Ah the all to excellent book three. Don't own DP or ATLA. This one I was looking forward to a lot and let me tell you, I have done my best to completely mess up what actually happened and I will now be including Zuko's parts since they will play an important role come later, and unlike the other books I am doing every single episode and hope to have at least twenty one chapters. Although it may take me quite a while to post so I apologize for any delay.

Danny let out a groan as he slowly came to. His body felt like fire was flowing though his veins instead of blood. Danny carefully got up, his vision blurring as he did so. He heard more groaning just a ways a way from him and he tried with difficulty to see where it was coming from.

He smiled weakly as he saw Aang slowly sitting up "Hey Aang?" he asked. He looked a bit different, although that might accompany for the fact that his head had black hair on it! Not to mention he only had tattered pants and bandages that were mirrored on Danny himself when he checked.

Aang turned to Danny and gasped "Oh no!" he said in dismay. Curiously Danny turned around and felt his face pale at the giant Fire Nation banner "Not good" Danny whispered. All he could remember was that fight, they must have lost and been captured.

Carefully both boys stumbled weakly to their feet. Both felt light headed and both…were in pain. Danny grabbed his and Aang's staffs, tossing Aang's to him. Then both used their gliders as walking sticks as they inched towards the door and slowly eased it open.

Aang stood stiffly as Danny peered out into the hall way. Danny breathed out a sigh of relief when it was clear. But both boys kept their guard up as they walked out into the hall and set off. Both stumbling as the ship rocked against the waves.

They easily reached a corner although they both had to try to stifle groans of pain as they walked "You hear something?" a voice asked as they reached the corner. Aang peered down and froze at the sight of two guards.

With a nervous gasp both boys used their air bending to stop the guards as they ran past. As they took off Danny briefly heard one yell "Their awake! Stop! Wait!" the guards called. Both boys ignored them as they ran, hand staying on the wall so they wouldn't fall, steadily glancing back at the two guards following them.

With ease they made it out but once they went to open their gliders both boys fell on the deck and the gliders fell away. They landed near two men, one of which was petting a small lemur "Momo?" Aang asked weakly.

Danny looked in puzzlement as the lemur in question ran up to take a spot on Aang's shoulder. Danny gripped his side in slight pain as he and Aang got to all fours "Twinkle Toes! Phantom! That's gotta be you!" Toph yelled.

Danny looked over and saw Toph, Katara, Sam, and Jazz running over to them. Danny and Aang got slowly to their feet as the group plus the two guards surrounded them "Aang! Danny! You two are finally awake!" Sam said in relief.

Both boys rubbed their eyes "Are you sure? It's feels like a dream" Danny muttered feebly. Katara went to hug Aang while Sam did the same with Danny "Your not dreaming, your finally awake" Katara told them in relief.

Just then two Fire Nation soldiers walked up to them "Aang, Danny, it's good to have you two back with the living" they both said. As they each went to hug the confused boys. Aang narrowed his eyes in confusion "Sokka? Tucker?" he asked.

Just then both boys groaned and began to fall back "Oh no! Some one catch them their gonna…" Jazz didn't finish her sentence as Katara and Sam rushed up to catch the boys as they fell unconscious once more as Appa walked up to them, a new saddle on his back.

Line break

Zuko stood quietly on the deck of a ship staring at the full moon over head. Behind him a girl slowly walked up to him dressed in black, in her hands a small silver object glinted in the moonlight "Zuko?" she asked quietly.

Zuko whirled around to face her but relaxed upon seeing her "Your that colonial girl right?" he asked. The girl smiled weakly before nodding "Yes, my name is Valerie, and I was wondering if I could stand here with you" she said, her voice brimming with embarrassment.

Zuko sighed and looked out towards the ocean "Sure" he muttered. Valerie walked up by him and looked up at the moon, tears began brimming in her eyes as her mind flashed back to Danny's moon white hair as she twirled a small metal necklace with Danny Phantom's insignia on it "You okay?" Zuko asked.

Valerie blinked and the tears went away. With a shaky breath she gave him a forced smile "I'm fine" she said. Then she noticed his worried and even troubled expression "Your worried about impressing your father, aren't you?" she asked.

Zuko sighed and looked down "I've got a lot on my mind, it's been so long, over three years since I was home. I wonder what's changed…I wonder how I've changed" he said unsurely. Valerie smiled weakly at him "Well if it helps then I think you're a great person" she said.

Zuko looked closely at her troubled place "Where are you going when you get to the palace city? Azula said she brought you along for your cooking skills but after that what are you doing?" he asked. Valerie shrugged "No idea, I don't have the money to get back their and I don't have the money to stay any where" she said uneasily.

It was actually a lie she cooked up, true she had gotten aboard the boat by cooking but it was really just a part of her big plan "Why don't you come to the palace? We can just say you're my girlfriend and that can get you a room" he told her nervously.

Valerie rolled her eyes "Why, have pity on me?" she asked. Zuko sighed "You have the look of a person who recently lost someone close to her" he told her gently. Valerie looked down, tears once more welling through her eyes 'Danny' she thought.

Then to her surprise she found Zuko's surprisingly gentle arms wrap around her shoulder as she cried.

Line break

After both girls had gotten Danny and Aang to wake up they had the boys sit by Appa as Sam and Katara sat across from them "Why are we on a Fire nation ship?" Aang asked. Danny nodded "And why is everyone dressed like Fire Nation?" he asked.

Then both boys exchanged looks "And why are we the only two so out of it?" they both asked together. Katara winced "please you two, take it easy please? You both got hurt pretty bad" she said. Both boys nodded as they touched the bandages around their chests.

Then Sam nudged Katara who blushed "I like your hair" she told Aang. Aang snapped up and felt his head "I have hair? How long was I out?" he asked nervously. Sam sighed "A few weeks, both of you were" she told them. Just then one of the men from earlier approached them "Is everything okay?" he asked.

Katara's face glazed over in anger "We're fine dad" she said angrily. Hakoda then turned and bowed to the two "I'm Hakoda, Sokka and Katara's father" he said. Both boys seemed to go and get up when Katara stopped them, missing Sam mouthing 'Don't do it' to her.

Katara glared at her father "They know who you are, I just called you dad didn't I?" she asked angrily. Hakoda's face became downcast "I guess your right" he said, his voice filled with sorrow.

Danny and Aang winced before getting to their feet and giving him a small bow "It's a pleasure to meet you chief Hakoda" Danny said. Hakoda nodded "It's a pleasure to meet you" he told them. Katara avidly refused to look at them "Great now you have finally met now would you mind giving us some privacy?" she asked harshly.

Hakoda's eyes glazed over slightly in sorrow "Of course" he said before he turned and walked away. Aang turned uneasily to Katara "Are you mad at your dad or something?" he asked. Katara turned to him in confusion "What? Not at all, why would you say that?" she asked in genuine confusion.

Both boys exchanged puzzled looks before shrugging. Unfortunatly both of their sides seared with pain right then and they grabbed their sides. Both girls sighed in sympathy "Maybe we should go upstairs, you both need a healing session" Sam said gently.

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Later Danny and Aang sat facing each other, the girls were behind each of them with a big vase of water in between the boys. Sam and Katara easily bended some of the water out so that it circled their hands and the water turned glowing blue.

Sam couldn't help but wince and feel queasy at the gaping wounds that seemed identical on each of their backs "Just tell us where it feels most intense" Katara said nervously as she noticed Sam's discomfort. Danny and Aang gritted their teeth in pain as the water moved along their backs, slowly inching up.

Just then a flash lit up their eyes and Danny could practically feel the lightning strike him again and he could have sworn he saw himself being struck down again. Danny let out a gasp at the same time as Aang "Your definatly in the right spot there" the two of them muttered.

Sam nodded "I can feel a lot of energy twisted up around there, here lets just…" she trailed off as both girls withdrew the water. As soon as the water left Danny and Aang's backs arched in pain as another flash clouded Danny's vision.

He could see himself and Aang laying lifelessly on Appa's head with the two girls leaning over them. As soon as the vision cleared Danny paled as he realized something "We went down…didn't we? We didn't just get hurt, it was worse than that…we were gone, but you both brought us back!" Danny said in shock, noticing as Aang's face paled as well.

Katara looked away uneasily "It was water Clockwork gave me from a spiritual oasis, I don't know what we did quite yet" Sam told them uneasily. Danny turned to look at her and Aang gave her a grateful look "You saved us" Aang said in a detached tone.

Sam looked away so Katara looked both of them gently in the eye "You both need to rest" she said gently.

Line break

Later that day two figures stood on a high balcony in the palace city. Behind them in the door burned a bright flame "Your princess Azula, clever and beautiful disguised herself as the enemy and entered the earth kingdom capitol" one of the incredibly ugly old woman called.

Then her seemingly twin called out in an identical voice "In Ba Sing Se she found her brother Zuko!" she told the surrounding crowds. The crowd continued to grow as the tale continued "And Together they face the Avatar" she said.

Then with exuberant voices they shouted "And the Avatar fell! And the Earth Kingdom fell!" they cried out in unison. "Azula's agents quickly overtook the entire city and went to Ba Sing Se great wall!"

The crowds became mesmerized in the tale "And brought them down!" both shouted.

"The armies of the Fire Nation surged through the walls and swarmed over Ba Sing Se!"

"Securing our victory!"

Then a figure appeared out of the fire "Now the heroes have returned home!" the two ugly ladies shouted.

Azula walked forward with a confident and proud smile "Your princess Azula!" one called over the crowds cheers. As soon as the crowds quieted the other ugly lady picked up "And after three long years prince has returned with a Fire Nation girlfriend!" they called as Zuko and Valerie walked up.

Both teens looked nervous and unsure "Zuko! And Lady Valerie!" both ugly ladies called. Zuko and Valerie looked unsurely at the crowd as they stood their, both looking like pure royalty, but both also held unsure expressions on their face as well.

Line break

At about the same time Danny and Aang sat in a circle with Katara, Sam, Toph, Tucker, Jazz, Sokka, Hakoda, and Hakoda's second in command, Bato. And they were currently eating some rice "After what happened in Ba Sing Se we had to get you two to safety" Sokka explained.

(AN: I'm going to change the pattern of writing for this explanation)

Jazz: We flew back to Chameleon bay were we found Hakoda and the other men of the Water Tribe.

Sokka: The Earth King decided he wanted to travel the world in disguise so he set off alone.

Jazz: Sokka he still had Bosco with him!

Sokka: Shhhhhh! Soon the bay was overrun with Fire Nation ships and rather than take them all we captured a ship and made it our disguise

Jazz: Since then we have been traveling west, we crossed through the serpents pass a few days ago.

Sokka: We've seen a few Fire Nation ships but none have bothered us.

Aang: So what now?

Hakoda: We've been working on a modified version of the invasion plan.

Katara: It's Sokka's Invasion plan.

Hakoda: Yes…Sokka's plan…we won't be able to mount a massive invasion with out the Earth King's armies but the solar eclipse will still leave the fire Nation Vulnerable.

Sokka: So we're planning a smaller invasion, just a rag tag team of our friends and allies from around the earth kingdom.

Jazz: And we even ran into Jet and some of his freedom fighters!

(AN: commence old writing)

Danny and Aang looked towards them "It's good to see you Aang, and don't think your not off the hook yet Danny" Jet said, although his tone was much lighter and not as hostile.

Then Sokka grinned "And the best part is the eclipse isn't even our biggest advantage! We have a secret…" he paused to look for enemies which is completely pointless "You two" he whispered. Those words caused Danny to freeze up as he seemed to anticipate what was coming "Me?" the two asked, although Danny had a bit more nervousness in his voice.

Sokka smiled broadly "Yep! The whole world thinks your both dead! Isn't that great!?" he said brightly. Danny could feel the color leave his face as he caught sight of Jazz smacking Sokka in the back of his head "You weren't suppose to make them feel worst" he heard her hiss.

Besides him Aang stood in dismay "The world thinks we are dead? How is that good news? That's terrible!" he asked.

Jazz sighed "Aang, Danny just think, the Fire Nation is included in that world and if they think your dead then they won't be expecting for the Avatar and Phantom bender to turn up during the invasion! Not to mention they won't be hunting us anymore which leaves us free to train and plan!" she told him in slight excitement.

Danny shook his head "No, no, no, you have no idea!" he said in dismay. Aang gripped his fuzz ball head in anger "Oh this is so messed up!" he said angrily. Further 'comfort' was prevented as a horn blew and everyone saw a Fire Nation ship approaching "We'll handle this" Danny said.

Aang nodded as they both grabbed their gliders and opened them "The Avatar and Phantom Bender are back" he said determinedly. However both boys then grabbed their sides as pain seared through their chests.

Both of them continued to struggle to get ready to take off when Sam ran up in front of them "Guys wait! They don't know we aren't Fire Nation!" she warned. Reluctantly both Danny and Aang withdrew their gliders and nodded "Places everyone!" Hakoda called.

Quickly everyone ran to hide and two of the freedom fighters went to hide Appa. Sokka and Tucker replaced their Fire Nation helmets while Hakoda and Bato stood at attention just like captain and co-captain.

As the ships pulled up Danny glared blankly "I hate not being able to do anything" he said darkly. Toph glared blankly "Hopefully you won't need to" she told him.

Hakoda and Bato stood at attention as a ramp lowered to allow three men walk across, two soldiers and an admiral "Commander! Why are you off course? All the ships from the Western fleets are supposed to be moving towards Ba Sing Se to support the occupation!" he said angrily.

Bato and Hakoda exchanged nervous glances at the same time as Sokka and Tucker "Actually we are from the Eastern fleet, we have orders to deliver some cargo" he said. The man sighed in annoyance "Ah, Eastern fleet, it was nice of admiral Chan to let us know he was sending one of his ships our way" he said in annoyance.

Hakoda frowned "I'm sure Admiral Chan meant no disrespect sir" he told him. The admiral ignored him "I mean how hard is it to write a quick note and send a hawk our way?" he asked. Hakoda nodded "next time we'll send two hawks to be sure you get the message" he told them.

The man sighed as they both bowed in Fire Nation custom and Tucker paled under his mask at the guards next words "Sir Admiral Chan has been on leave at Ember Island for the past two weeks" he said. Tucker saw the mans eyes widen in shock "Why am I never informed of these things?" he asked angrily.

Then his eyes narrowed "They should know that, something tells me this is a captured ship, stay quiet until we are safely across the ramp and then we will sink the ship" he said. Tucker let out a gasp as the men began walking across the ramp "They know!" he shouted.

He then bent down and bended the metal so that the ramp fell and the men fell into the water. With swift precision Sam and Katara leapt out of hiding and used their water bending to give their ship a head start.

Line break

Both Zuko and Valerie sat uneasily at a small turtle duck pond Zuko use to come to with his mother. Both of them were slightly uneasy as they tossed small pieces into the pond. The small family of three turtle ducks, including mom and two babies, to eat the bread.

However they fled in terror to the safe side of the pond as a shadow fell over him "You seem so downcast, has Mai gotten to you already? She does seem in a particularly sour mood lately" Azula taunted.

Zuko sighed and Valerie looked away "I haven't seen dad yet, I haven't seen him in three years, since I was banished" he told his evil sister who is not worthy of that title, nor worthy of the title princess. Azula smirked "So what?" she asked casually.

Zuko glared at her "So…I didn't capture the Avatar" he said uneasily. Azula rolled her eyes "Who cares, the Avatar is dead" she said roughly. Zuko turned away at these words, his insides burning with guilt. But strangely Valerie turned away from the two of them as well, intensely studying a tree.

Azula looked at her brother who should be on the good side carefully "Unless you think he survived? And perhaps the Phantom Bender as well?" she asked. Valerie shot Zuko a look and he saw tears in her eyes before she turned back away.

Zuko's mind flashed back to Sam holding up the two vials of water of that special water "No, no one could have survived that hit" he said, his tone sure. Although not for the reasons she thought, he knew that with that water there was always the chance that they were okay.

Azula's eyes narrowed "Well, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about" she said before walking away.

Line break

Toph got ready to strike with Tucker "Load the Toph and Tucker" Toph called out. It made a direct hit with one of the catapults and destroyed it. However the second catapult was still free. Tucker launched another attack that stopped it.

Mean while Danny and Aang tried to sneak out before they were stopped by Sokka. In annoyance both benders began hitting their heads on their staffs. Back outside the Fire nation soldiers launched a spear that struck the side of the ship.

Water poured in fast and with quick motions Sam used her bending to freeze the water in place and preventing the water from sinking. Katara turned to the others "We'll get some cover!" they shouted. They both then turned and seemed to move slowly and at first nothing but a small whirlpool appeared but it quickly became apparent of what they were doing when steam rose in a giant wall and spread over the ships.

For a moment everyone remained tense as they listened. The peace was interrupted as everyone scrambled away from an oncoming fire blast. Then back with Aang and Danny both boys saw what happened and Danny let out a growl "We just can't stand by and do nothing!" Danny shouted.

With a growl he grabbed Aang and turned them intangible for five seconds to get past Sokka "Aang Danny no!" he shouted. He quickly ran up and grabbed their staffs and once more Danny had trouble with his powers so he couldn't yank it out of the warriors grasp "You two are still hurt and you have to stay secret! Just let us handle this!" Sokka shouted.

Aang growled slightly as he and Danny yanked their gliders out of his hand "Fine" he muttered bitterly. With reluctance they both walked past as another fire ball hit the ship as the two ships raced out of cover nearly side by side "How we doing?" Toph shouted.

Tucker smiled weakly "Things couldn't get much worst" he said. But sadly the world doesn't like Tucker because the Serpent from the pass choose at that moment to appear in a rage over the commotion "The universe just loves to prove me wrong doesn't it?" he asked.

Jazz smiled "You make it to easy!" she responded. Sokka weakly held up Momo as a shield. However before the serpent could do a thing it was pelted by another fireball and for a moment Sokka could have sworn it's eyes turned from red to green as it went under the water before circling the other ship "Thank you the universe!" Sokka called.

Line break

Later that evening they had pulled into a small harbor to restock. Aang and Danny each lay in their beds brooding over their uselessness when Toph, Tucker, Jazz, Sokka, Sam, and Katara entered the room and Aang and Danny gave them small glances.

They then turned to look at the ceiling "We are going into town to get something to eat, wanna come?" Tucker asked. Danny and Aang sighed and got up "Whatever" they both muttered. Sokka smiled "Okay good, now Aang we need you to hide your arrow and Danny you need to travel around as Danny Phantom right now" he said.

Both boys glared at him "We won't go unless I can wear my arrow proudly" Aang said. Danny nodded "And I thought the point was keeping Danny Phantom hidden?" he asked harshly. Jazz sighed "Look I know you two don't like it but you have to if we want you two to remain secret in order for the invasion to work" she said.

Danny then rose unsteadily to his feet "Well what if we don't want you to help? Right now we need to do this alone" he said., glaring at Sam who looked ready to agree. Aang agreed angrily "I've always known I would have to face the Fire Lord, but now I know I have to do it alone with only Danny" he told them harshly.

Sam sighed "Please, you don't have to do this, we can help. I mean why would you two have to do this alone?" she asked. Danny shook his head "We already failed the world once, we can't do it again because we lost Ba Sing Se, and with that the Earth Kingdom has fallen for good" he said. He then turned to Sam who had once again looked about to say anything "And Sam I know how much you would want to come but you can't and I think it would be in your best interests if we broke up at least until this war is over" he told her.

Sokka cringed "How about we let you guys catch up?" he asked. Katara and Sam nodded and stayed quiet as the others left. Once they were gone she sighed gently "Please you two, there is still the invasion, we can't give up" Sam said, ignoring Danny's last comment.

Aang then did something not even Danny expected, he rose to his feet in anger, a hidden flame flashing through his eyes "I hate the invasion plans! I don't want you or anyone else to get hurt for mine and Danny's mistakes!" he shouted as he ripped a poster with the fire insignia off the wall.

Sam and Katara sighed and turned to leave "Anything you need?" Katara asked. Danny turned away from them "We need to redeem ourselves, we need our honor back" he told her.

Line break

Zuko and Valerie walked down the hall to Ozai's throne room. Both felt nervous and to Valerie it felt like each step we took was another step closer to her execution. With a shaky breath her and Zuko stopped hesitantly in front of the war room.

Each of them took a nervous breath before turning to each other with determined expressions. Then with a blank look Zuko led the way in the room, Valerie following with an expression just as blank. Zuko and Valerie both felt fear clench at their hearts at the sight of Fire Lord Ozai sitting at his throne, face hidden by a wall of flame.

Line break

Katara and Sam walked down the corridor to Aang and Danny's room, they both had volunteered to bring them dinner and were actually hoping to change their minds. With small smiles they entered the room "We brought you food" Sam said carefully.

But as soon as they walked in they both froze, the room was completely empty of human life and their gliders were missing "Oh no" Katara whispered, the food dropping from their hand to the floor. However they were already down the hall by time it hit the floor.

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Aang and Danny both flew above the ocean with fierce expressions. Around them gray clouds built up as they weaved through the clouds on their gliders.

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Both Zuko and Valerie bowed low to the ground before the Fire Lord, their hearts beating wildly "I see you have been away for a long time, the weight of your travels has changed you, you have redeemed yourself my son" he said mysteriously, his face remaining in shadow.

He slowly stepped off his throne and approached the two who looked up hopefully "Welcome home" Ozai greeted them as his constantly shadowed face became pronounced for the first time.

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Aang and Danny flew above the water, their faces scrunched up in concentration and pain. Danny gripped his side as a wave of pain hit and he dipped dangerously close to the steadily worsening waves before regaining altitude.

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Katara and Sam quickly ran to where Hakoda and Bato stood talking, both girls had tears in their eyes. Bato winced "I'll leave you alone" he said. Hakoda nodded and Bato left. Once he was gone Hakoda turned to them gently "What's wrong girls?" he asked gently.

Katara sniffed "They left" she told him tearfully. Hakoda's eyes widened in alarm "What?" he asked. "Aang and Danny, they just took their gliders and disappeared. They have this ridiculous notion they have to save the world alone, that it's all their responsibility" she said.

Hakoda sighed "Maybe that's just their way of being brave" he said. Sam clenched her fists "Well it's not brave it's selfish and stupid!" she said. Katara nodded tearfully "And I know the world needs them but doesn't the world know we need him too? How can he just leave us behind?" she asked tearfully.

Hakoda looked at her sadly and Sam also shot her a surprised look "Your talking about me too? Aren't you?" her father asked.

Katara looked away, she looked about to completely break down and the grey storm clouds didn't help the mood "How could you leave us dad? I mean I know we had Gran Gran and she loved us but we were just so lost without you" she whispered, finally breaking down and crying.

Sam took the opportunity, to leave the two but to where she could still hear. She watched as Hakoda approached his daughter "I'm so sorry Katara" he told her. Katara turned to hug her dad "I understand why you left, I really do and…I know why you had to go so why do I still feel this way? I'm so sad and angry and hurt' she said, millions of emotions playing out on her face.

Hakoda hugged his daughter tighter "I love you and your brother more than anything, you two are my entire world and I thought about you every day I was gone and every night when I went to sleep I would lie awake missing you so much it would ache" he told her.

Sam felt tears wet her eyes, something unusual. And more unusual was the smile that graced her face.

Line break

Ozai paced in front of the two teens "I am proud of you Prince Zuko, I am proud because you and your sister conquered Ba Sing Se, I am proud because you found a lovely Fire Nation woman as your girlfriend, I am proud because when your loyalty was tested…by you traitorous uncle, you did the right thing and captured the traitor, and I am proudest of all by your most legendary achievement…you slayed the Avatar and Phantom Bender" Ozai said deviously.

Both teens felt their eyes widened "What did you hear?" Zuko asked nervously. Ozai smiled lightly "Princess Azula told me, she said she was amazed and impressed by your power and ferocity at the moment of truth" he said.

Zuko shivered "I am sorry but I cannot take credit in taking him down, Azula delivered the final shot, I merely weakened them" he said. Ozai raised an eyebrow "Why would she lie to me about that?" he asked. Zuko sighed "Because she fears that her attack did not kill them" he said.

He looked his outraged father in the eye "She fears her attack was not strong enough despite how much I weakened them before hand and she feels she would be safest to pin the blame on me" he said. Besides him Valerie remained still, muscles tensed.

Ozai paced angrily, considering his sons words "Get out of here now" he stated emotionlessly. Without another word both teens took off, not wanting to be on the receiving end of his anger.

Line break

Aang and Danny flew towards the fire nation at fast speeds, dipping into the water in dangerous ways. Both glared darkly ahead "Blockade" Danny stated coldly. Both then looked at each other before nodding and taking deep breaths.

Without missing a beat they folded their gliders and fell beneath the water, still going at that top speed. They flew beneath the blockade like two fish. They then surfaced after a quarter of a mile past the blockades.

For a moment they panted, trying to regain their air before looking around for something to rest on. They easily found two pieces of drift wood floating near each other and without another thought they each grabbed on.

Danny sighed before looking from his glider to the wood. And he could tell by Aang's devious smile he was thinking the same thing.

Line break

The two boys raced along side each other on home made wind surf boards. They were using their gliders to guide them. The only problem was the giant waves and pelting rain. Both boys ignored it however as they sped on.

Danny felt a small smile cross his lips as they went off one wave that acted like a jump. That smile soon turned into a look of fear as they crashed into the next wave, tearing startled cries from their throats as both boys lost their gliders from impact.

They quickly surfaced, now only having one piece of drift wood though. They both reached out and tried to grab their gliders, although they were already a while away so it wasn't any use. Danny gasped as the next wave came upon them and knocked them under the water.

Both boys surfaced as quickly as they could before holding onto opposite ends of the log Both of them exchanged hopeless glances as the lightning flashed, lighting up their faces that were soaked in a mixture of tears, ocean, and water "We're not going to make it" Danny said quietly.

Aang lowered his head "We failed" he said. Another crack of lightning illuminated the sky but in it's place appeared, to their surprise, Roku and Clockwork. Both spirits looked at the boys sadly but it was Roku who talked "You haven't failed Aang and Danny" he said sadly.

Danny looked away "But everyone thinks we've abandoned them" Danny said quietly. Aang looked closely at Roku "And we're losing this war, we're letting the whole world down" he said. Roku sighed sadly "If anyone is to blame for the state of the world, it is me. I should have seen this war coming and prevented it. You two inherited my problems...and my mistakes. But I believe you both are destined to redeem me and save the world" he told them, his voice distant.

Aang joined Danny in looking away "I dunno…" Danny said unsurely. As if on cue a bright light seemed to flood the area "You already saved the world once" a voice said. Danny turned in shock to see Frostbite floating there, and behind him the clouds seemed to clear and with a small smile Aang recognized Vortex "And you'll save the world again, but neither of you can give up" he said gently.

Aang and Danny exchanged determined glances "Your right, we won't" he said. Danny then easily used his water bending to slice the log in half. Each of them took a piece and together they launched themselves forward on a giant wave as though surfing.

What they never did was look back to see Frostbites form become slowly invisible "Take care…Danny Phantom" he whispered before vanishing.

Line break

Later the two boys lay on the beach where they were washed up, it was the island where Roku's temple was…the crescent island.

Line break

The next morning both boys awoke to Momo's furry face looking at them, both boys let out small groans as they got into a sitting position. They then looked over at their small group who ran from Appa, looking truly relived to see them "Your okay" Katara cried out in relief as she hugged Aang while Sam hugged Danny.

They were quickly apart of a huge group hug "We have so much to do" Aang whispered. Jazz smiled gently "We know, but you'll have our help" she said. Tucker gave them a small glare "You didn't think you could get out of training just by coming to the Fire Nation did you Aang?" he asked.

Danny frowned at him "What about the invasion?" he asked. Sokka smiled brightly "We'll join up with my dad and the invasion force on the day of the eclipse" he told them. Danny then sighed "And Sam? I still don't think we should be together, we need to break up until this war is over" he said.

Sam sighed but nodded in understanding. Suddenly Toph reached back "Hey what's…" she stopped as she grabbed the two mangled gliders that had become tangled. She then handed them to the boys "Oh…it's your gliders" she said sorrowfully.

Aang sighed, that glider had been a gift from Gyatso "That's okay" he said blankly. Danny nodded "If someone saw it then our identities would be spilled, it's better for now if no one knew we were alive" he said emotionlessly.

With a knowing glance Jazz stood up and grabbed her glider as well. With one great leap the three benders leapt to the top of the volcano on the island and spun their gliders before slamming them into the ground.

With a few last minute looks they leapt away, leaving the three gliders to catch on fire as though a final monument to what they had gone through, and to symbolize all that was to come as they left to travel…through the Fire Nation…

Yes i am continueing the story facts. Originally Zuko went with his sisters plan ass posing as the one who delivered the final blow to Aang. He did confront her and discover her alterior motive that she knew it was highly possible for Aang to survive and if he did the glory would turn to shame, therefore leaving Zuko as a failure and her as a special and lucky daughter.