welcome to story-update-paloza week! well here is the story i posted a snippett of in the last chapter of home again. i've had more than a few pm's requesting it be posted, so here you go. there are just a few things you need to know before reading this.....akamaru does talk, but so far only those in the inuzuka clan can understand him.....my readers are smart so i'm pretty sure you'll figure out why. i didn't change anything i don't think...it's just a little longer. i probably should start writing the next chapter of home again. i mean i did say i'd post it on dec 9th. whew....let's see if i can pull that off!

this fic is also set in the good ole ninja world of konoha and not AU. also kiba is a little more animalistic and cultured in this story. so don't get mad if he seems bossy and domineering. i'm trying so hard to write him a little differently. you'll see what i mean as it progresses. the same with sakura as far as trying to right her in a different way too, and sakura's just a little snobby and bitchy. so if they seem ooc sorry...but it's my fic! *sticks tongue out* to be honest this story came about after listenting to carrie underwood's, 'last name.' i think that's the name of the song...and it was initially to be a one shot, but i can't stop talking so here you have it.

so i don't own naruto. and that really sucks.

and i'm trying to think if i've forgotten anything....probably.

CHAPTER ONE Akamaru Speaks...Sorta.

Sakura's senses did not like her at the moment. The sunlight hit the face of Konoha's second best medic, causing her to tighten her eyes. The taste in her mouth was bitter, and strong and her tongue felt heavy. There was a smell in the room that she didn't recognize. Almost sweaty and if she had to describe it, dirty and raunchy. The fabric of the sheets felt rough and damp against her naked skin. The arm around her waist kept her close and protected by the person lightly snoring behind her.


Sakura's thoughts started to process.




'Oh fuck!' Sakura thought. 'Where the hell am I?'

Her eyes opened quickly to take in the room.

'Oh dear God,' she internally groaned. She had no idea where she was. For that matter she didn't know what, hopefully man, was behind her spooning her. Her eyes went down to look at the arm. Hairy and muscular, so it had to be a man. Oh and that obviously large bulge poking her in the back. A little part of her was relieved to know she hadn't strayed to the other side of the fence, in her drunken state like TenTen had once before. The weapons expert was never able to look at Anko the same.

The wall in front of her was white and she peeked down to see if anything could possibly give her a clue to who's room she was in. The floor was bare other than a few dust balls that had formed.

'Whoever this is needs a maid,' she thought.

Her eyes wandered up to the window which only had blinds and no curtains. A small sigh escaped her lips.

Deciding to make a stealthy ninja escape, she slowly pulled back the sheet. Sure enough she was completely naked. Her lip bit in concentration, she moved to swing her feet over the side of the bed without waking the man beside her. The cool air hit his skin, and he must have gotten a chill because he pulled her back into him and nuzzled and licked her neck seductively.

'Fuck,' she thought. She was more annoyed with herself because she liked the sensation of being this close to him.

After waiting for a few moments she attempted to leave again. A little faster than the first time she pulled the cover back and swung her feet over replacing her body with the pillow that was under her head. Misjudging the floor she slipped and landed with a small thud.

Her naked body kept quiet not to awake him, and she crawled to find her clothing. The skirt in her hand as she felt around for her undergarments, shoes, and top.

'My bra,' she picked it and her underwear up. Upon examining the underwear she realized they were not hers and tossed them back under the bed. She squinted her eyes to see several more pairs scattered under the bed. 'Unfreakin believable,' she shook her head, trying to figure out who this was.

By the doorway were pieces of her underwear. Three pieces of fabric that had once been her panties were shredded, and when she saw her top, it was in worse condition.

'Damn it!' Her mind trying to figure out how she was going to get home in only a skirt and bra. The dresser drawer slid open slowly, and fumbled her hand around the inside. She pulled out a white wife beater. The fabric slipped over her head. She put on her shoes and continued to crawl toward the door. Curiosity got the better of her, and she raised up enough from all fours to see the man in the bed.

Her mouth fell open at the naked and incredibly gorgeous body of the one Inuzuka Kiba. The tan skin was almost glowing in the sunlight. His face was relaxed. The muscles of his arms were flexed while he hugged the pillow in his arms, showing off the ANBU tattoo. The entire look of the jounin made Sakura's stomach not just tighten in a knot, but also tingle. Something deep inside her told her to crawl back on top of that man and take him. There were several hickeys on his chest and neck. The thought of how they got there made her blush. Her body felt hot all over.

'Maybe I didn't do all those?' Sakura tried to convince herself.

Her eyes widen when she traced his stomach to the length in between his legs. Her hands clutched the shirt tightly, but not as tight as her legs pressed together from desire. This boy, no man, was hung and sex just leaked out of him even in his sleep. And God did she want more of it. No wonder her back and legs hurt. Shaking her head she crawled out of the room and toward the living room.

Halfway she met a figure that she didn't expect to see. The Inuzuka's nin dog was on the floor by the couch.

'How the hell am I going to get past him.' Sakura asked herself.

Barely letting out a breath she moved toward the door. She was a few feet away when the dog's eyes opened.

"Where are you going? Kiba's going to be pissed to see you leave." Akamaru said. He looked at her amused.

"Judging by the panties under his bed, I'm sure he's used to women leaving like this." Sakura whispered. She continued to move toward the door.

"Most stay for a little morning romp or at least breakfast." The dog said after he yawned.

"I'm not most women. This," Sakura pointed for emphasis, "was a mistake. I'm engaged to another man."

"Like he's going to care after what happened between the two of you." Akamaru answered. "This is different, and I doubt a mistake."

"Wait when did you start talking?" Sakura asked. She was sure the only one's who were able to understand the nin dogs were Inuzukas. The confusion caused Akamaru to laugh at the woman. He placed his head back on his paws and closed his eye not saying another word.

"I have to go." Sakura said leaving the apartment. She figured this was part of the aftermath of her hangover. Moving to the rooftops toward her home, she wondered how the hell her mentor could drink so much and get anything done.

'Silly woman, like she can just leave after what they did,' the nin dog thought drifting back off to sleep. 'At least my master picked someone beautiful.'

The hot water that hit Sakura's body was suppose to relax her. Instead it burned and stung the various bite marks that covered her. She would have to wear a high collared shirt to cover the deep one on her neck. That one was particularly sensitive and swollen. She hadn't tried to heal it but she couldn't understand why. Something inside her said to leave it. As she inspected the rest of her body she found another marking on the inside of her thigh very close to her womanhood. This mark she touched.

Her body ached with a sensation she'd never felt. A flood of memories swamped her. Kiba kissing her, his hands going down her side pulling at her top then ripping it as he started to kiss her chest. Sakura saw herself gripping his pants tugging at them as hard as she could then sucking on his neck, then chest, then her tongue flicked inside his belly button, then her mouth went.


A blush covered her entire body when the memory of him above her driving into her. His voice was replaying in her head over and over calling her name.

She touched the spot again and her knee buckled at the feeling she only guess was an orgasm taking over her.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck,' she whispered, clutching the handle on the glass shower door.

As the feeling faded, guilt took over. She could only think of Mukotsu. There was no way he could ever know about this.

Kiba woke up and shifted in the bed. The body that had been there the night before was gone, and he missed the warmth. With a scratch behind his head, he yawned as he sat up. The bones in his body cracked when he did his daily stretch. Despite feeling rested, the dog nin felt something was missing.

"Ah, pink's gone," he said. As usual one of his conquests felt guilty about their previous nights activities, and snuck away.

"Damn I was going to make her my special waffles." Kiba said to no one. There was something different about Sakura leaving. A nagging feeling was in the pit of his stomach. His promiscuity was know throughout most of Konoha's social circles, so another girl leaving should not bother him. If anything it should make his morning easier. No awkward small talk or that weird clinginess that some women get. His abilities in the bed, caused many women to want more from him than he was ready to give.

He thought all women were a little crazy. You just have to find the one that's least crazy to you and that's the one you marry. Or that's how his dad had explained girls to him. So far he hadn't found one that didn't seem insane. Not that he had been looking for Mrs. Inuzuka. This didn't mean that he disliked women. Quite the opposite. Kiba loved women. Their curves, scent, soft skin, screams of passion, shaking his head he stopped that train of thought. It would only cause him to spend another thirty minutes taking care of a fantasy or two.

He laughed to himself and got out of bed. The feeling that something was missing still nagged at him. In the bathroom he took care of the normal morning routine. He was lucky to only have a slight headache. His body had become accustom to the late nights and drinking. Looking in the mirror, he grinned at the marks left on his body.

"Haruno Sakura," he chuckled. "Who knew you were so wild in bed?"

He rubbed his chest, thinking of how out of all the rookies he was the one to end up in bed with the pink haired medic.

No one would really believe it. In the past three years she stopped taking missions working only at the hokage's office and hospital. It was a shame too because she had become one hellava kunoichi. Strength, intelligence, and passion all in one package. The death of the Uchiha bastard had caused her to withdraw from their group all together. Each one thought it was because she needed space and time to deal with losing her first love. The other ten thought she would also return to the group when her grieving was over.

Apparently being excellent shinobi didn't mean they were always right. Sakura began to move in different social groups. She lived in a non-shinobi part of the village and even dated the second assistant to the feudal lord.

Kiba rarely saw her anymore, unless he was injured. It sucked too for Naruto and Ino, mainly because they were the closest to the girl.

Naruto had lost his best friends, and his team. He found comfort in the arms of the Hyuuga's branch child. And Ino began to date, Shino of all people. Kiba grinned at his teammate landing the blond. Now that was a crack couple. It was almost as funny as Chouji and Hinata being engaged, but they were. Shino was happy with the blond, and surprisingly Ino managed a blush still when Shino would hold her hand. Chouji treated Hinata as if she truly was a princess, and that was all Shino and Kiba could ask for someone that was dating their 'little sister.'

Kiba tried to not scold himself too hard for breaking one of his own rules. The girls in his rookie class were off limits. Even before Chouji and Shino claim their girlfriends, Kiba felt it would be too difficult for missions, if he'd ever spent a night with any of the girls. So what had changed to make him do this. It wasn't the alcohol. He still had good judgment even drunk, but something was different.

Why did he give in to Sakura? Yeah she was ninety five percent of what he wanted in a woman, the only problem was he wasn't looking.

The images of her the night before at Chouji's and Hinata's engagement party came back to him. She looked hotter than Hades and the swivel of her hips on the dance floor was intoxicating. Her attitude had changed drastically. She'd withdrawn herself so much from others that she had become some what of a snob. Spending so much time with the feudal lord and the wealthy of Fire Country had changed her.

She only politely spoke to her classmates and until she had a few shots in her, she basically looked bored and down on all her former friends. Ino had begged her just to get her to come the party. Sakura's face showed her attendance was only out of respect for the couple.

Kiba stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. He walked back into his room to dress. Akamaru was sniffing the side of the bed Sakura had occupied.

"Morning Akamaru." Kiba spoke. "What are you doing?"

"Getting her scent in my head," the dog answered. His nose on the pillow.

"You already know her scent," he pulled out a pair of boxers.

"It's different now you know that." Akamaru hopped down from the bed and looked at Kiba's confused face. "You do know that right?"

"I know it's too early for you to start talking like a crazy dog." Kiba pulled an undershirt over his head. For some reason Kiba had become angry and frustrated.

"You don't know? I should have known better. Shino's right, you are going to run this clan into the ground. You aren't just a pretty face, think boy." Akamaru demanded.

"What are you talking about?" Kiba leaned over the dog in a dominant stance. "That Aburame and you have no idea how to run our clan, you asshole."

"Yeah, but weboth know when we've marked someone!" Akamaru watched Kiba. He understood his master well enough that he'd never hurt him, but the nin dog didn't want to deal with the aggressiveness of his master.

A frown crossed his face as Akamaru's words sunk in and realization took over.

"Fuck me." Kiba whispered and sat on the bed with one pants leg on and the other dropping to the floor. The gears in his head started to turn quickly. He could remember biting her on the neck, so it wasn't that bad. The mark on her neck would fade soon as well as the temporary connection. He sighed with relief at that thought. Sakura would be a little clingy for a week or so, but nothing major.

If he had bitten her in both the neck and the inner thigh, then he would worry. The lazy smile covered his face.

"Sounds like we need a mission till this wears off." Kiba said to his companion. He pushed his leg through the pants.

Kiba wasn't unintelligent by any means. Many people underestimated his intelligence. In a group of shinobi with the Shikamaru, Neji, Shino, and Sakura it was harder to stand out for your brain. Kiba had a habit of jumping to conclusions first, then thinking about the situation. A downfall of being so close to the canine breed. No Kiba wasn't stupid, he just thought with his crotch more than his head at times.

Akamaru looked at the future head of his clan, and shook his head, "Well I'd advise a long one then. Once your mother gets a whiff of you and finds that you've marked someone without meeting her you're in deep shit."

Kiba shuddered at the thought of dealing with his mother so early in the morning.

Sakura finished her shower getting ready to the hokage tower. Shizune was on maternity leave after she and Kakashi had given birth to their daughter, and Sakura was taking over part of the assistant's duties. What she was unable to cover, Kotetsu and Izumo were doing. Lucky for her Mokutsu was working that day and had not called her. The village was bustling as usual and the sidewalks crowded. The kunoichi did not want to go to work, but it wasn't much of a choice.

What she wanted to do was stay at home in silence trying to figure out how she had ended up in this situation. She had dated Mokutsu for over a year and engaged to him for five months. His clan required a year engagement before marriage. She was happy with him. They had a connection and shared several interests. Had she ruined that by one wild night with Kiba? Of course she had, seeing as she entered the apartment a virgin and now, well now she snorted at her new sexual status.

She was sure if she asked Kiba to keep the secret he would. He may be promiscuous, but he was also honorable and would respect her wishes. She had never heard him brag about any of his conquests. She didn't think he did. Sakura didn't hang out with them anymore. That shouldn't matter though. Covering up the night with him by demanding he keep silent and trying to move past last night was her only option.

The problem was that small piece of skin that covered her womanhood was now gone. There was no way to cover that up. The wedding would be a minimum of eight months away and maybe just maybe it would close a little. Mokutsu was a virgin too, which was Sakura's good fortune. He wouldn't know what to expect either. Thankfully.

If the real truth was being told, Sakura did not want to be at home. Her true desire was to be back with Kiba, flat on her back staring into those eyes. Those deep brown eyes, kissing, licking, rubbing, and feeling him as he put that mouth on her breasts. That move that made her knees quiver when she thought of his tongue and licking the insides of her folds. Why was her body betraying her? What did that mutt do to her? And how much longer would her mind be able to keep her body from marching over to his apartment and riding him into the bed sheets.

But lady luck was cruel to the girl and said shinobi was entering the hokage tower at the same time she did. Kiba felt his pants tighten when the scent of Sakura hit his nose. He looked around and could see her walking through the crowd toward the hokage tower. Not only was there a strong need in his crotch to grab the kunoichi, but his heart felt the same yearning. He told his heart that was only due to the bit on her neck.

"Inuzuka san," she spoke politely as she entered the building.

"Haruno san." Kiba returned the formalities. Akamaru barked at his master's mistress.

"Hello to you as well Akamaru." Sakura responded.

"Last night could not nor did not happen." Sakura stated stiffly.

"I see." Kiba answered. He fell into place with her climbing the stairs.

"I have a fiancé, and a reputation. I can't be associated with someone of your clan's stature." Sakura stopped and looked at him.

Kiba could swear it was a look of distaste and disgust.

"What the fuck does that mean Haruno?" Kiba paused and grabbed her shoulders.

"It means my fiancé is a very important person in this village. And as his future bride I have to think of his reputation and how I carry myself. I have a responsibility and people like us don't have one night stands, or even socialize with animals such as yourself." Sakura finished and pulled away from him.

"Funny, but I've got the bite marks that prove otherwise." Kiba snapped back. "Plus I have nothing to lose if it gets out."

Sakura was taken aback by his comment. "You wouldn't dare say a word!"

The doorway at the top of the staircase opened, and Shikamaru began descending the stairs. Silence fell between the pair as they stared at their feet.

"Did I interrupt something?" Shikamaru eyed the two shinobi, who shook their heads. He snorted and started, "Kiba man, we're headed over to Paradise tonight, if you're up to it."

"Nah man, I'm looking for a mission right now. One that'll take me outta the village for at least a few days." Kiba chuckled.

"Whose girl did you fuck now?" Shikamaru asked. He stopped on the stair beside Sakura. Kiba never ceased to amaze him.

Akamaru turned his head to Kiba at the feeling of aggression that was coming from his master. He eyed the Nara man and looked back at his master.

Sakura cleared her throat. "Nara san, I'd expect something so crude from that mutt's mouth, but not yours."

An evil glint passed Kiba's eyes. "Really Sakura, that's not what you said before remember?"

"No I don't remember Kiba san, but if you'll excuse me, I have more than enough D rank missions to assign," with a smirk that rivaled Tsunade's, Sakura continued up the stairs. A slam of the door caused both men to loose their balance.

"What crawled up her ass?" Shikamaru asked.

Akamaru laughed at the comment.

"If only I could tell you man." Kiba patted the other's back.

After a half hour talking to Shikamaru, Kiba was sitting on a bench outside of the Hokage's office.

"She smelled good didn't she?" Akamaru asked. He looked at Kiba cautiously.

"Yeah, I don't remember how much chakra I put into that bite. Or maybe it's because it's the first time I've ever marked someone." Kiba leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knee. A thoughtful look on his face.

"That could be it. Or it could be something more." Akamaru continued. He needed to tread on this subject lightly.

Telling Kiba he had a permanent mate would not go well, but having him go ballistic on some poor guy who stood to close to her or touched the medic would be disastrous. The encounter with Shikamaru had been innocent, but Kiba was reacting to the shadow nin without realizing it. His stance had changed to an aggressive one, and his scent was one of a person ready to attack. Akamaru could only imagine what would happen if Kiba saw the woman kissing her fiance.

"I don't think it could be any more than what it is boy. I do know that her scent is driving me mad," the dog nin said.

The door of the Hokage's office opened, and a genin team came out with their sensei, Rock Lee.

"Kiba kun, how are you today?" Lee asked. "Students, this is Inuzuka Kiba and his companion Akamaru. He is the best tracking ninja Konoha has ever seen."

Kiba felt a blush take over as the team stood at attention and bowed to him. Akamaru smiled at the group.

"Thanks, Lee. I'll see you guys later. Train hard and listen to your sensei." Kiba said.

"Hai Kiba san!" The three genin shouted, and took off down the hall behind their sensei's shouts of hard work and youth.

"At least he doesn't have them in green spandex." Akamaru laughed.

"They should be thankful." Kiba answered. He stood in front of the hokage waiting for the pink haired medic to give out his assignment. He expected a mission of near impossibility after the scene between the two of them in the stairway.

Sakura handed him a scroll without even looking or speaking to him.

When he read the assignment, "What the hell is this?"

"Your mission Inuzuka san." Sakura smiled sweetly.

"This is a D ranked mission!" Kiba shouted.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn." Akamaru chuckled.

Kiba found it odd when Sakura agreed with Akamaru.

"Hokage sama, I can't do this mission. Washing the bed sheets at the retirement home, that's genin's work," the heir argued.

"Yes Sakura don't we have anything else?" Tsunade asked. The blond was just a little on the hung over side and didn't feel like an argument.

"Let's see. Supervising the academy's field trip." Sakura shuffled the papers. "Here's one as a personal dog walker for one of the clan wives. I'm sure you used to walking behind a dog cleaning up their shit. You are an Inuzuka after all."

"SAKURA!" Tsunade reprimanded.

Akamaru merely whined at the comment. This was going down hill fast. If Sakura wasn't careful Kiba would get aggressive with her, and as his mate there was nothing Akamaru could do to stop him.

"Yup, I'm an Inuzuka, and I know a bitchwhen I see one." Kiba snarled.

"I could go on and on cause I have enough D rank missions to last weeks." Sakura locked eyes with the male.

Akamaru whined as Kiba's alpha male personality started to come out. Kiba was ready to pull Sakura over the table and make her submit.

"Sakura I suggest you look again." Tsunade interjected. The tension was getting higher in the office.

"The problem Shishou is that each of the higher missions require a level of discretion, trust, and secrecy." Sakura's eyes never left Kiba's.

"Fine, I get it Sakura. I can keep quiet, now change the fuckin assignment." Kiba leaned over the desk. Sakura tried her best to continue to lock eyes with the man, but finally turned away looking through the papers.

"Oh wait here's one that requires a two man tracking team. Kiba on your way out, could you have the messenger send for Hinata and Shino." Sakura made her last attempt to drive home her point.

"Sakura, I said I get it, and I won't repeat myself again, change my fuckin mission." Kiba was so far over the table his nose touched Sakura's.

Akamaru was almost in a frenzy. He knew Kiba didn't realize why he was being so aggressive, but he couldn't interfere. Whether they knew it or not the two humans were mates. With a final huff of submission Sakura snatched the papers from his hand, and handed him the new mission.

"Fine, I forgot I already had Shino summoned," the female stated still looking down at the desk.

Tsunade stared at the two unsure of what was going on between them. One thing she was sure of was the tension definitely wasn't over mission assignments. Something more was happening, and she was too tired to ask what. Her apprentice had not been this fired up in a long time, the slug mistress enjoyed the show. Shizune still had another four weeks of leave and Tsunade wondered if this would happen each time the Inuzuka came into the office. If it did she was sure the pair would be naked and on her desk within a week.

Pulling back some of the dignity her position and office deserved she demanded, "Is this over, everyone happy?"

"Mph." Kiba said as he turned to wait outside for Shino. He had to get away from her. She had the nerve to talk down to him like that. Akamaru was muttering for him to calm down.

"Whatever," the pink hair girl answered.

The head of the village roller her eyes and spoke again. "Sakura I need those files from the storage room."

Sakura stood walking into the hallway. Proof that her kunoichi skills had slowed or perhaps Kiba's speed had improved Sakura's back was slammed against the wall. Her wrists gripped in his hand and over her head. The natural temper flared within her as she felt his breath fan against her cheek.

"Don't ever challenge me again!" Kiba spoke in a voice of low, aggressive, controlled anger. There was an emotion coming alive inside him. Akamaru trotted down away from the two. The inu had never felt this way. Part of him wanted to take Sakura right there on the wall. And his body let her know this by pressing his erection against her.

Sakura then did something she never thought she would, and she pushed her hips into him.

"I know how to keep secrets, and how to be discreet," he breathed as his hips began to grind against her body. "I never brag about the women I'm with especially those who are involved, but you will remember I am the alpha."

The heat of his words danced around her ear as she moved her hips in time with his.

"Look at me when I speak to you," he ordered.

Sakura then did the second thing she never expected, she obeyed. She submitted to the Inuzuka, looking into his eyes. Within them she saw lust, intensity, and power. As hard as she tried, she wanted to hold his gaze, but she couldn't there was something about his being that once again forced her to look away.

"That will never happen again." Kiba firmly stated.

The power that was running through him was new. He had a desire to own Sakura. To show her how she was his, and his alone. Their hips continued to move at one pace, his erection throbbing through the fabric and making her shake. The alpha male traced his tongue to the mark on her neck, and it felt like the most natural thing for him to do. The mark was still sensitive. His chakra surrounding it caused Sakura to whimper and slide down the wall. Kiba released her wrists and wrapped his arm around her back, steadying her. The other hand pulling her hair back ever so slightly, exposing her neck to him.

His instinct said to to mark her again. To teach her she belonged to him. He was the dominant and just as his mouth opened to bare his fangs, his mind snapped to reality. Some part of him was saying to stop, to wait. This wasn't right.

But it didn't matter, because here was this woman ready to let him mark her again. To claim her. There was nothing or no one that mattered to him more than this moment, this bonding was more important than anything else could ever be.

He put his forehead against the wall beside her head, still moving their bodies together. As much as he needed to take her again, he was forcing his more basic instincts back. He was trying to control what was going on between the two of them. The warning bark of Akamaru, alerted him to what his nose already knew. Shino was climbing the stairs.

The Aburame heir was more than a little surprised at the scene playing out in front of him. Sakura was pinned to the wall by his best friend. Her expression begging for the body that pressed against her

"Leave, this is between us." Kiba growled to his best friend.

Shino could get a glimpse of Kiba's expression and knew this was bad. There was nothing that resembled human in his eyes.

"No, Kiba release her now," Shino said as calm as always. Akamaru finally barked in agreement. "Kiba this isn't the place for that."

Kiba forced himself away from her. His fists clutched and Shino led him into the office. The Inuzuka was trying to get a hold of his emotions.

Sakura slid down the rest of the wall, stopping on the floor. Her breath was uneven and her thoughts cloudy. She tried to bring herself back, but her mind was lost to what Kiba had done to her. Shaking and sweaty, Akamaru padded over to her.

"I told you it wouldn't be easy for him to let you go," the dog stated and licked her face.

From somewhere in the distance Sakura could hear her name.

"Your master is calling you." Akamaru said.

"Which one?" Sakura barely whispered. She got to her feet, and Tsunade's voice boomed through the building. Akamaru gave her a nudge and stayed close to offer support. This female after all was his master's mate and that meant he would give his life for the human.

She turned the knob on the door and entered.

"Where have you been? I've been calling you for five minutes, " a more than annoyed Tsunade spoke. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so pale and shaking?"

"I'm sorry shishou, I'm not feeling well." Sakura lied. A nervous hand went through her hand.

"Good one," Akamaru barked at his mistress.

"Quiet," she told him. Akamaru's body was leaning against Sakura's steadying her. "Or you'll have to wait outside."

Shino quirked an eyebrow at this exchange as well did Kiba. The dog nin was beginning to think he was in over his head. This whole situation was too much. What happened between them? Her scent had been overwhelming. At the present moment is was full of lust and anxiety. That was just her surface scent. The medic once had a natural scent similar to strawberries, but now it was a mixture of honey and cinnamon and something else he couldn't place. That one piece of the scent was pushing him to take her. It teased him and made him move some of the chakra from his nose. Even that didn't help.

The effect of the marking had to hurry up and pass. A two week mission was perfect. With that scent stuck in his head, he wasn't sure he could trust himself not to follow her home and finish what they started. However Kiba was beginning to wonder if it weren't more to it then he first thought.

poor silly sexy kiba.....he is in for more than he bargained for. ha!

read and review if you feel so inclined.
