Hey guys! ^-^ I'm back with something new!! I've wanted to make an X-Men Evolution/Naruto crossover for like… EVER, but I hadn't gotten the right ideas… until now!! So I hope you guys like it ^-^ and please review!!
Xavier sat in front of Cerebro, fixated on the screen. He sighed, scratching his chin. For the past few days, two mutants—both boys, about fifteen years old—had been using their powers quite a bit. When he tried to get a lock on the boys, Xavier found it practically impossible; the two of them were never in the same place for more than a day or so.
Xavier glanced over at the clock in silence. It was getting late. Xavier took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and tried once more to get a lock on the boys.
July in Arizona was… hot to say the least. Fox and Tanuki—as these two boys were known—knew this better than anyone.
"Aaagh…!" Fox groaned, dragging his heels through the dirt of the desert they were lost in. "Where are we even going again?!"
At first, his friend gave no reply. Finally, sighing, Tanuki replied, "Anywhere." Fox groaned louder.
Fox gripped his upper left arm tight. "We're so lost!" He exclaimed. It was true. The boys had been chased out of yet another town, and into the middle of nowhere. Now they were stuck in the 95-degree heat.
"It's your fault." Tanuki stated, his tone emotionless. He ran his hand through his short, blood red hair. "If you hadn't tried to stop that guy robbing that bank—"
Fox cut him off quickly. "Yeah, well that guy had a gun!" He snapped. "And he was shooting!" Fox stopped walking and crossed his arms. The wind whipped through his golden blond hair. "At least I was doing something to help!"
Tanuki stopped soon after Fox did. He turned, facing his friend, and stared at him. Tanuki's eyes were cold, aqua blue colored. His eyes were what mainly gave him his 'name'; black rings circled Tanuki's eyes, making him look like a raccoon.
"You got yourself shot," He said, motioning towards Fox's left arm. "And they didn't care what you did—save them or not."
Fox sighed, trying not to make eye contact with his friend. He knew Tanuki was right.
"Well… it was the right thing to do." Fox exclaimed, finding his friend staring him down.
Tanuki exercised the 'if looks could kill' expression quite a bit, and whether he was using it or not, Tanuki stared at people like he was looking into their very souls. Fox tried to focus on something else, and his eyes found their way to the blood red tattoo on the left side of Tanuki's forehead. It was a Japanese word—love, to be exact—that Tanuki had had since before he and Fox met, which was three years ago.
Despite the way Tanuki looked, Fox's looks were almost—if not exactly—as strange. The boy looked like he was born with whiskers—having three black stripes on either cheek. This, and his sly grin, was what gave Fox his name.
The two boys had been traveling with each other since they first met—and fought—three years ago over what was right.
Both boys were mutants, gifted—or cursed—with special powers when they reached puberty. But, unlike most mutant kids, Fox and Tanuki knew they were mutants before they got their powers, due to their appearance.
Three years ago, Tanuki despised humans, and would often become violent towards them. Fox, on the other hand, thought that mutants and humans should live in peace. When the boys finally clashed, Fox was victorious, and he asked Tanuki to join him on his journey to make peace. Tanuki had agreed, but deep down, there was still resentment towards humans, for whatever they'd done to him.
So now, three years later, the two boys had been trying to survive in the world, as mutants, with little to no luck. Some people were kind to them, but others wouldn't even look at them, and often showed their hatred for mutants through violence—even if they had helped or saved someone.
Like now.
After a bank robbery in the town Fox and Tanuki were staying at turned into a hostage situation, Fox had stepped in, taking a bullet to the arm—which he still never got medical attention for, because of the mob of angry humans. Tanuki had come to the rescue in the nick of time, and the two boys were barely able to get away.
Fox scratched the back of his head, awkwardly. He chuckled and started walking again, nervously. "D-dude look," Fox said walking past his friend. "It's too hot to just be standing here…" Tanuki closed his eyes and followed him.
"Yeah…" He said emotionlessly. There was another awkward silence.
"So…" Fox began, trying to break the silence, again. "How 'bout this weather?"
Tanuki pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're an idiot…" He muttered.
Fox laughed, flashing his fox-like grin. "And you need to lighten up." He said, swinging his right arm around Tanuki's neck. Tanuki let out a ghostly chuckle, and a slight grin. Fox laughed. "Good enough for me!" He practically sang.
Tanuki rolled his eyes, smirking. "How's your arm?" He asked.
Fox let go of Tanuki and held his arm. "Ok, I guess." He said, making sure the strip of his T-shirt he'd used as a bandage was tight enough to stop the bleeding. "I heal pretty fast."
Tanuki nodded slightly. "That's good." He said, shoving his hands into his jeans' pockets. "Because we have no more money." Tanuki pulled his pockets inside out, revealing them to be empty.
As if on an ironic cue, Fox stomach growled loudly. Tanuki blinked; Fox scratched the back of his head—embarrassed—and chuckled. "What a time, huh?"
Tanuki took a deep breath and put his hands back into his pockets. "You're hopeless, Naruto." He said.
Fox, or Naruto, laughed. "We're both hopeless, man." He said. Naruto's stomach growled again. "Damn, I'm hungry now…" He said.
Tanuki stared up at the sky. It was getting late. Tanuki drowned out Naruto for a moment, seemingly concentrating on something. Finally, it seemed that Tanuki was completely zoned out.
Realizing that his friend wasn't paying a bit of attention to him, Naruto tapped Tanuki on the shoulder. "Oi, Gaara?" He began. Then he saw how fixated Taunki, or Gaara was on the sky. "Dude, you ok?"
Gaara snapped out of his trance and blinked. "Yes." He said emotionlessly. Gaara sighed. "It's getting late… We better find somewhere to spend the night."
"We're in the middle of a desert." Naruto said. Gaara crossed his arms and let out another ghostly chuckle.
"You forget, Naruto," He began, "I grew up around places like this."
Naruto blinked, cocking his head to one side. "Oh yeah." He said. "I kinda forgot."
"Right." Gaara said, rolling his eyes.
Xavier's eyes snapped open. He'd found them.
Name: ?, Naruto
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Species: Mutant
Powers: Unidentified
Name: ?, Gaara
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Species: Mutant
Powers: Unidentified
So what'd you guys think? If you have any questions, let me know, but a lot of answers will probably be coming… in a few chapters from now… I guess ^-^
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
Please Review!!