Author has written 31 stories for Song of the Lioness, Kingdom Hearts, Van Helsing, Avatar: Last Airbender, Dracula, Inheritance Cycle, and Twilight. i love to write. I can't help it. It's who I am. lol. I know what you're thinking. If I loved to write so very much, where is the rest of my prof? I was busy. I'm sorry. Here's the rest of it: Real Name: Brooke Age: 16 as of Valentine's Day Home state: Pennsylvania, USA Interests: Kingdom Hearts, Eragon, and Tamora Pierce's characters. Heroes: I heart kh and kh2, Chris Paolini, Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight Series, Lynsay Sands, and Tamora Pierce. Any day i meet any of these people, I will automatically faint, and need to be taken to the hospital. Be warned. |
booksforme (3) Dark Vain (0) Foally (1) Frejennix (9) | hurkydoesntknow (33) Lady Karai (18) Nollie Marie (36) oathkeeper2u (7) | ronOReds (13) Tara's folly (2) vjgm (6) zukosfire7 (1) |