Author's Note: Hey y'all, it's been a while! Surely you can tell it's been a while since I just said y'all... I live in the south now, but that's a different story for a different time.
Anyways, it had been some time, but I have finally found a plot for this smutilogue I can be happy with. Not going to lie, I went through seven or eight ideas for this but nothing really stuck... Until now! It's not as PWP as I thought it would be, but perhaps that's a good thing. In fact I briefly thought about just writing a sequel instead, but I decided against it, gotta cut Sub Rosa off somewhere. Hope you enjoy!
The Smutilogue: Blushing Bride
Her dress was the purest white he'd ever seen. It reminded him of a lily; simple, soft, delicate. Occasionally he'd catch a glimpse of one of her white satin pumps, classic and traditional like the woman who wore them. Her train was long and trailing and her veil seemed to shield her from the soft light of the setting winter sun. That golden blonde hair of hers was pinned up intricately and adorned with little white flowers. To say that she was beautiful on the day of her wedding would have been a massive understatement.
Just looking at her made his heart stop.
Talon had once imagined what she'd look like on her wedding day. Her smile would be bright and shining, her sweet blue eyes unwavering and full of promise. She would be in love, and all the expensive fabric in the world could not compare to the shy look she'd wear when she'd speak her vows to him. But, as she approached the altar, he could tell his fantasy was nothing near the reality.
Her eyes were full of uncertainty, her fingers trembled with nerves. She didn't want this.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two extraordinary people, two noble houses, two loving souls." The priest began gently.
Talon scoffed at the notion. Just look at the way she regarded him. Uncertain. She didn't love him.
But the priest pressed on, completely unaware of Talon's existence. He sat perched on the east wing of the Crownguard Manor, overlooking the expensive looking garden. Talon could have had a proper seat at the wedding if he had wanted. Supposedly she was his sister-in-law, his own sister and her husband sat in the very front row. But that's not what Talon wanted. None of this was what Talon wanted.
"I think it's time to kill the lights." Leblanc said through his comms.
"We can wait just a moment longer." Swain's gruff voice replied. "Talon. Are you in position?"
"Yeah." He muttered, watching the almost-married couple exchange rings.
"Looks like our favorite assassin isn't too happy at the moment." Leblanc goaded.
"Shut up." He shot back. Not his most eloquent reply, but he didn't really care.
"Cool it, you two." Swain grumbled. "There's history between all of us here, but don't let that get in the way of our mission. Remember why we are here."
Like Talon could forget. His woman was about to be married to another man. A posh, prissy Demacian. He just couldn't stand it.
"Clocks ticking, Swain." Darius chimed in. "We best be on our way if we're to secure the prince."
"Very well." The general replied. "Leblanc, kill the lights."
And just like that, just as the sun crept behind the soft Demacian hills, all that gave light to the garden suddenly failed. The priest stopped in his tracks. Murmurs were to be heard throughout the crowd, and it wasn't long before Garen got up and started to interrogate people.
Talon watched as they scrambled, but his coworkers wasted no time. Darius barged through the doors leading out to the garden and quickly attracted the attention of all the onlookers.
"Hahaha." He boomed. "What's this? Another silly Demacian wedding?"
Jarvan stepped forward from the altar, leaving Lux behind him.
"How dare you interrupt my wedding!" He shouted. "I'll have your head!"
Mayhem ensued.
Holding her dress up to keep from tripping, Lux trotted over to the nearest lamp post, presumably to light it with her magic, but Talon would have none of that.
Getting off the roof and positioning himself by the blushing bride was a trivial manner. Like anyone would notice. The night was his element.
She held her hand gingerly out to the lamp, and began to channel magic into it, but only for a split second. Next thing she knew, her mouth was cupped and her hand under his control.
Fear shocked through her. She was being kidnapped. Someone had her by the mouth, and his hand covered hers, almost gently. He pulled it away from the lamp she was trying to light, down to her side and let it rest there. What was going on?
"That has to be the ugliest wedding dress I've ever seen." A familiar voice rumbled in her ear.
She swiveled on him immediately, eyebrows furrowing. Lux tried to yell at him, but all that got through was muffled sounds.
He chuckled. It was his signature chuckle. How long had it been since she'd last heard it? Three years? Four?
"In Noxus we have a tradition," He mused. "The family has to approve the wedding dress. There's no way in hell I'd approve this monstrosity."
Reaching up to grab a hold of his wrists, she tried to wrench his hand away. He didn't budge. Instead, he pressed his free hand up to his left ear, almost as if he were listening to a comm. Then, after a moment of fiddling, he threw something onto the ground, and crushed it with his foot.
"Time to go." He muttered.
The next thing Lux knew, she'd been thrown over his shoulder and was sailing through the trees. She'd forgotten how strong he was, and how fast he was. Whether or not she'd like to admit it, the man was an excellent study in physical greatness.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" She shouted as soon as her mouth had been released.
No response.
"Let me go, Talon!" She screamed.
Again, no response. Typical.
She tried several more attempts to talk to him, but all she got was dead silence. It was about half an hour before Lux found herself on her feet again. She was in the middle of the forest, by the judge of things. Talon plopped her down on the ground unceremoniously and immediately began digging in his bag.
"I would really like to know what on earth is going on!" She said forcefully, looking angrily at her kidnapper.
Instead of responding, he threw a bundle of what looked like clothes at her feet and said simply, "Change."
"No!" She protested. "I want answers!"
But all that Talon did was smirk. At least, she thought that's what he did, it was hard to say in the dark.
"I was hoping you'd say that." He replied huskily.
Pulling her up to her feet, he held her by her arms, looking down at her almost longingly.
It was then she realized what he intended to do.
"No! Absolutely not!"
He chuckled again.
Lux let out a frustrated sigh and bent to pick up the clothing.
"Turn around, you asshole."
He laughed, but afforded her this.
All that he had brought her was a simple shirt, jacket, and trousers. Nothing glamorous or expensive, but the outfit was begrudgingly more comfortable than her wedding dress. He'd even provided her with a decent pair of walking shoes. How they fit, she had no idea at first, but then she vaguely remembered Katarina sharing her shoe size.
"Ok, I'm done."
She could swear he was smiling. Slowly, he sauntered up to her and slid his arm around her waist.
"Now, we walk."
"Like I'm going anywhere with you!" She protested.
"Come now, Lux. I'd really hate to carry you into town, it would look positively barbaric."
"Good!" She exclaimed. "Because guess what, Talon! You are a barbarian!"
"I'll make you a deal." He bargained. "If you tell me right now that you honestly love that pathetic excuse for a man you were about to marry, then I will march you right back to your house and leave you alone for the rest of your life."
"That's unfair and you know it!" Everyone and their uncle knew it was an arranged marriage. There was no way she could love Jarvan already. Those sort of things take time.
"I'll take that as a no then." He could not hide the triumph in his voice. "C'mon, we have a boat to catch."
For a kidnapped bride, she wasn't putting up much of a protest. Talon took that as a good sign, a sign that secretly she wanted him back. It was foolish, he knew, to think in such a way, but there was no helping it. When he grabbed hold of her hand and led her through the trees into the port town of Coventry, when she gently held back, just like she had when they'd been together, he knew there was no way he could keep his feelings in check.
They walked in silence through the small town and right up to the pier where a riverboat was docked. When he met the dockmaster, he exchanged two tickets for a key and admission and boarded the gangplank where he led the woman of his dreams onto a ship headed nowhere.
"Wait here for a second." He said as he approached their cabin, stopping a minute to drop his heavy backpack off in the room. Inside he took a small minute to look in the mirror and smooth out his hair.
He was vaguely surprised to see her still waiting there when he stepped back outside. She regarded him with sad eyes. Damn it, she was going to cry.
Quickly, he pulled her inside the cabin and into his arms. She let him do it too. They stood there for what felt like an eternity, Lux in his arms gently, Talon comforting the woman who was no longer his, but should have been.
Sweet music from a string quartet upstairs floated down to their room. The ship rocked softly from the waves. Dim lights illuminated the room in a romantic fashion. None of this was to his taste, but the string lights hung around the railing, the old charming wood of the riverboat… These were all things she would love. Sometime ago he'd imagined what their honeymoon would have been like.
It would have been much like this.
They began to sway to the music. Hands that had been at his chest slowly crept up around his neck, and her cheek rested softly against his shoulder. She danced with him slowly and amorously to the tune "Unforgettable".
"I'm sorry." He whispered softly.
A small snuggle and quiet tears were her only response.
Waking up next to Talon was almost like going back in time. Her head rested pressed to his shoulder, her hand wound around his bicep. She hadn't slept with him. She hadn't even taken off her clothes. Even though the previous night had been a real blur, she still remembered much of it. The riverboat, the woods, the wedding… Her family was probably worried sick about her.
Sitting up and looking down on the man she realized it would have been just too easy to pretend this was all part of the plan. He was full of promise, full of romance, and it killed her to admit that a large part of her wanted him back.
"Good morning." He grumbled as he shifted in the bed.
"Talon, you have to take me home."
He looked as if he'd been shot.
Sitting up immediately, he looked at her with fiery eyes. "Like hell I do!"
"My family must be worried sick about me!" She reasoned. "I have duties to them."
"Duties like marrying some stuck up prick."
"Just because you can do whatever the fuck you want doesn't mean I can!" She almost yelled at him. "My family means the world to me, I can't just leave them!"
His eyes narrowed on her. He didn't understand this part of her, and she knew it. Talon was a solitary man, the connection he had with his family was quite strong, but it had more to do with loyalty than anything else. She loved her family, she'd do anything for them, like marry Jarvan. Talon just couldn't comprehend that.
"You don't have to let them govern your life." He said in disgust. "You're your own woman, Lux. Make some decisions for yourself, damn it."
"I did!" She exclaimed boldly. "I was ready to marry you, or do you not remember?"
Of course he fucking remembered. It had been the happiest fucking day of his life.
"I could never forget." He responded reservedly, regarding the woman with intense eyes. She looked gorgeous in the bright morning light. Her lips were full and red, and somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered if they still felt the same.
"Then don't tell me I let them govern my life!" She shot back. "Marrying Jarvan was a calculated decision."
"That's bullshit!" He responded angrily. "Marriage shouldn't be calculated, it should be passionate!"
She started to pull the covers away from her. "We had passion, look where that landed us."
"Had?" He questioned as he straddled her thigh and thwarted her escape attempt.
"Talon." She shot him a warning look. It seemed she was in no mood for games.
But Talon was nothing if not a bold man. He reached out to cradle her neck and slowly bent his face down to her jaw, giving her a soft kiss. She pushed his face away, until it was hovering just above hers. He saw defiance in her eyes. Defiance, and doubt.
His kiss was not gentle. They never had been, but this one was so full of need, so full of longing she could almost pretend this was the first meeting of their lips. He nipped at her lower lip, trying to get into the mouth she was so reluctant to open. She almost kept him at bay, almost pushed him away and withdrew from the dangerous situation, but then his knee pressed in between her legs, a small gasp left her mouth, and Talon had his opening.
Lux couldn't help but snake her arms around his neck as his tongue ran under hers, sending shivers down her spine. He'd always had a way of undoing her, and years later he still possessed that quality. His hands settled at her hips and lifted her slowly so that she straddled his lap. She knew that Talon loved this position.
Strong hands urged her hips to grind against him, and Lux could not help but release another shaky sigh at the action.
"Talon." She breathed uncertainly. "This is…"
This time it was Lux who repeated the motion, her hands winding in his hair, her mouth hovering near his ear. How long had it been since she'd felt like this?
"Dangerous?" He suggested, his hands moving slowly up her sides. "Tantalizing? Exactly what you wanted?"
He flicked her hardened nipple playfully and Lux could not help but release a wanton moan.
Talon released a shaky groan in response. She was testing his patience and she knew it. The next thing she knew, Talon had placed her on the bed and he was standing, and stripping.
"No, Talon, we're not sleeping together." She said in what she hoped was a firm voice.
"Oh, it's far too late for that." He sported a sinister smirk that Lux had no business being attracted to. It sent jolts of pleasure through her gut all the same.
She bolted out of bed immediately, her hands on his as he began to unbutton his shirt.
"Talon, I'm serious!" She cried in what definitely was not a convincingly serious tone.
A chuckle was his response, his hands ignoring hers and instead coming to the hem of her shirt. He took it off with one swift stroke, unhooked and removed her bra, and proceeded to turn her around so that her back was almost touching his.
At first Lux was hoping, yes hoping, he'd hold her and tease her from behind, just like he used to, but instead he grabbed her wrists and held them together behind her back.
"Talon?" She questioned, feeling the soft fabric of her shirt being twisted around her wrists. "Are you binding my wrists?"
Yes was the obvious answer to that question. She didn't need any confirmation, within seconds her wrists were securely tied together.
The look she gave him over her shoulder was priceless. Uncertain, curious. He'd never tied her up before, but he'd always suspected she might enjoy it. They'd fucked plenty of times in the past; she never blushed anymore. But, if he wasn't mistaken, there was a pink tint to her cheeks as she regarded him with wondering blue eyes.
Pulling her back to him, he settled her backside into him, enjoying the soft feel of her body, even through her trousers. Her bound hands were dangerously close to a certain area of his, and he found it almost impossible to keep his desires in check. Almost.
Reaching around to her front, he began to unzip her pants.
"Talon!" She exclaimed.
They were on the ground in a matter of seconds. He gave her ass a slap for good measure.
"You've always had the silkiest legs, Lux." He appreciated. "Now, be a good girl and bend over for me."
"As if!" She retorted. Oh it was just like her to put up a fight. He loved it.
With his hand placed where her neck met her back, he pushed her up to the bed and continued until her chest lay flat against the sheets. Placing his hands on either side of her head, he bent down to her ear and whispered gently.
"If you do as you're told, I might just let you come."
He could see the blush burning brightly on the side of her face. She eyed him with rage.
"You're an asshole, you know that?"
"I'm aware." He shrugged. "Stay there, will you? I'd hate to see you stand up straight and put an end to this party we're having."
As he pulled back, he was surprised to find that Lux did not put up a protest. Perhaps she was as horny as he was. To his knowledge, she hadn't been with another man since him. Unless you counted Jarvan, which Talon didn't. He heavily suspected, and very much wanted to believe, that that prissy Demacian hadn't laid a hand on the flat flesh of her stomach, that he hadn't felt the silk of her inner thighs. Just the thought of another man enjoying Lux in bed made him want to scream.
His hands hooked around her white lace undies and gingerly pulled them down her soft legs. In the back of his mind he vaguely remembered these were the undies she was supposed to wear on her wedding night, for a different man. But who was here now? Who got the pleasure of removing them? He almost scoffed at the notion that she could ever be with anyone else.
He couldn't help but give her pert ass another little slap. How arousing she looked, lying there, her ass taunting him, asking to be fucked. The sight alone made him twitch with excitement.
Lux heard the unmistakable sound of a belt buckle being undone. She knew what was next to follow, and while there was no doubt in her mind she could stop it if she wanted, and she really knew she should, she just couldn't find it in herself to do so. He'd done a tip top job of arousing her, and truth be told it had been years since a man had pleasured her. She borderline needed this.
She felt his cock slide in between her thighs, right under her core, just right there, and could not help but let out a shaky sigh. Her hands clenched into fists and her knees grew weak as he began to thrust, the tip of his cock rubbing against her clit, teasing more pleasure. Just as she began to lose herself in the sensation of it all, his left hand steadied at her hip, his back pressed against hers, and his breath tickled along her neck.
A deft finger found it's way to one of her breasts, tickling along her nipple. She let out a less than quiet moan.
"Lux," He breathed in a humor tone. "Don't get too loud now, someone might hear."
With that he began to thrust harder, more vigorously, and Lux did just the opposite of quiet down. Her eyes were squeezed shut and sighs of appreciation were a constant stream through her mouth. Without warning, Talon suddenly withdrew and Lux could not help but whimper.
For a few moments, he didn't touch her at all. It took a moment for her to realize that he was walking over to the other side of the bed. He sat down casually.
"Stand up." He ordered.
She rose to her full height to find Talon relaxing casually on the bed, his hands behind his head, as if he were lounging on the beach.
Shooting her a lazy smirk, he spoke to her in a dangerously husky voice. "Come here."
Her tits bounced with every step she took. How he loved the sight of it. She walked over around to his side, and stopped to stand next to him.
He laughed easily. "Well don't stop there."
The look on her face was priceless. Her pliant mouth was agape, her nipples perky, her skin soft looking. He wanted her to ride him, and she knew it.
Without too much difficulty, she climbed onto the bed and straddled him. She hovered over him timidly, almost as if she was having second thoughts, but Talon would not stand for it.
Gently, he placed his hands at her hips and guided her onto him. Her eyes closed shut at the feeling, and knowing that he could cause her so much pleasure almost felt better than the soft feeling of her walls around him. Almost.
He didn't even need to tell her to start moving, she did it of her own accord. Seemingly absorbed in the sensation of it all, she began to grind and bounce against him, drawing gruff groans from his own mouth. Slowly, his hands crawled up her back and pulled her down to him. Her mouth settled near his ear, her breathy moans streaming in constantly. He loved it when she moaned in his ear, it was one of the most erotic things he knew.
Her pace began to quicken, her thighs tightening around his hips. Talon could not help but grip her ass firmly as he began to feel the oncoming of his own climax, and it wasn't long before Lux let out a final gasp of pleasure, and Talon's own cum soon followed. She collapsed on his chest, panting heavily.
"Untie me." She ordered.
Talon afforded her this, deftly undoing the knot in her shirt he'd used to keep her wrists bound.
After having her hands freed, she settled them on his chest and curled up into his side. It felt so natural, like they belonged together. How she could think of marrying another man, he had no idea.
"Will you take me back to Demacia now?" She wanted to know.
Yes it was kind of an odd statement after sleeping with a man she hadn't even talked to for the better part of for years, but she hoped that now their sexual tension had been released, she could go back to her normal life.
"No." He responded firmly.
She scoffed at him, but did not move. "Talon I can't just run away with you, I have obligations to people I love."
"You love me, don't you?" He wanted to know.
Now that was a hard question to answer. Deep in her heart she knew that yes, she did, but what good would come of admitting that?
"It's not that simple, Talon." She muttered. "You're not in my life anymore."
"I was in you just a moment ago." He pointed out. "Kind of feels like I'm pretty fucking in your life right now."
"Talon, I want to get married." Lux sighed. She wanted more than that, too. Talon knew it, it was why she'd refused him.
"I'll marry you." He grumbled, almost as if he knew what was next to come.
"And have kids with me? Raise a family?"
The assassin grew quiet. He knew this was what she wanted, and there was no way Lux would relinquish on it. She wanted children, and that was that.
But the question Talon posed next totally caught her off guard.
"Are you on birth control?" He wanted to know.
"No, I uh…" She'd gone off it recently in preparation for her wedding.
"I guess you didn't put on a condom, did you?" She realized belatedly.
"But you, you didn't…" Had he planned this? "Did you know I wasn't on birth control?"
"I suspected."
"And you still…" She was growing lightheaded. Was it possible he'd changed his mind? Was she pregnant? There was no way she could catch a husband if she was pregnant. Of course there were medications for unexpected pregnancies and the sort, but if she was… Would she be able to abort a pregnancy the only man she'd ever loved had given her?
She sat up abruptly and began to dress. Talon knew she'd need some time to mull over what he'd told her. Granted, it hadn't been his master plan to fuck her and then tell her he was willing to have children with her, but one thing had led to another, and well… When Lux was in the picture self-control had never been a very strong asset of his.
He let her leave the room. She needed her space to digest what she'd been told, Talon knew that. This was the woman he'd loved for ten years, he knew her well enough to know how she wanted to be treated.
Sometime later, Talon found her on the deck of the riverboat, looking wistfully out on the water. She was still lost in thought, but he suspected he'd given her enough time.
He hooked his arm around her waist in what he hoped was a comforting manner. Gathering by the way she leaned into him, his tactic had worked.
"Marry me." Talon said gruffly. He'd never been one to over do anything simple, and a proposal was no different.
He turned to stare at her in disbelief. She shot him a shy smile.
"What are you looking at me like that for, I said ok…"
"I thought you'd put up more of a fight." He admitted.
"You'll raise a family with me, won't you?"
"I'd give you the world if I could." He paused a second. "I was foolish to think I could live without you. The past for years have been some of the most miserable in my life."
"So, that's a yes?" She wanted to know.
"Of course it's a fucking yes, Lux." He caught her face in his palms. "I can't guarantee I'll be the best husband, but I'll do all that I can for you. You know that, right?"
She smiled up at him tenderly. It wasn't a bright smile, or a shy smile. It was a smile that looked like a setting winter sun, full of pastel colors that whispered of softness, a calm air that brought about a certain serenity. It wasn't warm, but neither was it cold, more that heat had nothing to do with it. All that resided in that smile was peace.
"Yes, I do."