![]() Author has written 24 stories for Sailor Moon, Fushigi Yuugi, Vampire Knight, and Maid Sama!. Hey, minna! Jus' a little bit about myself here for ya': I'm a girly girl that digs writing...not just fan fics, but EVERYTHING! I love manga and anime, Sailor Moon being my first series to experience. I am a hardcore Vampire Knight fanatic (Zeki FOREVER!!) and also love Fushigi Yuugi, Ayashi no Ceres, Love Celeb, HoneyxHoney Drops, Black Bird, Love Monster, Rhapsody in Heaven, Love Strip, Kaikan Phrase, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing and many others. I'm a huge Mayu Shinjo and Minami Kanan fan...I enjoy smut. What can i say? ;P As you'll notice, my fics are Usa/Mamo and Zeki...however, there will be others, I assure you! I THE EXPLANATION: I'm sure that those who are awaiting updates to my fics are kinda' wondering what the f@# my problem is, but I do have a reason for the ridiculously long time between updates. Life, as you all know, is a tad hard to manage at times. I've been through a lot in the past few years, and I'm sure some of that will reflect in my writing. I'm going to be spending the coming months trying to update as many fics as possible, but my writing style is definitely different than it was several years ago, so this may be interesting to say the least. Project Updates as of 7-8-10 "Fire and Ice"- This is a fic that I started SO long ago, and lost all my chapters for when my old computer crashed. I'm sorry to those that like this one for the horribly long wait! I'm making a valiant attempt to keep it rolling, but I'm once again at a road block. Oi. Sooo, on the back burner for now. Sorry! :( "Rhymes Without Reason"-Just updated with Chapter 9 and I've actually started Chapter 10, so maybe it won't be six months before the next update. *crosses fingers* "Whispers of Night"-Trying to come up with a decent next chapter for this one right now, but I'm suffering from abysmal writer's block right now, so I'm struggling. "Fragile"-This one's my favorite, so I'm definitely going to keep writing on it. I have several future chapters started, but am still circling the next chapter. Not sure what to do until all the juicy stuff happens in the later chapters. And again, writer's block from the fiery depths, so everything's stalled out right now. Bleh. Oneshots I've got a few in the works, but can't seem to come up with jack anything for those, either. I need some brain food or something, cuz' mine seems to be completely shot right now. Grrrr. On Hold For Now "Ancient Obsession"-This one's on hiatus for the moment, until I update some of the others. It's not dropped, just on hold for now. "Seraphs of Shadow"-Unfortunately, this one's at the bottom of the list, as it was probably my most involved fic and I lost all the chapters I had written for it years ago when my POS computer crashed on me. So that one's discontinued, until I have time and energy to come up with a new chapter. Sorry to all of you that are supporting that one, but I don't want to just write a bunch of crap and ruin it. :( "Strawberry Gashes"-Also on hold right now, while I try to work on my other, older fics so I can attempt to finish those. Don't know when I'll be getting back to this one yet. "Fire"-Yeah, I should just take it down until I actually have a few chapters written. I don't think there's much interest in this one yet, since it's only one chapter thus far. I've got another chapter, but with all these other fics going, I don't want to get anyone involved in this one only to disappoint them by having no more updates for like two years. You know?!!! My Favorite Anime/Manga Couples (which future fics/oneshots may revolve around): Yuuki and Zero-Vampire Knight Usagi and Mamoru-Sailor Moon Kirara and Gin-Love Celeb Seri and Tamaki-Ren-ai Shijou Shugi Yuzuru and Kai-HoneyxHoney Drops Misao and Kyo-Black Bird Aine and Sakuya-Kaikan Phrase Hiyo and Kouro-Love Monster Miaka and Tamahome-Fushigi Yuugi Aya and Touya-Ayashi no Ceres Takiko and Rimudo/Uruki-Fushigi Yuugi:Genbu Kaiden Misaki and Usui-Kaichou wa Maid-sama Beni and Kagetora-Shinobi Life Sachie and Rakuto-Arakure |