Reviews for Fire and Ice
crimeshowlover23 chapter 1 . 10/28/2019
omg love this hope you finish it
SereStarOfGaea chapter 7 . 2/26/2015
Ooohh sweet torture! It Was about time he man up like zoi said. It Was so funny how the generals acted when they heared them and san Them inside the pod. I Loved his declaration of Love but hated the fact that he made her suffer because he Was trying to protect her Wtf were is the logic un that lol.. And jed I just loved how he reacted as Well as zoi... Please update soon :)
IshtarAli chapter 7 . 7/18/2013
love the story up date soon
AstridSillviena chapter 7 . 9/10/2012
Please please update this story! Love it so much! i know it's been a while now but please don't abandon this story! some of us really want to see it completed!
PLS UPDATE ASAP! i'm dying to know what happens next! PLS UPDATE!
SmTwilight chapter 7 . 7/5/2012
it's only been a few years :) any chance of an update? Love the story.
Aralie Panda chapter 7 . 3/31/2012
I love this story and really hope to be able to read the rest of it _
LGCoffeeAddict chapter 7 . 4/22/2011
I really hope you continue and finish this story because it's one of the most...sincere fics I have read in a while. Sincere's not really the right word, but all the emotions in this fic are so intense they're almost tangible. You write beautifully, and I honestly cannot wait for another chapter!

Thanks for a wonderful story so far.

afallenblackrose chapter 7 . 3/8/2010
I can't believe I haven't read the latest chapter of this fanfic til now! But as usual, I absolutely loved it and can't wait for more. The relationship between Endymion and Serenity is just stunning, and Diamond is the obsessive compulsive villain as always. :) Please update soon!
CharmedSerenity3 chapter 7 . 11/24/2009
woo, finally, wont have had this trouble if Endy wasn't such an idiot, update soon!
madorno81 chapter 7 . 11/1/2009
good story update soon cant wait for the next chapters :)
midnightblue08 chapter 7 . 10/29/2009
endymion you are such a jerk...

good thing you had been true in the end of the chapter...
KEOKI chapter 7 . 10/27/2009
love love love it want more
Elliebelle26 chapter 7 . 10/26/2009
OMG! I love this story! You have to continue it!

Jerikagoddess chapter 7 . 10/25/2009
As much as I adore this story, there is one line that stood out "He brought his hand to his lips, his tongue laving at his wound as if he were some matter of beast." I particularly enjoyed the imagry you used. Cant wait to read more!
na chapter 7 . 10/25/2009
I'm really excited to see what happens next!
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