risk his safety without putting my life on the line first.

Kleiver drove past us toward the track and we followed after him. He would know the way to the starting line more than I would. As we pulled in toward the starting line there were already three cars waiting to go.

"Let's do it!" Kleiver called over the humming of the engines.

I hit the gas hard then, taking off and getting around the person in front of me. Kleiver's car took off ahead and into first. We were nearly behind him as we neared the bridge. A car that had been behind us pulled up beside us and tried to push us over to the edge. I retaliated by steering the car into his to keep us away from the rocks that were coming after the bridge. We barely managed to avoid the rocks before I pulled away from the car and went around the side. I wasn't about to lose this race to someone like Kleiver.

We drove through the tunnel; hitting the gas harder than before and speeding up behind Kleiver. We were gaining ground as we neared the field of water holes. I steered us to the side so we could gain some more distance before both cars hit into the water. The car hydroplaned through it, almost turning us to the side but I continued on; not willing to lose. Glancing over I could see that Kleiver's car was almost facing ours as he slipped through the water. I smirked at him before we pulled ahead.

"So long sucker!" Daxter shouted back at him as we drove up the hill and past the water.

Turning the corner I could see the starting line ahead of us. Within a few moments I skid the car across it and looked over at Daxter who was jumping for joy.

A few moments later Kleiver pulled in behind us and looked less than impressed. He was scowling before it turned into some form of amusement.

'What's he smiling about?' I wondered; brows pushing together.

"Bah, enjoy it for now skimmer," he told us, shaking his head, "I said you could keep the vehicle for as long as you live. Well, we'll see how long that is mates."

He laughed before backing his car up and heading back toward the city.

'What's that supposed to mean?'

End of Chapter