
Hey guys,

I've been getting a huge response for this last chapter, and im actually still getting reviews so i want to thank you once again for all of your support.

As predicted, i have also been getting a lot of ...urm...colourful emails in response to Sakura's death. and i'm very sorry once again, but from the very beginning i knew she was going to die and i have been warning everyone of the sad ending all along. I wanted to have a final author's note because i have been getting a lot of questions about sasuke at the end and i wanted to make my intentions clear. My intentions in writing the end of this fic was to give the reader an idea about what happened to sasuke but not to put it so bluntly. But for clarity purposes, when i wrote that she had come to him at the end, i meant that he did in fact die to be with her.

I know this is not as much of a consolation as it would have been if i had just wrote that it was all a dream and she is alive but as a huge sasu/saku fan, i did want them to end with each other ( and i thought that this way was romantic...is that twisted of me?). So i hope that at least brought some happiness to those who were a bit bitter.

Anyways, thank you all for reading and reviewing, I've been wanting to start a new story for ages but i'm being bogged down by school, the final year of high school is killing me! If and when i do find time, my next idea for a fic won't have an angst ending (i promise!), it will actually be VERY adult (catch my drift?)...i feel more inspired to write something like that at the moment than anything too cheery/fluffy or anything too angsty.

So i really hope that you all will give me the same response and support when i decide to start my new fic!

Until then!