A/N: So this is the last chapter….and I am sad. But I'm super happy at the same time because I am completely amazed at the response I've gotten from this story and Blackout. So a larger than life thank you to all of you. I think you are all amazing and I appreciate you so much. I did write an epilogue as well, which I've attached to this chapter instead of making it two separate chapters.

School started for me this week and I wanted to get this story finished before I got too deep in homework to do anything with it, which is why I wrote both the last chapter and the epilogue together.

Along with that I will be doing Domestic Disturbance as my next story, but like I said with school I am not sure how often the updates will be. The Stay will still be updated on Mondays because its already written, but expect some updates for DD as well.

And I think that's it. Thanks guys!


I was fucking angry and I was taking it out on my roof. Or my soon to be roof. With each swing of the hammer it felt like the pain was just…lessened. Each blow was a cathartic release from all the shit that just happened.

I set the hammer down and looked down. This was supposed to be our house, but I guess its just mine now. It's not really a house, not yet. It's pretty much a one room square box with four almost walls and a partial roof, which I was trying to take care of right now since we were due for a rainstorm in a couple of days.

I tried not to think about her. I tried my fucking hardest, but it didn't work. Just like it never did with Bella. Things never happened the way they were supposed to happen or how I wanted them to happen with her. It was always just…wrong. So I'd wait. And I'd build our house. And maybe she'll eventually come back to me. Maybe she won't. Just because she left with him doesn't mean I don't love her. She pisses me off but I still love her. And I'd be ready when she was. If she ever was.

I wiped my hand across my forehead to stop the sweat from dripping into my eyes. The sun was just starting to go down over the tree line so I decided to call it a day. It was hard enough working on the frame of the house in the dark, there was no way I was going to chance it being twenty feet in the air. With my luck I'd fall and break my damn neck. I pounded the last shingle in before starting down the ladder.

The wind picked up a little just as my feet hit the ground. I could hear it blowing through the tall grasses behind the house. I turned and looked out over the river, remembering that day when I'd decided to build the house here. Bella and Alice were sitting just there, right by the edge of the river talking. And then I heard her say it. It might have just been in passing, or that she said it lightly and didn't mean it. But I knew her well enough to know that it was what she wanted. A house on the riverbank. And I wanted to give that to her. It took some serious planning on my part but I finally got started.

I laughed to myself just thinking about that first day. I thought for sure she would find me out after she saw the scrapes on my back from the damn board breaking out here. I didn't think she'd give up. I thought she'd torture me until I told her. But I wanted it to be a surprise so I was going to anything I could to kept it a secret. And I guess I did. Because now she might not ever know it even existed.

A gasp from behind stopped me dead in my tracks. I closed my eyes tightly and sighed before turning around. Whoever came out here is about to get ripped a new one. I thought I'd made it pretty clear by my exit at the house that I didn't want to see anyone.

I started to say something but the words wouldn't come out. Bella was walking slowly towards me, from the trees, through the tall grass. It was swaying and moving with the wind around her. Her hand was fixed over her mouth as her eyes raked over the house. Even from way over here I could see the tears glistening on her cheeks.

"What are you doing here?" I said once she was close enough. I bent down and picked up a stack of shingles.

"Surprise…" She said softly as she shrugged her shoulders. "What is this?" She pointed up to the house.

"Surprise," I said coldly, throwing them towards the rest of the pile.

"Did you do this?"

I didn't answer.

"Is this what you've been working on this whole time? A house?"

More silence.

"Dammit Edward answer me!" She stomped her foot on the ground.

"Why the hell do I owe you anything!?"

"Because I said so! Fuck!" She ran her fingers through her hair. "This isn't exactly going how I had planned."

"And what exactly did you have planned? That you'd come back after leaving with that douche bag and we just be like the Beaver fucking Cleaver again? Doesn't work that way. You chose him over me." I started towards the house.

"You think I chose….him. Over you. I was pissed off and wanted a ride to the airport. You should know as soon as he found that out he kicked me out of the truck in the middle of nowhere."

I laughed a little to myself and then looked her over. She had dirt stains all over her pants.

"Nothing happened with him Edward. You of all people should know that. I want you. Always."

"So what is this choosing me over him now?" I snickered, trying to mask the hurt.

"You think I had a choice in all this? I never had a choice Edward. It's you, it's always been you, it will always be you. There's nothing else but you. I have no choice…but you." She took a step towards me and grabbed onto my hands.

"Then why did you leave with him?" My voice broke as the tears started down my face.

She brokedown and pulled me closer to her, enveloping me in her warmth.

"I wasn't leaving with him. It wasn't even about him." She wiped a tear away from my cheek. "I was running away from you, but I'm done with that. I'm done running away from our problems. I'm not going anywhere."

I hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head. "God I love you so much…"

"I love you."

"I'm done running too. I promise you that. No more."

She pressed her head into my chest and ran her hands up and down my back. We stood for an immeasurable amount of time just holding each other. It was so much more than words could even express. And it was enough to understand each other.

I felt her hands reach up along my chest and she ripped something away from her neck. She pulled away and I finally saw what she was holding. Her wedding ring, dangling from the chain that she wore around her neck.

"I'd like to be married to you again…if that's okay." She looked to me for an answer.

"Are you proposing?" I smiled.

"Well…I….yeah I guess I am."

"Well…I…guess I'm saying yes then."

I took her ring from the chain and pulled her left hand towards me, sliding the ring onto her finger.

"I'm sorry I don't have a ring for you. I didn't really prepare for this." She smiled.

"It's okay I've got it covered." I reached into my wallet and pulled my own chain from the pouch to reveal my wedding ring dangling from it.

"You kept it…" She whispered, watching the small ring swing back and forth.

"Of course I did."

She grabbed it and slid it onto my finger. And then we were married again. We didn't need a minister or a piece of paper to tell us that we were. We were and that was it. Technical mumbo jumbo doesn't matter. We know that we want to be with each other for the rest of our lives, what else did we need?

Bella stood up on her tiptoes and placed her lips against mine.

"It feels good to be Mrs. Cullen again."

"It feels good to have you be Mrs. Cullen again." I bent down and kissed her again.

"So do you want to give me a tour of our new house?"

"I would love to." I bent down and scooped her up to carry her inside. I walked up to the almost porch and into the…house.

"So this is the living room…" I turned to my left. "And the kitchen." I turned to my left again. "And the bedroom…"

"Well geez honey I'm gonna get lost with so many rooms…" She joked. This felt good. It felt right. "Where is the baby's room going to be?"

I almost dropped her right there and then on the floor.

"Edward?" She untangled herself from me and set herself down on the ground. "Edward?" She snapped her fingers in front of me. "Snap out of it." She slapped me clear across the face.

"Are you trying to tell me…?" I finally said.

"I'm not sure yet. I have a doctor's appointment Tuesday. I was going to tell you about it today anyway, but stuff obviously got in the way. Are you mad?"

"Baby how could I be mad?" I ran my finger down her cheek. "I mean I'm a little surprised I'll admit that. And I didn't expect it to happen…now."

"I know I didn't either. I thought it was maybe just the stress of the whole thing putting my body out of whack, but I took a test and it was positive so…"

I pulled her into my arms. "I'm so happy Bells. Never been more happy in my life."

I felt her let out a sigh. "I'm so glad to hear you say that. I was terrified to tell you."


"Because this definitely isn't in our plan for like another…few years at least. I mean we just got back together, we're supposed to be working on us."

"Well our plans never work anyway. And maybe this is our way of working on us."

"Yeah I guess so."

"Come on, let's go watch the sunset." I took her hand in mine and started out the door. I stopped and leaned against the single pole we have on our porch. I felt her come up behind me and wrap her arms around my waist. And we stood and watched the sunset over the trees. And it was abso-fucking-lutely perfect.



"Daddy?" His tiny voice squeaked.

"Whatty?" I reached up and gave the bolt one last turn.

"What's this?"

I peeked out from under the truck. He was holding a long, pink worm between his tiny dirt drenched fingers.

"It's a worm."

He started to put it towards his mouth.

"No, no. No eating. It's yucky." I pushed myself back under the truck and got back to work.

"Yucky…" He giggled.

I pushed myself back out and looked at him. His empty fingers were at the corners of his mouth, which was now smudged with dirt.

"Masen did you eat the worm?"

He shook his head.

"Are you sure?" I sat up and draped my arms over my knees, the wrench dangling loosely from my hands.

He shook his head again.

"You ate the worm," I sighed. He started laughing hysterically and dropped to the ground.

I stood up and bent over to pick him up. "You are truly your mother's child kid. You tell her not to do something and she does it smiling just to piss you off."

"Piss," he said slowly.

"Right. Let's go get you cleaned up. Everyone's going to be here in a little bit for your party. Are you excited bud?"

"Yes. I get to see Aunt Awice, and Uncle Jazz, and Aunt Rosawie, and Uncle Emmett. And Uncle Jake. And Grampa. And Mommy and Lizzie. And I get presents." I set him and down let him walk the rest of the way. He tripped over his own feet at least five times, another trait he inherited from Bella.

"How old are you again?" I joked. He held up three fingers.

"Yeah three going on twenty." We approached the porch and I smiled as I heard Bella singing to Lizzie.

"Mommy I ate a worm!" Masen ran into Bella and wrapped his arms around her.

"You did? How did it taste?" She bent down and took a look at him.

I leaned against the counter and watched them. I couldn't for the life of me understand how Bella got more and more beautiful everyday. She was an amazing mother and an amazing wife. And I still thought she was sexy as hell even after almost four years. Her soft brown waves of hair were even longer now and fell beautifully over her shoulders, across the thick white straps of her dress.

"Baby why don't you go get your boats and I'll give you a quick bath before your party okay?"

Masen took off for his bedroom to get his toys. I smiled at Bella as she stood up and placed her hands on her hips.

"Hi honey…"

"Hi…" I sauntered over to her and wrapped her up in my arms, her swollen belly creating space between us. I felt a little tap on my stomach and Bella laughed.

"She is just kicking up a storm today. It must be her way of saying Happy Birthday to her brother."

A loud crash behind us made me jump.

"Little 'Lizbeth, you are a troublemaker just like your brother." I bent down to the floor and picked up her bottle. She reached for it as soon as I set it down on her high chair.

"Can you watch her while I go clean him up?"

"Yeah go ahead." I sat down in the dining room chair.

Lizzie looked at me with her big brown eyes, just like Bella's and my heart melted just like it did every time she looked at me. I was fucking putty in her little hands. I smiled and scooped her up from her chair.

"You are just…fucking cute baby girl…" I whispered.

"Fffff…" She mumbled. She hadn't quite said her first word yet, but I'm pretty sure she was on her way to f-bombing it. And I'm pretty sure Bella would cut my dick off if it happened. I guess I have to start watching my language. Bella bounced back into the room with a smile.

"Forgot a towel." She reached into the linen closet and grabbed one.

"Fuck…" Lizzie whispered. Shit.

Bella slowly closed the door and turned towards us.

"What did she just say?"

"What? I didn't hear anything." I stared out the window, trying to look oblivious.

"No I'm pretty sure she said something."

"Nope she didn't."

"Fuck," Lizzie said again, clapping her hands together.

Bella's mouth dropped open and I knew I was in deep shit.

"Did she just…?" She started towards us. "Say her first word?" She grinned from ear to ear.

"Sweetie she said fuck, you aren't mad my potty mouth rubbed off on her?"

She bent down close to Lizzie and pinched her playfully. "Say it again!"

Lizzie shyed into my chest and giggled.

"You won't say it for mommy cause you're a daddy's girl aren't you?" Bella teased. "I've got to get back to Masen, he's probably flooded the bathroom."

She pranced out of the room and into the bathroom.

"Mason Jacob!" I heard Bella scold. I laughed to myself as I thought about the absolute mess she just walked into. You can't leave that kid alone for two seconds, especially where water is involved. He will create his own great flood every time.

Lizzie yawned and pawed at her eyes.

"Are you sleepy baby girl?" I bent down and kissed the top of her head. She tucked her head in the crook right below my neck just like she did everytime she wanted to take a nap. I slowly rocked back and forth, shifting my weight as I headed towards the couch. My hand ran slowly up and down her back and I could feel her little body go limp in my arms. I smiled as I sat down on the couch ever so carefully, before laying down myself. She slept soundly on my chest.

I reached for the remote and turned the television on, flipping the channels looking for the game. I felt Lizzie's little fists ball up and grab onto my shirt. I tilted my head towards her and set my finger next to her hand. Her tiny fingers reached up for my finger and lightly wrapped around it. I left it there and turned back to watch the game. The last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep was a commercial for Budweiser.


"Are you going to be a good boy today?" I rubbed the towel through Masen's hair.

"Yes mommy."

"Promise?" I kinked an eyebrow.

"I prowmise." He giggled and jumped away from me. I crawled out to the door and laughed when I saw his naked butt running down the hallway.

"Just like your father. Runnin around naked every chance you get."

I heard his giggling stop as soon as he hit the living room and it scared me half to death. I got up and ran to him.

"Masen what's wrong?" I bent down and wrapped the towel around him.

"Shhh Momma. They're sleeping." He pointed to the couch.

Edward was sleeping with one arm draped lazily above him and the other on his chest, held tightly by Lizzie. She was nestled perfectly under his neck and it was the most perfect thing I've ever seen. I smiled and reached up to the counter to grab the camera I had all ready for the party.

Edward stirred a little as I snapped the picture. He squinted one eye opwn and looked around.

"Hey…" He said hoarsely.

"Hi…" I sauntered over and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"What time is it?"

"Almost 2."

"Shit I have to take a shower." He lifted Lizzie softly off his chest and handed her to me before running down the hallway.

I grabbed Masen's hand and started towards his room.

"Okay sweetie what do you want to wear to your party?"


"You have like twenty plaid shirts, which one?" I started digging through his dresser.

"The yellow one wif the black stripes."

I kept searching but I couldn't find it.

"It's right there Momma." He reached in and grabbed it right from under me.

"Oh. I guess it was."

Masen got dressed and ran out into the kitchen just as Emmett and Rosalie walked in.

"Uncle Emmett!" Masen ran to him, jumping up and down. They did their little secret handshake that nobody else understood and Emmett threw him over his shoulder.

"Hey you little creep! Happy Birthday!" He started tickling him.

"Hi Masen." Rosalie placed a kiss on his cheek and sat down. I knew she was trying to keep a happy face on, but it was tough for her. It'd almost been a year since she found out she couldn't have kids. And despite her sometimes bitchy demeanor, I knew it was the thing she wanted more than anything. I can't even imagine what it must be like for her with everyone around her popping out kids.

"Let me see my girl…" She reached out for Lizzie. They always lit up around each other. I had a feeling that Rose was going to turn my girl into a Barbie Doll. I handed Lizzie to Rose and leaned up against the counter, sighing deeply.

"Where's your hubby?"

"Taking a shower…Him and Miss 'Lizbeth took a little impromptu nap." I thought about Edward, alone…in the shower. We didn't get much time to ourselves these days with two kids and another bun in the oven. "Actually do you mind watching them for a minute, I want to go check on Edward." I started towards the bathroom and opened the door.

"Hey baby it's me…" I called as I walked in.

"Hey, where are the kids?" He peeked his dripping wet head out of the shower.

"With Rose and Emmett."

He smirked, turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, not even bothering to grab for a towel.

"You sure the doctors said this was okay?" He lifted me onto the counter easily, starting to lift my dress up over my knees.

"For the fiftieth time yes. Now kiss me." I smiled and pulled him to me.

His lips grazed down my collarbone and followed his fingers down my shoulder. I reached back, pressing my hands against the mirror for support. They left obvious handprints in the fog.

A knock at the door made us both jump.

"Are you two going to be much longer? Pregnant woman who has to pee waiting in the hallway!" Alice shouted. I found out I was pregnant two weeks after Alice did. We were both about to pop. I kissed Edward again and hopped off the sink.

"Oh come on she can wait!"

"No she can't. You have no idea what it feels like to have a baby pressing against a full bladder."

I whipped open the door, forgetting Edward was standing buck naked behind me. He quickly grabbed for a towel, completely embarrassed.

"Jeez you two, what are you trying to do, get pregnant again? Oh wait you already did." She pushed past me.

"Unless you're staying in here for the show I suggest you get out." Alice pointed towards the door and Edward was out of there before she even finished her sentence. I smacked his backside as he scooted into our bedroom to get dressed.

I waited for Alice outside in the hallway. She emerged ten minutes later looking like she was annoyed beyond belief.

"This baby better make his debut soon, I'm sick and tired of it taking me ten minutes to go pee." We started down the hallway.

"What did the doctors say about your contractions?"

"Well we went in again yesterday because I was having them and they sent me back home. Said I wasn't dilated yet so they wouldn't do anything." She set her hand on her back. We weren't too far apart in our pregnancies, but I just knew it wasn't my little girl's time yet. She'd come when she was ready and I had a feeling she'd be about another four weeks.

"Have you guys thought of a name yet?"

"I think we're leaning towards Alec."

We stepped into the kitchen and both sat down at the dining room table. Jake and Dad had arrived while we were gone and were standing along the wall. Edward emerged a moment later, his hair still damp from the shower.

"Okay who wants cake?" He said, heading towards the fridge.

"Me, me, me, me!" Emmett and Masen raised their hands and squealed.

Edward gave me a smile before presenting Masen with the cake. He watched us all intently as we sang him Happy Birthday. Edward helped him blow out the candles and cut everyone pieces.

Masen opened all of his presents, except the one from Emmett which he insisted he opened last.

"You're going to love it!" Emmett said as he slid the gift over to Masen.

His tiny fingers ripped the wrapping apart to reveal a box. He struggled to open it, but eventually pulled out a football jersey that was about two sizes too big.

"Your very first football jersey!" Emmett quipped.

"Wow! Cool!" Masen slid it over his head. Alice shrieked.

"Jeez Al I didn't think you were that excited about football jerseys…" I laughed.

She didn't say anything so I turned to look at her. Her face was turned down towards the floor and she was gripping at her stomach. I followed her eyes down to the floor. Her water broke.

"I think I'm having the baby…" She whispered. Everyone started towards her, arms outstretched. "Jazz…" she turned around, looking for him.

"I'm right here Momma…" He grabbed for her and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"We're having a baby…" She smiled as the tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"I love you so much."

"I love you."

"Okay kids we gotta get you to the hospital…" Charlie took over the situation. "I'll call ahead and let 'em know that we're coming." He reached for his phone and his keys at the same time.

"Edward grab Lizzie!" I took Masen's hand and started towards the car. We followed Charlie's car the whole way there. I could see Alice in the backseat trying to hold it together. She didn't do any of the "You did this to me!" or "I hate you!" remarks towards Jasper. I can't say I was that calm. I'm pretty sure I told Edward to go fuck himself and that we were never having sex again when I was in labor with Masen.

They made us all stay in the waiting room while they wheeled Alice behind the doors marked "Restricted."

"I love you Al!" I shouted.

"I love you B!" She cried as she disappeard down the hallway.

After two hours of just waiting, Masen was starting to get restless. Edward was getting tired of reading him the same book over and over again.

"Want to go for a walk?" I asked him. "There's a small playground right across the street."

"Thank God." Edward picked Masen up and we started towards the door, leaving Lizzie sleeping on Rosalie's shoulder.

Masen squirmed out of Edward's arms as soon as we crossed the road. Slides were probably his favorite thing in the world, which I didn't get. You go up, you go down. Not much to it. But for some reason he loved them. Edward and I sat on the swings next to him.

"Did I ever tell you how proud I am of you?" Edward said, pushing my swing slightly.

"Why?" I smiled.

He paused a moment before speaking.

"You are the strongest woman I've ever met. I mean we've dealt with…a lot of bullshit together and look at us. Look at you. You take care of me, you take care of the kids and you don't even break a sweat. There's no way I could do what you do everyday and still look as beautiful as you do. You amaze me everyday baby…" He reached out and touched my cheek.

"I love you so much…" I leaned over and gave him a kiss.

"Ew!" Masen whined.

"Trust me, you'll love it someday bud…" Edward said against my lips. He finally broke away and ran over to Masen to set him ontop of the slide before climbing up himself. I laughed as I watched them go down the slide together. Once their feet hit the ground Edward started chasing Masen around the playground.

I couldn't believe my life was so wonderful. I felt like I didn't' deserve it. At all. Perfect husband, perfect kids. I rubbed my stomach. Perfect life. Most people probably wouldn't consider it perfect but I sure as shit did. Our washer has broken…three times. The paint is chipping off our shutters. We own a station wagon and have no money. But it's imperfectly perfect. And it's mine. It's ours. For the rest of our imperfectly perfect lives.