Well...this totally happened. xD I got a few requests from people to write out Naruto and Sasuke's reactions to finding out about Shisui, Sakura and Itachi's relationship, so here it is!
Warning: OOC Sasuke and OOC Naruto (kinda I honestly could him react like this but watevs)
Rating: T- sorry no lemon xD
I do not own Naruto.
Duck, dodge, jump and repeat. Sakura's bright green eyes were focused on her very attractive opponent as he came at her with all he had. Sharingan reflected in his usual dark eyes, with a smirk on his face. Sparing with him was always a welcome challenge.
'Keep your eyes down Haruno, don't let him catch you in a genjutsu' she thought to herself.
"HEY!" Came a shout to her left, Itachi and her both froze and looked over at a disgruntled looking Shisui. "You guys started without me?" He asked with an adorable pout on his face. Sakura grinned and took off toward him.
"Shisui!" She cried dramatically before launching herself toward him and jumping into his waiting arms. He laughed, pout long forgotten as she kissed him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders as he held her bridal style, spinning around in a circle as their kiss continued.
"Kami, you guys are sappy," Itachi grumbled coming up next to them. Sakura pulled away from Shisui's lips to grin at Itachi. She reached out one free hand to grab ahold of his shirt and pull him toward them before laying a soft kiss on his own pouty lips. Itachi got closer to both of them as the kiss deepened. Shisui slowly let Sakura stand on her own two feet again before both men moved to sandwich their pinkette in between them. This began to get heated as both men got handsy, she could feel their fingers brush against the soft skin underneath her shirt as she took turns kissing her too boys and running her hands over each of them in turn.
Their relationship was actually rather simple. From the outside it looked like it would be awkward and full of problems such as jealousy, but Sakura made sure she treated Itachi and Shisui as equals and made sure neither one of them felt left out. Both men were content with their arrangement...because whatever they had, just worked for them.
"AHA! I caught you!" Came a shout at the gate of the training ground they were at. The two men stiffened against Sakura and the pinkette had a look of slight panic on her face. One thing was for sure no one was supposed to truly know about their little relationship, which is why they had chosen the furthest training field on the outskirts of the village. Not being found out was important especially because of Itachi and Shisui's clan. The Uchiha Clan council wouldn't approve in the least.
Naruto walked through the gate, an accusatory finger pointed in their direction and Sakura lost some of her panic. The two men pressed against her were still stiff as a board. Sasuke casually entered the gate behind Naruto. The blonde continued toward them, his arm dropping back to his side as he awaited some form of response.
"Follow my lead," Sakura whispered. Itachi and Shisui gave her a curious look but nodded and lost some of their tension as they took a step back, turning toward the two boys still making their way toward them. Both of them stopped side by side in front of Sakura. Sakura had a plan.
Sakura shrugged as if getting caught didn't bother her one bit. Naruto's eyes widened slightly and Sasuke's narrowed as he watched her.
"Oops, oh well. Yup you caught us. What are you going to do about it?" Sakura asked with an air of confidence in her voice. Naruto's mouth popped open, clearly not expecting the response Sakura gave him. She didn't need to look at Shisui to tell the man was beginning to shake with barely subdued laughter. Sasuke was still standing stock still, clearly unsure of what to say. They didn't seem to have thought this far ahead.
"What the hell, Sakura!?" Naruto exploded making the pinkette smirk.
"What? The sex is awesome! I'd be stupid not to indulge in these two sex beasts." Sakura scoffed Sasuke face began to turn red, the tips of his ears almost glowing with embarrassment as he looked at his cousin and older brother. Sakura glanced at Itachi when Sasuke gaze became suddenly glued to his brother. Humour was clearly swimming around in his onyx eyes as he kept eye contact with his Otouto.
"Sasuke, are you feeling okay? Your face is kind of red…" Itachi suddenly said, fake concern oozing from his soft tone. Sasuke sputtered for a few minutes before furiously rubbing at his face only making it redder by irritating the skin. Sakura snorted making Sasuke look at her with a fierce glare.
"Oh fuck this! I'm not dealing with this right now." Sasuke said turning on his heel and beginning to walk away. Naruto seemed to be still attempting to form a coherent sentence as Shisui spoke to him.
"Wait Sasuke!" Sakura said grabbing the back of his shirt. He spun around, his eyes narrowed and Sakura grinned.
"Don't you want to join us?" She asked innocently. His eyes flew open almost bulging out.
"Excuse me?" he asked scary calm. Sakura shoved down the urge to laugh as she pulled him over toward where Naruto stood, the blonde's face an unhealthy shade of purple at this point. Sakura reached up and tugged on a strand of his blonde hair.
"Breathe Naruto. You're welcome to join to you know, we are an open relationship." She said even though she knew she was lying through her teeth. The two men behind her knew this too but watching these two boys suffer was beyond amusing. Suddenly she ran her hands up and down the two boys' arms looking at them with innocence. She pulled them even closer before leaning toward them to whisper.
"I'll let you do whatever you want to me." She said and added in "But be careful, these two over here can get pretty…ehem carried away." Sasuke and Naruto's eyes flicked toward the other two behind Sakura. Both of them were smiling wickedly, a look of feral dominance glowing in their eyes and radiating off them in waves. Naruto squeaked before his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell limp to the ground. Sasuke just gulped and pulled away from Sakura.
"Um…um, wow, nope I think we're good. We're just going to l-l-leave now…" He stuttered grabbing Naruto and hauling him over his shoulder before hightailing it out of there. It took about three seconds after Sasuke has disappeared from sight before the three of them lost it in a fit of laughter.
"You're a genius sweetheart!" Shisui wheezed, clutching his stomach as laughter seized his body. Itachi had tears gathering in his eyes, he couldn't breathe.
"Do you think they will question our relationship again?" Sakura asked between gasps of breath. Itachi shook his head violently.
"Not a chance in hell!" Shisui laughed before pulling Sakura in for a bone crushing hug. Itachi wrapped his arms around both of them.
"I love you guys!" Sakura said her own tears beginning to trail down her cheeks as her laughter died down slightly."
"We love you too," Itachi smirked, laying a small kiss on the side of her head.
soooo super duper short but I hope it was as funny as I thought it was...then again its kinda lame to laugh at your own creation! xD anywho I shall let you all be the judge, please review and lemme know what you think! thanks a bunches!
Also even though I have answered all your reviews (if I haven't omg im so sorry and please let me know so I cant personally thank you!) I just want to say thank you all so much for the crazy response this story got! xD I love you all to pieces!