Fame vs. Kicks

Epilogue: Daddy kisses Teacher

Summary: "Sorry didn't get the memo maybe next time when a bitch invites me to a high class party I'll remember to bring my stilettos." Kagome said glaring at Kagura before turning to leave. She didn't even spare her sister a glance as she left, leaving the entire house silent.

Monday, August 4th, 2014

Kagome is standing on the balcony outside of her room leaning on the rail watching the summer breeze ruffle the leaves in the trees. She has been packing her things all weekend. She decides to relax a bit wanting to collect herself. "Kagome?" Kikyou's voice asks testing the waters. Kikyou and Kagome haven't been on speaking terms for a month and a half. The party ruined whatever relationship the two had had and now since Kagome is leaving Kikyou hopes to make up for what occurred the past month and half.

"Out here." She calls back still in the same position before Kikyou arrived. Kikyou walks out to see her sister leaning on the rail looking so peaceful and free of worry. She joins Kagome on the balcony and leans on the rail as well "I'm sorry." Kikyou says looking out at the back yard. "I know." Kagome replies with a sigh. "Are you going to stay made at me?" Kikyou asks quietly. Kagome looks over at her sister with a smile "No, I'm not mad at you. You're my sister and I get it. This is your place and mine is back in Tennessee," Kagome says looking back out.

The two sisters stand there in peace and happy to have each other back in their lives.

Seven years later

"Kikyou, don't worry! I promise I'm not wasting my time." The raven hair woman says laughing on the phone. Her long locks are twisted up in a neat bun on her head as her bangs are curled to give her a childish look. Her electric blue eyes holds laughter in them. "Kagome, I don't want you to make a wasted trip to L.A. just for me." Her sister's voice repeats for the third time. Unknown to Kikyou, Kagome has moved to L.A. permanently to be a school teacher. Kagome rolls her eyes as she walks into the small bakery to pick up something for her sister and her husband. "You know I don't mind. Plus I have a surprise for you!" Kagome says smiling and pointing to blue and white cupcakes. "Hmm, that's sounds interesting. Tell me and I'll still act surprise." Kikyou laughs over the phone causing Kagome to roll her eyes yet again at her sister.

"I'll see you soon." Kagome says hanging up after Kikyou said her goodbye. Kagome pays for the desserts and hangs to her sister's house. She hums happily to be back to visit her sister and to let her know that she is staying here. "Kagome?" she turns to the sound of her name to see Sango standing there. Kagome smiles at her best friend, ever since she left Sango and herself have kept in contact and Sango would come spend the summer with her.

"Sango!" Kagome shouts laughing as Sango jogs over to her. "I can't believe you're here! Oh my! You haven't been here since my wedding well in Cali since then." Sango gushes happily to see her best friend. They walk together talking about what has been in the past six months. Sango informed her about the little bun in the oven making Kagome all smiles and congratulating her to no end. "We have to shop for baby clothes!" Kagome says happily.

Sango smiles happily at her friend's claim "Oh! I need to get going, I was on lunch when I see you. I have to jet. I'll text you later and we can meet up!" Sango says turning to catch a cab back to her work. Kagome laughs at her friend for getting side tracked. Kagome rounds the corner, she sees the houses lining up meaning she's getting close to Kikyou's house.

Finally, Kagome walks up the white house that has golden trimmings, the steps are brick and she sees the stone that her niece made last year. The hand prints are small making Kagome smile before ringing the doorbell. She hears patters of feet before the door is thrown open "Aunt Gome!" a small girl with two black small dog like ears on top of her head. Her hair is midnight black like her mother's but has a silver chuck of highlight in her hair giving off her father's trademark silver hair. She smiles brightly at Kagome "I missed you!" she says happily clinging to her leg causing Kagome to laugh.

"Kagome!" Kikyou waddles over to the door to greet her sister. Kagome notice how beautiful she looks in full bloom pregnant "I can't wait to meet the twins!" Kagome says walking in with her niece still attached to her leg so she can rub her sister's belly. "Mami, let go of your aunt." Kikyou says giving her a look. Mami lets go "What do you have?" the young girl asks. "I brought sweets." Kagome says seeing Mami's golden eyes light up, another trade she inquired from her father.

After Kagome set the cupcakes down and sat at the bar. Mami climbs in the barstool beside her aunt wanting to be a part of the conversation. "What's your surprise?" Kikyou asks making everyone hot tea to drink.

"Kikyou! Mami!" a muscular voice calls from the door. "We're in here Inu-kun." Kikyou shouts seeing her husband walk into the kitchen. "Hey Kags, I haven't seen you since Sango's wedding." Inuyasha says kissing his mate's cheek lovingly. After high school finish Kikyou and Inuyasha quickly eloped to tie the knot not because of Inuyasha's parents but because of Kikyou's mother. "Anyways, Kagome what's the surprise?" Kikyou asks setting the tea and opening the cupcake box. "I'm moving to L.A.! I accepted a teaching position and I start setting up my classroom on August Second." Kagome says proudly.

"Oh my! I'm so happy for you!" Kikyou says walking around to hug her sister. Kagome hugs her in return happy to know that she made Kikyou happy. "So you're going to be teaching little brats?" Inuyasha asks opening the fridge to grab something to eat. "Inuyasha, how dare you say that about those children?" Kikyou glares at him. Mami giggles at her parents' banter knowing that it's all fun and games. Kagome shakes her head but knows that there's nothing but love in this household.

This is how it's supposed to be, a loving family where the mother and father love each other unconditionally and never have any doubt in their mind about one or other. I know my sister choose the right person to spend the rest of her life with, well until he dies really. Kagome smiles at her sister and her family.

The old Taisho house

A young boy around the age of five is sitting by his window looking out at the back yard wishing to be outside instead of being in his room where it's boring. "Young Master Ryo-san, your lunch is ready." One of the maids says bowing to him. Ryo sighs before getting up to follow the maid downstairs to the dining hall where his grandmother will be waiting for him. He enters the dining hall to see his grandmother not looking a day over thirty-five sitting at the huge table waiting for his arrival "Good afternoon Ryo-kun." Izayoi greets.

"Good afternoon grandmother." He spoke with formality. Izayoi sighs at her grandson's behavior His father sure is trying to make him isolated from the world. Izayoi gives a sad smile. Ryo looks at his food not feeling hungry. "How about we take our lunch outside today?" she asks politely waving for the maid to help them carry their food out. Ryo perks up at the mention of going outside.

He makes me wish that Inuyasha was still this young. Izayoi smiles watching her grandson gather his things with the help of his maid "Thank you Keiko." Izayoi thanks walking with them towards the gardens where Ryo and she spend lots of time together. "Ryo, are you excited about starting school this year?" Izayoi asks curious to what the boy thought about being away from the home for eight hours.

Ryo looks up from where he crouch down to see his grandmother looking at him awaiting for his answer. "I'm unsure." He says looking down at the ground. "I think you'll enjoy school. There is so much that the world can offer you." She spoke softly smiling kindly at her grandson. Izayoi let's Ryo go back to playing in the dirt, letting him be a boy for a while longer.

A few hours later, Izayoi had Keiko take Roy in to get clean up, she walks down the hall towards her mate's office knowing he'll be home by now. She knocks on the door "Come in" she pushes the door open to see her eldest son and her mate in his office "Izayoi, how are you my love?" Touga asks walking around his desk to embrace his mate lovingly. She returns the hug and steps back "Hello mate and Sesshoumaru." She spoke with love in her voice. Even though Sesshoumaru is her son by marriage, she still treats him as if he is blood and nothing less.

Sesshoumaru nods to her, "I'm concern for Ryo, he seems uncertain about going to school." She says looking worried. Sesshoumaru glare at her before looking at his father "It's none of your concern about Ryo. He'll be fine. He's a Taisho after all." With that Sesshoumaru walks out of the office trying to stay calm in front of his family is difficult especially when it comes to his son. He strolls down the halls in search of his son, he stops short in front of the library in the house to find Ryo sitting in the floor surrounded by books.

His maid Keiko is combing out his hair "Keiko-chan, what was mother like?" he asks an innocent question. Keiko stops her task "Master Ryo, that isn't a question to be asking me." She says softly placing the comb down. Ryo sighs looking down at the book that displays a picture of a prefect family. Sesshoumaru decide to make his appearance known, Ryo looks up to see his father. A smile appears on his face as he gets from his place on the floor and runs over to his father. Sesshoumaru let his stoic mask fall at the sight of his son.

It's been a long five years of raising Ryo on his own but he wouldn't take any of it back. He only wishes that Ryo would have a mother to grow up with but the mother he had is nothing. She's too selfish to even care for her son. All he needs is me in his life. Sesshoumaru thought placing a hand on top of his son's head.

Mami- means real beautiful

Ryo- means cool, refreshing, distant, or reality

DarknessQueen12: The title of this Epilogue is the story title of the sequel to this story. I also want to give a lot of thanks to everyone who support this story. I figured I was too out of tune and wouldn't get any good reviews but you all shocked me. I am grateful and can't wait to continue this journey! I hope to hear what you all think. Also I have another story that I hope see bloom as well. If you haven't checked it out please do! Its Called "Two Liars, One Murder" nyways, I would like to thank you once again for all of your supoort!