


Once there was a boy who barely made a genin. He had no particular talent for any of the ninja arts and just coasted around with bare minimum of skill required. However, he quickly found out he had a knack for tinkering and scientific research. He joined Konoha's R&D division where he became quite successful until in his early thirties he got promoted to a head of department.

One of the most formative experiences of his life was the Pain Invasion. He would never forget the giant summons trampling all over the village and the technique so powerful that with one hit it turned Konoha into rubble. He was lucky enough to survive that and witness the large-scale battle between Uzumaki Naruto and Pain. It was inconceivable that one person could wield this much power and cause so much destruction and only a person of similar power was able to stop it.

That's when the genin decided on his ambition—to create inventions that would allow normal people to defeat the S-rank ninjas. He wanted to level the playing field, or so to speak.

As the head of his department, the man gained access to the old research taken from the Sound Village remnants after the Fourth Shinobi War. That's how he got his hands on Kabuto's unfinished design of a chakra virus. The man realized that such a bio-weapon would give enormous advantage to Konoha, especially with the ability of targeting specific people as it carried no risk of spreading the disease among population like any natural virus. In fact, the chakra virus was the most deadly to high-level ninja who possessed great chakra reserves. At last, the man found his dream invention.

The scientist submitted his proposal to the Hokage, the same great Uzumaki Naruto who had inspired him many years ago, asking for permission and funding for the secret bio-weapons development. To his complete surprise, the proposal was flat out rejected. The incensed scientist asked for the reason.

After some subtle digging, he found out that it was Uchiha Sakura, the genius medical ninja and a close personal friend to the Hokage, who had vehemently opposed his bio-weapons project. She deemed it unethical, dangerous, unnecessary and even 'warmongering'!

The man tried to fight for his proposal, but he was shut down at every turn, so in the end he dropped the matter before it damaged his career. But inside he was seething. He craved revenge on that high and mighty Uchiha medic-nin and he knew just the way.

In secret, the man finished the work on the chakra virus. Even for a person with genin skills like him, slipping the virus into Uchiha Sakura's tea was a child's play. The man rubbed his hands together and waited for results.

The kunoichi lasted much longer than he thought was possible but in the end even she succumbed to his virus. The scientist was observing her deteriorating state with delight. If even the best medic in the world couldn't heal herself, it only meant that he created an invincible weapon!

Nothing had ever given him such a rush like the knowledge that he killed his first S-rank ninja without exchanging a single blow.

But the man had much bigger plans than just revenge. He was going to produce and sell the virus to any buyer, for the right price of course. So what if Konoha didn't want the fruit of his labour? It was their loss. There would be many other interested parties.

The man was waiting in an abandoned warehouse for his first customer to show up. He was holding a suitcase with the virus in the increasingly sweaty hand, which he wiped on his pants. Knowing the risks of coming there in person, but unwilling to share profits from the exchange with a middleman, he took precautions to protect his identity, like not using his real name and wearing a henge.

A cloaked figure with a suitcase walked into the dim warehouse. That put the man on guard, though it was to be expected the client would want to remain anonymous too.

"You're finally here. Do you have the money?" the scientist asked.

"The goods first," the cloaked person demanded shortly in a muffled voice.

"Together then," the scientist suggested.

They both opened their suitcases, one was filled to the brim with cash and the other had a vial secured inside. The man nodded in satisfaction.

"Looks like everything's in order."

"How do I know it's any good?" the customer asked doubtfully, pointing at the vial.

"I guarantee it! My new chakra virus is unstoppable. It will kill anyone you give it to and it doesn't spread to other people," the scientist said proudly. "It's one hundred percent effective! Did you hear about that famous medic-nin, Uchiha Sakura? It was my virus that killed her!"

His customer laughed out loud and threw back their hood, the unmistakable pink hair spilling out.

"The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated," Uchiha Sakura said to the stupefied man.

"You-you should be dead! How are you still alive?!" he cried out. "My virus is invincible!"

"It's not if you know how to deactivate it," Sakura replied and cocked her arm for a punch.

But the man had one more trick up his sleeve. He'd loaded up the Scientific Ninja Tool beforehand, so he just aimed at Sakura and shot out the Rasengan at her before running off. He didn't even look back to see if the attack hit, all of his concentration dedicated to a safe escape. She still didn't know his real face.

The man reached the backdoor and wrenched it open, only to almost run into the scariest man he'd ever seen. The menacing glare from a red eye with a spinning wheel was enough for the introduction of the infamous Uchiha. The scientist turned on his heel in desperation, but Sakura already caught up with him.

"Shannarooo!" she shouted out and punched him into the floor, making a big crater. The henge dispelled, revealing the true identity of the scientist.

The supporting ninja team involved with the capture operation approached. Shikamaru took a look at the unconscious man and sighed deeply. "So it was really Katasuke... What a drag..." He thought about the Hokage's son's friendship with the criminal and winced with the beginning of a headache. Naruto would be livid. "No matter, cuff him and let's go. We need to raid his apartment and lab next," he ordered his task force.

"What's his sentence going to be?" Sasuke asked.

Shikamaru gave him a side glance. "He committed a serious crime, illegal weapon development, treason, murder attempt... He's not going to see the sun for a long time."

To his surprise, Sasuke nodded in acceptance. Shikamaru expected the Uchiha to demand a harsher punishment for a man responsible for Sakura's illness and the long months of horror their family had been put through as a result.

"I thought you'd be out for blood after what he did," Shikamaru commented casually. "You have no itch for some old-fashioned revenge?"

Sasuke snorted. "Do you take revenge on every insect that bites you?"

"That would be too troublesome..." Shikamaru muttered, getting Sasuke's point. "And now I need to find someone to take over the scientific research department, too..." he complained, unhappy with the idea of additional work caused by the treasonous scientist.

"Actually, I think I can help with that," Sakura said. "There's someone I'd like to recommend."

Shikamaru raised a brow. "Oh? Who's that?"

Sakura smiled and told him.

"I'll look into it," Shikamaru promised before he lazily waved in a goodbye and moved out with his team and the prisoner in tow.

Sakura took her husband's hand, lacing their fingers together. "I guess we're done here. Let's go, we still have a celebration to get to."

He grumbled only a little, but didn't resist when she pulled him along.


Shizune sighed, looking at the mountain of paperwork on her desk. Although she was extremely glad Sakura was saved, she wished she could have contributed more. It was all thanks to Karin and Sakura's own Byakugou seal that the miracle could happen.

"What are you still doing here?" Kakashi stuck his head into the room through the open window.

Shizune jumped up in her seat and swiveled around. "Kakashi-sama! What do you mean, I have work to do."

He waved it away dismissively. "It can wait. Come, Ino's throwing a party for Sakura and I remember I owe you a drink," he said with a wink.

Taken aback at his thoughtfulness, Shizune readily agreed, which she very much regretted the next day. Tsunade came back just in time for the party bearing gifts—barrels of the strongest liquor from the Land of Tea—and Shizune got completely sloshed. She was nursing a raging hangover when she realized that Kakashi had gotten her that promised drink because he didn't have to pay for it. Also, after she'd sobered up, her master mercilessly ribbed her for being such a lightweight. As a result, Shizune vowed not to touch even a drop of alcohol ever again.


"Do you really have to go so soon?" Sarada asked Karin. The Uchiha family came to the village gates to say goodbye to her. After Sakura had been saved, Sarada had apologized to Karin for the unfair accusations. With the air cleared between them, they started to build a rapport.

"You should come for a visit," Sakura suggested. "You'll always be welcome. Right, dear?" She turned to Sasuke who nodded.

"Actually... I'm just going to get my things and I'm coming back to Konoha," Karin admitted sheepishly.

"You're moving here?" Sarada asked in excitement. "Do you have a place to live?"

"Not yet, it's a little sudden decision, so I didn't have time to look," Karin answered.

"Oh, what caused this decision, if I may ask?" Sakura looked at her with a twinkle in her eyes.

Karin didn't mention how after experiencing the brightness of Konoha, returning to the dreary, lonely underground labs filled her with dread. She omitted that in Konoha people respected her for her hard work to save Sakura's life, while back in the hideout Orochimaru had encouraged her to do the opposite for his own twisted reasons. Karin definitely didn't want to stay around the snake Sannin after she'd refused to do his bidding. In the end, she went for a more practical explanation.

"Well, I like it here and I got a really good job offer. It's once in a lifetime chance, so I took it..." Karin trailed off, finding Sakura's grin downright suspicious. Her analytical mind immediately put two and two together. "It's your doing, isn't it?"

"Maybe..." Sakura said secretively, but the self-satisfied smirk betrayed her.

Karin shook her head and sighed, though inside she was happy with the friendly meddling on her behalf. "Well, I have to get going. See you!" she said and headed off. A short distance away, she looked back and waved one last time to the Uchiha family. Sakura and Sarada waved back, while Sasuke just raised his arm in farewell.

Karin's heart grew at his gesture but to her own surprise there was no accompanying twinge of longing. She still cared a great deal about Sasuke and it was never going to change, but... the pain was gone.

She was finally ready to open a new chapter in her life.

Karin set out, walking into the hopeful future with a genuine smile on her face.


The Uchiha family returned home together, Sarada walking in the middle between her parents. Sasuke watched his wife and daughter chat happily with each other. Both were safe and healthy, and this was all he'd ever wanted for them.

After the harrowing experiences of the past months and the party in honour of Sakura, this was their first quiet day together as a family. They argued over who gets to make the dinner. No one wanted to give up, so in the end they all made it together. There was miso soup with tomato and fish and rice for second dish. Sakura's eyes lit up when Sasuke served her favourite anmitsu for dessert.

Sarada already went to bed, but Sakura and Sasuke stayed up a little longer, relaxing on the couch before TV. Sasuke soaked up his wife's soft and warm presence, as she was snuggled up against his side.

"This is nice," Sakura said quietly. "I missed this... just being with you."

He hummed in agreement, feeling the same. To spend time with Sakura without anymore worry or fear was like a blessing.

Sakura yawned, then slipped out from under his arm. She got up and stretched out languidly. She gathered their empty mugs from the coffee table and ambled into the kitchen to wash them.

Sasuke stayed put, too lethargic to move yet, but his wife's sudden cry had him shoot up from his seat. He flashstepped into the kitchen just in time to swoop down and catch Sakura before she hit the ground.

Their hearts hammered from the spike of adrenaline as Sasuke helped her stand and checked her over. She seemed uninjured, but... "Are you alright?" he asked. She couldn't be fainting, not again... The virus was gone, Karin said it was gone!

"I'm okay," Sakura told him, with one look catching his inner panic. She touched his upper arm soothingly. "Really. I just slipped on the wet floor."

"Ah..." he replied and pulled her into a relieved hug. "Be more careful," he murmured, eyes closed as he touched his forehead to hers. Don't scare me like that again...

"Okay," she uttered, returning the embrace. "Sasuke-kun," she said and he looked at her. She was smiling gently. "It's good to be back home."

His response was to lean in for a kiss, just a soft, slow brush of his lips on hers which he never wanted to end.

It's good to have you back, Sakura.


The End



AN: This is it! Thank you to all of you who reviewed, favourited, followed and otherwise supported me, this fic wouldn't be finished without your encouragement!

I hope you liked the epilogue too! Please let me know your thoughts in comments :)

See you in the next fic!