Undisclosed Desires

Based on: Pride and Prejudice

(With some slight changes)

Chapter One

Kagome Higurashi was considered by the countrymen a plain but lovely girl. Her black hair and brown eyes were common in Japan compared to her sister Sango's lighter brown hair and fair hazel eyes. It was known to all that men favored the older Higurashi daughter and wished for her hand in marriage. However, Sango was a very shy and reserved lady despite the constant attention she received. At town balls she was asked to dance by mostly all the single men and sometimes from the married as well. Many had bravely asked their father for her hand in marriage but he refused each offer. Mr. Higurashi's one wish in life was to see his daughters' marry for love and happiness and would always seek their opinions when an offer was made.

Kagome and her sister Sango were close in age unlike their remainder sisters. The youngest after Kagome was Kikyo and though she resembled Kagome in looks, she was anything but Kagome. Her attitude towards men was very unbecoming for a fifteen year old girl. However, their mother insisted that Kikyo was a free spirit and should be allowed to stretch her wings when her two older sisters were still unmarried and living at home. Kikyo found much satisfaction in that fact. The eldest Higurashi sisters on the other hand avoided Kikyo as much as they possibly could. In fact, they both wished Kikyo would soon find herself a suitor and be gone with herself.

After Kikyo there was little Ayame who was the youngest of the family. Compared to her older sisters, Ayame was the odd ball. Her hair was red like flames and eyes the color of emeralds. Mrs. Higurashi insisted the strange colors came from her side of the family and no one questioned her since Ayame acted exactly like Kagome and Sango. Though she was only thirteen, Ayame demanded attention wherever she went and unlike Kikyo none of it went to head. If anything Ayame took after Sango in that regard but carried her other sister Kagomes attitude in every other matter of life. Kikyo had tried to take Ayame under her wing and use her for selfish reasons but failed when Ayame developed into a mirror image of her older sisters, Kagome and Sango. To say there was no tension between the sisters in the house was the understatement of the century.

Kagome was returning from an early walk where she had traveled to the edge of their property which overlooked a very large ravine and watched the sun rise over the horizon. It was almost routine and on most mornings Sango joined her but her older sister was still fast asleep in their room and Kagome did not have the heart to wake her. Instead, Kagome snuck quietly from their room and wrapped herself in a coat before slipping out the house. Winters morning lingered well into spring and the chill was enough for Kagome to make sure she did not fall ill. Mist covered the hills of green as she walked a familiar path to the cliffs. A large rock provided Kagome with a seat as she waited for the warmth of the sun to greet her just beyond the distant horizon.

In these quiet few minutes Kagome often pondered her life and whether she would ever find love. She was reaching her seventeenth birthday soon and a girl her age was normally married and heavy with a child by now. Thinking about herself sent a pang of selfishness through her heart. Though considered older by many her sister Sango was older. It would not be too much longer before Sango tuned nineteen and men considered her too old to marry and have children with. Kagome frowned, what man would want older women when there were many younger to choose from?

Kagome and Sango did not ask for much in their future husbands. A pleasingly handsome, kind, gentle man that loved them for who they were was really not that much to ask was it? However, their mother scoffed at their fantasies and insisted that they marry before the number of interested men dwindled down to barely a few. Kagome did not blame her mother for being impatient but her daughters' wills were strong and unbreakable. They believed that there was one man out there in the world that was perfect for each of them. A man, who loved them as much as they loved him, would smile each time their eyes met and fell in love all over again every morning. Frankly, Kagome was starting to wonder if she would ever find such a man or if she should just settle for second best.

Returning to their large home, Kagome pushed her troubling thoughts to the side and moved on towards breakfast. The chickens had laid eggs and she did hope their cook would make them this morning. Spring always brought such wonderful food and her stomach growled in agreement. Pushing the heavy door open, Kagome slipped out of her jacket and hung it back up on the rack by the door. A maid scurried by with an armful of bed warming pans and said a hustled "Good morning ma'am" before disappearing into the kitchen. Kagome began to climb the wooden stairs and walked down the hall to her shared bedroom.

Sango was stretched out on her bed and had a pillow blocking the invading sun's rays from her eyes. Her hair was braided although throughout the night strands had broken free and now poked out in odd angles. Kagome stifled a laugh as her older sister let out a small snort before jolting awake. Groaning, Sango flipped onto her bed and threw her pillow to the side.

"Good morning Sango." Kagome said with a smile as she sat down at their vanity to brush her hair.

Sango sat up and glared at her younger sister. "The maid took my heating pan."

Kagome laughed, "She does do that Sango. Every morning I might add."

Sango rolled her eyes and rubbed her eyes free of sleep before standing up out of bed. She walked behind her sister and took the brush from her hands and began to run it through Kagome's long black hair. No matter how often they played outside as children Kagomes hair always maintained that black shine and never dulled away. Compared to Sango's brown straight as an arrow hair that came down to the middle of her back, her sisters was like pure gold. Kagome's hair fell in soft waves just past her lower back. Kagome always said Sango's hair was the better one but Sango often thought to herself how wrong Kagome really was. Kikyo had black hair as well but was nothing like Kagomes. Sango smirked thinking about how long Kikyo sat in front of her mirror brushing her hair until she could get a shine half as beautiful as Kagome's.

A soft knock on their door drew the sister's attention and they smiled as Ayame shuffled in. Her red hair was a mess like always and both sisters knew there was no taming it. Ayame collapsed on Sango's bed and sighed.

"Father says he has something important to share at dinner." Ayame said watching her older sisters at the vanity. "I wonder what it could be."

Sango shrugged, "It must have something to do with those carriages we saw at town the other day. It appeared like someone rich was moving into either town or the countryside."

Ayame smiled slyly before flipping onto her back to stare at the ceiling, "Maybe it is a rich man and he'll swept one of us girls off our feet to live in the city or in a large mansion in the country."

Kagome laughed, "Oh Ayame, try not to fill your pretty little head with such ideas. Besides you are still too young to be thinking about marriage."

Ayame shot her older sister a glare, "I know that but I cannot help but dream. Really I am hoping it is an awful man who will marry Kikyo and take her away from us."

Sango and Kagome both laughed until said Kikyo interrupted their fun. "If you three are done, father has asked us to join him for breakfast so I suggest you get dressed."

Kikyo turned and left quickly and once they were sure she had gone downstairs the three sisters laughed once more.

"In all seriousness though why can she not find a husband? She flirts with numerous men who father would find in agreement." Ayame complained walking towards the doorway.

Kagome spoke up, "That is because those men are smart and know she would never make a well enough wife. They fear she would stray and do not wish that kind of shame on their house."

Sango nodded in agreement though surprised at how blunt and honest Kagome was being. "She is right Ayame. Now go change for breakfast and wear something you do not mind getting dirty. Mother said last night we would be doing laundry today since there is a nice breeze and the sun is out."

Ayame left to her room and Sango switched positions with her young sister. As Sango brushed her hair free of knots and braided it once more, Kagome pulled on a dress that she did not mind getting a little dirt on since the color was brown and then pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail. Together they left their bedroom and traveled downstairs following the smell of breakfast to the dining room. They both kissed their father on the cheek good morning and hugged their mother before taking their seats next to one another. Servants brought in biscuits, eggs, juice, milk and ham once the entire family was comfortable. At the head of the table their father sat reading his newspaper while Kikyo sat talking with their mother.

"Anything interesting father?" Kagome asked nodding towards the newspaper.

Mr. Higurashi folded his paper as a servant placed extra eggs down onto his plate. "Nothing too out of the ordinary I am afraid. Mr. Lawrence had a run in with a pack of wild dogs attacking his sheep and Mrs. Brown has announced her youngest daughter is engaged to be married. I believe her name was Lucy."

Sango smiled, "That is wonderful news for Lucy. She is such a lovely girl from what I remember."

"Yes she is only sixteen correct father?" Kagome asked.

Mr. Higurashi nodded, "I believe so. It's going to be a summer wedding the article says as well."

Mrs. Higurashi had been listening to their conversation and decided to add in her own opinion. "Well at least Lucy knows when a good man is right in front of her. Let's hope we are invited so we can see if there are any bachelors suitable for you two girls."

Kagome and Sango chose not to respond. Kikyo placed her hand on her chest in a display of hurt. "Do not forget about myself mother. I am of age to wed."

Mrs. Higurashi patted her daughters hand and nodded. "Of course not my dear. I was only implying to your older sisters that it would be nice for them to finally come to a decision about whom they wish to wed. I would be delighted for you to find a man as well sweetheart, do not think else of me."

Kikyo sat back satisfied by her mother's words. All ready Kagome could see Kikyo was plotting something that no doubt had to do with Lucy's wedding. She never did like another girl to have all the attention.

Clearing his throat, their father set down his fork and instead of reading more of his newspaper he sat back to address his family. "I have some news to share with you girls that I think you would all be delighted to hear."

Sango squeezed her sister's hand under the table in excitement.

"I am sure you girls saw the carriages in town the other day and yes it is true that a family moved into the Houshi estate over the hill." The girls squealed in excitement as their father raised a hand to say he was not finished. "It has come to my attention that the only Houshi son has taken up residence there until what might possibly be the winter. He has brought his younger sister and apparently his best friend, the son of the late Mr. Taisho."

Their mother clasped her hand across her heart and had to take several deep breaths to come herself. The Houshi and Taisho households were very well known and very well off households and if she could get any of her daughters to marry into them would be absolutely perfect. The dowry just for one of her daughters paid by one of those houses would be enough to settle their debt and cover expenses. She could see the wedding now and was almost lost to her daydream when Ayame shook her mother's arm.

Mr. Higurashi still had more to add. "Now you girls know of the town dance next week. Well my sources say that Mr. Houshi and Mr. Taisho will be attending this ball to acquaint themselves with their new temporary neighbors."

"We must attend this dance next week my dear." Mrs. Higurashi announced quite suddenly.

Mr. Higurashi laughed at his wife's outburst. He knew how desperately she wanted to see her daughters marry and how much more she wanted them to marry a man that was rich. However, every man that had come forth to claim one of his daughters hands in marriage he had turned away for one reason or another. To be honest, he had not met a man who would be right for his girls and wished nothing but for them to be happy.

"Of course we will be my dear." Mr. Higurashi assured his wife. "I want you girls to dress nicely and be on your best behavior. Even if none of you sway these gentlemen at least be kind enough to make friends so that we have created connections."

Kagome and Sango excused themselves to go outside to the barn after breakfast as Ayame and Kikyo brought down the laundry.

"How exciting!" Sango exclaimed in a rare show of emotion. "Can you believe it? Mr. Houshi and Mr. Taisho!"

Kagome laughed and together they did a small un-lady like dance, not caring if any of the servants saw them. "How delightful would it be if we married each and since they are best friends and we are sisters we would always be able to see one another?"

Sango's smile faded, "Yes that would be nice but we should not count our chickens before they hatch my dear sister."

Kagome frowned and touched her sister's cheek. "I know that Sango but it is a pleasant idea is it not?"

Sango nodded and she turned to see her mother and sister's exit the house and towards the side of the house. Kagome knew they would not have much time to talk privately for the rest of the day so she hurried, "For all we know Sango they could be ugly men with large noses or big ears."

Sango laughed, "Oh yes, or maybe they have warts on the chins."

Kagome hugged her sister as they walked to join their family, "We will know for sure next week."

Sango nodded and said one last thing before joining their mother and sisters. "I hope they do not Kagome. I am rather tiring of waiting for the right man."

Kagome nodded as she knelt next to Sango and took a shirt from the bin to begin washing in the rack. As she washed each piece of clothing and then hung them to dry on the clothesline, Kagome wondered if how she was starting to feel deep down was the same as her sister. The idea that she would grow old with no man to warm her and no children to make her laugh was beginning to tear at her heart and the feeling that came with the thought made her bones even shiver in worry.