Disclaimer: Dude, if I owned this, I'd have included these bits and pieces.
Okay, i know I've already done a misplaced story, but that was the ultimate scene that they missed. Others are out there in my mind, including a far off conclusion. So here we have other bits and pieces that were missing. One per day since I got it done. Could have done it as a one shot but didn't feel like it. Like I said, bits and pieces, very short things. Enjoy!
Misplaced Bits and Pieces
Though he knew about the spell separating the adults from their children, Flash couldn't help but to worry about his nephew. Since he saw a kid vanish in front of him in the grocery store, he kept trying to call Wally. It was just an instinct of his now, to worry about his partner.
Iris nearly fainted when he first told her he couldn't contact him.
After reassuring his wife that Wally and the others were safe (in another reality), then telling his in-laws the same, Barry had to return to his duties as a Justice League member. Right then it was crowd control. Panicking parents were the worst.
One word cried by a small voice was all it took though to stop the raging crowds. Everyone zipped their heads around so fast, they could all take the title of fastest being alive. One crying child was soon joined by several others. Within mere moments, families were being reunited and the trouble was ending.
Barry wanted to join the others in welcoming back the children of the world, but was soon caught up with the results of the earlier raging crowds. Property damages were beginning to fall towards people and he had to get everything and everyone out of the way before anyone was hurt.
It took ten minutes after that one cry for him to finally catch his breath and reach for his com. He couldn't hide his worry. "Wally, you read me? Wally!"
"I read you Uncle B."
Though relief flooded the speedster, he hadn't anticipated his nephew's tone of voice. It was almost as if he felt guilty for being happy. Why was that? "Everything alright on your end? You're all okay?"
There was a brief amount of silence, one warning Flash the subject was going to be brought up again later. "Our team's… alright I guess… How about you?"
"Me? I'm golden now that you're back." Flash looked to the sky for a moment, conflicted between asking twenty questions to know what was really wrong and giving the kid time to recover from whatever crisis had happened outside his sight. "As soon as everything's wrapped up where you are, go home and see your parents. Don't worry about alibis. Iris and I will catch up with the three of you later. Maybe a late night dinner or something."
Wally seemed to choke back something on the other end. "That'd be great. See you soon Uncle Barry."
"Later kid." He let the teen go and rested against the wall for a moment. He was no mind reader, but something had gone wrong. The team was okay and the world was back to normal, so what went wrong? Why did Wally sound like he was going to cry? And not the good kind either. A different kind of worry filled the man as he tried to gather his wits. Batman would give them all full details later he was sure, but he was a bit of a detective himself. Whatever had happened worried Wally, and that worried him.
A/N: yeah, I really wanted a Flash scene. Flash fam is another fave group of mine. Gotta love them. I know Barry's gotta be worried about his kid partner so... *shrug*
Superman's got a bit next. hey, even he can be worried.