![]() Author has written 6 stories for Hunter X Hunter, Fate/stay night, Elder Scroll series, and One Piece. About me Been on this site eight years and counting. Still a huge fan of anime, and always will be. Favourites Anime/ Manga: Naruto, Inuyasha, One Piece, Hunter x Hunter, School Rumble D. Gray Man Kimi no Iru Machi Code Geass Fate/ Stay Night Mahou Sensei Negima! Favourite Quotes: '"You know your mother, Malfoy? The expression on her face - like she's got dung under her nose? Is she like that all the time or just because you were with her?"' - Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince 'Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.' - Steven Kloves (screenplay), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 'If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.' - Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 'Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.' - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire '"You place too much importance... on the so-called purity of blood! You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be!"' - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire '"Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."' - Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire '"All I've been doing is watching you two from behind... now, get a good look at my back!"' - Sakura Haruno, Naruto '"The weaker you are the louder you bark."' - Tenten, Naruto '"Those in the ninja world who break the rules and regulations are called filth, but those who don't care about their companions... are even lower than filth."' - Obito Uchiha, Naruto '"In order to escape a path of loneliness, I have no choice but to work hard and make my own path.' - Sabaku no Gaara, Naruto I won't blast people out of my way just because they're there,' said Harry. "That's Voldemort's job."' - Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows '"Please don't worry, Mister, I only came here to obliterate you- not rob you."' Excel, Excel Saga '"A sinner once passed away will never return, but sins will never vanish and the love will never die."' Les Soldats, Noir '"She and I are not alike at all. But then... when thinking she and I have something in common, I don't have to hate her so much..."' - Kagome, Inuyasha '"If you want to know the truth, you must have the courage to accept it."' Bear, hack//sign '"Life is finite. It is not something that you can save as many times as you like at your convenience. Sesshomaru, it's something you have to learn, that when your heart wishes to save someone dear to you, it must at the same time feel sadness and fear of losing him or her. Tenseiga is a healing sword; even when used as a weapon, you must understand the weight of lives and carry a compassionate heart when dispatching your enemy..."' -Sesshomaru's mother, Inuyasha '"I'm a half-demon, more egotistical and greedy than any other living creature -- that's what human beings are, right? ... But with human blood flowing through my veins, I never give up! Don't you understand? When you have someone to protect, your power increases multifold!"' - Inuyasha, Inuyasha "'To change the universe, you must first change yourself.'" - Gary Mehigan, Masterchef Australia 09 "'You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew.'" Pocahontas '"My, my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one's late. I bet when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all."' - Fa Zhou, Mulan '"You're the same then. When you feel the honor of your idol under scrutiny... you become enraged, as if it were your own honor being questioned. The more precious your idol is to you... the harder you fight for him."' - Gaara, Naruto '“No one starts… on the top of the world. Not you. Not me. Not even gods. But the unbearable vacancy of the throne in the sky is over. From now on… I will be sitting on it.”' - ? '"love breeds sacrifice, which breeds hatred, it is impossible to have everyone to truly understand each other"'-Pein, Naruto '"In this world, there are kids younger then you...yet stronger than me" - Kakashi, Naruto "As I've said just now.. don't judge others simply from your preconceptions and judgments of their appearance. You assumed that I have patience. The clan, the clan. You all fail to measure your own capacity, and to see the depths of my capacity, and as a result you lie beaten here."' - Itachi, Naruto '"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts ... their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"' - Itachi, Naruto '"We're both of the same breed, after all ... motives for war are of no concern. Religion, ideology, resources, land, spite, love, or just because ... no matter how pathetic the reason, it's enough to start war."' - Nagato, Naruto '"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.'" - Jiddu Krishnamurti '" Nothng is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion and sometimes an indirect boast.'" - Fitzwilliam Darcy, Pride and Prejudice '" No man or woman who tries to pursue an ideal in his or her own way is without enemies.'" - Daisy Bates '" Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein."' - H. Jackson Brown '"If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.'" - Anatole France '"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.'" - William Shakespeare "Your friend's kids are in danger! How can you stand there and do nothing?! Even though you're super strong...! And if that "Fate" kid is a survivor from those enemies of yours...then surely this IS your * that you should be wiping!!" - Konoka Konoe, Negima "Not knowing love is means not knowing true power, you can't think of love as being stupid." - Yue Ayase, Negima "How could i possibly save the world if i couldn't even save the one woman i like, idiot" - Nagi Springfield, Negima "Even if it's power obtained by hating someone or running away from something, it's still a splendid power and it's your power." - Satsuki Yotsuba, Negima "Everyone is weak, but that weakness is the reason to become stronger." - Kaede Nagase, Negima "If you are always looking ahead, it's possible that you will trip on a small stone right by your feet...or perhaps...you will miss the blooming flowers...right in front of you." - Setsuna Sakurazaki, Negima "Understanding someone by learning about their past is something i can't concieve...if you want to know about me, open the history books in the library or listen to tonight's news...the world is full of these. A past not different from the common tragedies..." - Chao Lingshen, Negima "Our magic is not omnipotent. A little bit of courage is the real magic." - Dean Konoe, Negima "The world is just another word for the things you value around you, right? That's something I've had since I was born. If you tell me to rule such a world, I already rule it." - Rin Tosaka, Fate/ Stay Night "If you walk down the path that you believe is right, you cannot be wrong." - Shirou Emiya, Fate/ Stay Night "Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained." - Gilgamesh, Fate/ Stay Night "Someday my memories will fade...and her voice, her actions, I might forget them as well, but I will always remember that I loved Saber." - Shirou Emiya, Fate/ Stay Night "I love Saber,I want her to be happier than anyone... I wish that we could be together forever... HOWEVER...if I really do love her...then that's wrong...I loved saber who bore many wounds yet still fought through everything... I cannot allow myself to stain her pride." Shirou Emiya, Fate/ Stay Night "It feels so close to me, yet I can't grasp it even if I extend my hands. Even so ... Even if I cant reach it ... there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking up at the same sky, If I can remember that, then even when we are apart from each other, I believe that we can be together. I will run forward now. If I set my goal far enough, then someday .. I'll be able to reach what I aimed for." - Shirou Emiya, Fate/ Stay Night "Archer... Do you regret your choices? Then I can't lose to you. I can stand losing to anyone else... But... I can't lose to myself!" - Shirou Emiya, Fate/ Stay Night "If you want to meet again as normal people two miracles must occur. One must wait continously , one must persue endlessly. They must realize that it is immposible to succed yet at the same time be capable of enduring patiently. Is that ... the story of a dream that shouldn't be waited upon?" - Magus, Fate/ Realta Nua "But Saber, even though I value my life than anything. It won't change, because you're more beautiful than that. I'm sorry but you're the most important thing in my life."- Shirou Emiya, Fate/ Stay Night WARNING:SASUKE H8R 20 Things to do at Wal-Mart 1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when they aren't looking. 2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals. 3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms. 4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 5. Go to the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away. 6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department. 8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, 9. Look right into the security camera; & use it as a mirror, and pick your nose. 10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti - depressants are. 11. Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme. 12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels. 13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, 14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream.. 15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and then yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here! 16. Get several bouncy balls and throw them down an aisle shouting "go, pikachu, go!" 17. Challenge people to duels in the back aisles with wrapping paper tubes. 18. Have a conversation with yourself loud enough so that people in the other aisles can hear you. 19. Throw things over one aisle into another one. 20. Mark out price tags with a sharpie If you think that Sasuke from Naruto complete has to have the nick-name, 'Chicken butt hair dude' onto your profile while laughing your ass off. If you are a GAARA fanatic, copy this into your profile. (more than you know) If you think your best friend is insane, copy this into your profile. (They all are...) If you hate those obnoxious snobby people, PLEASE copy this into your profile. If you believe teenagers are stereotyped, put this on your profile. If you think instant school helmets have already been invented, but the government wants children to be tortured in purgatory-er I mean the education system, copy and paste this into you profile Here is an excerpt from a rant from a fellow author on this site, by the name of pudgypudge. This extends from his "Allow Me to Retort" section: "There comes a time in a writer's life where sometimes it just doesn't seem worth it anymore to take the time out of our busy lives and write for people. Critics, readers, reviewers, all of you, sometimes, just aren't worth it. The people who insist on pointing out things in stories that they feel are blaringly obvious need to lighten up. It's fiction folks, learn to let yourself be taken away. A good story should be like a river, sweeping the author away into a whirlwind of possibilities and outcomes, in a tasteful and entertaining manner. But the problem is, some readers insist on fighting the current and don't want to be swept away. They cling to perceived reality, when in reality there are no set parameters, especially in fanfiction. Let go of your way of thinking and allow the author to tell the tale. Don't browbeat and nitpick, just enjoy the story for what it is; entertaining literature put out by an author for your enjoyment and their amusement. It's free, you don't pay anything, so why bitch and complain if something doesn't go to your liking? There's a little button in the upper right corner of your screen and it's real easy to just click it... You have to let the story tell itself people. You can't always have your way, every story can't be the same. That's boring. If you think everything should be the same, adhere to the same rules, be written your way...write the damn story yourself. But don't tell authors how to write their own story. It's degrading and completely tasteless. Don't bash someone's ideas because you don't like them... Top 75 Most Annoying Things To Do In An Elevator When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you. Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more. Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones. Call the Psychic Hotline from your cell phone and ask if they know what floor your on. Hold the doors open and say your waiting for a friend. After a while, let the doors close, and say, "Hi Greg. How's your day been?" Drop a pen and wait until someone goes to pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!" Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator. Move your desk into the elevator and whenever anyone gets on, ask if they have an appointment. Lay down the twister mat and ask people if they would like to play. Leave a box in the corner, and when someone gets on, ask them if they can hear ticking. Pretend you are a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the passengers. Ask, "Did you feel that?" Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally. When the doors close, announce to the others, "It's okay, don't panic, they open again!" Swat at flies that don't exist. Tell people that you can see their aura. Call out, "Group Hug!"and then enforce it. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, "Shut up, all of you, just shut up!" Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside, ask, "Got enough air in there?" Stand silently and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off. Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce in horror, "Your one of THEM!" and back away slowly. Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers. Listen to the elevator walls with your stethoscope. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button. Stare, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce, "I have new socks on". Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers, "This is MY personal space!" Put police tape in front of the door before entering. Fart loudly when there are only two of you in the elevator. Argue vehemently that it wasn't you. Hold an auction. Do the "potty dance" all the way to the elevator door. Upon arrival, sigh and look greatly relieved. Ask every passenger coming if you can borrow a tampon. Especially effective if victim is male. Even more effective if you yourself are male. Throw a rave. Place potted plants and water fountains at strategic locations in the lift. When people ask what you are doing, tell them you "won't ride an elevator that's not fung shwei." Greet everyone getting on with a warm handshake and ask them to call you "Admiral". Hum the first six notes of the "It's a small world" over and over again. When you brush past someone, whisper "Was it good for you too?" Lean over to another rider and whisper 'Noogie patrol coming!'" Have a heated debate with yourself. Bring a melon onto the elevator. Try to sell it to the other passengers. Drum on every available surface. Write a big X on the elevator floor, and hand out "pirate" maps to everyone as they enter. Give psychotherapy to the other passengers. Greet everyone coming on as if they were your best friend. Use the same name for all of them. Say "ring ring," then pull a banana out of your pocket and start talking into it. Propose to the other passengers. Challenge people to duels. Sell girl scout cookies. Bring a large pile of ice. Build an igloo on the floor. Come on looking really scared, and say to another passenger..."I'm kinda nervous...this is my first time flying..." Any time someone enters the doors, recoil in horror. Stick your tongue out. Act like it's a cigarette, and ask someone for a lighter. Pitch a tent on the floor, and "camp out" for the weekend. Play "I've got your nose" with the other passengers. Shout "Food fight!" Every time someone else talks, angrily shout: "Some people are trying to sleep here!" When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to pull the doors open, then act embarrassed when they open by themselves. Lick one of the buttons. Tell the other passengers you're sick and tired of people stealing your food the second you turn your back. Elevators were practically MADE for river dnce! Bring a snowboard onto the elevator. Put it on. Every time the lift goes up or down, shout "WOO-YEAH! This is what I call sick air!" Make sushi. Press your nose against the other passengers, and say "You know, this is what the Eskimos used to do before having sex." Shave. Every time the elevator goes down, loudly scream "OH MY GOD!! We're all gonna die! This is it! This is it! It's over! IT'S OVER!!" Look relieved when it stops moving. When you begin to drop again, repeat. Ask the other passengers if they want to see your glass clown collection. Practice your kung fu. Make race car noises when people get on and off. Ask everyone on the elevator: "Are you my mother?" Fly a model airplane. Do yoga. Play the accordion Enter the elevator with nothing on your head. Individually ask everyone if they like your hat. Bring a rocking chair. Sit and knit. Recite gangsta rap lyrics in monotone. Enter with a shovel, and attempt to "dig for treasure." Read "Green Eggs and Ham" at the top of your lungs. Sound out every word. |