A/N: 80,000 hits! Awesome! Not much to say other than enjoy the chapter!
Chapter 24: Luffy's Brother
As they approached Alabasta the food situation was starting to get bad. Well to be fair all of the food was gone… but still.
So much so that they tried to eat a cat fish but could be they are a sacred animal to Alabasta.
But still food was out.
But thankfully Vivi had good news.
"Since we saw the Seacat it means we're near Alabasta." Said Vivi.
The crew cheered at this news and soon enough arrived and the large island that Vivi called home.
However they had two problems when they arrived.
"That's MR. 3's ship." Said Vivi as they noticed it in the distance.
"What!" yelled almost everyone.
"Hey…" said Naruto, "Where's Luffy?"
There was an awkward silence as they realized that Luffy was also missing.
"You have got to be kidding me." Muttered Nami.
"Luffy must have run off ahead." Said Gaara.
"Because of course he did…" sighed Jiraiya.
The crew sighed at this.
"What should we do?" asked Naruto.
"Let's just gather supplies and then we'll figure everything out from there." Said Nami.
They snuck into town and found a hiding spot.
"So what's the plan now?" asked Hinata.
"How about some of us go get the supplies…" said Haku.
"Yeah but there's plenty of members of Baroque Works who knows what we look like." Said Usopp.
"Um… Usopp…" said Naruto.
"What?" asked Usopp.
That was when Naruto transformed into his girl version.
"Oh right…" said Usopp with a sweat drop.
The others who could transformed too.
"Okay…" said Nami, "Hinata, Sanji, Jiraiya and Chopper will get us food while Haku, Gaara and Naruto will get us clothes."
"Why are they getting us clothes?" asked Sanji.
"Because knowing you and Jiraiya you would get us dancer costumes or something." Said Nami.
Sanji and Jiraiya both stared at Nami.
"You know she's your right." Said Gaara.
"Come on…" said Hinata.
And so the two groups began to look for things.
With the clothes group…
"Honestly… why did I chose this disguise?" asked Naruto.
Gaara looked like a darker shined version of himself with blonde hair and Haku… went as a version of himself who wouldn't be mistaken for a woman.
"Don't ask me…" said Gaara.
That was when they saw a man with black hair asking someone something, they saw that he was holding Luffy's wanted poster.
They were on edge… for a few seconds then they realized something.
"Isn't that…" said Naruto.
The other two nodded.
Naruto approached the man.
"Hey there!" said Naruto.
The man looked at Naruto confused.
"You're looking for that guy right?" asked Naruto, "I both know where he is and not."
The man looked at Naruto.
HE had a nagging feeling like he could trust Naruto though not knowing why.
"You know him?" asked the man.
"Yep! He's my captain! I also knew him since we were kids!" laughed Naruto who seemed to be having fun telling the man this, "We were best friends in fact."
The man narrowed his eyes then Naruto gave his usual grin, even though he was a female version of himself.
That was when the man's eyes widened.
"Na…" said the man.
"Now's not a good place for that!" said Naruto, "We have targets on our backs."
"We?" asked the man.
Gaara and Haku made themselves known and they headed to a place to untransformed causing the man to laugh. He stared at Haku.
"Wow you grew up to be hot." Joked the man.
Haku just glared at the man.
"So Luffy kept his promise." Said the man.
"Sure did." Said Naruto with a big grin.
"So where is he?" asked the man.
"The idiot ran off when we got here." Said Gaara.
"Sounds about right." Said the man with a laugh, "You want to get lunch while looking for him."
"Sure!" said Naruto.
"We're supposed to be buying clothes." Said Haku.
"I know, I know… but come on…" said Naruto, "You can tell the others something came up and I decided to look for Luffy!"
"Well it would be true." Said Haku.
"You guys weren't expecting me were you?" asked the man, "Didn't you get my message?"
"What message?" asked the three of them.
"I left one on Drum island that I'd be waiting for Luffy here." Said the man.
"nope… we didn't get that message." Said Naruto.
:Huh… but it still worked out…" said the man.
"It did." Said Naruto.
The three transformed back into their disguises and parted ways.
Naruto and the man were chatting to the restaurant.
"So that's your crew." Said Naruto eyeing a large tattoo on his back.
"Yeah! I joined Whitebeard." Said the man, "Thought about asking Luffy to join up with him."
Naruto laughed, "You really think Luffy would work under a different pirate captain?" asked Naruto.
The man was going to argue.
"You're right." Said Ace.
They got to the restraint to eat lunch.
As they ate the man suddenly fell asleep in his food causing Naruto to laugh.
"Oh my god he dropped dead!" yelled one of the other people in the restaurant.
"No you idiots! He's asleep!" called out Naruto.
"Are you sure! Because it looked like he ate a desert strawberry." Said one of the other patrons.
That was when the man woke up.
"He's alive!" yelled the other patrons.
"Told you so." Said Naruto.
Before any more could be said however suddenly something crashed through the wall of the restraint and slammed into Ace.
The thing that crashed into Ace got up and saw the food and started eating.
"Luffy!" said Naruto.
"Oh hey Naruto… why are you a girl?" asked Luffy.
"Because of the fact we saw Mr. 3's ship…" said Naruto.
"Oh that's bad." Said Luffy.
"On the bright side! Look what you crashed into." Said Naruto.
Luffy saw the man recovering from being slammed.
"What hit me?" asked the man.
"ACE!" cheered Luffy going to hug the man.
"Hey Luff!" said Ace.
"I was wondering when I'd see you!" laughed Luffy.
"Yep!" said Ace.
"So…" said Naruto, "I was going to ask."
That was when the restaurant suddenly filled with smoke.
"Oh crap!" yelled Luffy.
"Now him again!" yelled Naruto.
It should be noted that the man they were referring to was a Marine by the name of Smoker that they ran into before reaching the Grand Line.
A very powerful Marine that almost captured Luffy.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" called out Naruto.
He created Shadow Clones that looked like the real version of him.
"God distract him!" called out Naruto.
"Right!" called out the clones.
"Come on Ace! Let's run!" yelled Luffy.
They all ran out of the restraint.
"So who is that guy!" said the man named Ace.
"A marine who's trying not catch me." Said Luffy.
They all counited to run away that was when the rest of the crew showed up also being chased by Marines.
"There you two are!" yelled Nami.
"Sorry!" cried Luffy.
"Wait… is that…" said Hinata noticing Ace.
"Hey!" said Ace.
But before they could continue suddenly Luffy was grabbed by Smoker.
However that was when suddenly Ace unleashed a flame from his hands.
"No way!" yelled Luffy.
"Awesome!" yelled Naruto, "Could he do that before?"
"Nope!" said Luffy.
"I'll handle the guy!" said Ace, "I'll find you later!"
"Right!" cheered Luffy.
"Wait you know the guy? "asked Usopp.
"Who is he?" asked Zoro.
"My big brother Ace!" cheered Luffy.
Most of the view were surprised by this fact… but then they realized something.
He never brought up his childhood friends before he recruited them,, him having a brother wasn't too surprising.
"Run now, talk later." Said Jiraiya.
And so they ran, unaware just how powerful Luffy's brother was… or just what kind of pirate he was…
But still… Luffy brother was there and he was going to help… well in this striation… not with Alabasta…
But still they were there in Alabasta finally even if they were going to get sidetracked thanks to Luffy brother…
Next Time: After evading the Marines they learn about Luffy's complicated family... not just the older brother that Luffy has now but a couple others as well... what is it? Find out next time!