WARNING: Graphics descriptions of torture and sex.

Elizabeth woke to the unwelcome sight of Sebastian Michaelis (if that was even his real name) sitting next to her bed. He seemed unperturbed and calm as if nothing had happened. As if she hadn't just discovered that he was a demon from hell that was ordered by her husband to manipulate her.

He leaned forward his expression that of the crows' mask she was so familiar with yet now it looked different. When before it had been simply irritating, now the expression seemed utterly more complex.

"How do you feel my Lady? The doctor said after some rest you should be well. I was ordered to inform you that you are under strict orders for bed rest."

"Get out, I do not want you anywhere near me or my baby." Her response was immediate and she could have sworn she saw his face twitch and frown for a fraction of a second.

Sebastian moved in his seat unsure of himself. On the one hand his master had ordered him to make sure Elizabeth did not exert herself, on the other hand his lady had just ordered him out and he could feel the marks power pushing him to leave. He stood up, fixed his cuffs and straightened his jacket.

With his crows smirk firmly in place he said "I would rather not leave Elizabeth, since I doubt my Lord will be happy, however if it is what you wish I am afraid I am powerless to deny you such a simple request. Rest well."

With that final word he turned to leave and suddenly Elizabeth realised this was the perfect opportunity to talk to him alone and uninterrupted. "Wait. I want to ask you some questions."

The crow turned back to face her, spinning on this well polished heels, his posture and appearance so perfect she wondered why she hadn't noticed it before. It was too perfect - unnaturally so. She gazed at his eyes. They were that ungodly, deep, enticing red that drew her in and made her forget herself completely. Shaking herself back she brought her first question to her lips.

" Why did you do this?" she had not intended that to be her question but it flew from her mouth unchecked and emotional.

"I am a demon Elizabeth, it is simply in my nature. That and I was ordered to take care of you by my master." He tilted his head his smile remaining firmly on his face.

"No, what I mean by that question is why did you pretend to care for me? You showed me this emotional somewhat caring side. Was that a pretence as well? A simple order from your master? There were moments Sebastian-"she caught herself, a lump forming in her throat. "-there were moments where I thought that…"

There was a long silence as the butler stood stock still his expression never changing, his posture, aesthetics and clothing perfect with not a hair out of place. The Lady Phantomhive was trying very hard not to become a passionate wreck as everything she was trying to keep suppressed was starting to bubble up including a fact that she did not want to admit to herself. A fact that was now staring her so unbearably in the face, the fact that she was in love with a demon. She swallowed her pride, emotions and pushed herself up in the bed to look at the demon before her.

"I love you." She started straight at him without tearing her eyes away from his perfect silhouette. She hadn't meant to say it; the confession just tumbled from her lips like a child's first words. The words had sounded sad, guilt ridden and full of self-disgust.

The silence became longer as no response was uttered from the butler. When he did speak it was only to answer her previous question.

"The exact order that my master gave me was to take care of you and continue my nightly engagements until such a time that you were an easily manipulated piece on his board. Believe me Elizabeth it was by no means a simple order it was in fact an extremely complicated one given the wholly good nature of your soul. Caring for you was the quickest way to fulfil this order, however as you have seen, things did not go according to my plan. My master though is happy with the outcome and I cannot argue with his final say."

Sebastian stood looking at the small blonde doll her belly somewhat swollen and her eyes red on the verge of tears. Internally he did not understand what was happening, his aesthetic was the perfect butler and that is the only one he should have yet he found himself wanting to shift his aesthetic to that of a caring lover. This of course went against the contract and he, of course, could and would not do this. The temptation, however, was overwhelming. He had chosen to ignore the little lady's three-word exclamation and pretend he had not heard it, but what was harder to feign was the fire that ignited when the words reached his ears. That fire made him want to move his body towards her and take her in sin and lust. He felt his eyes glow for a second and the doll must have seen it because she no longer looked sad, she looked intrigued. This was something that had not been there before. Her soul was truly tainted if she could look at the demon without screaming and coiling away in fear.

"You were tender last night Sebastian, before I went into Ciel's study, you were tender towards me. The way you held me in your arms and kissed my head. You must care about me, you have to…" It sounded more like she was convincing herself than anyone else.

Sebastian sighed, his expression softened and he sat on the bed next to her legs. "I cannot lie Elizabeth I have said this many times. Yes I care about you, but not in the way you believe. What I have for you is a demons desire, a desire to claim you as mine and take your soul, bend it to my will and taint every bit of goodness in you." He deliberately left out the details of the mark and the power it wielded over him, as the last thing he needed was the doll thinking she had the upper hand. What happened next surprised him.

Elizabeth grabbed his face and kissed him hard. It was angry, confused, passionate and blissful, he immediately felt his eyes go red and his fangs protrude he brought his arms to warp around her and drag her closer to him so he could feel her soul beating through her bloodstream. She bit his lip and he pulled away and moved to her neck. He kissed and bit and sucked creating red angry marks upon her pale white skin while his doll became breathless in his arms. She pulled him down on top of her and he shifted so he was leaning over her on the bed a predatory gaze on his features. He wasn't hiding behind a human mask now, Elizabeth could see him and she was not backing away. His pure little lady was quite far-gone and he was revelling in her sin. He could feel the order to 'stop his nightly engagements' ring in his head, but it was the morning, so technically he was not disobeying his master and the marks power was overpowering in this moment.

As the black butler trailed his hands all over her body up and down her torso and down to her thigh, he needed to push only slightly and she spread her legs for him. Unlike past times where he had exerted his influence so she would be willing this time her soul was truly willing and she never once looked away from him, unless it was to close her eyes in pleasure.

He dispelled himself of his gloves as his right hand dipped beneath her thin white shift and found her left breast. He-in a tortuously slow manner- stared to kneed and massage her swollen mounds. The pregnancy had made them bigger and more sensitive to his ministrations. He brought his demonic lips to hers and immediately slipped in his tongue to taste his precious doll. She moaned hard into his mouth in response her hands flying to grip around his neck indicating she did not want his to stop. He stroked the inside of her thighs under her shift pinching the sensitive skin every so often, and every time he did she would try to spread herself wider. Her legs were trembling from his handiwork and she would need release soon. His left hand slipped in between her legs as just as he was about to slip in his fingers her hand shot to his to stop him.

"No, Sebastian I want you." Her eyes were heavy lidded and her face was flushed.

Sebastian chuckled "My, my are you sure, taking me without preparation will be agonizing my lady especially in your sensitive condition."

Her hand travelled up from Sebastian's hand to his face "I want to feel the pain."

At these words he felt a rush of power and he quickly pulled out his demons length and roughly thrust into her, his pre-cum acting as an aphrodisiac to make her pleasure even greater. They never broke eye contact, but Elizabeth screamed loud in pain and pleasure and started moving underneath him. The only sounds were Elizabeth's pants and moans, the clashing of hips and the creaking of the wooden bedframe.

They moved together for a time, until Sebastian decided he would make his lady cum like nothing she had experienced yet. He brought his hands round to her back and pulled her up so she was straddling him. In this position he was as deep inside her as he would go and she would feel everything. He placed his hands on her hips and helped her to move up and down his demonic member.

It was reminiscent of their first time together in Vienna except this time both parties were fully willing and there was something more between them than carnal lust. Although Sebastian would never say this aloud he felt something for the doll and it scared him as much as it pleased him.

Little hitched gasps were escaping Elizabeth's mouth as she held tighter around his neck and still fully clothed body. She moved up and down his length touching every bit inside of her. She was a mess, her hair was stuck to her sweaty face, pre-cum was leaking at their joining, her breasts red and swollen from Sebastian's hands and her pregnancy. Her moans became louder as she could feel herself peaking, Sebastian sensed this and brought his hand in between them to put pressure on her clit and in a second she was cumming harder than she ever had in her life. Her whole body coiled and tensed in pleasure and stars flew passed her eyes. Her head was flung back and her throat quickly became horse from her screams.

She soon realised however, that this coupling was far from over as she could still feel Sebastian's hardness inside her. She was unsure when he finished himself, but what she did know was that she came at least 6 times and each was better than the last.

When eventually she was out of breath and lying in her bed, bathing in her post-coital glow, she felt lazy lips kiss hers and then leave. For the first time the guilt she felt was almost non-existent. She was still angry at herself for loving such a creature, but he made her feel so much pleasure. This was how sex was meant to be; she was sure - passionate, intense, and pleasurable. She ran her hand over her stomach and in her head played out what would happen if the child had been Sebastian's. 'A demon child' she thought no wonder he was so sure it was not his. Thinking about the child made her think about Ciel and her dire situation and she did not want to think about it right now, she didn't know what she was going to do. So Elizabeth Phantomhive spent the rest of the evening envisioning impossible fantasy future scenarios where she, Sebastian and her child were a happy, loving family and this eventually lulled her to sleep. She would think of a plan later.

1 month later

Despite being told that she should not exert herself, Elizabeth was not heeding anyone's advice. In fact a part of her had entirely given up listening to anyone but herself and sometimes Sebastian (but only because the crow gave her so much pleasure). She wore one of Ciel's fencing jackets much to her dismay as her own did not fit her due to her swollen middle and even then it was still very tight. She had grown a lot in the last 4 weeks. She thrust her blade forward, footwork elegantly flying into a fleche, before returning with speed to the en guarde position and re-starting her practice set all over again. Two steps forward, lunge, en garde, parry quarte, lunge, circular parry, lunge, parry sixte, three steps back, lunge, step forward and fleche. She repeated these moves until sweat was running down her forehead and into her eyes. She preformed her last fleche and instead of returning to en guarde position she lazily ran off her move.

Elizabeth pulled her glove off and slipped the sword back into its position on the weapon rack. She caught sight of herself fin the mirror across the room and made her way towards it. Looking at herself she thought she had certainly changed since her wedding day. Her hair was no longer in bunches and was always tied in a neat braided bun at the back of her head or tied loosely over her shoulder, her eyes no longer held the innocent mirth that had been there the day she had said her vows. They were now dark and filled with cynicism. Her mouth no longer possessed her permanently sweet smile. Now it was set into a hard-pressed line and she couldn't remember the last time she actually smiled with true happiness. You will eventually fall to despair. Sebastian's words rang in her mind before she pushed them away out her head. He was right it seemed, but there was no use dwelling on something that could not be changed.

Elizabeth scrutinized her face. Her expression looked just like her husband's perpetually moody one. Recently Elizabeth found she was adopting Ciel's mannerisms, not in everything of course just the little things. Like when she heard something silly said by one the servants her smirk was cruel and mocking, when her doctor spoke to her and said something she disagreed with her glare was like ice. She found that when writing letters to her family, that she was watching her words, making sure that she was giving nothing away and leading them to believe false pretences. She had never lied in the past.

Her hand absent-mindedly slipped over her stomach and she turned to her side. God she was getting big, she wondered what her child would be like. She had wanted a boy, but after Ciel's hellish revelation she now wanted a girl, and when she was born she would take her and leave regardless of whether Ciel was six feet under or not. She would love this child, make sure she wanted for nothing and she would never ever know the horrendous truth of her father. She would say her father died tragically before she was born and lead the child to believe that had he lived he would have been a good father. A lie that was necessary to protect her daughter.

Elizabeth had a plan and was going to execute it as soon as possible. She had convinced Ciel to allow her mother to stay at the estate under the pretence of not wanting to be alone in case the child arrived early. Her mother was arriving in 2 days and she planned to tell her just enough to rope her into falling for her scheme. The end result - she hoped - would be her returning to the Midford Estate with her mother.

Scheme? She really was starting to think just like him, she did not know why as this was not who she was. Elizabeth blamed Ciel entirely for her change in personality. She was sure the demon had done something evil and unnatural to her as well, but she was not sure what and could not put her finger on it.

Elizabeth looked at her wedding band and slipped it off her finger to look at the inscription she had had put there without Ciel 's knowledge. It was originally meant to empower her, make her feel like a large and important part of Ciel's life, make her feel like his equal. Now all it did was feel like a ball and chain anytime she looked at it.

She said out loud "Wife of the Watch Dog."

She laughed cynically and looked at her face. She would have cried 4 weeks ago, now though she knew too much and cared too little.

Suddenly she heard the door open and the object of her hatred swanned in with his cane hitting off the floor with each click of his shoes. He was dressed in his dark navy checked suit with a grey blue waistcoat and a dark silk shirt. He wore his black gloves made from fine, soft, Italian leather that cut off at the wrists. Elizabeth thought he looked disarmingly handsome today, but regardless of how beautiful and elegant he looked, inside he was rotten and ugly.

"Lizzie what are you doing! The doctor strictly said no exertion as it could harm the baby."

Ciel came round and stood in front of her, their side reflections in the large mirror next to them. His face was angry his eye-patch partially hidden by his hair and his good eye boring into her trying to intimidate her. His tactics with her, however, no longer worked.

"The doctor also said that everything was normal and there are no complications with the pregnancy, besides she is my child, she is stronger than she looks."

Ciel shot her a dirty look and a smirk "You don't know if it's a girl. It would be better if it was a boy, for both your sakes."

"Please Ciel, do not pretend you care about my or my child's well-being." Elizabeth turned around and headed to sit on the stool next to the weapon rack.

"Lizzie, the child is mine as well, the baby does not just belong to you and of course I care about him. Or her. I would never to anything to harm my own child. How could I…I love this baby."

Elizabeth's head shot up, and her eyes, that just moments before full of Ice were now full of fury and fire. In a flash of movement she grabbed a sword from the rack, took two lightning steps forward, and brought her blade up then down and across Ciel's face. The noise was awful; a high screech of the butlers name left his lips as blood trickled onto the floor. She stood and looked at her pathetic, worthless and cruel husband and wished she had done this before now.

Ciel was crouched down cradling his left eye rocking back and forward as the butler appeared beside him seemingly out of nowhere. The crow met eyes with his doll and saw the blood on her blade and the uncontrolled fury in her eyes. Elizabeth spoke with anger in her voice at the butler in black.

"You had better get him out of my presence before I ruin your dinner plans."

Sebastian smirked at his lady's out of character quip and picked up his lord before rushing him away to tend to his wounds.

Elizabeth was shaking and she moved to sit back down on the stool. As she did this she felt an uncomfortable movement in her stomach. The baby was kicking. She placed her hand where it kicked and felt it move again. Elizabeth liked to think that her little one was congratulating her for striking evil across the face. She smiled a small smile to herself before noticing the blood splatter that stood out prominently on the white fencing jacket. She felt rather good after her little outburst, but at the same time a twinge of guilt plagued her. Guilt had no place anymore where Ciel was concerned, she put it down to her good nature that she still cared a lick for him.

Ciel sat in the kitchen his butler cleaning the mess that was his master's face. Despite the amount of blood the cut had not been deep, intended to hurt but not cause serious damage. His lady was truly a gifted swordswoman. His master sucked air through his teeth as the butler applied a sterilized cloth to his face and proceeded to bandage the left eye. Sebastian thought his master looked quite funny with a huge bandage on one eye and an eye patch on the other.

"Well this is fantastic." Ciel said sarcastically. "I can't see a damn thing. That bloody, wretched woman." He ripped the eye patch off his face revealing his Faustian mark.

Sebastian instantly felt the glare from the right eye of his master and the Faustian mark became brighter.

"Something you wish to say Master? You need not hold back anything with me, I am after all your loyal servant." The crow spoke in a special mocking reserved only for the blue eyed noble.

Sebastian had been trying to return his normal self as much as possible and he felt the best way to do this was to relentlessly tease his master as he had when they had first started their relationship. It seemed to be working; his thoughts were no longer dwelling every second on the lovely porcelain white, blonde haired beauty that was Lady Elizabeth and he was focused on entertaining and enabling his master's revenge, which was soon to come to a swift conclusion. Said master spoke and when he did his tone was laced with restrained fury.

"You have done something even after I ordered you not to. I know you have, Lizzie wouldn't attack me unprovoked." Ciel said irritably.

"You are utterly deluded my Lord if you think this is my handiwork." Sebastian coolly stated as he busied himself with cleaning up bloody rags. "As I have said before you should have left Lady Elizabeth's manipulation to me, then it would have been successful, instead what you have done is twisted and ruined her so badly that instead of acquiring a loyal pawn, you created a dangerous enemy." There was a loud clunk of metal hitting metal as Sebastian placed the medical instruments in the sink. "Also that attack was certainly not one that was unprovoked my Lord." the drawled out 'my lord' held a tone of tightly withheld darkness. It was a sign that he was becoming very tired with his Lord's escapades.

Ciel despite his wounds scoffed with his arms folded. "I have done nothing serious enough to warrant this sort of physical attack."

Sebastian's eyes glowed red, but not in hunger and his body stilled its movements.

"Pride. Pride is your chief sin my Lord and you will taste oh so delightful when I devour you."

Within a flash Sebastian was no longer standing at the sink. He had his masters head held in his hand, his face inches from his, his fangs were elongated and his eyes were burning red with hellfire. He had pinned his Lord to the table, leaning over him so that Ciel back was bend at an awkward angle. A sliver of fear sneaked up Ciel Phantomhive's back, he could not move he tried and tried yet his limbs would not obey his thoughts. He tried to speak only finding he could not. He was paralyzed and his only rational thought was that his demon was doing this to him. Why?

"Feeling a little helpless my Lord?" the butlers tone was teasing. "I could do anything I wished to you right now as you are at my utter mercy. I could ravage you, torture you, or perhaps make you feel and see things that seem so real they burn images behind your precious eyes, yet they vanish when I leave." Sebastian was exerting his power over his master and pushing the boundaries of the contract as far as they went. The air around them lost its clarity and started to seem black and think like tar.

Ciel suddenly could speak again "You can't hurt me Sebastian, the contract won't allow it."

Sebastian –with his gloves gone – dragged one clawed finger down the side of his face. His eyes roamed down his lithe body then back up meeting his gaze with a devilish grin that showed off his fanged teeth.

He chuckled "This is true I cannot hurt you…not yet."

And with that he was gone leaving Ciel out of breath, his pupils dilated in fear and splinters under his fingernails from where he had vice gripped the wooden table he sat on. Blood dripped from his fingers and his Faustian eye was boring a hole into the kitchen counter opposite him. It was at this point after almost 9 years he realised how horrific this was going to be for him when he died.

When he was a child he understood he was going to die and that it would be painful, but with adulthood came the realization that it was going to be slow, painful torture not only on his body but on his mind as well. This thought disturbed him. His mind had always been that – his, the fact that Sebastian would use this against him should not surprise him, but it did and he would never admit it but he was petrified. Frightened because despite everything, Sebastian's loyalty was feigned. Faux. False. It was there because it had to be according to the contract. Somewhere along the way Ciel had come to rely too much on the one being that wished him dead and had turned those who loved him against him. It was a fleeting thought yet it lingered in his mind. Maybe he should never have involved Lizzie in his plans. If he had kept her blissfully unawares she would still be that sweet young woman he married- maybe, but then also maybe, the pressures of Ciel keeping secrets and not paying her attention would become too much for her and she would become miserable anyway.

Either way he looked at his actions Lizzie's path would never end well. The price of being the wife of the watchdog he supposed. He shook his head as he stood from the table, straightened his waistcoat and sorted his shirt, which had been ruffled when Sebastian had pinned him. No Lizzie would have been miserable regardless of his actions.

He cleaned his hands of blood and slipped his gloves and jacket back on before grabbing his cane and making his way to his study. He would make Sebastian bring him tea and cake to show that he had not been rattled by the demons actions. Although in the back of his mind he doubted how much the black butler would believe his calm façade.

2 Days Later

An elegant carriage pulled up outside the entrance to the mansion and a woman with a steely countenance, sharp blue eyes, her hair pulled back in a tight bun and dressed in a fine cream, blue and black dress stepped out and scrutinized the home before her. Francis Midford had always thought that the rebuilding of the Phantomhive estate had been done far too fast - unnaturally so. Anytime she was here she felt it was a different home from the one she grew up in. Like all the happy memories of her and Vincent playing together as children had vanished and what was left was an empty shell that looked right but felt wrong.

The young gardener came to take her bags inside and she strode into the mansion with confidence and power in her steps. From Lizzie's letter she could presume something sinister was happening here and while it did not surprise her, she found it unnerving that Ciel would involve Lizzie in something so seriously related to the underworld. After all she had warned him many, many times to take care of Lizzie and that if he did not there would be consequences. He had always shown an emotional side when interacting with Lizzie, It reminded her of the way Vincent had been around Rachel when they first got together. Yes, Ciel was sullen, brooding and moody and had been since his miraculous return all those years ago, but never once had she thought he would be capable of hurting those close to him. Even Vincent - despite his reputation - could never bring himself to hurt his family.

The mansion looked the same as ever, but she felt an oppressive atmosphere as if happiness had been sucked out of the place, again hardly surprising given her son-in-law's less than cheery disposition. She caught sight of the indecent butler from the corner of her eye.

"What are you skulking around there for come and greet your guest." She barked at the butler.

He bowed "Marchioness Midford, it is a pleasure to have you as always. I apologise that my master cannot meet you he is otherwise engaged with some very important work. Finnian has taken your bags to your room, shall I escort you to Lady Elizabeth?" Sebastian was behaving, as ever, the gentleman because this woman was sharp as a whip and did not miss a trick.

"No I will see Ciel now, I do not care if he is busy, good manners dictate that you should greet your mother-in-law. His study is where Vincent's was yes?" and before Sebastian knew it she was marching through the mansion towards Ciels study. He quickly followed after her. The Marchioness was a force to be reckoned with he knew this. He also knew before she was a Midford she was a Phantomhive and as such knew exactly how the family operated. She would not take Ciel's words at face value this much was certain and Sebastian was almost 100% sure the only reason she was here was because Elizabeth had asked her.

Never one to forget her manners the Marchioness abruptly knocked on the study door before swiftly entering and striding to stand in front of the Earl of Phantomhive. Said Earl did not flinch, move or look up from his documents.

"Good afternoon Aunt Francis, you're early I was not expecting you until later." He spoke lazily as the words were merely pleasantries with no meaning.

"I am a punctual person Ciel you should know this by now…" she paused as she noticed the healing cut on his left eye. "…I can sense you are in no mood for small talk so I will be direct."

"Hmmm." Was all he responded with as his pen kept scratching across the papers.

"You will tell me what actions you are taking against Lizzie that is making her miserable, I understand when a woman is with child one is more emotional than usual, but she should be happy with the future arrival of her child, yet she is forlorn and dejected in her writings." Her tone left no room for denial.

"I can assure you Aunt Francis, Lizzie is far from miserable, emotional - yes I agree - miserable no. If she were so dejected she would not have given me this wonderful new addition to my face."

At this new piece of information the Marchioness raised her eyebrows. Lizzie must have been angry beyond belief to strike Ciel across the face with such a scarring blow.

"She would not have struck without reason." She said resolutely.

"Once again you are correct Aunt Francis, she became angry when I confronted her about the affair she had with my butler." Ciel said, lying without hesitation.

The blood drained from the Marchionesses face and she suddenly felt cold. Lizzie would never do something so scandalous and stupid as to have an affair with the help. Perhaps Ciel meant an affair relating to work and not that of the romantic kind.

"You say an affair occurred I take it you mean an affair of a plutonic nature, related to your duties to the queen perhaps? I know Lizzie was doing work for you." Even to her, her voice sounded weak and uncharacteristically wobbly.

At this Ciel stopped writing and looked directly at his Aunt, his 'good' eye now scarred. Francis' breath hitched in her throat for a second and her heart sped up. Never before had he looked so like his father, the expression was the same calm, cold and callous look that the previous Watchdog had given his enemies when he knew they had lost.

"What do you think, my dear Aunt?" he simply stared at her, unblinking, expecting a response. She paused before giving one; this wasn't her nephew right now, this was the watchdog and she would treat him as such.

"I think you are lying Ciel. I know you better than Lizzie does because I understand exactly what your duties entail, I have lived to see two watchdogs die and a third take the mantle. I think you are lying to turn me against my daughter and isolate her further from her family. My daughter is and always has been loyal to you, she would never do something so base and degenerate as…give herself in 'that' manner to a lowly servant." Her stony resoluteness had returned to her voice along with her confidence.

"Believe what you will Aunt, it does not change the truth." His tone was smug and he returned to his documents, his pen going back to scratching across paper. "Oh, If you are looking for Lizzie I would ask Sebastian, he seems to know where she is at all times of the day." He scoffed "Goodness knows why."

With this the Marchioness stormed out of her insolent son-in-laws study and summoned the butler in her loudest voice. In a second he appeared, bowing before the older Lady.

"Where is Elizabeth?" she was trying to not let her anger show but she was finding it hard to not slap the butler's permanently smiling face. Before Sebastian could speak she ordered him to take her to her daughter. As he walked she analysed the butler, I suppose in a certain way he was handsome, but Lizzie had always loved Ciel, despite his temperament, so she was certain that Ciel was lying.

Lying to try and gain control. It was not an unfamiliar tactic to her she had seen it used many times in this house before, but seeing it used on her daughter enraged the Marchioness and she would not take this accusation lightly.

The door to the small reading room opened and she saw her daughter for the first time in months. She was sat in a light pink dress her hand absent-mindedly resting on her somewhat large stomach as she read some sort of romantic fiction. Her hair was loose and as she turned her face lit up when she saw her mother.

"You made it! You have no idea how happy I am that you are here, it has been terrible for me over the past few months, almost unbearable!" Lizzie rushed forward and flung her arms around her mother and despite her anger Francis returned the hug with equal love. Her daughter then spoke to the butler and Marchioness Midford watched the interaction with her eagle like gaze.

"Sebastian please bring us up some tea and cake." She said smiling softly.

"Yes my Lady" and the butler bowed and left.

It was small and had Francis not been her mother she would not have noticed it, but the look she gave the butler was soft, her smile reached her eyes, her tone of voice was comfortable and at ease and her were cheeks flushed ever so slightly. They both sat down and Lizzie started talking about this and that, but Francis was not really listening. Her eyes had wandered to her stomach and she had a sickening thought.

The child's paternity.

God help that child if it was not the son or daughter of Ciel Phantomhive. She suddenly cut through her daughter's irrelevant ramblings

"Elizabeth, who is the father?" she asked plainly her eyes firmly on the floor. She found she could not look her daughter in the eye.

"Mother…what do you mean, the child? It is Ciel's of course." Lizzie even added a smile for good measure; oh Ciel was rubbing off on her the Marchioness thought.

"You are my daughter Elizabeth and I will always love you, but I need to know the truth and do not lie to me, I will know. Did you…did you disgrace yourself with the-" she was finding it hard to say the words "-with your husbands manservant?"

There was a long pause, as Francis Midford looked her daughter square in the face. She could see Lizzie's smile twitch at the corners of her mouth, she was considering lying to her, then her eyes dropped and her expression and body language became jaded and tired.

"Does it matter mother? This child is Ciel's and really that is all that matters isn't it? My happiness is not important, my role is to play the dutiful wife to the watchdog and I have fulfilled my role. So, yes I may have 'disgraced myself' many, many times with Sebastian, but it was worth it." Her expression darkens and she looks right at her mother "He gives me considerably more pleasure in my bed than Ciel ever did. "

A resounding slap echoes through the room and blood dribbles down the side of Elizabeth's burst lip. Francis stood panting, her hair had come loose from her bun and a string of it had fallen into her face. She was livid. She gathered herself and turned her back to her daughter and recalled everything she knew. She collected the facts.

Number 1: Her daughter was pregnant. Number 2: She had a sexual affair with the house help. Number 3: Ciel's behavior was darker and more reminiscent of her late brother. Number 4: Elizabeth's sweet demeanor was nowhere to be seen and neither was her loyalty to Ciel. Number 5: Elizabeth did not seem remorseful of her mistake. Conclusion: She slept with the butler to make Ciel angry because she had not been getting enough attention and she was deathly unhappy.

"I'm taking you back to the Midford estate. You will have the child there and there it will stay until a time when we can determine the paternity- God forbid - if it is a bastard, it will stay with us and I will have one of the Midford servants raise it. Pray, pray to God Elizabeth that the child is your husbands."

She did not know why her daughter then smiled slightly, but she agreed to come to the Midford estate the day after tomorrow. Francis, to enraged to look at her daughter, left the reading room for a walk around the grounds, she could hardly believe her daughters behavior. As she was making her way out she passed the butler in the corridor and gave him the most scathing filthiest look she could muster before grabbing him by the collar and smashing him back against the wall. Tea and cake fell to the ground.

"Know, you scoundrel, that had you not saved Ciel's life I would take yours in a second. I had always thought you looked lecherous and deviant and now I have my proof. You disgraced my daughter and do not think you will not pay."

Sebastian- aware that this was a normal human reaction to this kind of situation - merely nodded and kept silent as the angry Marchioness roughly let him go and stormed off. He cleaned up the now ruined tea and cake and returned to the kitchens to make some more. He could not stop thinking about how tomorrow he would finally get to eat his long awaited, deliciously sinful, one-eyed cake devouring every inch of it in a great, bloody, demonic frenzy.

The Next Day

There was silence in the carriage as it traipsed and rattled through the early morning streets of London. The Earl of Phantomhive was dressed in a dark grey silk shirt, with a darker grey wool waistcoat and a black and grey pinstripe suit. He was wearing his funeral outfit. His black, leather gloved hands were tightly gripping the cane that was resting on the carriage floor and his now scarred eye was analysing every inch of that cane. He was doing anything he could to avoid the gaze of his butler who had done nothing but hungrily stare at him since they left the mansion, had his butler's aesthetics not been in place Ciel was sure the demon would be drooling.

He thought that nothing about this day felt spectacular yet is was the day he would die and cease to exist. He had abandoned heaven and the only hell in store for him was his death at the hands of the being that had watched over him for the past 9 years.

"What will happen to my body?" Ciel asked.

"Nothing my Lord. Your body is but a shell for your soul to reside in, granted your body will be in a sorry shape once I am finished with it, in fact I doubt anyone will recognise you, even your delicious little wife." Sebastian said smiling.

"Then Sebastian, I order you to take my body home after my demise. Allow it to be buried if only for the sake of her majesty, those bumbling idiots at the mansion and Lizzie." He spoke with a solemn tone understanding his death was near.

The carriage came to a stop.

They were here. Ciel's throat suddenly went dry, yet he was salivating at the thought of carrying out his revenge. He could not wait to destroy them with his own hands, watch as they screamed in pain and agony begging for forgiveness. He would make them scream he had planned everything down to the last detail. He knew what he would say, what he would do to them. He would make them suffer as he had suffered and he would enjoy every second of it.

Sebastian opened the door for his master and he stepped out. He then forced opened the locked door leading down into the dark winding caverns of the latest location of the Poppy Club. He figured at this time in the morning most of the degenerates would be asleep or in a drug-induced coma. He lead the way avoiding any warm bodies in search of the ones his master would seek revenge on and it wasn't long until they found them. The butler swung the heavy iron door open and the same horrendous sight as last time greeted them. Children in cages, children hanging from chains bolted to the grimy ceiling and floor and a distinct smell of coppery blood, death and charred flesh tainted the air.

Sebastian noticed his master was not moving, but planted to the floor trembling in his slightly heeled shoes.

Ciel's brain was overloading. He thought seeing this would not bring back memories of that night, but this was all so raw. He could feel the brand being seared onto his skin and his hand automatically went to his side. His pupils constricted in horror as he saw corpses of children in cages, branding irons and torture tools. He could not think straight, the only thought that ran through his head was 'kill, kill, kill'. His breathing sped up and sweat dripped down his forehead. He was about to order Sebastian to kill them all as he had done with Baron Kelvin years ago, but he stopped short.

Putting one shaky foot in front of the other he ruthlessly and without mercy pulled out his revolver and put a bullet in every single man and woman there. His eyes were wide with fury and something akin to insanity. Earl Phantomhive spoke not a word as he executed each one not caring to differentiate between people innocent of the crime he sought them for and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He cared not. He reloaded his revolver a full 5 times before finishing and putting two bullets in the head of the last man alive.

Due to the drugs they had all but not reacted when he began shooting, their movements were sluggish and slow and killing them had been an easy task. It had been like shooting at mannequins.

He stood panting and shaking as he noticed that the floor was now a pool of blood as least a centimetre deep. He had done it. He had achieved his revenge, he had not hesitated and he had succeeded and now he would die. It had not gone the way he expected however. There was no dramatic begging and no screams of pain, in fact there had been hardly any reaction at all.

He turned to face his 'butler' who at some point had shifted into his true demon form. He stood all black and smoke with hellish teeth and claws and black bone like wings that never took a solid form. His eyes were starving and unhinged, boring into Ciel's and making him feel completely human and when the 'butler' spoke it was not the smooth charming timbre of Sebastian Michaelis, no. This voice was unrecognizable, rough, guttural and unnatural, it shook the Earl to his core. His head was suddenly filled with torturously clear memories of the day he made the contract with the monster. The beatings, the branding, the torture and the rape. He saw the death of his parents with their bodies hanging from the charred remains of the Phantomhive mansion - although he had never witnessed that. He saw his house burn, he saw his future child as they walked into the fire and burned before him. The child held his gaze as their flesh burned and peeled falling into the fire.

He dropped to his knees clutching his head and screaming. He felt like he was burning from the inside out, his eyes were open, but he was not in the club anymore. He was surrounded by fire and the smell of death and these images ran through his head for what felt like an age.

Then suddenly it all stopped and all there was were his sobs and the drip of water somewhere in the distance. A cold bone like claw gripped his face and lifted his weak body from the floor and a hungry growl emanated from the beast in front of him. A single claw removed the eye patch from his face and slowly started to peel off the flesh surrounding his Faustian eye. The demon tossed the strips of flesh to the side like shredded ribbons and the screams from the Earl became louder with each shred that was peeled off.

Ciel's face was now bloody and flayed and he was thrown to the floor with a loud thump. Suddenly the stiletto like heel of the demons foot sharply punctured the gap between his right shoulder and his collarbone. The demon then twisted his heel digging it in further. It was agony. His eyes were open and blood freely trickled into them while he shrieked bloody murder. His legs were flailing around, squirming in pain, but the demons hands were then quickly on both of his kneecaps. The sound that followed was a gurgling, bloody, bone crushing crunch. Several of the bones from his now shattered kneecaps pierced through his skin, his blood mingling with his enemies on the floor.

Then the demons heel was removed from his body and the demon went to crouch at his feet. He took a foot in each of his hands and stroked them before holding them at the end of the toes and pulling forward and down. Another crunch filled the air, as his ankles were broken. He then slowly moved to the Earl's hands and individually ripped each of his fingernails off leisurely and with glee. A permanent fanged smile graced the lips of the demon at each scream that came from the Earl. There was so much blood and pain, Ciel was surprised he had not blacked out he guessed that 'Sebastian' was keeping him alive.

Tears freely flowed from both of the Earl's still present eyes and it stung as it trickled down his broken skin, he could not think about anything else but the never ending agony and hurt his body felt.

The demon thought that this would not do. Before taking his soul he wanted the Earl to know something special. He wanted the little Lord to know that his precious Elizabeth was his for the taking after his soul left this plain. So he filled the Earl's mind with memories, Elizabeth's memories, ones that he had borrowed during their engagements.

The Earl suddenly saw Elizabeth sucking Sebastian's demon length like a popsicle on a hot day. Then he saw her spreading herself and impaling herself on him, and then he heard her cries of pleasure as she came and she scratched red fingernails into the 'butlers' back. He saw her swallow the demons seed and lick her lips after finishing him. He saw her pressed up against a wall with Sebastian pounding into her from behind, he saw her on her back, on her knees, on her front and all the time he heard her pants, moans and cries. It burned him to see his beloved wife shouting this heretic demon's name.

The finishing blow to his sanity however, came in the form of three words and a searing hot kiss that showed just how much his Lizzie was no longer his. The demon had definitely won this game. In his final thoughts he realised he had lost sight of what Lizzie meant to him and terrible regret flooded over him. He wished he had done more for her and treated her better, loved her better. He wished he could see the birth of his child.

Ciel lay in the pool of coagulating blood on the grimy floor of the Poppy Club completely done his eyes were unfocused and glazed over. He had nothing left.

"…Sebastian…" his voice was hoarse and weak.

The demon looked at the bloody mess on the ground and through it glittered the darkest most delicious soul he would ever had the pleasure of consuming. He had waited years for this. He would enjoy every bit of it. The mental and physical torture had served to prepare his soul and give it that final seasoning necessary for service, his breath sped up and he lifted the body from the bloody ground. He held the Earl with one clawed hand at the small of his back and the other clawed hand curling around his head towards the Faustian eye. The demon leant in and covered the Earls mouth with his. He started to consume every bit of his soul and it was just as sublime if not more than he thought it would be. As the kiss went on he had a gruesomely delightful idea. The demon brought his clawed thumb to the Earls eye and clawed out his eyeball. In turn the Earl attempted a scream, but due to there not being much left of him, it was weak and sounded more like a moan.

Soon his dinner was over and the demon felt more sated than he had in centuries. That soul truly had been worth the long wait, patience is a virtue after all he thought. The limp body was dropped to the floor and he started to walk away, heels clacking, before stopping and groaning. He was no longer bound by contract and he did not need to take the body back to the Phantomhive Estate, but something was nagging him to remove it from this cesspit. He would drop it and leave with that perverted, silver-haired death reaper he decided. The demon picked up the body unceremoniously and vanished from the club in a dense cloud of raven feathers and black smoke.

The Midford Estate - 1 year later

Elizabeth had played her part wonderfully at the Earl's funeral at which it was announced that Ciel had died of a sudden illness. She cried at all the right times and spoke with sadness at the loss of her loving husband. She had spoken of Ciel's good qualities, his loyalty and his work ethic. She never mentioned how cruel and callous he was or how he loved to play games with people. She never mentioned his work as the watchdog, although everyone there was aware of his unscrupulous side job.

One person who was notably absent and it raised many eyebrows was the late Earls butler. 'Where was he?' was the question on everyone's lip. For someone who had always been at the Earls side to mysteriously disappear, many people speculated what had happened. Some even thought that the butler had killed the Earl and run away – they would never know how right they actually were. Telling the servants at the Phantomhive estate what had actually happened was left to Tanaka who did a wonderful job explaining the unexplainable, Elizabeth had been glad that particular job was not left to her.

She never actually saw his corpse she only saw the ornate coffin that the Undertaker brought to the funeral preparations. Tanaka had dealt with everything since she wanted as little as possible to do with it. What had surprised Elizabeth however was Ciel's will. He had left everything including the title of watchdog and majority control of the Funtom Corporation to her. So as it was she was now Elizabeth Countess of Phantomhive and Watchdog of the Queen. She was unsure if she wanted this, but she had received a letter from her Majesty essentially indicating that she had little choice. She suspected that this was Ciel's final way of saying 'I won' by never allowing her be rid of his memory. Ciel had made sure that the Funtom Corporation was self-sufficient and that Elizabeth would need to do very little except attend a few board meetings now and again. In truth it had surprised her how well he had planned for his death and how much he had included her.

Elizabeth had stayed at the Midford Estate until the birth and now 1 year later she was getting ready to go back to the Phantomhive Estate. Her bags were packed and she had baby toys and clothes ready to go to. She had made sure there was a suitable nursery at the Mansion ready for playtime and naps. She had it painted navy blue and a reddish purple furnished with only the highest quality items and lavish decorations. She had more than enough money to spend thanks to her late husbands business endeavours.

Elizabeth heard her mother's quick steps followed by what sounded like Paula's footsteps behind her. She also heard hungry wailing.

"Elizabeth, Cecelia and Warren are hungry!" her mothers bellowing could not be mistaken as she walked into her bedroom, carrying Cecelia on her hip. The young Phantomive's dark obsidian eyes stared in silence at her mother with her short dark almost black hair sitting perfectly styled on her head. Behind her on Paula's hip struggled Warren crying loudly in hunger his big, round, blue eyes had swollen with tears and his little wisps of blond hair were an utter mess.

"Warren is hungry, Cecelia I think is still full from the last sitting." Elizabeth smiled and cooed at her twin babies and took Cecelia from her mother's arms. The eldest twin did not really resemble Elizabeth all that much, their faces were a similar shape, but she had very sharp angular features and deep down Elizabeth knew exactly who she looked like, but she would never say that aloud. Ceceila was a quiet little girl, she cried very little and rarely smiled instead she looked at most everyone with rabid curiosity. She paid attention to conversations as though she understood them and regarded her brother in stillness and silence most times refusing to play with him. Elizabeth's mother called her an 'unusual child.'

Warren on the other hand was loud and he cried. He cried a lot, when he had been born there had been no mistaking those eyes, they were so blue and big and looked exactly like Ciel's so the twin's paternity was not called into question. Warren looked like a perfect mix of her and Ciel. He had her blond hair and light features with Ciel's enormous blue eyes. His personality was – according to her mother- very much like Edward's personality had been when he was a baby, he always wanted to be picked up and showered with attention. When he was happy, he was very happy, he smiled and laughed until he tired himself out. When he was upset, he was upset until he was picked up and coddled by his mother.

Elizabeth placed Cecelia at her feet while she took Warren and fed him from her breast. Paula left to pack some more bags while her mother stayed looking at the little dark haired girl. She knew what her mother was thinking, but there was no proof and Warren was so obviously Ciel's son, Cecelia had to be Ciel's daughter. She had had this fight with the Marchioness so many times, but it was physically impossible by human standards. Elizabeth knew, however, knew that he was not human so in her mind she was almost certain that the twins had different fathers. Cecelia continued to stare at her grandmother, until Francis looked away and turned to leave the room.

"She's an odd child Elizabeth, you'll need to make sure when she grows up you discipline that out of her. I know as a Phantomhive you get away with a lot of social faux pas, but…look at her, this behaviour is unnatural." The Marchioness left without a word from Elizabeth.

She continued feeding Warren, when she noticed Cecelia acting differently than usual she was looking to the window and her head was tilted, then she did something she never did, she laughed.

To Elizabeth the little girl wasn't staring at anything, there was nothing there; it was like she was laughing at air. Then she stretched her hand out trying to grab something in front of her. Suddenly a thought crossed Lady Phantomhive's mind and she looked in hope at where her daughter's dark eyes were staring.

"Is it you?" she said to an empty room, but there was no response.

She had only seen the butler once since the day Ciel went to his death. He had said that he wanted her and she had let him take her right then, still covered in her dead husband's blood and outfitted in his full demonic glory. It had been the roughest sex she had ever had with him, but also the most emotional. He had been more vocal as though he was not holding anything back, he had bit and kissed her leaving as many marks as he could, when he came he exclaimed something in a foreign tongue and looked so intensely at her as if she was the most important thing in his world. Afterword's he kissed her with more emotion than ever before. His expression was tense and his grip on her was so tight it was as if, if he let go he would lose her. When he did eventually let go he placed a small kiss on her forehead and vanished.

Now at times she would see him in her dreams, she would imagine him caressing her softly, kissing her, pleasuring her but they were just dreams. Dreams that were brought on by loneliness and a longing for his touch.

Cecelia laughed and quickly put her cheek to her shoulder as if something had tickled her face. Then her laughter ceased and she crawled over to her mother's side and sat in silence.

Elizabeth looked at her two children, she loved them both in equal measure she always would. Something in her mind, though, told her that it would not be easy raising them, as already they seemed so different to one another.

She would never forget Ciel, but she chose to remember him as the young, smiling, care free boy she had known as a child and not as the cruel man he grew into. When she looked back at everything that had happened she was grateful that Ciel had ordered Sebastian to 'take care of her'. What had come of it was a feeling of love and passion and although she had fallen for a demon she had not fallen for a monster.


A/N. Wow. That was a long chapter, so it's done. I am uber pleased. I worked very very hard on this story, it is my first completed Multi-fic story and first M story. Please follow, favourite and REVIEW. Fan art is appreciated, as I want to do a follow up story with the twins when they're older. Please let me know what you think, did you like how it ended? What do you think will happen with Cecelia and Warren? Any guesses as to why Sebby couldn't sense Cecelia? :) I will maybe to some side stories if there is enough call for it, but this particular story is done.
As a side note it is possible to have twins to different fathers its called heteropaternal superfecundation although I'm pretty sure Victorian medicine didn't know this.