![]() Author has written 11 stories for Bleach, Yu-Gi-Oh, Death Note, Naruto, Diabolik Lovers/ディアボリックラヴァーズ, Fairy Tail, D.Gray-Man, Kuroshitsuji, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. NOTE: ALL MY FICS ARE CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN, EDITED AND/OR BETA-ED FOR THE YEAR 2020, SO YEAH... JUST LETTING YOU ALL OF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW? C’mon, be bold Change the way the story’s told (Ways to Be Wicked, by The Descendants) Profile Info: Name: Let's stick with Seth’s Kiss, shall we? You can go ahead and call me SK, Kiss-san or Kiss-chan/K-chan for short (because ‘-chan’ makes me sound like a nice person...which I really have doubts on). Age: Ha, who cares? Oh, you do? Huh. Well, I ain’t telling. You’ll live. Safe to say though I'm not in the one-digits, nope. Gender: Uh, does it matter? And so, like what I'm saying here is that I am nameless, ageless and genderless. Ah, online that is, of course. I like my privacy X3 Favourite Manga/Anime: The list is way TOO freakin’ long to write! And I'm plain lazy, so... Let's just say as long as the overall art, plot and characters appeal to me, it is something I have read or I plan to read. And the same goes for Anime, of course. To make things simple though, here’s my absolute Top 3 (in chronological order), both hands down and without a single doubt: - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Bleach - Boku No Hero Academia Favourite Manga/Anime/Other Pairings: Ok, wow. That’s a difficult question too. In all honesty, I’d like to believe that I'm fairly open-minded to all sorts of pairings and ships really. Canon, Non-Canon, Poly, Hetero, Crack, Slash, Yaoi, Yuri, Bi, Romantic, Non-romantic... You name it. Sure, I have my all-time favourites, but I guess I am acceptant to whatever pairing anyone else likes/loves/adores, you know? Live and let live, right? I’m all about that. I even have a tendency of pairing up or shipping characters who I believe can have a certain chemistry, but, to most, do not make ANY sense. But I have my reasons and hey, everyone is entitled to their own point of view, right? Fics which my brain utterly REFUSES to read (Why yes, I AM justifying myself): - Fics written ONLY in 1st POVs; - Fics with OCs all up in the spotlight; - Fics that have no spacing whatsoever... Just no. For reasons I do not wish to explain. However, if I see one or the other or all, I'll back-space right the heck out, like I was never even there in the first place. And like hell I'm judging (it'd not only be conceited, but terribly misplaced of me)!! You are absolutely free, dear fellow writers, to write WHATEVER you feel like writing. Just please understand that I am also free here, and I am in no way obligated to read fics that do not appeal to me, like at all. Thank you for your consideration. Recommendations: If you'd like to read something a little different than what you're used to, I recommend checking the profiles of the following as they are friends of mine and I hold them very close to my heart: NekoPantera (if you enjoy Harry Potter, Bleach and Legend of Zelda fics): NekoPantera is someone I honestly don't know where I'd be in life without. They've been a great friend to me in times of dire need and they continue to be as such. We've met on this site and have been friends for more than a year now. We've beta-ed each other's work and, at the moment, we're working on a couple of collabs, one of them that should be coming real soon. If you read this, Neko-san, HAPPY BIRTHDAY X3 !!! KellytheKid (if you enjoy Naruto fics): KellytheKid is a very, VERY nice and understanding person, patiently putting up with me, even with my terrible and worst flaw (which is being horribly consumed by time). They have a very sweet collection of Naruto fics, which I really recommend, one of them in particular 'Hidden Power' which is currently being rewritten. KurohimeHaruko, also known as LadySilverRaven: for this darling, I'd recommend checking out their Naruto art on Twitter. It's gorgeous, and they are really, really talented. Especially if you're a fan of Uchiha Itachi (of a NSFW, damn HOT Uchiha Itachi to be more exact X9), then I most definitely suggest you take a peek ;3 Please kindly check them out. Fanfiction Projects: 1. The Fallen Series (a Bleach fic): Part One, Victory Falls (10/10 Chapters): Completed. Part Two, Dignity Falls (2/? Chapters): Ongoing (but updates are VERY slow). Chapter 3 (Part 2/3) Coming Soon (NOTE: next update should be for late November). Part Three, X Falls (? Chapters): TBA. 2. No Way In Hell (a Yu-Gi-Oh! fic): 3/3 Chapters (with Epilogue): Completed and Edited (2020). 3. Crimson and Cerulean are Our Eyes (a Death Note fic): Oneshot: Completed and Edited (2020). 4. Dark Play (a Naruto fic): 11/? Chapters: Ongoing. Chapter 12 Coming Soon (NOTE: next update should be for late August). 5. A Fate Darker Than Black (a Diabolik Lovers fic): Oneshot: Completed (NOTE: the 2020 EDIT will be uploaded very soon; a couple of days from now, give or take). 6. Lyon No Tameni (a FairyTail fic): Oneshot: Completed and Edited (2020). Note: Lyon No Tameni may have a short sequel. Coming Soon. 7. Allen Walker's First Kiss... (a D.Gray-Man fic): Oneshot: Completed and Edited (2020). 8. Three's A Charm (a Bleach fic): No longer a Oneshot. 1/? Chapters: Ongoing. Chapter 2, Coming Soon. Please stay tuned. 9. Child, Don't Follow Me (a Kuroshitsuji fic): Oneshot: Completed (For now). Note: Child, Don't Follow Me may become a multi-chapter fic. Please stay tuned. 10. The Unexpected Matchmaker (a Boku No Hero Academia fic): Oneshot: Completed. 11. New and under construction: At the moment, I'm between working on: another D.Gray-Man fic, a One Piece fic, another Yu-Gi-Oh! fic, an Owari No Seraph fic, another Kuroshitsuji fic, another Death Note fic, a Sugar Sugar Rune fic... BUT I will not spoil anything. Yet. Other: Also, though it's still in the making progress, several fellow authors here on FFnet and I have a little special something for Halloween 2020, so please stay tuned X3 Things to know about the fics I write: An updated fic/oneshot that ends with To Be Continued, means that it has a continuation. When the following updates will come, unless specified, is not something I can foretell in advance. My deepest apologies on that. An updated fic/oneshot that ends with The End, means that it has NO continuation. Please do not ask me to continue it; I'll have no intention to do as such. I'm sorry. An updated fic/oneshot that ends with neither of the above, it means that it MAY have a continuation, either as a sequel or it will turn into a multi-chapter fic. When the following updates will come, unless specified, is also not something I can foretell in advance. "I am may seem like a happy-go-lucky and bubbly person, I mean, I try. But I have this darkness inside, where several demons hide, and it is only by writing can I hope to see them exorcised." “My thoughts are so depraved, the words I use are gritty and grim, my mind is far too dark and my writings are filled with violent degeneracy. But don’t blame me for being so. Merely blame the world that made me this way.” ...Dramatic, I know. :P But I used to dabble in poetry back in Middle School, and I somehow ended up with these two quotes. And I feel that they describe me best. Take that as you wish. Thank you so much for passing by. And happy writing and/or reading, ladies, gents and everyone else !! -Seth's Kiss |