Author has written 5 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, Inuyasha, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Personal Sex: Female Updates 4/22/06- It's been soo long since I updtaed with a chapter I know. Please forgive me, at the last minute I decided to add a new chapter 6 & 7 and I've been melding them into the plot. I simply had to do a Katara escape scene/chapter and I wouldn't have been happy with my story unless I did. 3/17/06- I just finsished watching the new episode of Avatar tla, and wow... Now my fic seems to feel so, outdated T_T oh well nothing else to do but continue it. I've been working on it far too long to just throw it away 3/4/06- it's official, I've hit a block. I've started to post some of the chapters for The Warring Heart but I've hit a block for the ending. I know what the ending is, I just don't know how to end it. So far 26 chapters have been written and I'm currently revising them for posting. I'll be glad when I finish this thing so I can start on a new one. 12/17/05- After weeks straight of writing my Avatar fanfic is almost finished. I am hoping to post it by mid January. The reason I'm not posting it chapter by chapter is because I'm the type of person who writes and re-reads and revises and will repeat those steps until I feel like my work is presentable. I project that there will be about twenty four or twenty-five chapters to my fanfic, most chapters are about seven pages long while others can jump to seventeen pages @_@. 11/19/05 - I'm currently working on an Avatar the last airbender fanfic. It's going to be KataraxZuko romance type thing, using a cliché plot but oh well deal with it. I want to throw some angst in it as well, but that is going to be a real challenge with me because everything creative from me, is always fluffy and angelic. |