Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I only accept constructive criticism.

Room 3525

Chapter 1


Isis smiled to the security guard as he opened the door for her. "Thank you Chata, have a good evening."

"Same to you Miss Ishtar," Chata tipped his hat to the lady.

Her flats trekked across the parking lot; once out of the car lot, the museum slowly began going out of site as she stopped at the crosswalk along with other Alexandria residents. After all the drama in Japan, Isis was very happy to be home. Sure she missed the friends she had made, but her work there was finished and she needed the heat and sands that her beloved Egypt possessed. Not to mention the cool salty breeze the Alexandrian beaches provided.

The figure of someone walking lit up, and across the street she went along with the others. Upon reaching the other side she cut through an alley where the same lady always asked if she would like her palm to be read.

Isis was about to turn the lady down, as usual, if she hadn't of insisted more than usual. There was a certain look in her eyes, that gave Isis somewhat of a chill.

"Taieb, tell me my future." She sat down across from the old woman.

The woman's gray eyes rolled around in her head as she touched the raven haired beauty's palm, "OOOOHHHH!" The Tomb Protector shyly hid in a curtain of her hair as the woman continued her wild antics, which attracted the attention of others. "…Khamsa…" her voice began to quiver, "Khamsa!"

'Five?' Her mind questioned, 'Maybe I should teach this lady a thing or two about reading the future.' She chuckled at the thought.

"Maf hoom?!" The old lady frantically asked.

She shook her head, "La, ana ma fehempt." Isis stood up seeing that she needed to get home soon before the boys started worrying about her. "Shoo kram good lady." After a respective bow she continued on her way.

The old fortune teller hung her head, "She's in grave danger…"

After some time Isis finally reached the passage way that was a bizarre by day and a crooks haven by night. The mile long trail emptied into a circle of homes, where hers happened to be placed. All of the bargainers, hagglers, and cheaters were rolling up their draping used as covers over their goods, rolling their mats up, and rolling their carts home for the evening.

One thing this Ishtar hated about this time of night is that this specific bizarre went to crap. Crooks and other evil doers wondered around this area, waiting for the right prey. And surely an innocent beautiful woman such as herself would be an easy target; not likely.

When outsiders look at Isis Ishtar they see beauty, intelligence, poise, and all around classy innocence. However not even her Domino friends had any idea, and still don't, that she knows how to protect herself. When being a Tomb Protector you protect the tomb at all costs. Even if it meant laying someone's ass out, as long as the tomb was protected, it was a productive day.

Suspicious characters passed by her, bundled up in odd wrappings and cloaks. After seeing the bundled men go by, she realized it was quite the nippy night. She had forgotten how the coastline often had that affect.

She looked ahead and decided since she had just started this mile long journey home, maybe she should bundle up. She pulled over to a stack of crates and placed her messenger-bag onto the crates.

She placed it down while still holding on to it, due to all the snatchers in the area, and pulled out her treasured Kaiba Corp. jacket. It was a letterman's jacket with the letters "KC" patched on the front, and had a picture of the Kaiba Corp. building on top of a black circle, with the words in Japanese: "Kaiba" on the top and: "Corporation" on the bottom of the picture. The sleeves were yellow along with the collar while the vest part of it was red; the snug ends of the sleeves were stripped sky blue and black.

As she snuggled into it and placed the messenger-bag back onto her shoulder; she remembered how she acquired such a coat.


Isis stood alone, pondering the fate of the world that would all be defined soon. A chill ran down her spine as the blimp hit a wind current, causing the breeze to have a bit of iciness to it. She shivered again as her warm breeze began to fade more. She pressed her behind into the cold metal bar liking the coolness seep through her satin attire.


She became as stiff as the metal balcony she stood on. She knew she shouldn't have been there; this was apart the oldest Kaiba brother's personal quarters. She had to travel through his room to get there for Ra's sake. Sure he would be mad. However the face she inspected showed no signs of anger, only annoyance.

"Not really…"

She straightened her back and tried not to look as stiff as she felt; his warm form now hovering in front of her. Sure Kaiba was an egotistical ass, but she didn't mind being around him. Why? Because he was so tall! Sure that was an odd reason she would never want to admit, but it was the truth.

With her being 5'6 she knew she was an averaged sized woman by some countries standards, however exceptionally tall in Japan. However when Kaiba's 6'1 form towered about her, she couldn't help but feel…safe to say the least. It was the feeling that no danger could touch her without getting past him first.

He chuckled, "You can stop pretending to be tougher than you are." His tone was intended to make her feel small.

"After you Kaiba," she pushed out in a confident tone as she turned her back to him, looking out over Domino City. She smiled inwardly when she heard him grunt. That's when she felt the jacket slowly draped over her shoulders.

She turned around and noticed he was already walking back inside, but he knew she was looking at him perplexed. "Stay out of my room." She knew in "Kaiba language" that was either "Your welcome" or "Keep the jacket". She never knew which one it was so she decided it was both.

End Flashback

Marik and Odion had noticed the jacket when they watched her slip it on one night, and had asked where she got it. She said it had just found its way on her shoulders one cold night. That being said, they stopped asking figuring she had just found it. I mean, she did get it on a Kaiba Corp. blimp; even Marik left with a Kaiba Corp. water bottle that he found while on the ride.

Isis looked up at the starry sky then back in front of herself to find five men standing in a line blocking her path. They were wearing cloaks so all she could see was their eye areas covered by sunglasses. Her gut flipped a bit, "Ismahlee…" they didn't move. "Min fadlack…?"

The one on the end to the right spoke, "Nihna la tet kalam al Arabiah…"

"Gomen nasai…" the one end to the left said.

The Egyptian swallowed hard as the Japanese words were uttered. Her heart began to beat fast as she really took recognition that five men stood before her; that was the number the old woman had warned her about. Maybe the old woman was right? Her stomach was now doing back flips into her throat. Surely she would puke.

She instead subconsciously looked to her right and noticed Mrs. Zaynab's light was on in her small candle shop. Leisurely Isis wondered over to the family friend's home/shop and knocked on the door.

The older woman quickly let her in, knowing that at times Isis would stay the night there when the alley was especially unsafe some nights. After telling Mrs. Zaynab that just needed to use her roof, the woman nodded asking no questions, and went about her business.

Isis raced up to the room and climbed the home made ladder that ended outside on the roof. Once there she began leaping from roof to roof, not looking to see if the five men were following her. All she could see was the candle in the windowsill of her room lit.

This was a tradition for the Ishtar Clan. Their family had been doing this since the time of the Pharaoh's and the ancestral Ishtar Tomb Protectors. They would always light candles in the rooms of those who had not returned to the tomb.

If there was nothing left of the candle by the next day, they knew the person had not blown it out, thus had not come back. Meaning they could be in some danger and needed to be searched out. But if much of it was still left, indicating it had been blown out, and then they knew they were safe; even if they weren't in the tomb at the moment.

This idea had been passed down through the Ishtar Clan and they continued to carry it out. However, since they were no longer in a tomb, they placed the candles in windowsills.

Sure they had problems with this method; such as at times the wind would blow, putting it out or the rare rain they got would stop its burn. However times like that were rare, with how they would position them.

Isis watched as its burn became closer and sped up her pace. Making the mistake of looking behind herself, she watched as two men chased behind her and the other three below her. She only had three more roofs to go and she would be there. She leapt the two and took one last final leap with everything she had and CRASH!

Confused worried voices of the two men came from downstairs, outside her closed door. They quickly dropped their wooden spoons and seasonings and rushed to her room. Odion opened the door to find Isis chest heaving up and down as she lay on the floor, the ivory candle stick holder that once held the candle shattered on the floor. The candle was also broken in half and had found Isis's drapes oddly tasty with its blazing tongue.

"Are you okay?!" Marik along with Odion ran to her side. Odion picked her up and placed her on her bed.

Isis looked past them to see two of the five slowly creeping into the window behind them, "LOOK OUT!"

The two spun around just in time to block the blunt objects that were meant to collide with their sculls. They managed to push them back and she pulled the blanket off her bed, throwing it on the intruders.

"ROOH!" Odion commanded taking up the rear of the retreating Ishtar kids.

The three ran down the stairs to only be bombarded by the hands of the other three; the other two soon caught up to assist the other three. After some time of struggling, one of them lifted a pot above Odion's head and barely cracked the strong craftsmanship across his head. He went down like a house of cards, falling on top of the other two. A smoky fog then filled the room putting Isis and Marik into a deep sleep, and Odion a deeper one.

The next time the Ishtars would a wake, they would not be able to recognize Egypt.


Hello hello…My promised Isis/Kaiba fic is here! Will it be better than my last Yu-Gi-Oh fic? Two words: Fuck yes! I've been toggling with this idea for a while and finally discovered how to start this fic.

Mild Arabic, Hebrew, and Japanese will be in this fic but it will be translated, in order of appearance, at end of each chapter.

I'm currently going through this dark writing stage, so I intend for this fic to be grimy and tragic. I'm excited of how it's going to go and I hope you all enjoy it.

Arabic Words:

Taieb - OK

Khamsa - Five

Maf hoom - Understand?

La, ana ma fehempt - No, I don't understand

Shoo kram - Thank you

Ismahlee - Excuse me

Min fad lack - Please

Nihna la tet kalam al Arabiah - We don't speak Arabic

Rooh - Go

Japanese Words:

Gomen nasai - I am sorry

New Rule: If I don't get one measly review, no new chapter, however if I do get one measly review, new chapter.


Well I'm Out

(Random Little Notie: Just in case, the title of this chapter is play on play words. Isis was "forewarned" about "five men". Five-Warned? Yea…I didn't want you to leave without that little secret. LOL.)