Sorry everyone but I have decided to end this story. I have lost my interest in this story so here is the last chapter everyone hope you like.

Chapter 4: Maybe it will work out

Sakura felt ashamed and stared down at her feet as Gaara told Tsunade the news. She peeked over at her sensei to see that her jaw, along with Shizune, was hanging loose from their sockets.

"Y-You two!" Tsunade stared at them.

"Yes Lady Hokage, it was a mistake that we wish to take back. But sadly the damage has been done. So I believe it is best for Sakura to come to Suna with me." Gaara explained.

Tsunade continued to stare at the two in disbelief. Never in her life would she expect these two to be in this mess like this, but that's what happens when you have too much to drink. And trust me she made a big mistake when she drank with Jiraiya. But that's not the point; the point is that the Kazekage was planning on taking Sakura with him to Suna so that it wouldn't look so bad when the baby comes.

Taking a deep breath the blonde Hokage looked at them. "Very will, I will give Sakura promotion to leave Konoha and go with you to Suna. Hopefully you two will figure things out from there."

Sakura let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She looked up to her sensei with a smile. She was glad that Tsunade was so understood with stuff like this.


"You did WHAT!?!" a black haired woman shouted.

"Please calm down Yuffie, we now we made mistake and we're taking responsibility for it." Gaara said calmly.

Gaara, Sakura and Yuffie were having lunch at sushi bar that wasn't to far from the Hokage tower. Yuffie was the first person they told after Tsunade.

Yuffie was stunned to hear the Sakura was pregnant and Gaara was the father. For more then seven years she has known Gaara and taught him about the ways of life, especially about sex. It was so cute to see the look upon his face when she talked to him about sex. He had so many questions and was red a cherry when he asked them. But now he has done all the things he asked about when he was younger, what happen to that Gaara?

"I do hope you two will." Yuffie sat back in her chair.

"Trust us Yuffie we will figure this out once we get to Suna." Sakura spoke.

"I see, and what are you two going to do when you get their?" the older woman asked.

"We're not sure at this moment, I'll make sure Sakura and the baby has everything that they need though." Gaara explained.

"Really?" Yuffie's eyes widen a bit but then she smiled. "That's good to hear Gaara, I'm glad your taking reasonability for your actions"

Gaara looked away from the black haired woman as he tried to hide the blush. He hated feeling embarrassed, this wasn't him at all. And worse off all people knew that he had to make 'contacted' with Sakura to be able to have a baby. And the thought of how people knew they made contact… well he doesn't like the idea of people thinking of him like that.

"That reminds me I need to make a call, I'll be right back." Yuffie left the table.

The red head watched the kunoichi disappeared around the corner leaving him and Sakura alone.


The red head jumped a bit and looked over to Sakura. He almost forgot she was next to him.

"Do you… Do you really mean it when you said that you'll make sure that me and the baby will have everything we need?" Sakura asked a little nervously.

Gaara paused for a moment and stared at the woman next to him. "Of course, you don't expect me to let you over work yourself to get the things you need. After all eight months from now you'll have to be on bed rest."

"Oh, right of course." She turned red.

Sakura was a little surprise to hear that Gaara was going to make sure she and the baby need everything. At first she thought that Gaara was going to bring her back to his village so he wouldn't look bad and keep an eye on her. But she never expected him to make a commitment like a boyfriend or husband.

"Why do you look surprise, do you really think that I wasn't going to take care of you?" Gaara asked, with a hurt look in his eye.

"No of course not it's jus-Hey!" Sakura jumped out of her seat a bit as a loud voice come from behind them.

"Hello Naruto." Gaara said calmly.

"Why did you shout in our ears you baka!" Sakura glared at him.

"Jess Sakura all I wanted is to say hi and don't call me a baka." Naruto took Yuffie's seat. "What are you two up to?"

"Talking." Sakura looked away to hide the blush.

"About what?" the blonde asked.

"About the baby." Gaara said calmly.

Sakura stared at the red head with her jaw hanging lose as her eyes were huge as dinner plates. She couldn't believe that he told Naruto like it was no big deal. Slowly she turned to Naruto to see him staring at Gaara with wide eyes.

"W-What baby?" Naruto asked.

The pink haired kunoichi let out a sigh and lean back in her chair. "Naruto… I'm pregnant."

"YOUR WHAT!?!" the blonde yelled at the top of his lugs that caused everyone to look at them.

"Not so loud Naruto." Sakura whispered.

"How can you be pregnant, who's the father!?" Naruto asked as he tried to keep his voice down.

"Am I." the red head stated.

With that Naruto's jaw hit the table as he stared at them with disbelief. His two best friends did it and now they are going to have a baby? When were they going to tell him nine months from now when it's born?!

"And she's coming with me to Suna." Gaara added.

"What, why does she have to go?!" he shouted again.

"Naruto please be quiet and listen. The reason I have to go is because people with start talking and Gaara can't have that. Not only will it cause him trouble but for me to." Sakura explained to her friend.

The blonde ninja lead back in his chair as he stared at the couple in front of him. Now that he thought about it, it would look bad for Gaara if he had a child here in Konoha and not even married. But what do they plan on doing when they reached the Sand village?

Naruto faced the red head Kazekage and glared at him a bit. "Listen Gaara, even though your one of my best friends that doesn't mean I'll beat you to the ground if something happens to Sakura. So you better treat her right and take good care of her, understand."

"Naruto." Sakura spoke his name in a dangerous voice.

Gaara stared at his blonde friend with his normal emotionless face. It seems that Naruto's threat didn't affect him at all. But Naruto didn't expect him to flinch though it was hard to scary Gaara anyway.

"I will." Gaara spoke.

Soon Naruto broke out into his famous foxy grin. "Good to hear."


It was time, time to leave her home and head to the Sand village. Sakura was a little disappointed that she had to leave so soon but understood that Gaara need to return.

"You ready?"

She whipped her head around to see Gaara standing behind her. She smiled and nodded and headed for the gates.

It was hard to past through the gates knowing that she wouldn't come back to her village for who knows how long. But she had to do this no matter what. She closed her eyes in hopes that it might ease her pain that was spreading through her heart. She couldn't watch herself leaving the village she just couldn't.

Suddenly she felt an arm wrapped around her waist and brought her close to a strong chest. Her eyes shat open and looked up to see that it was Gaara. She relaxed a bit as they continued to walk.

"Sakura." She looked at him. "Promise me that you'll take it easy on this trip and don't fight if enemy ninjas attack."

"Why, I can take care of myself Gaara!" she glared at him.

"I know your strong Sakura there's no doubt about it, but I'm worried that you might risk your self getting hurt. You have to remember that you carrying our child and you might put it in danger." He explained.

Sakura felt really stupid right now, what he said was true. If she did get into a fight not only will she risks herself getting her but the baby to. A smile slowly graced her lips as she looked down at her stomach and place her hand on it. To her surprise she found a larger hand over hers. She looked but to Gaara and found him… smiling.

"Sakura I want you to know something." He brought her closer to him as they continued to walk. "I'm… glad that I got drunk with you and we spent that night together. You're a strong, intelligent and beautiful kunoichi that I admire, and I don't want anyone else to carry my child then you." He kissed her forehead.

Sakura was indeed shock by his words but then broke out into a huge grin. She too was kind of glad that she drunk with him and end up pregnant with his child. He was taking reasonability that no guy would ever show. But he was different then the other guys.

She tip toe and kissed his cheek and snuggled up to him. Maybe this will work out.

-The End-

Again people I've lost interest this story and don't convince me to keep going please.

Please Review!