Ok so I know it's been a lil minute since I wrote a story but I needed to think of who I wanted to put in my story. Finally it came to me one night. I wanted to write about Sakura. I wanted it to be something good so I decided to put in a twist. I think you will like this story. Well if you don't then...hey what can I say. Anyway, read it and tell me what you think. Here goes!!!!
His unspoken love
Sakura lay in her bed thinking of all the things she had to do. Man was her day going to be busy.
"Sakura-chun...you better get a move on or you'll be late. Oh and don't forget we have a meeting with the Hokageat4:00."
" Yes mom" Sakura said now rolling her eyes.
Sakura got up and got ready for her first day as a Jounin and as Tsunade's newest assistant. She was excited, although she was wondering why her family had a meeting with lady Tsunade. She would see her today before 4:00 so why couldn't she talk to her then. Sakura washed her face, brushed her teeth, got a bite to eat , and headed out.
First she met with the three new genin that she would be training. She trained with them from 8:00 am until noon, then she headed to the hospital for medical nin training. Tsunade had her practicing on a corps. She was to bring it back to life. Tsunade stood next to her and watched to make sure she was doing it right.
" Umm...Tsunade-sama?"
" What is it Sakura?"
"Well, I just wanted to know what was so important about this meeting that my entire family has to attend."
"Sakura... this is not the place nor time for that. When that time comes all of your questions will be answered."
Sakura could see that her question made Tsunade uneasy. When that time comes she will find out why. Sakura left the hospital at 2:45pm to meet up with her family so that they could all walk to the Hokage's office together. As they walked she looked at her mom and noticed that she was avoiding eye contact with her.
" Mom...what is this all about?"
There was no answer. Come to to think of it, no one in her family was talking.
' What is going on?' Sakura asked herself
As they approached Tsunade's office Sakura was told to stay in the hall until she was called in. When her family opened the doors to enter she saw that Kiba's family was there as well. As the doors closed she began to hear footsteps. She could see a figure walking in the distance, but could not tell who it was. Just as she was about to ask who it was she heard a bark. She knew then who it was.
"Oh Kiba... it just you"
"Hey Sakura-chan...what are you doing here?"
"My family had a meeting today with Lady Tsunade...I'm guessing your family is meeting about the same thing as well."
" I don't know...I guess they are. They didn't tell me why we had to come here today." Kiba said.
Both Kiba and Sakura stood in silence for the rest of the time that they waited in the hall. Then finally the doors opened.
" Sakura! Kiba!...you may come in now." Shizune said not looking at either of them.
They entered the room and looked at their families, one on either side of the room. Kiba and Sakura walked in and stopped in the center of the room. Tsunade held up a sheet of paper and asked if they knew what it was, knowing that Sakura knew exactly what it was.
" That is a betrothal certificate." Sakura said, but still not getting what that had to do with her.
Tsunade looked at her and then down at the floor sighing. Then she began to explain.
" Nineteen years ago the two families in this room decided to betroth two of their unborn children. When those two turned eighteen they would marry and there would be an alliance and the two families would become one clan. Guess who those two children were?"
Tsunade put the paper on the desk and slid it toward the two standing in front of her. They both walked up and looked. The paper had two blood spots on it, one by each of there names and underneath there names was that of their parents. Kiba fainted and Sakura stood there with her fists balled. She thought to herself.
' No...No...this can't be happening to me.'
She looked over to her family and asked, "What is the meaning of this?" Every member of her family just looked down and said nothing.
" No!...No I won't do it!"
Turning back to Tsunade she asked, "Why?...Is there no other way? Can't you call this off?"
Tsunade just turned herself around in her chair and stared out the window in silence.
" ANSWER ME...DAMN IT! Answer me...please. I just can't marry Kiba." Tears where now running down her cheeks and dripping off her chin.
"YOU CAN AND YOU WILL!!!! There is nothing you, I ,or anyone else can do to change it...so you better get use to it...and pretty damn quick." Tsunade yelled now looking at Sakura.
Sakura fell to her knees in defeat still crying. She looked over at Kiba who was staring at the ceiling mumbling something to himself. His left eye was twitching, but she could still see the tears that threatened to leak out the side of it. Her mother picked her up and they left.
It was 1:00am and everyone in the house was asleep except Sakura. She sat up in her bedroom in the dark staring out the window. By then she had cried so much that no more tears would come out. She just sat there deep in her thoughts.
' How can they do this to me? I can't marry...Kiba, but what can i do to stop it...run away?' That's when it hit her. ' That's it! I'll run away!' With that said Sakura got up and packed as quickly as she could then slipped out her bedroom window.
Before she left Konoha for good she stopped by all her friends bedroom windows to see them for the last time. Sakura had no idea where she was headed but she knew she couldn't stay ran all night and by sun rise she was in the dessert. She continued to walk, but by noon the sun was beginning to get to her. Being in such a rush she forgot the one thing that was the most important. ' water '. As she walked she could feel her legs starting to give out on her and her eye site getting blurry. Five minutes later Sakura fell and passed out.
As she tried to reopen her eyes she could see someones feet standing in front of her. She tried to speak but nothing came out, then she passed out again,but not before feeling someone lift her up.
Soooo, what do you think? I wanted to leave you in the dark to build the suspense. Who do you think will save Sakura from the brink of death. Do you think it was wise to run away? Should she give Kiba a chance? Please review!!!