So I am going to come out and say this right off the hop. I am super nervous about posting this, not only is it my first ItaSaku story but also my first EVER supernatural based fic. I have never written anything of the sort so please let me know if I suck at it aha. If I don't get any reveiws I won't post the second chapter (this will be a 2 chapter story)

Also SasuNaru is an on the side couple here, so if you are here just for them I hate to say it but you will be disappointed ( I will be posting a multi-chaptered story about them in the future as well as a multi-chaptered ItaSaku story. So if you are interested follow me so you know when its posted.)

Thanks to my beta demoncookie8D for stepping up and helping me out.

Disclaimer- Sadly I don't own Itachi or any of the other Naruto characters.

On with the show...ugh I cant kill this nervousness! ('0000' means times skip!)

Things That Go Bump In The Night.

Part 1

The first few encounters weren't so bad. A flickering light here and there. The television turning on and off again. Little things Itachi and his wife of 3 years chalked up to a simple electrical problem. Truth was, Sakura loved the small farm house they had bought just 2 years after getting married. Mamoru, their 2 year old chocolate lab, loved the freedom he was granted to run around in the huge yard that came with the house. It was a fairly old place that had been gutted and refurbished completely only months before they moved in.

"Itachi, I don't think it's the electrical." Sakura said, standing to the side of her husband who was currently down in the basement of the house checking the wiring in the ceiling carefully. She rested her hand on her extended stomach. "Everything was rewired when they renovated the place." She reminded him. He looked down at her from his perch on the ladder.

"Yes, I'm aware of that, but they must have went wrong somewhere. How else do we explain the flickering lights and the TV?" he asked, one brow raised in question. Sakura looked down slightly before bringing her palm up and rubbing her forehead for a second before sighing, feeling tired.

"Yea. I suppose." She agreed before turning around and heading toward the stairs. "Your brother and Naruto will be here any minute now, I should probably finish dinner. Don't stay down here too long, I may need your help." She said her voice slowly getting quieter as she waddled up the stairs and away from him.


"We come baring gifts!" Naruto shouted in his usual boisterous voice as he handed Sakura the bottle of red wine with a grin on his face. Sasuke reached up and flicked his boyfriend on the ear, earning a disgruntled mumble from the blonde.

"Dobe! Use your inside voice, besides it's not like you brought it for anyone but yourself. Sakura can't drink it and you know my brother and I hate the stuff." Sasuke said sounding serious, but a stupid grin was plastered on his face, letting Sakura know he was just kidding around. Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Oh, right." He said with a laugh. "How far along are you again?" he asked Sakura as he looked down at Sasuke's little unborn nephew.

"7 months." She answered. Naruto knelt down and placed both hands on either side of her stomach before placing his ear against it, mumbling a soft 'hello, little Uchiha'. Seemingly satisfied after a moment he stood and looked at Sasuke.

"You should say hello to our nephew." Naruto said seriously.

Sasuke looked at him, "Our nephew? Try my nephew..."

"Oh please, you were the one who said what's mine is yours. That means that little guy," Naruto said, jabbing a finger in the direction of Sakura's stomach, "Is my nephew too." Sasuke grinned and looked a little nervously at Sakura.

"It's fine. I will say hi to him when he's born." He said, slightly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Oh come on Sasuke." Sakura said with a laugh. "Go ahead." She insisted grabbing his hand and placing it against her stomach. He gasped when he felt a tiny foot kick at his hand. Sakura laughed at the look on the younger man's face,

"Did he just kick me?" Sasuke asked, surprised. Sakura nodded as he removed his hand. "That was cool." Sasuke admitted.

"Apparently he's only really responsive to his father and Uncle Sasu." Sakura giggled as Sasuke grimaced at the nickname.

"Oh come on! No fair! He kicked for you but wouldn't for me!?" Naruto asked dejectedly.

"It's an Uchiha thing." Sasuke laughed rubbing Naruto's back reassuringly "Sakura even said he only kicks for me and my brother. Don't feel so down about it." Instead of reassuring Naruto the blonde only began to pout even more.

"Hm." He said crossing his arms miserably

With a small smile at their display Sakura turned around and began her journey to the kitchen while sidestepping a rather excited Mamoru (Ru for short) as he barreled toward his two favourite guests; tail wagging and tongue hanging out of his mouth as per usual.

"Ru!" Naruto shouted, disappointment all but forgotten as he knelt down to give the dog a proper rub down and accept the many face licks that were to come.

After Sasuke got in his hello's he shouted to Sakura in the kitchen. "Hey where is my brother?"

"Basement. Fixing…or breaking something." she laughed. Sasuke grinned and went toward the basement door before disappearing down the stairs.

"Mmm…Sakura what's for dinner?" Naruto asked coming up to the side of her as she stirred something on the stove. She heard the familiar clicking of Ru's nails following him in and she turned to give the dog a look.

"Mamoru, you know better. You aren't allowed in the kitchen when I'm cooking, get out." She said sternly. He turned around and slowly walked out of the kitchen. She turned back to the stove. "As for your question, I'm making Roast Beef."

"Alright, sounds good. Would you like any help?"

"No thank you. Besides if I let you help I'm sure you would end up burning the house down!" Sakura answered while laughing at the insulted expression on the blonde's face.

"Hey! I resent that!" Naruto grumbled before leaving the kitchen to go play with Ru.


Itachi placed a soft kiss against Sakura's temple, pulling her closer to him as the four of them lounged in the living room after dinner, a talk show playing quietly on the TV in front of them. Sakura leaned further into her husband, more tired than she was letting on. Naruto and Sasuke sat on the opposite side of the couch. Naruto's head was resting on Sasuke's shoulder half asleep. The red tinge to his upper cheeks was evidence of the one too many glasses of wine he had had. Sasuke looked down at his boyfriend and sighed.

"I think maybe we should get going" the young Uchiha said with a chuckle. Itachi glanced at his watch which read 10:00.

"It's kind of late…" he observed. Sakura immediately waved her hand in a dismissive gesture.

"No, you guys will stay in the guest room tonight." She said leaving no room for negotiation. Sasuke raised an eyebrow at his brother silently asking if it was okay.

"I think that's a great idea." Itachi agreed "Just give me a moment and I'll get the bed ready for you." He said moving away from Sakura and getting up. Once he was out of the room Naruto's head rolled off Sasuke's shoulder and he did a face plant directly into the raven's crotch. A snort of laughter broke past Sakura's lips at the slightly pained expression the action had forced onto Sasuke's face. He groaned in discomfort before slipping out from under the blonde and standing in front of him.

"Idiot." Sasuke grumbled, recovering from the unintentional attack on his lower regions. He proceeded to pick up Naruto bridal style and head toward the guest room.

"I think it's time for bed. Goodnight Sakura." Sasuke said.

"Goodnight." She giggled as she watched him leave with a very passed out Naruto in his arms. She stood, losing her balance but caught herself quickly. She suddenly felt the temperature drop in the room. It happened so quickly goose bumps sprouted on her skin and she felt herself rub her arms trying to get warm again. Shaking off the uneasiness that came with the unusual temperature change she picked up Naruto's long since empty wine glass and made her way to the kitchen. Sakura heard the click of nails behind her and smiled at Ru who had been sleeping only moments ago. She placed the wine glass in the sink, rinsing it out and turning around. She watched as Ru suddenly froze in the doorway to the kitchen, the hair on his back began to stand up as he looked at her.

"What's wrong boy?" she asked, slightly worried. She looked behind her but there wasn't anything there she could see. She really started to worry when he began to whine, his head bowing and his tail sticking between his back legs. She knelt down and beckoned him over to her but he wouldn't budge. He just kept looking at her and continued his whining.

"What's going on?" Itachi asked, coming to the doorway to the kitchen and looking at the dog oddly. Mamoru instantly calmed, the hair on his back returning to normal and the whining stopped. He then lifted his head hesitantly walking over to Sakura to let her scratch him between the ears. She looked up at her husband with a confused expression on her face

"I don't know, he wouldn't come into the kitchen and he looked scared for some reason. But as soon as you walked up he went back to normal."

"Hm, I'm sure it was nothing." Itachi assured "Come on lets go to sleep." Sakura agreed and motioned for Ru to follow, which he did. Sakura didn't quite catch the way he faltered in step and looked behind him before quickly jogging after his two owners.

The two brushed their teeth and Sakura exchanged her shirt and pants for a navy blue nightgown which made her look like a whale because of the way it draped over her stomach. They both got into bed cuddling close to one another. Ru jumped up eventually and laid down at Itachi's feet.


The next few days passed by in a blur. Sakura stayed home each day while Itachi went to work. She kept herself busy doing laundry, cleaning the already spotless house and taking Ru for a walk down the road. Her nesting instincts had definitely kicked in though, which drove Itachi nuts when all he wanted to do when he got home was to spend time watching a TV show with her; but instead she would constantly be running around dusting this or sweeping the floor for the hundredth time.

Sakura had to admit she definitely missed working but she had been forced to go on maternity leave a few months early due to a mild complication. Working in a hospital was an extremely fast paced environment, and working there had caused unneeded stress on her body, which therefore affected the baby immensely. Though she knew it was for the best she couldn't help but get bored all the days she was left alone.

Today was no exception either. She was currently sitting on the couch, legs curled up under her and her left side leaning up against the arm rest. The cheesy romance novel was clutched in her hands as she re-read the same paragraph for the 5th time in the past 3 minutes. With an exaggerated huff she tossed the book onto the table and sat up, uncurling her legs and stretching them out in front of her.

She got up when she heard a scratching at the back door. Sakura made her way into the kitchen and opened the back door to let the dog in. To her surprise Ru was all the way across the yard by the tree line, chasing a butterfly around happily…nowhere near the door. The sound of scratching had her heart fluttering in her chest. Though she now realized the scratching wasn't coming from the back door, In fact it wasn't even coming from the kitchen at all. Slowly she walked through the door leading into the dining room and turned right where the hallway was located. She followed the soft noise until it brought her to the basement door. Said door was closed but the scratching was persistent.

Hesitantly she reached for the door knob. Just as her hand was about to close around the knob there was a loud bang, making her jump a foot in the air. She watched fearfully as the door looked as if someone was on the other side of it, banging on it repeatedly as if trying to get out. It was shuddering from the pure strength of what was pounding on it on the other side. Pure fear had seemed to swallow Sakura whole in that moment because before she knew it she was jogging out the front door of the house with her shoes on and car keys in hand. She didn't realize she had called Mamoru until he was at her side looking at her curiously. She let him jump in the car before she jumped in the drivers' seat and drove down the road. She had to have been a couple Kilometers down the road before she let herself calm down a little and pull over. She shut off the car and rested her forehead against the steering wheel.

"What the fuck was that?" she found herself asking no one in particular. Ru jumped over the middle consul of the car and sat in the passenger seat facing the road in front of them. Sakura didn't notice the way Mamoru stood up suddenly and began to wag his tail a mile a minute; she also ignored the way he began to whine and breathe heavily out of his nose with excitement. She couldn't, however, ignore the light tapping on the window beside her head because it was that noise that made her nearly jump out of her skin. Her head shot toward the tapping only to me met with the increasingly worried coal black eyes of her husband. His brow was creased slightly as he bent down to look into the car at her. His mouth was set in a slight frown and his long tied back black hair was flowing slightly in the breeze. Without a thought she opened the door and got out of the car before hugging Itachi close to her, breathing in his masculine and calming scent. She felt his arms immediately encircle her as best as they could considering Sakura's large stomach that was in the way. She felt the soft kiss he placed on the top of her head as he silently waited for her to speak.

"I heard scratching and banging on the basement door. I didn't even think I just ran out and drove a ways down the road." She explained her voice tight with the remnants of fear still lingering with her. But as Itachi stiffened and held her tighter the feeling of being safe returned full force.

"Was there someone in the basement do you think?" he asked, unsure if he heard her right.

"I don't know." She answered truthfully.

They both returned to the house and were now standing in front of the basement door. Itachi reached for the door knob before twisting it and opening the door easily. It was dark in the basement but he switched on the light and began to walk down the stairs. Sakura followed hesitantly before Itachi looked back and shot her a look.
"Stay up there, Sakura." He said sternly. She rolled her eyes but did what he said anyway and stood at the top of the stairs waiting for him. He got to the bottom of the stairs and instantly felt cold. His skin prickled with an odd sensation he hadn't felt before as he scanned the relatively empty basement. All that was down there were a few boxes and the laundry machines. Satisfied that the basement was indeed empty he returned to his wife upstairs.

"I don't know what happened…" he began, "there is nothing down there. Maybe you imagined it?" he suggested lightly, she glared at him.

"I didn't just imagine it Itachi, I know what I heard and witnessed." She said, annoyed, before turning around and heading for the living room to sit down.
'Great, she is in a mood now.' Itachi thought with an eye roll. He shut the basement door before walking after her.

So there it is...Should I continue? Is it horrible...still nervous over here ahha...please let me know what you think.

Also as of right now this is rated T would you guys be interested in some M rated loving with ItaSaku in the next chapter? if you do the rating would change. If I get enough people saying yes I will do it but if i also get people saying no I will warn you in the chapter when the lemon will start and stop so you don't have to to read it.


PS. This was inspired by an article I read on facebook. inbox me for the link to the site I read it on! :)