Soul Meets Body
I walked through the shortcut in the woods months later. The air was clean. I came to the clearing where the roses were growing. I noticed that only two yellow roses were standing tall and in full bloom. The dead ones were lying all around. I felt a mix of sorrow and joy for those roses. I really hoped they would all bloom into their true beauty. But I was glad two of their survived to bloom and be lovely. I wondered what their gardener would think if she had seen her roses now. I bet that she would probably feel just the same as I did. I just sighed numbly and kept walking.
I made it to Sakura-chan's house in a half hour. She sat on the porch staring out at me. She looked healthier now than she did months ago. Her skin had more color to it and she had put a little weigh on. She was just perfect in her yellow summer dress with her hair pulled back. Her eyes seemed blank however. I approached her calmly. "Hi Sakura-chan." I addressed her. "Hi Naruto-kun." she said in a low voice. I saw little Chiyo asleep in her basinet at her mother's feet. The baby looked healthier than when she was first born as well. Her cheeks were a rose pink. "They put a tube in her heart." Sakura-chan explained softly. "She's going to live a normal life but she has to have a check-up every month." "I see." I said. But still, one question was on my mind.
"Sakura-chan." I addressed her. "Yes?" she asked. I drew in a mouth full of air. Well, here goes. "Who is Chiyo's father?" I asked at last. Sakura-chan just smiled at me coyly. She motioned me closer and I came to her. She moved close to my ear and whispered, "You." I stood stunned in joy. "Mine?" I asked. Sakura-chan just nodded at me. "Just before we went home," she explained. "I had a fraternity test on her." I was about to bust in joy. It was just as I had hoped. Chiyo was my daughter after all. I was a father now!
"Naruto-kun," Sakura-chan spoke again. "Hm?" I asked. She lightly took me by the hands. "I was wondering," my love began softly. "Could you stay with Chiyo-chan and I? We need you here with us. I'll even marry you one day." I smiled richly. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I answered. My love's eyes welled with tears over joy.
And so it was. Everyone's fates were both bitter yet joyful all together. Katsuya died in a warehouse days after Chiyo's birth. He died without any closure to his life. Even though I hate to admit it, I do feel sorry for him in a sense. The man had a rough life from the start. He really did feel bad for what he did to Okichi. He really did love her. He really did. Now that I think about it, his tears when he thought and mentioned her were not tears of drunkenness; they were real tears. Sure, he loved Sakura-chan but he just didn't know how to show it. He didn't know how to because everyone just taught him hate all of his life. Now, he has to carry his sins to his ashy grave with him. Chiyo almost died but she managed to pull through. All no thanks to Katsuya. But, she was now the joy in Sakura-chan and my life. Sakura-chan live today but she barely lived. Any more blood loss, and she would have joined Katsuya along with Chiyo if she didn't live. But she has to forever live with the fact that she failed to save Katsuya. And me? I have a family now. Only because someone died.
But for me to understand Katsuya and the pain he went through, it too late. It is too late. Maybe if things were different, I could have helped him. But it is too late now.