Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. 5/12 - oh, dear. I'm sorry everyone! I'm still alive! If anyone's reading this... I'm really sorry about... not writing for so long! but just 2 weeks until summer break and hopefully then I'll have time to catch up - if anyone's still interested! 12/4 - I have uploaded Ch 10 of RAD! today. Thanks for your patience. As for those of you waiting for TCA, I have to say it is currently on hold. I'm sorry, I will try to update it sometime, but I can't right now. FANFICTION PREFERENCES (and Fic Recommendations!) I read Harry Potter, and that's about it. My absolute favorite pairing has got to be the Draco/Hermione pairing! I LOVE IT! I will read the occasional Lucius/Hermione pairing. It's weird, I know, but if done well they're good. I recommend Upon the Altar of Freedom by Morghaine complete or Unexpected Connections by IzzyMalfoy WiP. I also will extend my narrow D/Hr viewpoint to sometimes include a well-done Harry/Hermione (I love Just Friends by amynoelle!), or a love triangle between Draco, Hermione, and someone. I don't mind Harry/Ginny either, but Ron/Hermione is my least favorite pairing. Too predictable, too cliche, and no thrill. I LOVE Post Hogwarts Fics. I prefer PHFs that are D/Hr, include Harry and Ron platonically, and mention other Hogwarts graduates. I adore Temporary Insanity by arbitrary (WiP). I hate cliches. I love parodies of them, though. I recommend The Ultimate Harry Potter Cliche Catalogue by clamchowder1 or Merlin, Not Another Cliche! by The Dying Duck. There are so many amazing Draco/Hermione stories. Check out my favorites, but there are loads I love that aren't even on there. Just keep looking, and I'm sure you'll find some totally awesome stories. ABOUT ME I'm 16 and a junior in high school. I love to write. Fluff |