![]() Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, and Inuyasha. Hi I'm Marri, and these are my stories. Please review and give me some pointers! Thank you _ Also, look me up on Dokuga as QuietMari and FictionPress as ShyShadow. I love to write draw and rock out of my favorite songs. I like Rock, Heavy Metal, and Classical music. (Yea i know weird combination haha) I love the Adam's Family and live by the famous saying "Normal is an Illusion, what is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly" Ok so yea i have 8 older brothers, and come on, give me some slack! I lived with 8 pervs all my life so yea i am a big perv and it shows in my writing but oh well. You don't like it then don't read my stories. I love the bad boy theme stories, and i love unusual coupling. I am a huge tragedy and love writer so mostly all my stories will be about couples. I hope one day to publish my own works but until then, fanfictions are my creative outlets. Favorite Couples: Naruto- SakuraxNaruto SakuraxGaara SakuraxKiba SakuraxItachi TemarixShikamaru InoxShikamaru NejixTenten Twilight- BellaxJacob BellaxJasper (I dont like the BellaxEmmett thing but i do like the stories that include Emmett is the older teddy bear brother cuz we all know he really is) InuYasha KagomexSesshomaru SangoxMiroku ShippoxRin Vampire Knight YuukixKaname YuukixZero I will probably write a story for each of my favorite couple but not all at once Ok Well I told everyone that i was about to write a few new stories and here are the little summaries so far: COMING SOON!! Naruto: Something Unexpected: The Playlist Of Life- Rated M When Sakura moved in with her long time best friends Hinata and Ino, all she wanted to do was get back on her feet so that she could finish up medical school and take her rightful place at the hospital as chef surgeon, no love intended. Just her and her music. When Kiba crosses her path and well the thing about love is that it has a funny way of hitting you when you least expect it not to mention in the weirdest place! KibaxSakura!SONGS THAT MAY BE FEATURED: Pain by Three Days Grace, Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus What Now?! - Rated T or M Sakura has just entered university, and to say things are a little off, is an understatement. As if the sexy but weird boys weren't enough, but pervy teachers, killer stalkers, and now a fang bangin mom! What the fuck! SakuraxGaara Cherry Sand - Rated M INSPIRED BY BLOSSOM OF THE RED SAND! Sasori and Deidara have a little girl, Sakura of the Red Sand. She's they're little princess and Sasori will do anything to protect the loves of his life. But when his little princess starts seeing a little prince, his blood isn't the only thing boiling. The Lord Death Himself - Rated M If you are reading this then I'm either dead or in blissful happiness in my forbidden love affair. I don't have much time but whoever you are know that i did truly love everything and everyone. But there was someone i loved more then anyone. He is the reason why i am now in the situation that i am in. Yes, I am in love with Lord Death himself. (Dont know if I'll do this one for the Inuyasha of Naruto fandom) Twilight Blackmailing Can be Fun - Rated M When Bella comes to Seattle to start her new job, she thinks 'A new start will be good for me.' When she gets to work and realizes that that all her co-works but one, are the nicest people she has ever met, she thinks 'How did i get so lucky?' But when the oh so hot, bastard Jacob comes to work and blackmails her into being his sex-buddy and she cant get out of it, she think 'Oh fuck...' BellaxJacob You Can Just Call Me The Space Cowboy - Rated M Bella moved away from Chicago to Texas to escape her stalker ex-fiance, Edward. Taking a job at the Whitlock Advertising and Design agency was a dream she couldn't image would come true, but it has. And that she's all settled and happy again, in comes this masked cowboy vigilante who saves her in the middle of the night from a mugging... and he just happens to look very similar to her new boss... (JasperxBella Space Cowboy) Vampire Knight Goodnight - Rated ? Yuuki asks Kaname to sit with her and talk until she falls asleep but things get a little carried away. When she wakes up in a room unfamiliar and a bruise on her arms, what does she think first? Nothing considering Zero jumps into the room from the window and enters a very naked Kaname from the bathroom! YuukixKaname InuYasha To the Victor Goes the Prize - Rated T/M Kagome and Sango are traveling through a remote part of the Himalayas when a sink hold catches them by surprise. Knocking on deaths door, the two are suddenly saved and pulled back in time to an era unknown. The Tatach Tribe is there to greet them and everyone is clamoring for the attention of the change looking females. Including the rivaling chef's sons. Stopping the World - T/M Kagome watched as all her friends died around her, one after another in the duration of a minute. She wants to save them, wishes she had the power to do something other than reach out as the bodies go cold. She can't take it! What did she do for this to happen! It must STOP! ...And so it did. The whole world stopped. Now what? Its a Matter of Perception - T If you see a dog before you, growling and barking you think 'he's not friendly; he'll hurt me.' If you see a man playing animatedly with children you think, 'he's a family guy, very loving.' If you see a guy on a motorcycle covered in tattoos you think, 'total bad boy.' But if you see a strong man crumble to his knees in sobs that would break anyone's soul, what do you think? What if what you thought about everything you saw, was wrong. Assumptions are almost always wrong. From Betrayal's Greatest Romance: Items, Clothing and other things for Betrayal's Greatest Romance: Song sung by Kagome at the engagement party: Christian Aguilera's Fighter For Inuyasha’s Suit for the engagement party Click here For Koga’s suit for the engagement party Click Here For EXACTLY what I pictured Sesshoumaru to look like at the engagement party Click Here For Sango’s dress for the engagement party Click here For Ayame’s dress for the engagement party Click here For Kikyo’s dress for the engagement party Click here For Kikyo’s Ring engagement Click here For Kagome’s dress for the engagement party Click here |