![]() Author has written 47 stories for Twilight. Author website for my original work A note about reviews: I am very appreciative of the reviews I get. It really puts a smile on my face that someone would take the time to tell me their thoughts. I even welcome constructive, respectful criticism if the reviewer feels the need to. But I've noticed some trends, not just with me, but on a whole that I just want to address. 1. I allow anonymous reviews because I want to give everyone the chance to review. Don't use that as a shield to be a bully. It makes you look ridiculous and cowardly. If you're afraid of what you're saying and aren't confident enough to man up to it then that's probably an indication that it's bullshit. I'm not going to yell at you if you tell me you don't like something about my story as long as you do it in a respectful and thought out way. I would like the opportunity to explain or defend myself, however, especially if there was some type of miscommunication. 2. Don't ask me a question that you expect to be answered if you're not going to accept PMs. I can't tell you how many times I went to reply to someone's question about something and I couldn't because they didn't allow me to. 3. Please take note of when I wrote the story you're reading. My writing has obviously (hopefully) developed as I've gone on. Ex. Using my first story to judge my knack for character development. I started writing years ago. Take a look at my most recent work before you make judgments about me as a writer. 4. I won't take your review seriously if you spell every other word wrong. Sorry. I know that sounds harsh but when you're telling me that "You need to put more detale into your plought, and you're grammer is bad," it means nothing to me. Before you point fingers at people you better make sure your shit doesn't stink. I dare you to put yourself out there as authors do and make zero mistakes. And when you do find me because I'll give you a million dollars. Because it'll never happen, people. Code of Conduct Game, Set, Match Blog: The Mat Secret Life Blog: http:/// Twilighted Forum: http:///forum/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=11294 Link to A/N for Chapter 17 (Please do not read until you've read that chapter): https:///document/d/1g83-Pz9LKNs8k6BVZMMASiIetM_g5iHbUyGyxiALA-Y/edit?hl=en&authkey=CO220rEB Love Like Winter TwiFicDataBase's Pick of the Week The Roommate The Wharf Wild Horses *Thank you so much for all of the offers, but I do not wish to have any of my stories translated into any other language* |