Sasuke's P.O.V.
Naruto took a step on the wild side and hated it. I mean he had fun in the moment, but in the morning he came down and said he never wanted to do it again. Yeah coming down is hard. To me the high is more than worth the lows. That and he didn't like want to do euphoria again when he woke up, just totally shut me down. If I can't get him to like euphoria, I won't get him to like anything. I was really hoping he'd like it, or at least understand so I wouldn't have to hide it anymore, but no such luck.
Haku almost got me in trouble too. Thank goodness he only said Akatsuki; which is actually written on my fake checks. Plus it totally helped that Naruto was completely out of it. Man that was close. I really need to be more careful. Especially now that Naruto's running for Mayor. Everything I do needs to be super low key and completely under wraps. I need to tell Zetsu to make sure there are no cameras around when they drop me off or pick me up some place.
When the Akatsuki heard about my partner running for mayor, they were less than thrilled with the now added security and more intense vetting with stronger nondisclosure agreements they had to do with clients. But I hopefully convinced them that it would make them more exclusive and me more marketable, being the Mayor's wife and all. The Mayor's wife. Wow, jumping the gun quite a bit there, but whatever. If it happens it happens, but I don't think I'll be asking for Naruto's hand anytime soon. Too much has happened, too much could happen, and honestly I'm just happy where we are. No, I just need to focus right now. I need to focus on taking my finals that I missed in May before school starts in August, I need to make my clan prominent and relevant again, and I need to keep up appearances for Naruto's campaign while still taking care of my child and doing what I need to do for my family.
The stress is a lot to handle. Yes, I do coke nearly everyday just to function, but the point is I'm functioning! I'm doing it and my family is doing well because of it. No one can tell me shit because I'm taking care of my family damn it. We're no longer stressing about every bill and payment, we can just live, and be happy in our lives. Plus I like what I do, especially for the Akatsuki. I feel respected and even prized most of the time. Yes, sometimes it is totally violent and borderline non-consensual, but then they pay me an outrageous amount of money, it's sort of hard to say no to that. And even when I don't feel like having sex, I pop another euphoria and my libido is outrageous all over again. I'm happy, especially now that Naruto is bottoming every now and then, it's like I can really keep both of my lives separate. The Akatsuki even let me be on birth control, which Orochimaru never let us. I get paid sick days for when I'm a little bloated. And that's when I'm bloated, not pregnant. Which I won't be now that I'm on birth control! I love my daughter, but I am not carrying another one. Never again.
So besides the double life, the feeling of impending doom with Naruto running for mayor, and constantly keeping secretes, life is good. Well besides the fact Kakashi dropped a bomb on me. Do I really not know anything about the Uchiha Massacre? It's really nagging at me. Maybe I should go visit Madera in jail... the very thought fills me with so many negative feelings. It makes my skin crawl and my stomach turn. He killed my parents, my whole family, he's the reason I had to turn to prostitution to put food on the table and keep the lights on. I can't ask Itachi about it. He doesn't tell me anything about that night, and every time I bring it up, he breaks out into a coughing fit. It's like talking about it makes him physically sick. So maybe visiting Madera is my only option if I want to know the truth. But I can't worry about that right now. I just have to focus on life.
Anyways I'm getting ready for Kisame's yacht party. Naruto already left for work and Itachi's watching Miko for the day.
"Okay, there's two bottles in the fridge, three in the freezer but I don't think you'll need them, if she doesn't wake up from her nap by five, she won't sleep tonight. She has a clean diaper and there's more in my room and the bathroom if you need them."
"Sasuke I've watched her before, it will be fine."
"How's your vision today? I don't want you to be all blurry while watching her."
"I will keep my glasses on, Tsunade scheduled my second surgery for the week before school starts, I hope that's alright." Damn, I was planning on taking my make-up finals then.
"Yeah no problem, I can study in the hospital room." I said putting my bag over my shoulder.
"How's the internship?"
"What exactly do you do? I've never even heard of the company you're working for."
"It's a small start up, I mostly just bring the bosses coffee, run errands, learn from the engineers they already have so I can do their job one day, stuff like that."
"Oh I see." He's not buying it, but he's not questioning it either. No, my brother is not as gullible as my boyfriend is.
"Yeah well I'm going to be late, we're cleaning up the processing systems for the boat schedule on the docks today. Gotta get going. Bye baby girl, bye Tach." I said kissing Miko and walking out the door. I walked down the street and two blocks over where the Zetsu were waiting for me in a black town car. Having them pick me up further from my apartment is just safer overall.
"Hey Sasuke, long time no see." Blanco laughed in his usual creepy way, handing me what I would be wearing, a white blazer and pants, no shirt, speedo underneath. Well I guess my six-pack is on point these days. I got changed and then decided now was as good as any.
"Blac Zetsu, you knew my grandfather right?"
"Do you know anything about the Uchiha massacre?"
"I know everything about the Uchiha massacre, I was there." He snarled.
"You were?"
"Yes, what's this about Sasuke?"
"I need to know what really happened. Kakashi said it wasn't what I thought it was."
"You were there too weren't you?"
"I was seven and I had just come home from school, everyone was already dead, all I really remember was Itachi was sitting in a pool of my parents blood. I didn't even see Madera or Obito that night."
"Interesting, yes you don't know what really happened, not in the least."
"Can you tell me?"
"No I can't, you should visit Madera in jail, he has a lot to tell you now that you're the head of the Uchiha."
"Getting the security clearance alone will take a year, why can't you just tell me?"
"It's not my place, only the remaining living Uchiha can tell you what really happened. But I don't suggest you seeing Obito, I heard he went insane after Kakashi took his eye." That doesn't help me at all. I guess my only option is to go see Madera.
We pulled up to the shipyard loaded into Kisame's yacht. I managed to get Suigetsu and Karin bar tending jobs for today, and Juugo a security job vetting and patting down clients before they came in. That's the best I could to, but they seemed happy with it. All greeted me with happy smiles; Juugo even gave me a hug. Man, Orochimaru must have been terrible to them.
"Sasuke! You're here, come, come, let me give you a tour." Kisame said, putting his hand aggressively around my waist and kissing me roughly before taking me around the yacht. It was amazing, everything you could want in a private luxury boat. After the grand tour I found myself in a hot tub out looking the water. It was beautiful, even if I was sitting on Kisame's dick surrounded by the rest of the Akatsuki, who were eating grapes, drinking champagne, and sunbathing or chilling in the hot tub with us, talking business.
"So I wanted to propose a new venture to you all, since we're all here." Nagato started.
"I think we should expand our business. Have a club in each of the Five Nations." Yahiko continued.
"Expanding our operation, that could be risky business." Kakuzu commented.
"Which is why we need a security engineer to look the other way as we import and export." Konan concluded.
"Sasuke's brother, Itachi, is a security engineer. Works for Captain Kakashi and everything." Kisame said as he gave me a rather rough thrust. Yup, Bachelor's in Security and a Masters in Strategy both coupled with an insane amount of debt I'm only barely just paying off.
"Itachi Uchiha you say? He doesn't seem like the type to do business with the likes of us." Sasori said as he took a drink of his whiskey.
"For the right price anyone can be corrupted, isn't that right Sasuke?" Yahiko said before leaning over and kissing me, thrusting into Nagato.
"You are his brother, what do you think Sasuke?" Konan said as she began stroking my dick seductively as Nagato was thrusting inside of her. I've seen them have sex a few times now, and it's always surprising. Yahiko is usually inside of Nagato; Nagato being penetrated by him while penetrating Konan. If Yahiko is with Konan, she's either blowing Nagato or kissing him. Very strange dynamic. I tend to just be their toy, and jump in where needed. But unfortunately, I'm Kisame's bitch today, and they're just toying with me as usual.
"I think Sasori is right… he isn't the type." I said trying to hold back a groan as Nagato kissed my neck.
"But you are, aren't you getting you're engineering degree as well Sasuke?" Deidara asked.
"Yes mmmm but I won't graduate until uhh... May. And I'm nuhhh… strategy, not security. Fuck." I moaned as Kisame began to hit my prostate.
"How easy would it be for you to switch?" Konan said as she cupped my balls.
"I would just have to change my ohhh… capstone. Pretty easy actually….mmmm… just this next year."
"It will take at least that long to establish everything, build a client base in the other nations, scout and figure things out. Yes, I think that could work." Nagato started messaging Konan's breasts. I kissed in between them as Kisame kept pounding into me.
"You have a good relationship with Captain Kakashi, do you think you could get a job working international security with him?" Yahiko asked. I wouldn't say I have a great relationship with him. He constantly calls me on my bullshit, could you imagine working for him?
"That doesn't matter, Itachi's eyes are failing him. Sasuke has a shiny new sparkling set. Kakashi needs the sharingan to do his job." Kisame spoke again, pounding into me even harder. Why is he rougher every time Itachi's name is said?
"I could fake some references, give Sasuke the internship experience he would need for the job, even negotiate his contract. This could work." Kakuzu said.
"Wait, wait, wait, hold up. You mean to tell me that in less than a year from now, Sasuke will no longer be our pet, but our partner? You can't be serious." Hidan said.
"Everyone needs a promotion every now and then to stay loyal Hidan, and who knows, if Kakuzu can negotiate him a good enough contract, maybe he will stay on with us as our pet for old times sake." Konan smiled as I finally came in her hand. Wow this is a lot to process right now. Could I really do this? Replace Itachi as a security engineer, steal the position he's been pining for since he started working for Kakashi, all so I can let shipments of illegal, well everything, slide under the radar? Maybe… but that's asking for a lot.
"What do you think Sasuke?" Kisame asked after he rode out his own orgasm inside of me. It's a good fucking offer.
"For the right price, I think we can work something out."
"Audi or Benz?" Yahiko asked.
Can I really do this?
Author's Note: Well that's all folks! Nope! I'm totally kidding! The sequel should already be posted by the time you finish reading this. It's titled 'The Way It Went' and picks up a year and some after this chapter. Yes, this is what all that building was for. Don't you feel bad for yelling at me now? No? Crickets? Yeah, that's okay. Thank you everyone for reading to this point and I hope you make the jump the next one, it's gonna get juicy!
P.S. The sequel isn't even really a sequel, or at least it wasn't originally written that way, I simply kept writing this story and realized it was too big, so I had to split it in half and right here seemed to be the best spot. If you liked this story, or are even remotely interested in what happens next, the next one is up and ready for your eyes to read, so please, please, go to my profile, do a search, find The Way It Went, because it's going to be worth reading :) Thank you so much!