Okay…I'm officially nuts for thinking of another story idea. Yeap, nuts, nuts like peanuts…ooo peanuts…I want peanut butter with apples now…ANYWAYS! This isn't time for peanut butter. This is time for a new story –le sigh– Enjoy.

(Disclaimer is on my profile)

Chapter One

Writing the Emails

Bella's POV

I sat down alone at the cafeteria table, waiting for my two best friends to join me, Emmett McCarty and Mary Alice Brandon, who demands to be called just plain Alice though nothing is plain about her nor Emmett (…unlike myself).

"Hey Bella," Mike Newton said, stopping by my table.

"Mike," I said, uninterested in him. Every time he came up to speak with me, he normally would go on about some party or event that he wanted to see if I wanted to go to. I would just end up turning him down, along with Eric Yorkie and Tyler Crowley. It seems this time, Mike was asking me to a movie.

"Sorry Mike," I said, leaning onto the table. "But I already promised to go with someone else." And that happened to have been the truth this time. I had made plans with Emmett to go see that movie. I made a mental note not to go to the showing of the movie that Mike said.

"Oh, okay, uh…see you later Bella," Mike said, walking away.

"Poor kid," Alice said, setting her lunch tray down in front of me. "When will he get that you aren't interested?"

"I could always make him get it," Emmett said, smirking as he put down his lunch down besides me.

I narrowed my eyes at him for a second before turning to Alice. "How was the English Exam?" I asked, wondering if my tips helped Alice.

"It was good, actually," Alice said with a smile. "Those little tips were great."

I smirked. "I told you English is totally my thing."

"Along with Biology," Alice said, opening her salad.

"But not Physical Education," Emmett said, smirking.

"Not everyone is a muscle machine," I muttered causing Alice and Emmett to laugh. I wasn't the most…graceful person in the school. So when it came to P.E., I tended to be picked last or was asked to sit out, especially when I would hurt someone or…have already hurt someone, majority of the time that someone being me.

"But still, she is in the top ten percent of the school. That means something," Alice said, pouring the packet of ranch into her salad before closing the lid again and handing the salad over to Emmett. "Shake please."

Emmett smirked and took the container. I rolled my eyes as Emmett shook the container violently.

"Thanks," Alice said, taking it back after Emmett was finished.

"I don't see why you do that," I said, eyeing the ranch…mess that Alice is calling a salad.

"It cover coats everything evenly for one," Alice said.

"Yeah but it looks…unappetizing," I said.

"I'd eat it," Emmett said, opening his lunch and taking stuff out.

Alice and I rolled our eyes.

"No offense, Emmett…but you're a guy," I muttered. "You have a stomach of lead."

Emmett patted his stomach with a smirk. "A bottomless pit as my mother said."

"Mmmhmm," Alice and I said, looking at the large amount of food that his mother packed for him.

Emmett frowned and looked inside his bag. "Ah man! Mom forgot the pudding again!"

I raised an eyebrow at Alice who just smirked with a shrug. Emmett was eighteen, but he acted like he was eight sometimes. Emmett, with his massive six feet, five inch frame, was on the football and weight team with all his muscles. But his large bulky self doesn't hide his soft, funny side. Alice once called Emmett our personal teddy bear and when Alice had gotten sick once, or when I was in the hospital, Emmett sent something with a bear on it. I still had the Build-a-Bear that Emmett had built that was this hugs bulky teddy bear (like Emmett) with a denim hoodie jacket, a white personalized shirt that read "The huggable Emmett Bear," black pants, tan boots that Emmett was known to wear, especially when he went hiking, and the silver shades. There was also a little music player and phone with the bear. It was perfectly Emmett.

"Here, Emmett," I said, handing over the cookies that I had bought earlier.

"Aw, thanks Belly-Bells," Emmett said, giving me a one arm hug though it seemed more like a one arm death squeeze.

"Okay big guy, loose the death grip," Angela Weber said, smiling as she sat next to Alice. "I do need my partner for class." Angela Weber was also a friend of mine and had the nerve to sit with Alice and Emmett because Angela tends to be shy and Alice and Emmett are rather popular.

"Sorry Angela," Emmett said, smirking as he let me go.

"Hey Angela," Alice said as I rubbed my neck.

"Are you still set on going to Port Angeles this weekend?" Angela asked, opening her lunch.

"I don't know," Alice said thoughtfully. "I was actually thinking of going into Seattle next weekend, so I might hold out on going to Port Angeles."

"Ah," Angela said, nodding.

"Hey Alice, we're still on for tonight, right?" I asked, remembering Alice was going to help me with my French homework.

"Yeah, of course," Alice said nodding. "You're coming over to my house though. Your dial up is centuries slow that we'll be there till Emmett stops believing there is a Santa Clause."

"I'm telling you there is a big guy in a red suit," Emmett said through a mouthful of food.

"Ew, Emmett," Alice said, flinching. "I don't want to see your food."

Emmett smile sheepishly.

"Hey, not my fault my internet is slow," I said.

"Yeah it is," Alice said.


"Okay not your fault, but it is Charlie's fault."

I rolled my eyes. My dad, Chief Swan, wasn't exactly the most…technical person around. He was more of an outdoors man, especially fishing with the amount of fish we have in the freezer. Charlie couldn't be a housekeeper if it depended on his life. When I moved back with my father a few year after, I realized how much I missed Forks, Washington. Charlie did manage to clean my room, but that was only dusting, everything was still the way it was when I was little.

"Fine, I'll go over to your house," I said, rolling my eyes. "I would like fast internet for a change."

Alice smiled.

"But no makeovers," I said quickly, realizing the look in her eyes.

She pouted causing Angela and Emmett to laugh.

The rest of the day went by slowly. I was partner-less in Biology…again. It wasn't that I didn't have offers from others to be my partner, because I did…from Mike (sigh). But it was mainly because we're already assigned a partner at the beginning of the year…and I happened to be more advance than others in the class. So I happened to be alone, working by myself because by doing so, I was able to finish at the same time as the others.

But I was glad to be walking at the end of the day towards the beat up truck that I love to death and Alice hated to death. Alice came from a family who had…money so she had a flashy new car, designer clothes, etc. and as much as Alice loves me like a sister, she hates my truck and how I dress which tends to be plain to her. Anyways, I drove my truck to Alice's house. Her house happened to be just north of Forks, in a little area that we call Upper Forks because the houses were rather expensive. There were two other houses that were pricier than Alice's, and those houses happened to be empty, family-less.

As I arrived at her house, I saw that Alice's mother was home. Alice's father is the only lawyer in Forks, not that Forks needed a lawyer much, but he worked a lot in Port Angeles and Seattle so he was gone most of the week, but without fail, is home for the weekends which Alice loves. Alice's mother was a housewife, a down to earth woman who came from an upper class family, which is why she's always home. Alice had an older sister, but she was now moved out of the house, married and with a little niece that Alice LOVES to death.

"I thought I heard the famous Swan truck roar. Hello Bella," Mrs. Brandon said, smiling as I let myself in with the key that Alice gave me.

"Hi, Mrs. Brandon," I said, smiling.

"How was school?" she asked me, dusting her hands on her apron that she had on which that told me she was baking.

"It was okay," I said shrugging. "Alice is going to be few minutes after me. She had to speak to someone after school."

"Thanks for telling me. Want something to drink?"

"Nah, I'll wait for Alice," I said. "I'm going to head up to her room."

"Sure thing, dear," Mrs. Brandon said after me as I headed up stairs to Alice's room.

Alice's room was huge, probably could easily hold two of my bedrooms and then some. I had just finished pulling up Alice's main computer on her desk when Alice entered her room.

She groaned as she fell onto her bed, her purse and school bag besides her.

"I hate math," she muttered.

I chuckled and told her I agreed.

"You got the internet up?" she asked, sitting up slightly onto her arms.

"Yes ma'am," I said just as the internet came up.

"Let's put off doing homework for a while," Alice muttered, flopping back down onto her bed.

I chuckled. "I take it you have math homework?" I asked, looking over at her.

She nodded her head vigorously. I smiled and shook my head.

"Let's write an email," Alice said, sitting fully up now.

I looked at her. "An email?"

"Yeah, like…prank mail or something," Alice said, making a face. "Let's be spontaneous."

"Er…okay," I said, biting my lip as I pulled up my email.

"Oh, let me get the laptop," Alice said, bounding out of the room to get her father's laptop.

I had just finished signing into my email when Alice sat back down on her bed, bring up her father's computer.

"Okay," I said, staring at the blank email before me. "Now what?"

Alice looked at me with a slight glare. "Write a 'to' address," she said, pointing at the screen.

"But what address?" I asked, looking at her.

"I told you, be spontaneous," she said, typing something on the laptop that told me she was signing into her email.

I looked at the screen and bit my lip. Slowly I typed out PlaySeattlesOwnIvoryKeys at email dot com.

"Play Seattle's own ivory keys?" Alice asked, reading the address.

"Hey, that's as spontaneous as I'll get," I said, shrugging.

"You're sad," Alice said, rolling her eyes. "First your own email is IheartDebussy at email dot com and now your spontaneous email is PlaySeattlesOwnIvoryKeys."

"Fine, what is your spontaneous email?" I asked, glaring at her.

She smiled. "EmotionalMeneedHugs," she said.

I raised one eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah, write an email and then let me read it," Alice said, snapping her fingers at the screen.

"Fine, fine, but you'll have to read yours," I said, typing out a greeting.


I sat and stared at the screen…now what? I sighed.

Hi. Okay it might seem totally weird that you're getting an email, and you don't know me…at least I don't think you do. But anyways, like I said it might be weird for you to get this email and trust me, it's weird for me to write the email. My friend is putting off doing homework and decided to write spontaneous emails, and even though she's short doesn't mean that I'm not scared of her pixie self. So I'm writing a random email to please her. Aren't I a great friend? I know that you won't respond, so I'll just keep rambling.

I'm 18, female, clearly alive and breathing the last time I checked. I live in rainy Forks, Washington where the sun only shines a handful of days. I clearly love classical music, and I'm assuming that you love classical by your email, right?

"Finished," Alice said.

"I don't know how to close this off," I said, biting my lip.

"Read it to me."

I read my email back to her and looked at her.

"You're scared of my pixie self?" she said, smirking just slightly.

"Oh shut it," I snapped. "How should I end it?"

"Say how now he has a reason to write back because now you want to know if he's email has anything to do with him," Alice said.

I nodded and typed out:

Well now you have a reason to write back because I would like to know if your email has anything to do with you. I mean…a lot of emails don't have anything to do with the person, so I want to see if you were different.

"Should I write 'sincerely' at the end?" I asked, my fingers on the keys still.

"No, write something spontaneous!"

"Alice, I'm about to spontaneous smack you," I said, but typed out a different closer.


I read what I just added and turned to look at Alice who started to burst out laughing.

"B.S.," she said between laughs. "That is so funny!"

"Oh shut up," I said, rolling my eyes. "I can always change it to I.S. or I.M.S."

"No, no, leave it," she said, fanning her face. "I want to see what the person has to say."

"Fine, fine," I said. I hesitated a moment with the curser over the 'Send' button. Feeling Alice's eyes in the side of my head, I sighed and clicked it. I waited for a minute, waiting for the 'error' email to be sent, telling me that the email wasn't an actual email but when it never came, I felt my eyes go wide. THAT WAS A REAL EMAIL?!

"Here is my email," Alice said. "Hi, Hola…um…-thinks of other forms of hello- ooo Aloha! :D Okay so like me and my friend are like writing spontaneous emails to people. And guess what?! You're one of the lucky two people! Yeah! Isn't that great? I'm going to be your new best friend. And as my new friend, you have to write back because if you don't I'm going to be sad and then I'm going to be the one who needs the hug not you. I am by the way 17, pixie like, and I can't WAIT for your email! Hugs, Alice."

"Wow…that's very…you, Alice," I said, blinking.

"Yeah, and I didn't get an error message so that means the address was valid. I wonder who got the email," she said, thinking.

"Whoever it is, must think that we are nuts," I said, nodding. "Now let's get started on our homework."

"Fine, fine," Alice said, pouting.

So while Alice and I were working on our homework that we had put off…somewhere, someone was opening our emails…right at that moment.

So what do you think? I'm not sure what I am going to with the story. Just something random in my head that popped up and really I'm not sure if I'll continue the story. Maybe…but right now actually I'm busy with the work I've missed due to my surgery and Re-Hitched is my main story to work on so this is like…side burner story where I'll come to stir (write) it but not a lot of attention unlike the main burner.

Anyways, review, let me know.


—This was edited by I.G. from the Center of Academic Achievement.