Dark dance chapter one

It was a nice chilly day at the sunny when suddenly an envelope dropped from the sky with the name Strawhat pirates on it.

Nami got over to the envelope and looked at Luffy. Luffy nodded at the envelope andd signed to Nami that she could read it. Nami opened the envelope and started reading out loud.

"dear strawhat pirates, you have been invited to the Dark dance by Mr. Mistery. If you choose to come, it's save from the marines. It's on the pirate island the tenth october".

Everyone was quiet, until Luffy shouted "shishishi we are so going there!" All, except Luffy facepalmed, but accepted that their captain wanted to go. At least it was free but they still didn't believe that there were no marines.

But Luffy made the order and they sailed forward the pirate island. The party was in two days so they needed to start looking for some nice clothes to the men, because the girls already had their dresses picked out.

when they finally got close enough to the island they docked the Sunny, and went into the town. the Strawhats walked for an hour without any luck at all, until Chopper pointed out a nice, clean looking shop where they could buy clothes.

Sanji was was the first in the changing room and he came out with a dark blue tuxedo with a white shirt underneath it, he also had a tie on with the same color as the tuxedo and he wore black shoes.

Usopp wore a tuxedo that was red and black striped, he had a bright white shirt underneath it, and a complete black tie. he also had black shoes on like Sanji.

Brook wore the same clothes he always wore because he just didn't want to switch clothes at the moment.

Chopper had a black suit on with a pink under shirt and tie, with his trademark pink and blue hat. with black shoes.

Zoro only wore pitch black clothes which was odd becausee he usually wore green.

Franky wore his normal speedo and had the top half of a black tuxedo. He had no shoes on of course.

Finally it was Luffy's turn to find some clothes, but Nami stopped him and told him to stay where he was and wait for her to come back with something.

It surprisingly only took about five for Nami to come back with something he couldn't quite see. Luffy went into the dressing room and the only thing that was heard was silence, but after two seconds that was heard "Are you freaking kidding me Nami!?". then after that you could hear Nami snickering."try it on at least!". Nami said.

After about three minutes Luffy came out with a knee short dress which started at the top all black that got whiter and whiter as it went down, one the front and the back in the top there were tiny sequinslooking like diamonds, that blended into the fabric perfectly. Luffy also had small black shoes on.

Robin and Chopper just starred at the pretty Luffy standing before them, Nami was laughing her ass off while taking pictures, Brook asked if he could se his panties and Zoro, Sanji, Usopp and Franky got the biggest nosebleed ever seen.

Luffy looked in the mirror and saw his nice curves go along the dress perfectly making his ass look great. He actually looked quite hot in a dress for a guy. Suddenly Luffy blushed at being in a dress infront of his crew looking like a woman, and started to hide in the changing room.

Before Sanji could stop himself he shot up and shouted "damn he looks hot in those clothes, great job Nami-swan!". He quickly realised what he said and got a loud laugh from Zoro "I knew you somehow were gay, Stinky-cook". Said Zoro laughing way to hard. "I saw you got nosebleed too! so don't be so holy yourself Marimo-head". shouted sanji at Zoro. Then they fast started fighting. Nami went over to luffy and said. "Luffy you looked smoking in that, I personally think you should wear it at the Dark dance". Luffy thought for a second and choose to say. "why not, I even think it looks good on me". And then they went over to the checkout to buy the clothes.

somewhere in The New World the ex-assassins that had been in cipher pol 9. saw an envelope drop from the sky. which Kaku picked op and started reading outloud. After that everyone looked at Lucci who just nodded and said. "lets go to the Dark dance then".