It started out with a normal day. That is, until crime started acting up. You see, crime is usually somthing normal that my friends and I, the teen titans, handle every day. We've defeated just about every villain, not counting Slade who was still out there.

We were all lounging around in the living room, Raven reading, Cyborg playing video games with a half asleep Beastboy, and Starfire cooking, er... somthing. I was filing some boring old police report, thinking about how boring the day was going to be. Boy, was I wrong or what. The signal went off causing Beastboy to jump up in shock.

Immediately I hopped onto the supercomputer to see who was causing trouble now. "Which idiots are dumb enough to cause trouble now?" asked Raven.

"I don't know, but they're stealing from the ancient bird exibit at the Jump City Meuseum. I'll tap into the security..." I typed in a few codes, and once I saw the culprit, I blinked in shock. "I don't believe it...what's he doing here?" I noticed the confused stairs of my friends. "Titans, go!"As my team left to go stop the man, I lingered behind for a moment.

"Everything alright?" asked Raven. I guess she sensed my confusion.

"Yea, just an old enemy from Gotham... just wonder what he's doing here..." she shrugged, and we both went out the door. Once we arived at the scene, I just stood there dumbly for a second.

"Ok, dude, who the heck is this guy?" asked Beastboy. I was about to say somthing about how stupid he was that he didn't know who this was, but then I remembered he didn't grow up in Gotham. Though the way he was dressed and the fact that he was stealing from a bird exibit did kind of give it away...

Ignoring Beastboy's question, I asked, "Penguin! What are you doing here? Don't you usually go bug people in Gotham when you break out of Gotham?"

"I usually do, but I got sick of Batman the girl and you sending me back to Arkam every time, so I came here instead! I heard the city was protected by a bunch of kids led by you! Of corse, I didn't believe that you could lead here, I mean, you've been in Gotham anyway! So, what are you doing here boy blunder?"

I growled at the old nickname, given to me so graciously by the Joker. "What am I doing here? Stopping you! Just like old times! Titans GO!" as I faught Penguin, I attempted to get the umbrella from him, but I also thought over what he said. He talked as if I had faught him recently, but I hadn't seen him in years. What ever.

Penguin called for his 'helpers' and the tabukke twins (AN: or wat ev there names r) came out of nowhere and started to attack my friends. It was a pretty even fight, until my friends started to put their powers to good use. I shot out my grapple, which shot out and wrapped around his umbrella, which promptly turned into a gun. Before he could shoot, I yanked the umbrella away, making him defenceless. I gave him a few good punches, and knocked him out. After I cuffed him, I turned around to see how my friends were fairing.

After narrowly missing a blow from one of the twins, Beastboy shouted, "Ya could of mentioned the razor sharp nails dude!" I rolled my eyes, and went over to help him. A few minutes later, we had each one of them cuffed and ready to be shipped back off to Arkam. We got back to the tower, and my friends (with the exception of Raven) immediately bombarded me with questions.

"Dude! Who was that guy?"

"Yea, and why was the dude here? I thougth he was from Gotham man!"

"Please, how do you know this Penguin?"

"That would be Penguin, also known as Ozwald Cobblepot. Usually he steals in Gotham, so I'm not sure why he's here. I guess because of the bird exibit. He only steals bird related items. And I know him because I used to fight him back when I lived in Gotham a while ago. He's not really anyone major."

"But why would he come here? He could've waited till the exibit came to a closer city."

"You're asking me to explain the actions of a mad man?"

"Point taken. By the way, nice nickname, Boy Blunder! hahahahah!"

I sent a death glare over at Cyborg and Beastboy, who immediately shut up. "DON'T call me that. EVER."

"Why not Robin? It is a most amusing nickname, is it not?"

"No nickname is a good one when it's given to you by the Joker, right after he loures you into a trap in which you almost get your secret identity revealed to the entire city."

"Oh." Suddenly, the alarm went off. again.

"Trouble!" Starfire yelled, as she raced over to the screen. She got a troubled expression on her face, then called me over. "Please, this is another new villain. Whom is it? Do they come from the dwellings of Gotham as well?"

I looked over at the screen, and immediately I freezed. My face paled, and my breathing became shallow. I had really bad memories with this guy. My voice faltered as I answered,"It's... It's..."

**Well who is it? I guess you'll have to wait till the next chapter to find out! But I think I could make a point to update faster if you reviewed. wink wink nudge nudge. Thanxs for reading!! :)